The Original
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Everything posted by The Original
I have fluxtuating grades. They can range anywhere from 75 to 95. My worst class is undoubtedly Chemistry, and the easiest would have to be Theater. Overall, I guess I don't do that bad, but it's nothing spectacular.
I'm currently taking Spanish, second year. It's alright; what I really wanted to take was Japanese. Alas, they did not have it in Junior High, so I signed up for Spanish. Now I'm in High School, and Japanese is available. Now I'm too into Spanish! Man, I wish I'da waited a year. Bleh. Oh well, suppose it would be harder than Spanish anyway.
I'd say I'm pretty healthy now, but I did have some problems a few years ago. when I was little (about eight), I had asthma [u]really[/u] bad. I caught pnemonia at age ten, which double-teamed me along with my asthma. I was in the hospital a good week. But aside from that, I've been pretty lucky.
[URL=http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/6811806.htm]http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/6811806.htm[/URL] As many of you have probably heard, a girl in Oakley, Calif., is trying to create a caucasian club. This has, of course, been greeted with some racist arguments. Some say there should be a club, and others (mostly non-white), say it's a rascist club. Both bring up some valid arguments. My take on the situation is a little mixed. Pro-Club : Lisa McClelland, the creator of the club, says she wants to make the club to embrace European-American heritage. I, for one, am happy to hear this, because I have always been interested in my European ancestry. She also brings up the question of why there can't be a Caucasian club when there are African-American and Hispanic-American clubs. Anti-Club : She claims that the club will be open to all races; doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a Caucasian club? Yes, it may seem racist, but at [u]my[/u] school, Whites are not allowed into the Black clubs, nor are Hispanics (I can't really speak for other schools). If she admits any race, I think she would be creating the club simply to be a flag-waver. I would like to hear anyone's opinions on this issue, good or bad. However, let me make this clear : this is [u][b]not[/u][/b] a racism thread. If the thread goes off-topic into a flame-fight over racism, I will gladly allow the Mods to close it (Heh, like they need my permission). Please bear that in mind.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Just because both shows are about disfunctional families with idiotic dads, that doesn't mean one is a rip-off of the other. That's like saying That 70s Show is a rip-off of Happy Days. The basics of the show are similar, but they're pretty different when you actually pay attention. [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you, Manic. Family Guy is vastly different than Simpsons...most people just won't give it a chance. Hell's Fire, did you say that Family Guy is nothig but reruns? That's true, but your point seems less valid when you compare it to the Simpsons. Almost every one of their shows now is a rerun, and when there is a new episode, it's usually a re-used theme. I can't really blame them, seeing as they've been on so long. They're probably running out of ideas. Even so, they can be a lot more repetetive than Family Guy.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]Also, that they don't have anything original, they just pick and choose from other religions, mainly pagan ones. [/B][/QUOTE] Could you explain to us what they have stolen? In Norse mythology, the chief god, Odin, crucified himself on the World Tree and was speared in the stomach. He later, of course, rose from the grave. I could say Christianity knocked off the whole Jesus crucifiction idea from that, seeing as the Norse version happened hundreds of years earlier. But I'm not! I'm not! Lol. Just saying there are a lot of similarities beween different religions, more than you'd think. What did the Wiccan's steal exactly?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi [/i] [B] Drix, for all your Christian arguments, your signature disturbs me. I am aquainted with Jonny the Homocidial Maniac through secular friends, as well as Interview with a Vampire, though I've never read an entire Jonny Comic or seen the Anne Rice movie or read the book, I know enough that they aren't very good influences. Also, the Bible is clear about gay relationships, so why are you in a yaoi fan club? