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I, Colossus

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Everything posted by I, Colossus

  1. I heard about this a few days ago form one of my friends. Being the big Kevin Smith fan I am (Mallrats is one of my favorite movies) I downloaded the first and second episode. From what I'm reading here they seem to have been mis-labeled on Kazaa. o_O I got the one where they are locked in the freezer and the one where Jay sues them for 10 Million dollars. The Korean animation thing was ******* hilarious. -.- I need to find the DVD. :p
  2. Where I live people "throw down" all the time. It's nothing big, in one fight a girl lost her baby. But besides that, nothing major has happened. I've only been in a few fight in my life. They weren't big things either, just little scraps. You have to defend yourself, no matter how big the other guy is. If he threw a wet tampon on you and you could control yourself, then...you can manage your anger quite well. I'll tell you right if ANYONE threw a wet tampon at me, they would find themselved in a very uncomfertable position. As far as bullying goes, the only people who ever bullied me, I fought. I lost a fight or two, I won some. --; Fighting is just something you are forced to do every once in a while.
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