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Everything posted by IloveBebop

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hero Of Time [/i] [B]But to go by the way of the nintendo games...it would be best if Link wouldnt talk...>_> [/B][/QUOTE] Why would you like to have Link not talking? Have you read Zelda manga? He's much better off talking. Believe me, he's much better off... adding on- Here's my proof. Go to [url]www.melora's world.com/zelda/extras/manga[/url]
  2. IloveBebop


    Yeah, the logo isn't the official OOS logo. I don't think I'll buy games at eBay [b]ever[/b]. Even though I was never ripped off like that, I'll give you a good warning about that king of crap. [b]Don't buy it.[/b] Games are much better bought at Slackers. They leave their cases empty so the games/CDs can't be stolen, and I think that they make sure that they put the right things in the cases. I don't mean to be advertising, but I just wanted to clarify.
  3. Link [b]can[/b] talk, it's just that, in many Nintendo games, the hero or main character doesn't talk. They say stuff, it's just that you never know what they do say.
  4. I love the article and the quiz. They're the best Zelda items I've seen... except for the Zelda manga I saw at a website. The best Zelda items I've seen at this website, in any case. If anyone wants to know, I got Blue Link. I can relate to all of them, but I do like to explore new places. The greedy Puple Link runs a close second for me. edit- Oh, I also think that you should make more quizzes, although I hate to say what a lot of other people have said.
  5. That's way too hard to figure out. Hm. I guess when Sano was battling the fallen monk guy (I forgot his name). Sano could only do that strong move with his right hand while the fallen monk could do that move with his entire body. I find it sort of sad to say that Sano was definitely at a disadvantage. It's really unfair that he couldn't truly master it.
  6. I don't know. Maybe she's just stupid. If adults grew up on Loony Tunes (AKA, a bunch of animal psycopaths trying to kill each other), then why do they protest the things that come on nowadays? Stupid adults, growing up on violence and then protesting it.
  7. IloveBebop


