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  1. i think the main reason for the name differences is the fact that they didnt want to get sued. i mean they got sued because they had "magic" cards so they had to rename them "spell" cards. so maybe the other names were like other card games card names or they just liked how it sounded. by the way does konami own the rights to the show yugioh?
  2. You know in Japenese History (even European History) there have been rulers that were young (like 10, 12 something like that). Also in old Japan when you turned 15 you were considered an adult. So whats wrong with an 8 year old showing anicuitive?
  3. yes he did. she died trying to protect the shenlong. so acording to wufie her spirit lives in it. by the way her real wasnt nataku she just called herself that.
  4. its not actually the heart of the cards yugi's millenium puzzle has a special power that helps him get the card he needs when he needs it (provided that he didnt already use it). also yugi has almost a completely different deck in battle city than in duelist kingdom.
  5. i would like to apologize for my last comment i was having a bad day and posted that without thinking [COLOR=#503F86][b][SIZE=1]That's alright, but let's stick to the topic now, heh -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
  6. in the show the living arrow card had 2 effects. in real life it has just one. by the way if your just saying something is a blooper just because its different from the cg then you should reconsider it.
  7. i think it shouldnt be a bing deal if girls play ygo or not. i just wish more girls played where im at. the ones ive seen play are tough.
  8. altron thats just messed up. my favorite serious is wing. i really dont like you compareing it to that stupid power rangers.
  9. effects in the show and attack points for that matter are not always the same in the show as in real life (that goes for japanese cards compared to american cards as well).
  10. at 1 point i had a deck with none of the staples. it worked really well. but i messed with it so much now i dont think i can get it back that way. the best way to make a good none staple deck is to think what monsters are more commonly used and cards (such as the staples) and think of ways to replace them with more unused cards (i wish i didnt mess with my deck so i could show you it).
  11. not all cards have 1 effect. it could be that he only said 1 effect because it only mattered at that time. aside from that Otogi did duel against Joey. in which Joey lost. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple][b]First post: Attachment deleted. Please do not post images that have no relevance to the thread. OB is not an image hosting site. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] here is a card with 2 effects. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple][b]Don't double-post, please. Use the 'Edit' button underneath your post. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
  12. that actually makes a lot of sense. however thats not completely true. after a person reaches a certan age the amount of information they can learn becomes far more limited. in fact its only when your a little kid that you still have the ability to be anything (sorry to be a downer). after a while somethings are much easier than others. so the gundam pilots would have had to be trained close to there whole lives on just learning in order for them to still be able to learn on that level.
  13. you know there is more than 5 colonies. there are just 5 colony districts. and wufie has his own sense of justice and thats what his whole loner thing is about. i could give you a lot more info but i think its covered (if it isnt it would probly confuse you).
  14. i would like to see gundam wing again. it was the first anime i saw. after that i really got into anime. its sorta a big thing for me (i dont have much of a life right now).
  15. you know there is a contry that is in peace right now. they have no army and most likly no guns. its in central america and ill leave it at that. also it is not human nature to fight (its just to be the best). also i think that all people (besides phsyco people) want wars to stop (just not fighting). you know like get rid of all the guns. that way if you did want to kill someone you would have to get close to them. that would put an end to things like columbine. wars would just go bake to the sword fights and heavy armor thing (at least im thinking of wars to slow down violence at least). but fighting will never stop as long as humans are around.
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