I, Colossus
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Everything posted by I, Colossus
My Brother got me into Beck when Odelay came out, so right around the peak of his comercial sucess. But, yeah I got pretty into the CD and my Brother just gave it to me when he enlisted. Also, I late bought Midnite Vultures, I still haven't got around to buying his other stuff though. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it, though I've only heard E-Pro (the video rocks). I don't know if I'll be able to buy it right away though, there are going to be a billion albums coming out from now till May. We'll see. EDIT: Midnite not Midnight. Bleh.
Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmstein, and Paul Gilbert are probably the best [i]technical[/i] players. But Hendrix and Stevie Ray-Vaughn take the cake for soul. I put 6. Sue me.
Not much postage lately, figured I?d create a thread. Basically God of War is (or so the media has dubbed it) Clash of the Titans meets Heavy Metal. This makes for a pretty badass looking combination. The game starts when the main character commits suicide by jumping off a cliff, re-calling the events of the past few weeks. I read that it had to with Pandora?s Box and killing the God of War (Ares), but whatever. Gameplay wise you have 4 buttons. 2 attacks, a grab, and a block, pretty standard. But you can pull of some insane combos, I myself haven?t seen any, due to my horrible connection I cant really get to any of the media. Sounds pretty neat to me, releases later this month. Anyone else planning to get it?
What box sets of TV shows do you have, and why did you buy them?
I, Colossus replied to Morpheus's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Manic Webb]I recently bought the complete series of [b]Cedric the Entertainer Presents[/b']. I remember catching the pilot episode when it first aired, and one other episode before Fox cancelled it during its first season. [/quote] I can't exactly remember, because I've seen Cedric the Entertainer all over TV, but I think I've seen this. The one sketch I can remember, was hilarious. Cedric was a waiter in a 50s themed diner, and the manager kept telling him to make sure he stayed with the 50s theme. So when a black couple came in, he moved them to the back and called the coloured folk. It was brilliant. Either way, I own In Living Color Vol. 1, Spawn, Clerks, and Family Guy Vol. 1. In Living Color is probably the most criminally underrated shows ever. It was a sketch show in the early ninetys. It's probably most know for the Mo' Money movie, since it's a spin-off of the skit. Check it out, it's on par with early SNL as far as quality. Spawn and Clerks just happened because they were so cheap. And Family Guy Vol. 1 was a gift for Christmas, and what a gift it was. -
Probably Super Mario World. I was quite young during the NES days, I wasn't even alive for a few of them, so I had limited expirience with the NES originally. Anyway, I just remember my brother getting the SNES packaged with SMW and us playing all day. It was the first game where I was competent enough to know what I was doing. So, that's when I really started getting into games. SFII, MegaMan X, and Super Ghouls n' Ghosts also had signifigant hands in my early forays into gaming.
StarFox Adventures for the GameCube would be my choice. I had high expectations and thought it was going to be a neat Zelda-esque StarFox game. Turns out it was closer to DK64, endless collecting. Bleh. Not to mention the A.I., it was way too easy. You'd be ambushed by 9 guys, and one would attack while the rest stood there. DMC2 was relatively dissapointing as well.
[quote name='Bombu][color=darkred'] I rather rushed through them very impatiently, only stopping to actually see the cut scenes and whatnot. Man, they're so great.[/color][/quote] As far as MGS2 goes. It was the exact opposite for me. I loved the gameplay, but I wanted to kill myself everytime a cutscene came on. I guess that's just me though, lol. Anway, it all depends on what you mean by horrible graphics. Most people said retro games, while, they didn't have horrible graphics. They just aren't as newfangled as all the games today. When I think of horrible graphics I mainly think of horribly pixelated/polygonated games. Or, graphics that hinder the gameplay, like framerate issues. But. Yeah. I'd have to go with the majority of people. Graphics mean nothing to me as long as they don't have issues with framrate/choppyness. Gameplay is all there is.
Actually, you're quite wrong. First of all the situation is not "BOOM heres ds like it or die". If you want to stick with your GBA that's fine. It's got quite a bit of life left in it. The Minish Cap was just released, Donkey Kong: King of Swing, Fire Emblem 2, WarioWare Twisted!, and a new PokeMon are all coming out in '05. Just because there is a new system doesn't mean they'll stop supporting the old ones. Well, usually it does. But not in this case. DS isn't a succesor to GBA, just think of it as a completely different entity. Anyway, even if they did stop support. You have a whole library of old games you'll always have at your fingertips.
