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Everything posted by IloveBebop

  1. Like almost everyone here, I really enjoy the music from Cowboy Bebop and FLCL. I also enjoy the music from Trigun, even though I've only be able to listen to that music before the commercial break (I'm hoping to get a DVD). Yoko Kanno is a one of the best modern artists. In an interview, she said that she came to the U.S. and really enjoyed jazz and the blues. I think she decided that that kind of music would be popular in Japan. I guess now she has an idea about how popular it is. The Pillows, what can I say that's bad about the Pillows? Oh, nothing. The ending theme to FLCL is definately a very good one, but then again, I like a lot of ending themes. I guess I really enjoy ending themes because I rarely see them. I'm really glad that CN showed it! I love the beat! I like Trigun music because it sounds sooo cool. It sounds a lot like mt dad's favorite 70's music. I also want to know where I can get the Trigun and Cowboy Bebop soundtracks. It sounds pathetic, but I really want to be able to listen to cool anime music without having to download it. I would still have wait and save up money, though.
  2. I think that Ed from EEE is actually intelligent. He just doesn't really know that he's intelligent. However, Ed from CB actually shows her intelligence instead of her stupidity. Everyone does have a stupid side and a smart side.
  3. First of all, the Inuyasha game isn't nessicarily bad, but it's also not too good. Secondly, one downloaded a couple of Yu Yu Hakusho games on her computer. The graphics look bad, but some of the characters look so funny! Thirdly, a Final Fantasy anime would be cool, but which Final Fantasy would it be from? There are way too many! Another thing, a Kenshin game would be very cool, and I don't mind a button masher once in a while. One more thing, even there is one, that our critic says sucks, one with every sort of thing in Cowboy Bebop (ships, guns, etc.) would be very, very cool.
  4. I've only had a cash problem with video games, but one of them is about an anime. My friend is borrowing it right now. It's so cool! The only problem I've had with anime is finding blank tapes to record them on.
  5. The Trigun manga sounds very interesting, especially that little piece of information DBD gave us. That's just so weird!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hiei Jagashi [/i] [B]The best opening theme i think is 'Tank'. Why,because its just one of those songs that makes you want to get up and dance.Another one is the opening song for the cowboy bebop movie,not the one when there at the store the one after when its showing all the stuff it has like lyrics of something like "dna" and that all i remeber.... [/B][/QUOTE] It's called "Ask Your DNA," and I agree that it's a very good song. I could listen to it all day! I also the ending theme to that. I don't remember what it's called though.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IkariGendo [/i] [B]A Japanese Animator has as much ability to watch EEE as anyone has of watching the 100th Episode of InuYasha, in the States. It can be done, so don't use that as an example of coincidence. I however thend to like the thought that they are original characters though. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, you don't have to say things like that. I just don't think that Japan gets CN, but I might be wrong. Also, is "thend" even a word?
  8. Wow, some of you are so lucky! There might be an anime club where I'm going to high school at, but I have no idea about that yet. If there is, I'll be the first to sign up!
  9. Nothing's ever effected my grades (except ,maybe, a few hard English papers). I'm obsessed with video games (right now it's FFX) and anime, while still getting honor roll. I'm also a lot better at drawing than I used to be (my mother likes to show off my fan art now). You should finish what you start and learn how to control an obsession, even though mine is almost uncontrollable (my big word of the day).
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by scrmngfangrl [/i] [B]uh...south park had little potty mouths! [/B][/QUOTE] So? They bleep almost all of the cuss words out, and Kenny dies nearly every episode, but that's not my point. It could be rated TV-14 now that Kenny's gone for good. They also don't cuss as much anymore, but I don't think that they're animating anymore. *sob* *hugs South Park and Inuyasha plushies*
  11. I don't know any marial arts, sadly. I wish I knew jeet kune do, it's so cool! My favorite anime (these are so hard to choose) are Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, and FlCl. I've only read one manga book, an Inuyasha manga, so I don't have any choices on my favorite one.
  12. Well, if it's a coincidence, then it's a freak coincidence! It probably is just a coincidence though. There's no way that a Japanese animator could watch EEE.
