The Original
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Everything posted by The Original
That's prefectly fine Drix, I only wanted to know you're opinion. I also apologize to everyone for somehow thinking Drix's posts were the actual thread. Sorry for getting sidetracked.
I try not to dwell on things like that. Live for the moment, you know? I'll let what happens come to me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow Wolf [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I have a somewhat complicated issue. There's this girl who I've liked for over a year. I asked her out to the Valentine's Day dance at school, but she laughed and thought it was a joke. I told her it wasn't and then she decided to avoid me for nearly a month. She didn't even try to talk to me until she got a boyfriend. I ended up going to the end-of-the-year dance thingy with a girl who liked me, but I had no idea of it at the time because of my one-track mind. I still like the one girl, but her boyfriend is also my friend. I can't think of anything to do that would result in everything being ok between the three of us. I've tried to tell her how I really feel before, but our mutual friends always seem to get to her first (stupid nosy gossipper people) and misquote what I said way back in February. The worst part is, When I found out the other girl liked me, I realized I sorta had feelings for her too, but by then, it was too late. She got mad at me because I apparently wasn't picking up her 'signals' and so now I all alone, confused and helpless. Can you think of anything I should do? Thanx anyway[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yo, you guys forget about Wolfie here? Unfortunately Wolfie, I'm not sure there's much you can do. Unless you start getting love vibes from you'r friend's girl, you really should leave her alone. If you say that you like the girl you went to the dance with, you should work on that. Tell her that you made a mistake, and that you regret what you did (but don't say it in a bitchy way). You'll have to take it slow, but if she genuinely likes you, and vice versa, I think you could have a shot with her. If you can't get her, don't stress yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]You know what.. your reply has given me the greatest idea. Tiger and Stella have inspired me to endorse a "cat army" where today's cats can devote themselves to the protection of America's freedoms! They will HISS the enemy away, swiping at their usless AK 47 5.56mm assault rifles, sheilding their fallen comrades with all their 15 pounds of mass (a guess) can provide! Do you get it now? I think it's great your cats love eachother, I'm sure they gather together for regular dialectics once a week. PLEASE PEOPLE! [/B][/QUOTE] Did I ever say that they were capable of anything near humanity's intelligence? Did I ever say they will go through anything resembling biological evolution? No. I was stating that they appeared to be showing an emotion of fear and devotion to Trixie. You seem to think animals can't have human-like emotions, and thats fine. Everyone's entitled to they're own opinion fter all, and I'm not trying to force anything onto you. But answer me this. When Stella and Tiger's mother died, they curled up next to her empty sleeping bed and didn't move or eat for four days. Is it anamilistic instict to do that when a family member has died? I don't want to us the word "mourn" to describe their behavior, because apparantly you scoff at that. Again, I'm not saying this to offend or force anything on you. I am only curious to see what you're response is.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]5)Animal's don't care much about eachother, they can't create a society. 6)Most of any animal's "emotions" are based on self preservation, any animal will override emotion for instinct. [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to disgree with that point. While you seem to not accept answers that involve wild animals (apes, lions, wolves, ect.), I will have to cite my three cats for you. My cats are a mix of indoor and outdoor, but when they are outside they aren't extremely territorial, maybe because they are all female, spayed, or what have you. One day I was playing outside with Tiger and Stella when the third, Trixie, wandered off. Minutes later I heard a yell of pain. I rushed to the other side of the yard, yards behind my other cats. When I got there, the next door neighbor's dog was standing over Trixie, who was bleeding from the thigh. Before I could even reach her, Tiger immediantly rushed over to her and shielded her with her body, and Stella took several steps toward the dog, hissing and swiping at an animal easily four times her size and weight. Trixie is still well and healthy today, and she might not have neccaseraly died had my cats not been there, but the point is that they seemed to be protecting her. You may say they were being territorial or something, but it seems to in my opinion that they were protecting a family member they had grown up with by putting their lives at risk. But say what you will.
I had ashma pretty bad when I was younger. I was even sent to the hospital when it double-teamed me with pnemonia. Did you guys' doctors say ashma was incurable? Mine did, and I flat out didn't believe him, and didn't take any medication the day after I returned from the hospital (even though I was told to by my parents). A bit risky, yes, but I wanted to test it. Strangely enough, to this day, I have never had another problem with it. I can run and do other physical stuff for as long as I want; I never have attacks anymore. So if there are any more out there that think it's incurable, I think you just grow out of it as you grow older. As an added bonus, my height has shot up. Taking all that medication really stunted my growth when I was tounger (7th grade at 80 pounds and 4"4), but about 6 months after i stopped the meds, I've gained nearly a third my previous height and wheight.
I can't sem to recall the name of my phobia (it might be hydrophobia), but I can't stand water where I can't touch the bottom. Even at Lake Texoma (a lake near my father's house), where I know for a fact there isn't a thing that can bite my leg off, I still freak out if I can't touch the bottom for more than five seconds or so.