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']I just wish that he'd run into a truck.[/size][/quote] You don't think that's a slightly lesser version of Road Rage? Wishing someone should die for pulling a wheelie is pretty harsh. But, yes, I agree, he's an idiot. I, myself, probably have road rage. I almost got kicked out of Drivers Ed for "Exhibiting Signs of Road Rage". It's just something about you driving the speed limit, and people honking, passing you, flipping you off, that really pisses me off. I'm pretty quick to anger, a trait I blame on my father. But, c'mon, you see I'm a student driver in the car and they give you a worse time. And, being cut-off also tends to piss me off. Wait 'till the next exit and get on a turnaround, or just get in the lane you need earlier. Don't endanger my life to save yourself a couple of minutes. So, yeah, I get pretty pissed sometimes, but I'm never the one doing the cutting-off, and I don't give a damn where I park. So, whatever.
As far as series go, I think that Cowboy Bebop is the only series I've watched multiple times in it's entirety. The main reason is, I simply don't like much else anymore. It has been my favorite anime since the first time I saw the ending, which was quite a while ago, I think I was in 7th grade. So, a little more than 3 years now. The reason it never seems to get old, is because Cowboy Bebop, has a [i]timeless[/i] sense of style. The 50s Jazz thing that I'll always find cool. Not to mention it, at times, blends genres. When I pop in a DVD I'm not confined to gunfights and drama, I can always watch Mushroom Samba and have a good laugh. Also, everytime I watch it again, I still feel for the characters. Even though, I know their end results, I still have a sense of worry when they're in danger, ect. If we're talking movies/OVAs too. Then I've seen the Street Fighter II movie an astounding amount of times. Not to mention the Samurai X OVAs, which I rewatched almost immeadeatly. Snoogans.
[QUOTE=Juuthena][size=1]It's just for San Francisco. :) Erm, it's a radio show for 105...something, and it's called 'Not So Silent Night'. I thought there was something about a 'Not So Silent Night' in Texas as well, but I'm pretty positive that they're not featuring the same bands. There's also a similar line-up for LA, only Keane, Snow Patrol, and Jimmy Eat World are also involved. Can't make it to that one, though. It's on Dec 11 - the very next day. =X And I haven't heard any songs from Taking Back Sunday, so er. o_o;[/size][/QUOTE] Wow. That sucks. It's true that we have a Not So Silent Night here in San Antonio, but we have the [b]worst[/b] line-up imaginable. It's like the opposite of my music tastes. Ryan Cabrera, Bowling For Soup, Switchfoot, Kevin Lyttle, and Gavin DeGraw. I hate all of them except Gavin DeGraw, who I've never heard of. The difference between San Fransico and San Antonio is infinite. :(
[QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]What the hell are you talking about? I'm glad you know me SO well. I don't detest Nirvana in the least. They are definately up there on my list of favorite bands. Like I said, I have a couple of their albums and I have a few T-shirts that I wear from time to time. What I was saying is that it is so SAD that Nirvana became EXTREMELY popular once Kurt was dead. Do you know see that at all? Look at the other bands of the era. If Eddie Veddar had killed himself, maybe Pearl Jam would be as popular today as Nirvana. Nirvana is a great great great band. All I was trying to say is that they aren't the best there is. I have my opinions, the other guys has his. Next time don't act like you know who I am.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I just wrote up a huge post, but it was really asshole-ish. I'm trying to word it in the right way. You're right. You didn't say you detested Nirvana. I get that you still like them. I'm having trouble wording what I mean to say though. Basically, in your post, you were mad because more people liked Nirvana, because of Kurt's death. But as I said in my last post. Maybe publicity just got them out more, and it became "COOL" because more people heard them and realised they kick ***. You're right. If Eddie Veddar killed himself Pearl Jam would be more popular. But whenever someone dies in a band, more people pay attention to them. Happened with Drowning Pool, at least locally. So, what I'm trying to say is, I wasn't acting like I knew who you were, I was basing an opinion off of past remarks. Particularly in the "Mainstream Anime" thread. There you go. I half agree, but...I half dont.
