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Aoshi Shinomori

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Everything posted by Aoshi Shinomori

  1. I would reccomend trust and betrayal as well as reflection to anyone who has seen the entire series of Rurouni Kenshin... Trust and Betrayal is a must for anyone interested in Kenshin's past...from his childhood, to his training in Hiten Mitsurugi, to his first love, how he got his famous scar, and how he became known as the battousai...if you're looking for meaningless manslaughter, then you probably won't like it as it focuses more on human emotion more than anything...and it also is very depressing... Reflection is pretty much the closing chapter and a recap of things that already happened...Enishi is introduced again from Trust and Betrayal and the ending is a must see for fans...I especially like what happens to the cross scar and its symbolism... I never saw the motion picture...so, no comment on this... I've always wondered something though...who was the new assassin Katsura hired after Kenshin left for Otsu? I have a pretty good guess as to who it is...but I won't say anything...
  2. I'm one of the so called "sellouts" who listens to pop punk or as most people today call it...Emo Punk...However, I don't dress like the bands I listen to, nor have I stepped into a Hot Topic... Punk has become more of a social event today than anything else...Sometimes I listen to music just so I can say that I'm a fan and go to the concerts...Some concerts I went to included Fall Out Boy, Yellowcard, Green Day, The Starting Line, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Taking Back Sunday, The All American Rejects, and My Chemical Romance...and I don't even like half the bands I named...The weirdest thing is...that some people think that those bands are "punk..." If people stopped classifying bands and just listened to what they liked, we'd be much better off...We only categorize bands so that we get an idea of what they sound like when we describe them...It's just unfortunate that today's society has classified those bands I named as "Pop Punk..." And then...people come along and insult those who listen to those bands and say that they are killing the true essence of what Punk Rock is supposed to be...So everything seems to be based on the fact that there is an incorrect definition as to what "Punk" really is... The point is that I do things and "pose" so I can have fun and go with a group of friends to a concert featuring a band I can't stand...but it doesn't matter because I have my friends there with me...And I buy t-shirts at those concerts because I like them...not to become a punk rocker...A Fall Out Boy t-shirt I have shows a ninja fighting a panda on its back...I bought it because I thought it was humorous...if I wear it...does it make me a punk poser or one of those *aggish wannabe punks? Do people who spike their hair, wear black, get a bunch of piercings, and wear too many arm bands try to be punk posers? No...they're just trying to be like their favorite band because they support them and like the music they make...
  3. A silver 2001 Nissan Altima...it's my first car...quite pleased with it too...my dad gave it to me as a gift on my 16th birthday...he said it was "decent, reliable, and more than suits your needs..." I only use it to drive to work though...for everything else...I just get rides from friends...
  4. Hmm... Nobody else is graduating? Well...I am...Graduation is the 19th...and the practice is the 18th for me... It was a weird sensation for me...I was incredibly happy knowing that summer was around the corner and everything was coming to a close...but a few days ago...when I read everything that everyone wrote in my yearbook, I got depressed knowing that I have to leave behind friends and the town I grew up in after summer...I say that because I'm going out of state for college...Then I just started thinking of everything that happened during my high school years...Dances, concerts, my first girlfriend, my first job, beer, parties, the fights at the parties, the vicious breakups, the teachers, my first car, etc...and these four years...it feels as if I've done nothing...I'm just lying there awe-strucken at everything that happened... I guess I'm sad that I am leaving...but I'm happier guessing what will happen at college...hopefully it will prove to be better than highschool... I wonder what will happen next...I guess I'll just have to live through the few moments of sadness when I actually have to say good-bye to everyone I met...
  5. I think Squall and Rinoa make a lovely couple...he always played the "I don't need anyone, leave me alone" character throughout Final Fantasy 8...but in the end...the scene with the Garden underneath the moon... Then again...I think my opinion is biased since I've always like Final Fantasy 8's ending...
