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Everything posted by IloveBebop

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pantalaimon [/i] [B]viscous definetly viscous. [/B][/QUOTE] You didn't state your reason. You're supposed to say the reason you voted for your villain.
  2. That's a really good job, an anime website definitely does need something for all otakus. I think that OBv7 sounds great, and we definitely need a place to rant about our favorite anime.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jim_Hawking [/i] [B]My dad nearly killed himself when he found out that his beloved "Speed Racer" was an anime. My parents are 100% anti-anime, yet I shove my obsession in their face seeing as how I have taken over the bottom half of our DVD tower, BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! As for the reason they don't like it, they're convinced it's only for kids. Got any suggestions for something that'll really blow their minds? [/B][/QUOTE] That's really weird! My dad watches Speed Racer and Yu-gi-oh, if he doesn't know that those are animes, then he's really stupid. Anyway, If your dad likes Speed Racer, then he should just deal with it and continue to watch it, he likes that show and he shouldn't be stopped by this stupid anti-anime thing. It's crazy!
  4. Well, my dad watches Yu-gi-oh, he gets a little mad if he misses weekday episodes, and he bought a cool Yu-gi-oh shirt! He probably doesn't even know that this makes him an otaku.
  5. I mean that in a lot of different ways. Knives would do that kind of thing to Vash, or any human, and I'm sure that Vash would try to delete them just for the sake of that person's pride. He has the attitude to purely annoy Knives with all of his goofy antics, and Knives has that weird attitude of his that says, " Humans are the curse of the universe. They waste resources and are selfish." If he saw what we're doing now, he'd probably be fascinated by the fact that we're actually trying to help others.
  6. This is a really hard decision, but I'll say... Who: Edward! Show: Cowboy Bebop Why: She is funny, smart, her best friend is an animal ( I love animals), and she can hack into almost anything! What does she do: She doesn't have a job, so I'll say that she is an extreme hacker!
  7. Even if people wanted to talk about DBZ, they could always put it in the anime lounge. Probably no one in here would respond to it, but the people still have their own freedom to type about any anime they want to. I respect everyone because they have their own opinions, and they can show the same respect to others for their right to speak freely. My words for this subject are spoken with complete honesty.
  8. That's sort of an unfair judgement. You don't even know us, yet you put a label on us like you're the judge of how people are. I know that [spoiler]Legato's DNA can't mix with Vash's, that's pretty much impossible, but Vash's and Knives's could probably mix since they're the same species. My thoughts are that we're here talking about DNA while it's a question that doesn't need to be asked at all, since most people who have seen at least most of the Trigun episodes would know that their DNA couldn't mix because of that matter.[/spoiler] Those are my thoughts, and I think those are also some pretty good facts.
  9. First of all, I've never been a fan of the DB series or Digimon. I think that they're just fast talking, crappy animes. The animators made it seem like they don't want you to understand the plot at all, since they talk so fast. That's just my opinion, don't take it seriously. I'm a newbie, but I came here for the great discussions of the anime shows for the mature. I watch Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, those kind of shows. I'm not putting horrible labels on anime shows like DBZ and Hello Kitty (that's a different kind of anime I'm talking about), I'm just being a personal critic for me.
  10. There's an Inuyasha movie? Guess I need to find out... where people find out this stuff. Or ... uh... nevermind.
  11. IloveBebop


    REM ISN'T STUPID! She's just idealistic. She wanted a place with no wars, no killing, remember? And I don't think spiders eat butterflies, some of them are poisonous anyway.
  12. IloveBebop


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lone Bebop [/i] 6) Chaples gaint red eyes are sergical implants, Why he got them is beyond me[/B][/QUOTE] I don't know, in the episode "Sin," I could see his real eyes under that red thing, I think they're just weird goggles.
  13. oh, well that song perfectly describes Kingdom Hearts, coincidence?
  14. The Evanescence song, Bring Me to Life, is the perfect song for Kingdom Hearts! If you've ever heard it and played the game, then you'd see my point.
  15. The Target store in my area doesn't care, I bought Twisted Metal 4 (which, by the way, sucks) 3-4 months ago, and I was 11. Try Target or an all electronics store, that should work.
  16. Vash is cool at ALL TIMES!! Not only when he's drunk! He can always try to use his philosophies, at least whenever possible. He has his dumb moments, but he's all around good.
  17. I agree with everyone else in saying that a Trigun movie would be most excellent! An Inuyasha movie would be cool too, but they need to release all the episodes at least to Cartoon Network first.
  18. I know Yuji is a pathetic loser, but he ended up being the main charcter. Anyway, Blue Gender is making me want to buy a Dreamcast and Blue Stinger, the game Blue Gender is based on. I must admit that I also think that the naked Marlene thing in the ending credits is very weird. It's on ok show, it doesn't really credit up to the other anime shows I watch, but it's still good.
  19. I'll be Domonique(spell?). I really am a girl so I might as well be her. name: Domonique the Cyclops weapon: demon eye (I don't remember about any other weapons)
  20. I'll be one of the new Gung-Ho guns. Here we go! name: Janice Gothort (Janice the Dark Angel) age: 27 gender: female appearance: Wears a black button-up shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. Has long blonde hair and blue eyes. weapons: a black upside-down revolver similar to Knives's (and her good looks, teehee). bio: She was never very popular, as she was constantly alone at special events and family parties. After 15 years of loneliness, she couldn't take it and ran away from her home, it didn't matter to anyone there. They continued their lives normally. She wondered into the plant where Knives was in his coma, and she lived there until Knives awakened. She obediently follows Knives's orders and is looking for Vash. personality: Janice is a sad, lonely person. She is in need of love, or at least friendship.
  21. IloveBebop


    I went with idealistic Vash because his ideals are pretty good. Besides that, some of the butterflies that the spider eats would make it die anyway, so you can save the butterfly and have them both live for as long as possible. If the spider does eventually die, the other creatures will mourn for that loss, and they will move on with their lives. Those are my ideals about it.
  22. My favorite anime villain is Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. He is so cool with his big fluffy thing , his poison claws and his whip thingy.
  23. Most of my friends watch anime, so it's big thing for people in school around here. I don't know if any adults in my area watch it, but no one in my family besides me watches it.
  24. No one in my family disapproves of me watching anime, they just don't want to watch it. If they even give it a chance they'd probably like it.
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