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be critical or to condemn, but that doesn't show the Christian character that you display in your arguments. [/B][/QUOTE] Could you please explain to me how Interview with a Vampire is a bad influence? Last time I checked, reading a book didn't send you two hell. Now, if Drix read [I]Interview[/I] and decided to go slit some throats and chug some blood, yes, your idea would have a point. But as it stands, it doesn't. There's nothing wrong with the book (JthM, maybe. Lol.) There's nothing wrong with yaoi either. As craig8429 said, it is usually a non-sexual relationship.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]Yes, that is very true. We don't know for sure, and nor does anyone that hasn't died yet, and there's not many ways to find out then, now is there? lol, unless somoene conducts a seance to speak directly to a spirit that has passed and ask that spirit to kindly tell us the truth and who/what it is, if anything. For all we know, there could be nothing that made the Earth, universe, etc., but a simple chemical reaction or something of the sort. Our bodies may not even have a spirit/soul or even serve a purpose on this planet, except to give the parental bodies hapiness for a while. Heh, that's kind of depressing too... [/B][/QUOTE] Valen and GaurdianStorm, you both are a tad hypocritical. You seem to be going on and on about how there's no proof of God, Heaven, or Hell. Where's the proof Wiccan beliefs exist? Where has magic been scientifically proven? I'm not a Christian; in fact, I'm not in any religion, I'm an agnostic. However, I don't like it when people presume to know everything about a rival religion. Want to know why people respect and honor the Bible? Because they believe it to be the Word of God. You don't need another reason. They believe what they believe, as you do. Please leave it at that. Also Valen, the creation of Earth has not been proven either. What was it you said about contacting dead people...it's impossible? Well, tell me how you can go back in time and see the creation of the world. Sure, there are ideas; but their proof is as founded and disputed as ideas of creationism. Please don't presume to know everything. Did I come off as anal-retentive in this post? Gee, hope not. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] I have watched about 9 episodes of this anime, and the only thing I can say is that I would rather not watch it again. It's not a good anime, and yes, the plot has nothing to do with the FF games or FF: The Spirits Within. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Not to sound like an *** or anything, but why do you guys keep saying this? When have any Final Fantasy games/movies [U]ever[/U] related to one another, with the exception of the upcoming X-2 sequel. Lol. Anyway, yeah, I've heard the same rumor that Maladjusted and Semjaza heard, of it's cancellation. I don't personally know, but I think Newtype-USA is comin' out with the first episode next month on a demo CD, so I'll have to check it out there.
Well, a pretty large amount of people know about anime in my school, so I don't really have that problem. Rather, I have the problem where people think anime is : A) Cartoons, and [i]everyone[/i] knows cartoons are just for children. B) Japanese cartoons border on pornography, with gore and nudity on every page. C) Both. A had a rare example of a "C" when I bought my last issue of my favorite magazine, Newtype-USA (for the uninformed, the anime-watchers bible.) The following happened at the checkout line. - Me (walking up to checkout counter ): I'll buy this. - Cashier : Certainly. One moment. *Cashier scans magazine, then proceeds to stare up and down the cover for about two minutes.* - Me : ...Um, there a problem? - Cashier : I'm just making sure you can buy this. - Me: Why wouldn't I be able to? - Cashier : Well, these Japansese cartoons are, you know, a little more adult-oriented. - Me : Well, if it's too [U]adult[/U] for fifteen year olds, why isn't there a "Adults Only" tag on it, like Playboy? - Cashier: Well, the manager told us these Japanese cartoon comics don't always respect that rule. - Me (now slightly annoyed ) : Well, if that's true, then why did you're store put them next to Superman, Batman, and other clearly kid's comics, since, you know, comics are only for kids? Mixing some adult-child stereotypes here, aren't we? - Cashier ( looking confused ) : I don't know sir. Here's your comic book. Have a nice day. *note* Newtype-USA is around 190 pages. Comic book? Methinks thats a bit of an understatement. Lol.