  6. Hmm...that's tough...it's really hard to find anime that you like in stores...at a decent price...especially if you live in a small town...without internet...it's almost impossible to get a good deal...I believe Blockbuster sometimes sells anime...at least where I live it does...try going to some major rental chains...if that doesn't work...you can always subscribe to The Anime Network...but that channel costs a lot...sorry I can't be of more help...
  7. Hmm...seems as if you're done asking for help...but I'll post my thoughts anyway...if you still want some suggestions...then please read on...if not...I'm sorry I didn't post in time...and...just ignore the rest of my post... My friend at school draws some manga style comics...he's a very talented artist...if I had a scanner...I would have already posted some of his work here...but his latest project was a 30 page manga revolving around three characters...one of which was a caring, compassionate, and honorable teacher and master swordsman whose one and only true love was killed by a group of thieves while he was away from his dojo...he buries her and all the students that were killed by the thieves and disappears...leaving his one student that was still alive after the bandit raid...this student waited for him for years...perfecting the style that his master taught him...but left to become a mercenary once he lost hope that his master would never return...years later...this student finds his master around a field of slaughtered men...his master apparently lost all sanity and judgement on what was right and wrong through the death of the only one he cared about...a final showdown takes place in which the student pushes himself over the edge and kills his master with the very sword that the master gave him...after realizing that he killed the one person he looked up to...out of anguish and turmoil...he committed suicide and stabbed himself with the sword soaked in his master's blood... What really made my emotions stir during the time I was reading was the very illustrations themselves...you can really feel and tell the feelings that the characters were going through based on their facial expressions and the dialogue that takes place...my other thought and hypothesis is that if you place situations that give off a certain emotion in succession...it intesifies that emotion even more...for example...in the story...there were three tragedies in a row...death of the master's true love and what he said while burying her and his fallen students...death of the master...and death of his most obedient student...by the end of the story...so much sadness built up that the climactic finish made you feel sorry for the characters even if you didn't like the characters...although it might be difficult to do the "succession thing" in a short story...anyway...I hope I've helped...
  8. I just thought that Initial D would make a great racing game...although...most people might not enjoy a game where the main character is a tofu delivery boy...but they can do so much with the storyline and races...it could be a very successful game...
  9. Hmm...I usually order off of Amazon.com...sometimes I go to Suncoast...but they overprice alot...but you won't be disappointed when you get those sets...especially if you've just been watching on Cartoon Network...which have all been edited episodes...
  10. The storyline was lacking alot...until you discover what happened behind Shuyin and Lenne...then again...the game flow was pretty much visit every area in every chapter...see what has changed since Final Fantasy X...and do a mission if there is one...there wasn't a storyline for the main characters...but there was one for Shuyin and Lenne...which was pretty much like a Romeo and Juliet kind of feel with a Final Fantasy touch...you know...now that I look back...Square broke a lot of Final Fantasy traditions...
  11. The quote in my sig...Aoshi at the gravesite of his four fallen friends and Oniwaban members...just showed that despite his cool exterior...and no matter how strong he was...he was broken apart with the deaths of the ones he cared about...
  12. I agree fully...it's a masterpiece...if you enjoy dark, gory, and bloody fight scenes with incredible animation...not to mention that Alucard was quite possibly the coolest character I've seen...although...they did make him a little too strong...
  13. Well...they already have Rurouni Kenshin video games...so...hmm...I would probably say Hellsing...it would be so bloody and gory...with all the special abilities that Alucard has...I'd think it would make a great action game...probably like Devil May Cry...
  14. To be honest...I never liked this anime until I saw "Ballad of Fallen Angels"...after seeing that episode at a store...I believe it was at Suncoast...not sure...seriously...I stood there for 15 minutes just watching...I bought the entire set...the ending was just a huge shocker...although I was disappointed...I'd wish they made new episodes...that took place in the past and explained what happened between Spike, Vicious, and Julia...
