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The Original

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Everything posted by The Original

  1. I suppose I consider myself mature. I won't blabber about it though. There's a really annoying kid at my school, and one of his favorite replys to any argument is "Well, you're not as mature as me, so you would'nt understand". To me, bragging about how mature you are is in itself immaturity. I believe that I have a more adult view on important topics ( religion, politics, ect.) than most kids my age; however, I do let my emotions get the better of me in certain situations. For instance, my friend claimed that I owed him $5 once, and I had no recollection of it. We let five measly dollars keep us at each others throats for a month. In reflection, almost destroying an eight-year friendship over a few dollars was [U]very[/U] immature, almost like a toddler yelling at a companion for taking a favored toy away. Anyway, to get back on topic, I suppose I'm mature, but, like Baron Samedi stated, only my friends and family can decide that. - The Original
  2. It's an American cartoon, but it borrows some anime elements. That seems to be a trend nowadays (Teen Titans). If by a trend, you mean two shows. Lol.
  3. I'm not going to say I'll never drink; I'm only 15, and I'm sure that in the remaining years of my life, I will experience alcohol. As for now, no, I won't. One of my close friends has/does, and he's pretty messed up. He's kinda my anti-drinking motivation.
  4. I can't wait to see it. My dad showed me El Mariachi and Desperado when I was about 13, and I really enjoyed them. I don't neccesarily want to see it just because Depp's in it (although he is a great actor, at least in my opinon), but because I enjoy the storylines of the movies. Oh well, I'll end up seein' it sometime. :D
  5. I'm now taking Spanish second year. I started it in my last year of Junior High, but as soon as High School started, they had Japanese! I would've taken that if I had access to it earlier (still want to), but now I'm too into Spanish. Lol.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]My god people. Enough with this thread, you are just taking it back to the beggining you two. Read through the whole thread, and you'll realize how redudnant you sound. Listen, the fact is Racism is around and it will be always around, just like any other form of prejudice. The only difference is that Anti-Racist activists or merely children being fed the regurgitated rhetoric of their 8th grade history teachers, feel that we need to bring up the topic whenever necessary. Anti-racists have exploited their "righteous cause" far too much to be righteous any more, look at Affirmative action![/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't agree with you more. Yes, racism is bad, yes we are equal, yes, we've covered this. Not to sound like an *** or say this is irrelevant or anything, but it is a bit tiresome. I don't quite agree with you're views on Homosexuality, but like you said, we each have our own thoughts and opinions. Your intelligence has once again impressed me. Bravo. [QUOTE][B] I, personally, belive the world will come to a final apocolyptic end as said in Revelations. I belive God will finally end the world, our time is almost up. Soon. [/B][/QUOTE] Except for this part. Geez, scare the crap outta me, why don't ya? :P Lol.
  7. I honestly don't know which side to take. While I agreed with Drix D'Zanth (there's something new) about his veiw that it isn't stealing, its "sharing", most of the points made by Semjaza Azazel make a lot of sense as well. I personally think that this is a disgusting mess that is not being helped by either the RIAA or downloaders. To me, this is just an example of humanity's overwhelming greed. [URL=http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=115382]Taco-Man Hates the RIAA[/URL] This movie may not convert you (it didn't for me), but it does lighten up the situation a little. Lol.
  8. Infinite thanks, jblessing. That should do it. Okay Mods, you can close this now. Lol.
  9. This is going to sound like a trivial question to all of you veterans out there, and don't be fooled. It is. I'm wondering how to put your signature out in the middle of your box, instead of by the side. Whenever I try, it always ends up by the left. How do I put it out in the middle of my text box? Feel free to close this after I recieve an answer, because I do recognize that this could be classified as spam. I am only trying to recive an honest answer, and am in no way deliberatlely trying to disregard the rules or annoy Mods. - The Original
  10. I live in Texas, so I happen to have a slight southern drawl that makes my St. Louis relatives think I'm a Redneck. *square dances*
  11. Hey guys. Bad luck. I got an extra ( Court attendant. My friends a fairy). Lol. Oh well, we're gonna have four more plays this year anyway. Gotta start somewhere I suppose. Thanks for writing! - The Original
  12. I had a Biology teacher who was a real *insert explative here*. She yelled at kids, made fun of them, and one time, she even gave me a wedgie. Strangely, she was my fave. teacher. Lol.
