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About EdtheHackerGirl

  • Birthday 07/04/1989

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  1. When i was 4, i used to put jellybeans up my nose. i was a stupid kid, i even got locked in the ladies bathroom in church once.
  2. My favorite food item is sassage, cause its so easy to cook and i like to hear it sizzle when its cooking. i also make a good sassage stir fry.
  3. I thought you guys might like to here some good news. Source: Anime Invasion ------------------------------- ADV: Azumanga Daioh Movie Gravion Kino's Journey Mahou Yuugi Nurse Witch Komugio-Chan Rahxephon Movie Slayers Premium D.N.Angel ------------------------- AN Entertainment Miami Guns ------------------------ Bandai: Gundam F91 .Hack//DUSK Stratos 4 Tenshi No Shippo Zeta Gundam Gundam SEED Wolf's Rain ----------------------- FUNimation Detective Conan ----------------------- Pioneer: R.O.D. TV Gungrave Samurai Champloo Texhnolyze ----------------------- Tokyopop: Rave Master ----------------------- Hope you guys liked this news!
  4. Anime games i got: .Hack//INFECTION (PS2) .Hack//MUTATION (PS2) Thousand Arms (a RPG that as anime FMVs) (PS) Tekken 3 (PS) Final Fantasy 7 & 8 (PS) Wild Arms 3 (i'm playing this right now)
  5. I'd like to walk through walls. it would be funny to freak people by comming out of random walls.
  6. "Peacemaker": In episode 3, Vash always snezzes when Meryil and Millie talk about him. and the drunk guy dosn't always have that blush during the episode, could have to do with the lighting.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animangademon [/i] [B]Hey guys,sorry I have been busy...and I couldn't find my book...But I have found it...so here it goes.. EdtheHackerGirl your dream is,according to the book, bad...It says that for a woman(young) to be alone in a barren desert warns that her health and reputaion are being jeopardized by her indiscretion. She should be more cautious... [/B][/QUOTE] My rep has been hit very bad at school lately, cause of the big grading week. i've been pulling "all nighters" to do more studying, and some kids spreaded a rumor that i had a contagious eye disease (not true one bit) probably sparked because of circals under my eyes.
  8. Last night i dreamt that i was in a desert and i was out of water, so went i looking for some. Then this building appeared out of nowhere, and i went in but it was a illusion. Then suddenly i was above my head in water, then everything went black.
  9. i'm related to the director of "The Ten Comandments", my great grandpa worked for company that built the Titanic, and the 5th governor of North Carolina.
  10. Since there are a lot of Trigun threads, I suggest that you can make a Trigun forum in the Anime Boards. I hope you like the suggestion.:angel:
  11. A: BladeRunner Q: What is the name ship Akeyka & her sister crashed to earth on?
  12. I'm going to be Faye in a chinese dress, and my boyfriend (we're just friends) is going to be Vash. The disturbing part is my mom is going to be Trinity (The Matrix), if my mom is going to be in a bodysuit it's going to be hard to look without being able to giggle.
  13. You can go to the Ghibli museum, I heard from a friend it's a great place to go to. :angel:
  14. Ok it's been two days since the last question so I will start a new one. Q: What did the soul of the Tsunami give Tenchi to give to Ayeka?
  15. :cool: ilovebebop :cool: KKC :cool: Double_B_Daigo :cool: Spikey :cool: OtakuSennen
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