  15. So it seems that not a lot of people have gotten the game...I already beat the game with 100% completion...since I have the guide as well...to tell the truth...it was a huge waste of time...the "perfect ending" wasn't all that great...however the good ending was quite satisfying...the perfect ending isn't a high quality scene anyway...in my opinion...it was very short and not worth the trouble...but it feels great knowing you did everything possible in the game...
  16. In no way has anime changed me...sure...some anime makes me go through a variety of emotions and feelings...that's why I enjoy watching anime...but in the end...I have to realize that anime is just animation...there's no reality...just entertainment...
  17. You guys are so lucky...I bought the whole set for around 130 dollars...just for 13 episodes too... Get the anime...be warned however...that it is extremely gory and violent...a lot of blood...there's a few sex scenes as well...but Alucard is one of the coolest anime characters I've ever seen...
  18. I don't have a problem with yaoi...it doesn't really matter to me...I don't approve of it...but...I can't change people's preferences on what to like and what not to like...I just read through maladjusted's sig...I am disturbed about the Aoshi and Sojiro pairing...Aoshi is my favorite anime character...seeing that sends chills down my back...but...you're entitled to put whatever you want in your sig...no complaints...
  19. That's amazing...the people of China really deserve something after all the years of oppression by the Communist regime...I'm happy knowing that they're heading towards democracy...I'm not so sure about their economy however...but still...the news about them going to outer space isn't bad...let's all hope for the best...
  20. I don't hate school...I don't like it...to me...school is nothing more but an investment...you put your time and energy into it...hoping that the education it gives you leads you to a very favorable job...and when you get a job that pays a huge paycheck...you save up...eventually buying the school...then setting it on fire...the irony is overwhelming...
  21. Final Fantasy 6...it started everything for me...the storyline...all the characters and sidequests...it got me addicted to the Final Fantasy series...it was a very enjoyable experience...especially since it was for the Super NES...although it was called Final Fantasy 3...either way...it was my first RPG...and it had something that every successful game has...high fun factor and entertainment value...
  22. I don't watch the anime...I don't play the card game...I do play the video games however...most of my friends think I'm weird...I'm the oddball of the group...I'm sixteen...and I don't think age really matters...I don't make fun of the girls at the table who like Hello Kitty...my friends poke fun at me occasionally though...once...one of my friends saw a squirrel and said "Hey! Look! A Pikachu...you gotta catch them all"...and he was being corny on purpose...then we'd all laugh it off...you shouldn't let others affect what you like...do whatever you want...you know...as long as it's not illegal...
  23. Cowboy Bebop for sure...I just love the setting in a futuristic world where bounty hunters chase down wanted people flying through space...the way each episode is set up to different tastes and styles...the hidden storyline between Spike, Vicious, and Julia revealed piece by piece...the amazing music and choice of music in each episode...not to mention...the shocking ending that leaves you breathless everytime you watch it... "................BANG..........." -Spike...
  24. This ones easy...remember when Aoshi promises Kenshin that they will once again fight? They finally meet up after the events of the Kannryu estate and duel...with Aoshi's new double kodachi technique...and Kenshin's strongest move of the Hiten Mitsurugi style of swordsmanship...in the end...[spoiler]the battousai...err...actually...the wanderer was victorious[/spoiler]...but during the fight...Kenshin finally makes Aoshi realize that he was wrong...and awakens him to his normal self...Aoshi no longer remained the way he was...cold...emotionless...seemingly not human...
  25. Cowboy Bebop...Love Hina...Rurouni Kenshin...Trigun...Fooly Cooly...Ranma 1/2...Neon Genesis Evangelion...Nadiesco...most of the Gundam series...Dot Hack...Hellsing...Ninja Scroll...Akira...Metropolis...let's just say I like a lot of anime...there's definitely more...but I can't think of them right now...I like all of the above because each one has a different theme and different aspect that makes them so cool...
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