Meh, they're okay. I admit that I do find it amusing when one of the lil' critters dies a horribly gruesome death (in an ashamedly sadistic way, lol), but I find the formula of "let's find another way to mutilate a baby squirell!" can become very tiring, very quickly. Oh well, to each his own.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kent [/i] [B]*BTW Ken* Her name is spelled Ann Coulter. Funny how a liberal picked up that mistake. Lol. Oh thanks... I kinda knew I spelled it wrong though... being that the "(sp?)" was behind the original attempt at spelling the name. But hey, thanks for pointing it out, otherwise Im not sure if people would have known what I was talking about. I should also mention what a big deal it is about a liberal picking up on that... geez I dont know what I would have done Anyway, I can see where this is going, and Im getting out now. I gave up on discussions about important social/political issues here on the boards. (for many reasons, but most would end up insulting someone, sorry about that.) Just remember everyone, this is a simple thread about percieved bias in the media, not just another chance to knock on your political opposition. Although Im glad to see liberals pulling their wieght here on the board. Gotta keep the place fair and balanced, right? :D:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [i] Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]I have an idea... let's quote Al Franken instead of creating our own opinions. No.. wait... let's quote him. Because when I think "fair and balanced", I think Al Franken....[/B][/QUOTE] Lol, sorry guys. I sometimes can get a bit wound if I have the chance to battle a conservative. Wait, didn;t I say I wasn't a political buff in Drix's thread about Hillary Clinton?....Crap, guess that negates this, doesn't it? I guess I just like arguing. Lol. And I was bein' a tad sarcastic with the "I'm a a smart liberal" thing Ken. As for using quotes from Al Frankten, sorry 'bout that, but i [i]was[/i] trying to answer the question. The question was, is there a political bias in the media. I was just saying I agreed with Al Frankten's, that there is not a liberal bias. Besides, I see quotes from outside sources on the site all the time? What, I can't use 'em just because I'm a liberal? Again, sarcastic! Joke! Lol. :laugh:
The following has been taken from Al Franken's excellent book, "Lies and the lying lyers who tell them. A fair and balanced look at the right." "How about the 2000 presidential campaign? Remember in the first debate, Al Gore said he had gone down to a disaster site in Texas with Federal Emergency Management Agency director James Lee Whitt? Actually, it turns out that he had gone to the disaster site with a [I]deputy[/I] of James Lee Whitt. As vice president, Gore had gone to seventeen [I]other[/I] disasters with James Lee Whitt, but not that one. The press jumped all over him. There were scores of stories written about how Gore had [I]lied[/I] about James Lee Whitt. It was as if James Lee Whitt had been the most popluar man in the United States of Maerica and Gore was lying to get some of James Lee Whitt magic to rub off on him. Contrast that with the media's reaction to this Bush description of his tax cut in the very same debate. Bush saidI also dropped the bottom rate from fifteen percent to ten percent, because, by far, the vast majority of the help goes to the people at the bottom of the economic ladder. "By far, the vast majority...goes to the people at the bottom." That is what George W. Bush told AMerica. The truth is that [I]the bottom 60 percent got 14.7 percent.[/I] Gee, that's a pretty significant misstatement, don't you think? More important than whether a Texas fire was one of the seventeen disasters you went to with American icon James Lee Whitt. So, what was the reaction of the liberal mainstream press? Nothing." "The mainstream media does not have a liberal bias. And for all their other biases mentioned above, the mainstream media - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, [I]The New York Times,[/I] and [I]The Washington Post[/I]- at least [I]try[/I] to be fair." Any of that ring a bell? Hmm. Well, I have to go to school now, so I'll post some more quotes when I get back, and I'll be sure to read your conservative rants then. Oh, I'll definately let you know about FOX too. ;) lol. *BTW Ken* Her name is spelled Ann Coulter. Funny how a liberal picked up that mistake. Lol.
Goosebumps...brings back memories...good times, good times. Lol. I thought they were great, until my reading advanced, and I could read one of R.L. Stine's books entirely during the car ride back homefrom the bookstore...lol.
Ah damn, your right. I was a bit hasty, saw the word "banner", and thought I could solve the problem here. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. I will wait for this to be moved or deleted. Again, sorry for screwing up like a newb'. It won't happen again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Not really; Al Gore isn't a Republican. I'm comparing a Republican to a Republican. Colin Powell would be quite electable were he to run, because a) he's a Republican and b) he's not as conservative or hawkish as President Bush. Powell is surprisingly well-liked by a lot of Democrats, despite being a Republican. So he cannot be compared to Al Gore.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry if I didn't more properly define what I meant; I was trying to say that while Gore was more popular in many parts of the country, Bush (at least in my opinion) altered the polls a lil' bit. I was simply trying to point out that when someone with power wants something, they can get it. Ah well, since I don't have any specific Hillary-information, I'm going to leave this topic alone. I do applaude for Drix for his interesting topic, and the replyers for coherent, meaningful posts (even if I happen to disagree with some of their opinions.). Sorry if I came off as a bit ignorant to anyone. Enjoy the rest of the discussion.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]You might be surprised. Mr. Powell is very popular in the polls. He overtakes President Bush in some polls (in Republican areas, too).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The same could have been said for Gore. Funny how that turned out, isn't it?