    Metatron, why do you have to be so mean? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *continues to cry* I wish I could read Japanese! Can we switch brains? (Note that it's not nice to make people cry.) Well, I can buy a book on learning to read in Japanese at B. Dalton. I hope they have that kind of stuff. Oh, that means that I'm way too excited to get some Trigun manga.
  8. Big O is closely related to Batman. It's just that the main character has a Megaduese instead of the Batmobile. Once again, that's nowhere near my point. How stupid can this woman be if she lets her 1 year-old child even hold the remote. This kid won't have an idea what its about, and probably won't care. Anyways, I don't think that children under the age of 5 should watch anime, but it's not my decision on who and who can't watch anime.
  9. Like some other people have said, I'll have to say that Spike vs. Vincent is a pretty good fight. It has such great animation (not to forget that the animation is like that throughout the entire movie). It also [spoiler]has all of those butterflies, that part is so pretty! Too bad Vincent dies at the end. At least he gets out of this horrible place called Pergutory.[/spoiler] Another one of my favorite fights is Vash vs. Knives. It's cool how [spoiler]they use their "angel arms" to block each other out. I also like the big craters that are the results of it. The suspense also thrills me. It leaves people asking "Is Knives dead or alive?"[/spoiler]
  10. I don't remember about that. I haven't read the article in a long time. I still think that she is suing, even if there is no "proof." She could defend herself, even though it would be very stupid if she did. You'd need a degree from law school to do so, I think. I don't think that the need for money is the case anymore. We still need something new to argue about.
  11. Everybody keeps saying the same things. Aren't there any more things to argue about? How about the fact that this woman might be a poor woman who just wants money from CN? That could be a major factor.
  12. The Teletubbies [i]are[/i] creepy, but that's nowhere near my point. Trigun may give some views on life and show religious symbols, but kids aren't allowed to watch it because of all of the gus and liqour in it.It would be sort of stupid without the guns and liquor, so it's inappropriate for kids. By the way, that's [b]not[/b] insulting Trigun, it's just spreading the truth. Well, I guess these "superheroes" are good rolemodels for kids. The thing that parents really hate about them is that they think kids will try to go out and fight crime after watching one of those shows. Either they just think that we're stupid, or they're just stupid. Either way, it's stupid not to let them watch these shows.
  13. IloveBebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]Was there a burial scene for [spoiler]Legato[/spoiler]?[/B][/QUOTE] I know that there wasn't one in the series, but there might have been one in the manga (I wish I could read Japanese!). I don't really know, but someone else probably does. Now, time to get on topic. I don't think that Knives died because, firstly, like everyone else is saying, he wasn't [spoiler]hit on any vital areas.[/spoiler] Secondly, I'm quite sure that Vash wouldn't carry a dead body where townsfolk could see. Lastly, I don't think anyone (besides Sesshomaru) would intentionally kill their brother, even if [spoiler]Knives killed almost [b]everyone[/b] on the project SEEDS ship.[/spoiler] I think those are pretty good reasons, but that's just my opinion.
  14. Wow, now I'm wishing that I won't see it. Why do you have to post such horrible complaints to ruin the fun of hating it. Then again, when I got a demo of Cubix, the second I turned it on, I wanted to burn it. I think I wished that I had a fireplace.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by craig8429 [/i] [B]LOL nudity? this lady is lost, I can't remember any type of nudity in flcl I do remember a vivid panty shot.... but really this lady has lost it. she is saying I don't mind my children watching tv at 12 alsong as it is tv-PG but in reality what show is really PG at 12 am. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, my friends and i are around that age, and we get to watch these shows... in the summer. We have bedtimes in the school year, but I record my anime shows. We also read plenty of manga, so we get by in our needs.
  16. Yeah, you're right, DouMax. Do they think that if we watch South Park, we'll cuss our heads off? Do they think that if we watch Trigun, we'll buy guns and take to school and shoot a bunch of random people? If the kid has common sense, he won't. Do parents think that kids nowadays are a bunch of moronic fools? I definitely don't think so (for most cases).
  17. Hm. This game looks really good. I might enjoy it (that is, if I get it). I just hope that it actually is better than the first. These new characters, they make me wonder. Why is it that they don't show the face of that guy who resembles Sora? Do these people not want it to be spoiled for us? The guy with the pink hair looks interesting as well, and love those things that he's holding in the first picture in Semjaza's last post. I wish I had info on this. I sort of saw it coming, but not really like this. I imagined Sora and co. to be a little older (than that anyway). It might happen in another KH game, who knows?
  18. Oh, God! This woman must be out of her mind! Doesn't she know that violence makes up most entertainment nowadays?:rolleyes: There's not really anything bad about these shows. Do you see kids killing each other because they saw an episode of Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh? Well, I hope you don't. It'd be really stupid if they did. Kids watch these shows because they want to. Why do these extemist parents have to ruin everything for us? Some of us enjoy these shows as much as kids do (like my dad, he really likes Yu-gi-oh). They probably just want to see some cash come their way because of it. Well, you'll be hearing more about this from people like me. Next time, they'll probably turn off all channels that show things rated PG and up. :flaming: :mad: :devil:
  19. The sneezes weren't mistakes. He said that he had a cold. Wait a minute, if he had a cold, then why didn't he sneeze for the rest of the episode?
  20. YAY! I've been waiting to see if a Fianl Fantasy anime would come out. I just love the games! WOOHOO!! *dances around with joy* :excited: :) :D :box: :smirk: :devil: Alright, excitement caught up on me (stupid emotions). Not to get off topic, I'd like to know when this other Fianl Fantasy anime came out. I certainly would enjoy watching it.
  21. I'd have to say that my absolute favorite anime song is Ask Your DNA from Knockin' on Heaven's Door. I just love it, and the music video. *What's up, sweetcake?* Oh, I just had to do that. Mehehe, so much fun. Did I lose my trail of thought again? *thinks for a second* I also agree that the Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh opening themes are really good (especially Yu-gi-oh). *Your move!* Ah, more singing...
  22. Hm. I don't think I've really thought of it that way (or HAVE I?). Well, there's no real answer to if their actually yaoi or not. You just have to say what you think, and people would probably be satisfied. I sure would be. Then, this whole arguement would be over.
  23. Sounds interesting. If I had the mony to buy such things, I could actually know more about anime than some of my friends! Oh, that's something really big for me, even though I was probably the first to watch an anime (Pokemon).
  24. Lumi, why did you count how long Spike's hair changed to black? That's just a little strange to me. Hm. *thinks intently* I thikn I've got one. On ep. 13 on Cowboy Bebop, Ed eats the mutated lobster, but doesn't get poisoned. She doesn't even get food poisoning! Also, how does the Bebop crew magically come back to life after that episode? *thinks again*
  25. IloveBebop


    Amity, there's no double-posting here. I guess playing mod won't be so great to my social life *tries to find friends... unsuccessfully*. I also agree that those are really great pictures *runs around and shouts with gratitude*. What? Did you think taht I'd hug someone?
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