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Everything posted by IloveBebop

  1. Well, one of my friends has it, and he probably won't let me read it. It just goes to prove how much he loves his manga.
  2. IloveBebop


    I like the Crash Bandicoot series, and I'm really willing to kidnap Aku Aku and Uka Uka. The really stupid thing about the Crash Bandicoot series is that whatever happens to Cortex, no matter how bad, doesn't kill him. Who agrees?
  3. A Um... I think it's David. I'm not sure. Q: In "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" what did the bean saleman give that was perfect for Spike?
  4. Hang on a minute, where's Shishio? Isn't he all powerful? [spoiler]If Kenshin can't beat him without a little swordsman's spirit, then he must be strong. Especially with gunpowder in his gauntlets[/spoiler] Those are my beliefs, and if you disagree, go ahead and say it. It's your opinion.
  5. IloveBebop


    Man, now I wish that I have the Trigun DVD's. Okay, I've wanted them for a long time, but this makes me want them more. I find episode 12 a bit creepy. Especially because of that one GHG (I don't remember his name!), but it's the first time that Vash uses his gun arm, and that's cool. There are more infromative credits on episode 26? Grr, CN needs to put them back. I want to know what happened!
  6. I don't know how homosexuality is a bad thing. Then again, some countries kill homosexuals. I guess that's the one true flaw of it. DBD, did anyone say that you're homophobic? I certainly don't think so. It's not really about that. It's really about people' s opinion of yaoi, and you made yours. Well, it really is FANfiction. Most fanfiction writers probably don't have much preference. If they do, they could certainly write better fanfics. The people have the power to change their personalities, some people actually do that. So, sexuality doesn't matter.
  7. Well, some of you are taking the words right out of my mouth. I've been thinking about yaoi pairings. They could have all been bi, there are no real signs of that. I started thinking of that when I read the Miroku/Inuyasha part (which, by the way, is a little weird). ANY anime character could be bi, and with that concept in mind (if they weren't bi), it owuld barely be changing their personalities at all. Like a lot of poeple in here have pointed out, being yaoi or straight doesn't really matter to what their personalities are like. They're still basically the same. I guess the whole "I'm against yaoi" thing is over with me now. I'll just think about it while I'm asleep or at school tomorrow, but my case rests.
  8. Wow, now I think that that's really a horrible name for a show. I don't think I'd want to watch a show called "Feel someone up." I still like the show, but if there's a new show with that name, I probably won't watch it.
  9. IloveBebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubalicio [/i] [B]Hey is there Trigun on dvd series? if it is where on web sites or stores plz be specific and where. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, there are some Trigun DVD's at the B. Dalton in my local mall, but if you don't live somewhere around Alton, IL, then I can't tell you where to get them. My friends probably could, but they're not registered here. I must admit, I am sort of a rabid Wolfwood fan. I really like the way he makes his sunglasses look cool. I know that that has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but I had to say it. Anyway, [spoiler]I HATED IT WHEN WOLFWOOD DIED! I didn't cry or anything (I can block out my emotions when needed), but it was still really sad. The fact that Millie cried uncontrollably and Vash kept it cool is sort of a sign that they really knew Wolfwood well. [/spoiler] That's really a load of thinking and flashbacks. It takes a lot for me to think like that. I think it's bedtime, but I'm not sure. :babble: :babble: :babble:... :sleep:
  10. Well, I was in that situation, reversed. My friends knew all about their favorite animes and I just followed along, and I somtimes threw in something they had told me. Now, I'm the anime freak (except for the fact that one of my friends has an Inuyasha shirt) who talks about anime almost non-stop, except when we talk about movies on newgrounds.
  11. I hate RTQ. The animators made Alexander the Great look like Alexandra the Great, if you catch my drift. What do you have against LOTR, DBD? Wow, so many abbreviations!
  12. Well, firstly, you should learn to type with proper grammar, it's part of the rules. If you haven't read them, you should. Secondly, with all typigrahical errors aside, you have made a few good points, which were made earlier. I've made that mistake before, don't worry about it right now.
  13. Sorry, I didn't see that sentence. I guess there are a lot of people that believe in witchcraft (I'm not one of them). People should know that logic does have a conflict with the whole witchcraft school crap. I don't think that there's a special place for witches and wizards ( they would really be called warlocks), and if people do, they're really stupid. I hope that doesn't offend you.
  14. I don't know where to find anime magazines, *cries uncontrollably* but one of my friends gets Shonen Jump (I know that that's not an anime magazine). I'll look in B. Dalton, but I'll probably need help finding any anime magazines.
  15. IloveBebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]My favorite episodes are: The third to last episode because, hate if you must,[spoiler] LEgato DIED! YES! HE DESERVED EVERY LITTLE BIT OF IT! GO AND KILL WOLFWOOD! THAT #@%^@![/spoiler] [color=hotpink][size=1]You should know better by now to use spoiler tags. I'm disappointed. *QA*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Um, that part creeps me out, but it sort of makes sense. I don't like your opinion of [spoiler] Legato's death. He may have been evil, but he could have been a nice guy. No one (except maybe Metatron, I can't spell worth crap) knows much about Legato.[/spoiler]
  16. True, Sesshoumaru looks sort of like a girl, but they also say that Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's brother. It helps when you hear the voice, but some people haven't seen the Inuyasha TV show.
  17. Well, it looks like there are 5 men and 3 women (I didn't look under the spoiler tag). I don't know, I don't get much access to manga. I don't reeally remember if I thought that those Inuyasha characters are guys or girls when I first saw them, my friends told me about them before I got to watch the show though.
  18. IloveBebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][color=red][b]I haven't watched Trigun yet, but I want to see it. An interesting fact is the Johnny Bosch (Green, Black Ranger [Morphin-Zeo-Turbo]) does Vash's voice.[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that is an interesting fact, sort of. I haven't really liked the Power Rangers since I was 7. If you want to watch Trigun, you'll either have to tape it, or stay up until 12:00. I'd suggest the first one, it's a lot easier.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]*Falls over laughing* One of these days I'm going to post up my Senior Research Paper about the Harry Potter contraversy. I always think it's so hilarious when people say it tells how to do "withcraft." I'm quite sure the real "witches" would disagree. :rotflmao:[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You can't really prove it until you ask a real witch. :rolleyes: Do you even know the right person to ask? That's sort of a stupid thing to say.
  20. Well, at least some people (besides me) hate Harry Potter. They're really suggested of witchcraft, but that's beside the point. My point is (this relates to your post in some way), Harry Potter is somewhat worse than FLCL. Harry Potter has a lot more suggestive themes and voilence. It sort of tells children that they can learn witchcraft, or something like that.
  21. Yes, either FF7 or FFT, they'd make good anime shows. FFT has that sort of midevil theme, and FF7 is that really complicated thing that some people like.Those shows would be very enjoyable. A Kingdom Hearts anime might be good too.I'm still not too sure about that though.
  22. Thank you. I guess this means that my brain can function. Then again, not having a functioning brain would kill me.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]It's all relative really. Who can possibly know who's fault it truly is? Is it the parents for not keeping an eye on their kids 24/7 or is it the children's for going behind their parent's back? Is it Cartoon Network for airing the show in the first place? Or is the creator of the actual show for making such a series? Like I said, it's all relative. I don't think I have an opinion anymore. You can't point fingers without knowing every single fact. Which is impossible.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I sort of every right to compare South Park to FLCL. It has similar content and children have the ability to watch it. I think it's the parent's fault for not monitoring what their children watch. My parents don't have a problem with what I watch, I just can't watch porn. Parents that do let their children watch such shows would be parents to worry about.
  24. Well, those might be mistaken by the long hair and eye shadow. Most of these people obviously haven't seen Inuyasha, or they're just making jokes.
  25. IloveBebop