I hate racism, and I find it a miracle that I'm not a racist myself. I live in Richardson Texas, and the community here is about 30% White, 40% Mexican, 20% Black, and 10% anything else. Sadly, the majority of the Mexicans and Blacks near me are all into the "gangsta" crap, and are complete asses to everyone who isn't "ghetto". There are friendly one's that I have no problem with, but I'm afraid if I hadn't met them, my hatred at the others would carry over into complete racism, and I would become one of the "pure" white kids at my school. I hate when the whites say they're better than other races, and I hate it when the "gangstas" call everyone rascist when they are in fact also rascist. I hate when anyone does that; the ultra-femenists saying men and penises are evil oppressors, the ultra-gays saying everyone hates them, and any lazy morons who belongs to any race other than white saying they deserve a job because they're minorities. Men and women are equal on every aspect, the same as straights and gays, whites and minorities. Everyone is equal on every conceivable aspect, and and shallow, close-minded bigots should start accepting that.
Well said Leh. Oji Ryu, how old are you?
I'd have to say I disagree with the pessemists in this thread. Right now a live-action Neon Genesis Evangelion is in production, and it doesn't sound terrible. For starters, they've employed the special effects animators for the Lord of the Rings movies (can't remember the name of the company), and they're in direct contact with GAINAX and the creator of Evangelion(can't believe I forgot his name either).There isn't much imformation out about it, but I do know it's being shot in New Zealand, also like the Lord of the Rings. If anyone reads (my favorite magazine) Newtype-USA, they would've seen a few pictures of concept art for some backgrounds/sets, and it doesn't look that bad, but then, what can we judge by pictures. The thing is, many animes are currently in production : Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, the afformentioned Evangelion, and Akira. While most live-action animes have fallen below our expectations, we must remember that they were'nt held in the highest respect by the producers/directors either. So while we may be skeptical of Fox producing a DBZ movie, I will at least give the benefit of the doubt to Evangelion since it is keeping such close contact with the creators of the anime. Just try to keep in mind that while a few errant Gundam or Sailor Moon movies may have bombed, that doens'nt neccesairily mean that they all will, so try to keep an open mind.
Hey, I'm back, and I'd like to say that while the honorable Sir James understandably thinks that I want the complete opposite from what he stated, he couldn't have expressed my feelings better. After reading his post I have recalled my idea to delete the DBZ and other mainstream show catagories. What James and the other writers here have said has made me realize that in my opinions, I have become a bit preachy over others, and I apologize for that. Jame's idea for a more "adult" Otakuboards is exactly what I would have hoped for, and I cannot agree more with his decision. Keeping the easily-accesible mainstreams around while simultaneously introducing new shows is exacly what I had hoped for. I also accept the fact that while I don't neccesarily enjoy most of the mainstreams, I am grateful to them for introducing me to anime, and will try to give them their due respect from now on.
Thanks for writing guys. I'm happy to see that Otakuboards has evolved since I last saw it at least. Semjaza Azazel and maladjusted, I think I found your posts the most interesting. You did bring up some points I hadn't thought about (like them not having access to other animes) wich did make me feel like a moron, but I'm glad I understood them anyway. I would like to say that my goal wasn't to convert anyone (like the former member Kevin apperantly did). I thought that the site should keep DBZ, Gundam, and the other mainstreams on for the people who really enjoy only them, which is fine, because they are entitled to their own opinion. However, I do think it would be a good idea to make a section to introduce other shows, at least as an option to learn more. Perhaps as more people learn more about them, old sections can be deleted and others added in to keep things from becoming repetative. Again, thank you all for participating, I learned a lot. If more people are like you guys, I might just post some more after this thread. Lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B] But Gundam is still oging strong, so i disagree with you on that point. [/B][/QUOTE] I apologize, I should have rephrased the Gundam part. I meant, while the Gundam shows are excellent, they were still overused on this site like DBZ was. Well, at least that was how it looked to me a year ago. And as for Trigun and Cowboy BeBop, they fall in the same catagory as Gundam: fine shows, but a little overused by the participants in this site. Again, this is only my opinion.
Let me first say I am not going to be a regular member on this site, and the only thread i will participate in will be this one. Secondly, one of my friends (a former member of this site), has warned me that since this may offend some people, it will probably be shut down before the post count reaches the double-digits. I have viewed this site many times in the past (though I have never participated in the disscussions), and he may be right. Moderators, please do not shut this down immediantly. I wish to hear some honest opinions from people, and it is not meant to offend anyone. What you do with the thread after I leave is up to you. Now, for my topic. In the years I have seen this site, I have been amazed that the Dragonball and Gundam topics have always been the most populr mainstays, even though the topics/threads in them have always been repetative clones. The only other animes to be showcased on this site seem to be required to be aired on either Cartoon Network, Kid's WB, or Fox Kid's, and even then, new topics have often been blammed with continuous " DBZ rules! Goku's the strongest! This show sucks and DBZ would woop it any day!!" blams. After this turn-for-the-worst sickened me, I left the site alone for about a year. When I returned, I surprisingly found a minority of diversity in the anime lounge, which is not spammed with Dragonball and other Cartoon Network show posts. This pleases me. I think the Moderators / creators of the board should encourage this, and add in new show topics and educate the readers of this site about new things. Dragonball, Gundam, and the other C.N. shows are okay, but are best for an introduction to anime, if nothing else. I sometimes wonder how people who talk about respectable shows can stand to be on the same board as the anime newbies who never let go of their dying shows. So I say, please, keep this trend of originality going. If you succeed at this, this site could be a [U]whole[/U] lot better.