Hey guys. I don't have a request, I have my own banner. However, since it moves around (or fades in-and-out, whatever you want to say), I was afraid It might make pages sluggish, it eats up too much bandwidth, or what have you. I've only had it for a day, and noone's said anything about it, but I thought I'd check. Thanks for helpin' me out.
I don't presume to be a political buff; I've just recently gotten interested in polotics, so I don't know much about Hillary. However, I do agree with Transit when he said you could easily dig up more bad evidence on Bush. It just seems to stand that some people like her, some detest her; I'm fairly indifferent. To go slightly off-topic, I would like to say I'm surprised at the number of people supporting Powell or Rice. While that's all fair and good, and I'm sure they're fine politicians, they will [U]never[/U] be elected. As much as our country strives for equality, Powell, a black man, will never be elected, much less Rice, a black-woman. Don't misconstrue what I'm saying; I'm all for a diverse government, if it's capable; I'm just saying that while we may wish it, there will always be an ignorant bigot who pulls the strings in the background, rigs the election, or what have you. A non-white, non-male will never be elected, at least not now or the near future. Does this make me sound racist/sexist? Sure hope not.
A phrase me and my friends have been saying lately has been "Yeeaaaa, Jewish.". I even put it in my sig! Lol. It has nothing to do with Judaism, but rather, a hilarious series of flash cartoons called Tomorrow's Nobody. I know I'm not supposed to advertise websites, so I'll just say that if any of you go to Newgrounds, you'll find it there.
A monk, a rabbi, and a priest walk into a bar, sit down, and order a couple of drinks. A few minutes later, a fly lands in the monk's beer. The monk gently scoops the fly out and releases it, saying "Fly away, you small, gentle creature." Seconds later, the fly crashes into the rabbi's beer. Not to be outdone in his faith and kindness, he picks it out and says "Fly away, you little creature of God". The fly then immediantly does a nosedive into the priest's beer. The priest promptly grabs it by it's wings and lifts it up, screaming "Spit my beer back in that glass, you alcoholic sonofabitch!" Lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magdalena [/i] [B]so I can't express my feelings on an experience I went through, because it touches upon a topic that has already been done? [/B][/QUOTE] I apologize Magdalena, I didn't mean to jump down your throat there. Just saying that if you had seen the earlier cases of multi-threads with the same topic, you would've known that the Mods don't allow them anymore, not matter how strongly you feel about it. This should'nt come as a surprise to you. I agree with Drix D'Zanth, and urge you to read the earlier racism thread.
That really sounds cool. I'll have to get that, as well as the upcoming Mega Man X game (there are so many, I've forgotten the number. Lol.) Lessee, 1-8 in collection, pus the two power titles...the X-game..holy crap! 11 games! Not to mention all the other X's and the GBA's Battle Networks! The little blue guy's has come a long way, huh?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Dead or Alive vollyball. The girl would score and dance and then strip.Enough said. [/B][/QUOTE] First of all, the girls in that game don't strip. Jiggle, yes. Strike soft-core porn poses, yes. But there is no nudity, desbite any BS codes you happen to see on the 'net. Secondly, it didn't even get an AO rating. It has an M. Do you even looks these things up? To get on topic though, no, I haven't played an AO game. Frankly, I think any game that has a rating that high (or low, depending how you look at it) isn't worth playing. The GTA series has whoring, shooting, drugs, alcohol, and it only has an M rating. I love those games, but sometimes find them a little extreme. If a game gets an AO, then, in my opinion, it is only a cheap attempt to intice people with more blood, gore, sex, and drugs then an R-Rated movie.
Not to sound like a Mod or anything, but have we've had, like, two other threads like this just weeks ago, and neither of them were very productive.