  13. Heihatchi's growing on me, but until I actually get some skills with him, my man remains [B]Nightmare[/B]. I agree with some of you people, sometimes he seems [U]too[/U] good. Lol. The game has really affected me though. My friend has bet me ten dollars he can trash me, and who am I to not accept a challenge? That's right Nightmare, we're gonna win...win...*kisses controller while mumbling incoherent words*
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Yes, but fossilizaton can also take place over a period of a couple thousand years. For instance, the discovery of fur hats and other man-made articles that are fossilized. But the discussion here is not about whether one thing is fact or not. I can bring up as many logical points to support one side as the other--but that's not what my faith is about anyway. The discussion is about morals, and the freedom of choice. People ar [i]entitled[/i] to salvation, but it can't be forced on them. Therefore, they should hear the unbiased choices that they have. As for their choosing, I believe the Holy Spirit will deal with the hearts of men. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Are you saying that you think the time difference was caused by the time span that was needed for fossilation? Thermoluminescence checks the amount of energy/light of electrons trapped in the fossilized ground. The electrons in the human's prints were hundreds of thousands of years older than the dinosaur ones. The time difference could not have been caused by mere fossilation. Plus, if humans did live alongside the dinosaurs, you'd think the Bible would've recorded it. " And Jesus walked upon the path of God...but his path was blocked by a Triceratops!" - T-Rex 1:16. Lol. Sorry if that offended anyone. But hey, whatever man. Like I've said before, to each his own opinion. Sorry for goin' a lil' off topic (scratch that: [U]really[/U] off topic), I was merely attemptimg to correct Bandit.
  15. [QUOTE][/B] Ever hear of Dinosaur Park in Texas? [/B][/QUOTE] This may seem trivial when compared to the entire discussion, but have you ever been to Dinosaur Park, Bandit Joeykuba? I happen to live in Texas, and I have been to the park a few times. Yes, there are human footprints there. However, thermoluminescence dating has proven that the human prints were made thousands of years after the dinosaur ones. It was merely a coincidence that early humans walked alongside the same river a group of dinosaurs had trekked through a few thousand years previously. Get you're facts right.
  16. Wow! Theres a lot more talent here than I thought! That's cool. Well, I'm gonna go see if I made the list. Thanks for your help guys!
  17. *Rubs leg* Ummm, how about I break someone else's leg instead? Lol. Thanks for the advice though. Glad to see someone else is interested in this kinda stuff. Come on, anyone else? I know there are other dork-I-mean-cool people here besides Raiha and me, right? Lol.
  18. Fiddler on the Roof? Damn. I don't think I could get myself to sing in front of people yet, but it'll probably be unavoidable in the future. Lol. Must've been easy for you, because you [U]must[/U] have a beautiful voice. Lol. Anyway, seems like you've been in a lot. I'm a little nervous, 'cause this is my first play. Any advice or tips?
  19. I'm currently waiting to see if I made the list for my school's play, William Shakespear's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". I'm trying for Robin Goodfellow/Puck (he's an imp! Hahaha!), but since a girl I saw at the call-back was really fantastic, I expect I'll be cast as a lesser role, like one of the rude mechanicals. Whats even stranger is that I made it all the way to the call-back list. I'm a sophomore, and I'm not enrolled in my school's art mangnet. Practically all of my competition was two-to-three years older than me! Horray for luck! Lol. Anyway, I wanted to know if there was anyone here interested in Theater, how much you've done, what you've done, ect., ect. *exit Original* Lol.
  20. Agin, I will say that I wouldn't hold it against him, I was only asking if you people would. I suppose you could be right when you say he wouldn't risk his reputation, so that's a good point. And I apologize if anyone thought I was saying he was "just an actor". It was never my intention, and I am well aware that he has done other things (like GinnyLyn, I too have forgotten what).And Drix made a very good point that the country should be able to be run by citizens, and not neccesaily a seasoned politician. Thumbs up for Drix!
  21. Well GoKents, you seem to have Arnolds back, and that's great. But aren't you a bit skeptical of his political knowledge? No offense meant, but this guy has built his career on body-building and movies like Terminator and Conan the Barbarian. I would question whether he knows what he's doing in the political world since all he's ever done is acting, but then again Reagan was an actor. Maybe I'm just being too cynical.
  22. Crap, we better leave the abortion issue alone, or this thing'll be shut down. Lol. Anyway, I wasn't speaking out against Arnold, or any other candidate. I just happen to find the entire election very amusing, and for all I know, Arnold could be a very good Govenor. I was just using him as an example.
  23. Unless you have been living underneath a rock for the past few weeks, you would know about the incredibly ludicrous California recall election. The candidates come from many professions, including actors (Arnold Shwartzaneggar, Gary Coleman) to porn-peddlers (Larry Flynt). What a great country we live in where one of our largest states has an election, and porn stars, sumo wrestlers, and bill-board girls can answer the call. I created this thread to ask what you all thought about this confusing mess, who you would vote for, or what have you. Even if you do not live in California and this may not concern you, I would be glad to hear from you anyway.
  24. Whhhhhoooooaaaaaa...Ravenstorture, you just [U]totally[/U] blew my mind! *strokes chin* Hmmm...lol.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]well yea,I belive personally fate makes everything happen,everything happens for a reason,but I still ponder deep thngs every now and then. [/B][/QUOTE] Well that's about the complete opposite for me. I think mankind is responsible for his own destiny (sounds like a corny line out of anime, I know). Lol.
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