    Wow! A lot so many good points! I agree with HC and with Cyke. Vash is a bit unrealistic, but also very realistic. He has a very complicated life. Does that sound farmiliar? It's only in most cartoons, movies, TV shows, etc. Trigun is very unique, but also the same as everything else. It's hard to interperet this in an understandible way, but Trigun is one of the most complicated shows I've ever seen. The characters are very well explained, except for Meryl and Millie. It's as if they're only accessories to the show. They're important characters and need a bit more attention. Are they more important in the manga? I hope this doesn't offend you, but I have a sort of religious explanation of the between Vash and Knives. It's sort of like Vash is God and Knives is Satan. They're exact opposites, in almost every way. Vash doesn't want to kill, and Knives sees that killing is what helps people and things survive. Vash solves most of his problems on his own, while Knives sends people to do his dirty work. I think I have a second opinion of the God and Satan thing, but it doesn't seem right. Vash is the goody-two-shoes and Knives is the realist.I think I get it now. The fact that Trigun can easily shift from comedy to drama is very amazing. Yu-gi-oh can also do that. What a rare thing that is. It's like a super power for a show. If I could, I would give an example of such an amazing thing. You probably wouldn't believe that all of this came from a person who has to watch most of her favorite animes on CN. I guess I just have a lot to say. I can't give a true opinion about Trigun, unless I just did.
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