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  1. I look like knives right know, Ive got the short hair and his attitude. Before i shaved my head i looked like Lagato from trigun and im gonna grow it like that again because i have the same attitude as these two, severe disappointment wiht humanity and know that they are superiour to humans.
  2. I would be Lagato Bluesummers from Trigun, because he is such a coll character, he is practicaly invinsible, and he looks so cool. He is cool calm, collected and ruthless.
  3. 1. Vincent Volaju's Fighting ability-Cowboy bebop (the movie) 2. Vicious's entire apearance-Cowboy Bebop 3. Lagato Bluesummers' everything, his powers, his apearence, everything-Trigun
  4. Did anyone else here play that game? What did you think? I have it but i cant get past either of the third levels? better question, has anyone here ever beat it?
  5. I doubt it will be as succesful because, as much as i love the XBOX its istn the most popular console of them. But i imagine it will be awsome.
  6. I dont knwo how it is decided for the Xbox or how it works. Does it appear anywhere other than Halo? My Xbox's name is Wilshire, What's yours?
  7. I just got MechAssault and my username is Advataro Yeah we should meet up sometime
  8. NeoRanga


    I have been following this game since its conseption, obsessed since i saw the first released concept art. this is going to be one of the best games ever. I am going to pre order it next month at electronics botique. Is anyone or has anyone going to preorder the game months before-hand? Did anyone else notice that almost all of the people who posted are labeled newbies?
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