  13. I'm just saying that i find those pairings a bit offensive. It's fine if it doesn't offend you. All that I made this thread for was the other people's opinion on this subject. You don't have to lecture me about it.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Well, Spike has taken worse obvoiusly. When he faked his death, in Ballad of Fallen Angels (he fell about 5 stories aftre loosing quite a bit of blood. So i wouldn't be suprised. It would be awsome to see an older Ed, and aging Spike, and even older Jet, and I don't know what to say about Faye. But, yeah. There should be Ruroini Kenshin movie that follows the Obiwaban (sp?) group in the Revolution and show the earlier days of Sano. THat would rule. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you! About Faye, I think she should finally be in jail. That would be very amusing. The visits would sure be hilarious! That Rurouni Kenshin movie would be most excellent! Even though "Rurouni Kenshin" wouldn't be in the name, since Kenshin wouldn't be in it. You spelled Obiwaban right, don't worry about that. Would Misao be in it? That's just a wondering, but it probably would need an answer. The earlier days of Sano would also be interesting. I wonder how long it took for him to be able to carry his Sanbato. I'd probably laugh at his struggling (dont kill me, Sano fans).
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ladyperson7890 [/i] [B]if it wasn't for anime... 2. all my friends would be girls(dont ask -nettie [/B][/QUOTE] I watch anime all the time and nearly all of my friends are girls. Anime does nothing to what gender your friends are. Another reason why nealy allof my friends are girls is because I had to switch schools last year to the one my best friend goes to, most of her friends there are girls.
  16. I find the Vash/Wolfwood, Kenshin/Sanosuke, and Hiei/Kurama pairings very offensive. Vash and Wolfwood are both obviously straight, Kenshin and Sanosuke are obviously straight, and Hiei and Kurama are just good friends. Why make jokes about them, it's stupid. The fans who write these may enjoy them, but it's at least a tiny bit offensive to most people who read them. If you saw the "Hiei in Kurama's pants" comic, some people might be offended by that, even though it's not yaoi. They'd find it offensive because it's about a made up fan character, Hiei, and Kurama in some weird sexual thing. It's very funny, but somewhere I'm also not amused. It's weird, so many feelings at the same time about one little comic.
  17. That lady must be STUPID! Anyway, even though this really a compliment to FLCL, South Park isn't nearly as bad and it's rated TV-MA. Does anyone else find that dumb? I know these are 4th graders cussing their mouthes off, but that show still doesn't have as much bad content. Is that why it's not on anymore? Now, to get back on topic, I've seen much worse in movies like Spiderman, Blazing Saddles, and Spaceballs. Spiderman may not have any or much cussing, but the violence makes up for it. The other two just, sort of, have a little bit of suggestive content. Same with Josie and the Pussie Cats, which is rated PG.
  18. That's true. Even though this is a similarity, both Ed from EEE and Ed from CB are both very intelligent, you just have to dig deep in there to find it. Both of them act dumb to cover it up. Anyone who can find it must be a god!
  19. Yeah, those men were in their 20's, weren't they? If she's complaining about how this show isn't appropriate for kids, when her husband heard about it from men in their 20's, then why did this lawsuit even start? That's just stupid.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sinka [/i] [B]what I can make a short version of the word japanese and just say jay ae pee Lol they beeped that out Lol [/B][/QUOTE] First of all, you're not allowed to double post. Secondly, your idea to make a shorter word for Japanese seems really dumb, that doesn't even look shorter than Japanese. Don't ask me to be understanding, because that is understanding.
  21. Double posting, tsk tsk. Anyway, from the episodes that I've seen, I'd say Rini, she's a lot closer to my age. I hope you're talking about Sailor Moon, I don't really understand all of the Sailor Monn terms.
  22. Well, that's sort of good to hear, but all of the Rurouni Kenshin themes? I've only heard the one that scares me, and now I'm glad that I haven't heard any of the others.
  23. Rap can be about anything, rappers just choose to rap about that kind of stuff. Eminem is definitely a rapper worth listening to, he raps about reality. Any kind of music, except for the blues, can be about anything. The blues is about sadness in a persons heart, but that has nothing to do with rap.
  24. The lady won't win. That is one of the dumbest lawsuits I've ever heard about. This lady probably hasn't seen that many movies or prime-time TV series. Either that or she thinks that cartoons are only for kids, and that's just stupid.Everyone needs cartoons, including anime shows.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSJ3 [/i] [B] IloveBebop do you agree with DeathBug's first post? What did you mean when you said "There are also a lot of views to take Trigun for,", like what? What's your view of Trigun? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I agree with Deathbug's post. I don't really have a view on Trigun, I just know that there are a lot of things that you can compare Trigun to. One view might be offensive to another person, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that that person has enough intelligence to make a view of it.
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