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XC SpydeR

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Everything posted by XC SpydeR

  1. OK now i said we are 14 peeps need to pay attention and my mom says im add lol!
  2. what no way i date all the time and like i said im very mature!!! Also the girls i go out wit are in my age group. It's just like with fighting it doesnt matter how old, how young, what age, how strong, how fast, or even slow if you can fight you can fight period!!!!!!
  3. ok u people do not listen! i said that we are 14. I also said that i have the maturity of a 16 year old.
  4. ok no shes not 16. I said that i have the maturity of a 16 year old. and as for my punctuation and grammar ok i will work on that. I said that i am 14!
  5. 14..... y does it matter im have the maturity of a 16 year old!!!!
  6. Thx do u guys think i could get anime to make it a cartoon and publish it
  7. Well no they werent going out and i dont wanna get into details but we have been talking bout it a long time at first i told her i didnt want a relationship but then i turned around during an instant message and i dunno if she caught it but i know i can get her when she breaks up with him now granted i am happy for her its just telling her that i did and then she says shes happy shes dont being treated like a slut and so on and so forth anyway we argued bout it and now shes a lil upset!!!!!!!
  9. What do u guys think of my art!?! and be ohnest
  10. Yes i am newb i know but everyone has to start somehwere.................... n e ways, i know what its like to be really pissed off! lol. (I'm A.D.D. for any of u who knows what that is!) Well one time my teacher was talking alot of Flak!!! well he just kept flaping his gums and threating me finally i just beat his ***!!!!!!!!! Bad enough to the point that he couldnt come to school because of his face being swollen and his eyes being black and yellow, then i fought my dad because he got mad i lost.................. just u have to ignore t or find a way to distract ur self from it.
  11. iight im sry i ran my mouth but all u guys sayin that none needs love in their life if it wasnt for love none would be alive today. P.S. i may be a noob but everyone has to start somewhere...........
  12. hey and by the way it happened because of different situations ive been in ok and by the way also the longest relationship ive had was 2 years so plz and guess what im 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. OK all of u stfu and let me work................................... ok first of all get ur head out of ur ***, next get her something she adores, go to her house and give it some time do not fight to get her back wait till she breaks up wit the other guy. Finally talk to her tell her wut u like about her and talk to her as much as possible................... and oh yeah make laugh as much as possible! I've been in this situation in 13 diffrent times 13 CONSECUTIVE times so i think i know what ur talking about if dont work holla at me through email ill get u hooked up!!!! P.S. Giving up ur future for a girl is not to smart unless u know shes da one but other than that now u've got one more advantage to getting her back it shows dedication.:eek:
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