[quote name='Manic]I don't think she was complaining about them going mainstream, so much as she was complaining about them becoming [i]more[/i] popular [i]after[/i'] Kurt's death. You know, it's fine and dandy that they were popular, but how come so many people didn't start listening to them until one of them died? I have the same issue with people who didn't particularly care for Aaliyah's music until after she died. How come they didn't realize the music was good until somebody died?[/quote] Maybe in that instance but she has a history of bitching about stuff becoming mainstream. But, is it possible, that maybe, they didn't start liking it because he died. But they started due to the publicity his death got, more people were able to hear his music. And that what spiked their popularity to new heights? I honestly doubt it. But the point is. She wasn't saying that's why she detests it. She detests it because it became cool.
[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I honestly believe that the only reason Nirvana DID get so blown up right there in the middle of their career was because of Kurt's death. Sure, the band had it's following, but how much larger did the following become once Kurt died? Once it became "cool" to like Nirvana? I'm not saying they are not a great band because I have a few of their albums myself, including the "Greatest Hits," but Stone Temple Pilots rock Nirvana, hands down. Not to mention Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains, etc. Need I say more?[/color'][/size][/quote] All I'm hearing is "I don't like things when they become mainstream because it makes me feel superior". Nirvana was [i]very[/i] popular before Kurt's death. From what I've witnessed you seem to be the kind of person who doesn't want her favorite things to be popular. Sucess isn't so horrible. Something you like being cool, isn't bad. Get over it.
I had my eye on a few things this year, mainly a Hendrix boxset of a majority of his works, and America: THE BOOK. But appearantly my parents did this adopt a family thing, dis-enabling their ability to get be presents. So that's pretty cool. Giving is the best gift.
I myself, was once quite the Nirvana junkie. It got to the point where I was obsessed with Kurt Cobain and really, really, cared about him. Last year I got really depressed on his Birthday. Right now, however, I've taken a step back. Now, I feel they are a bit overrated. Yes, they are a great band, Kurt's lyrics being the prominent reason. Not to mention Grohl being one of the greatest drummers to ever walk the earth. But the more I listen to them, the less cryptic their lyrics become. Also, I only tend to want to listen to them in Winter, or when I'm depressed (which is not very often). I do still love them with all my heart. I just don't see them as the gods I once did. Anyway, in short, yes, they kick ***.
The Killers are one of those bands that I heard, and was immediately disgusted. I really have a distaste for that kind of, 80's synthy sound. Also, I really don't like the song "Somebody Told Me". It's actually quite annoying. However, when I looked into them a bit more I discovered that I really enjoyed them. Hot Fuss is one of my favorite releases of the year honestly. [quote]I'm seeing them at a gig on Dec 10th with MUSE!!!!, Franz Ferdinand!, Modest Mouse, Interpol, and Taking Back Sunday. I've only sampled a few of their songs, but I guess I'll go and download a few. >.>;[/quote] Wow, [i]sans[/i] Taking Back Sunday that is a really kick *** lineup. IS this a whole tour, or is it some sort of festival, because I'd be very interested in going if it came anywhere near Texas.
At their current state, who cares, they are both horribly un-funny as far as I'm concerned. MadTV was never too funny at all, to me, anyway. It just seemed like a bunch of poop jokes. However, SNL can beat MADTV with the "Cowbell" skit alone. So, I vote SNL.
[color=#3399CC]Jebus. Firstly, I would like to say that I currently don?t have a PS2. My old PS2 suffered a horrible death. But, I?m planning on buying one of the newly redesigned PS2s? before Christmas. That plus the DS is going to kill me and I doubt I?ll be able to afford it all this year. These are the games that have really gotten my attention. Okami for the PS2 is the game I?m most excited about overall. Unfortunately, at this point, there is no US release date. However, this would be the game to make me import. It features cel-shaded graphics and is being developed by Clover studios, the people behind Viewtiful Joe. I?m not exactly positive what the story is, but I do know that it?s heavy on Japanese mythology. Apparently you play as a wolf, that is actually a God, and you restore color to the world. Killer 7 for the GCN is the other game I?m really pumped about. At this point, I?m anticipating it even more than Resident Evil 4, which seems to be at the top of everyone?s list. I have to admit RE4 looks beautiful, and extremely fun. The story itself (developed by Suda 51) is enough to get excited about. Plus the visual style is simply orgasmic. Other than that I guess what most of you guys are saying. [size=1] [list] [*]Resident Evil 4 (GCN) [*]Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN) [*]Viewtiful Joe 2 (GCN) [*]Baten Kaitos (GCN) [*]God of War (PS2) [*]Final Fantasy XII (PS2) [*]Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA) [/list] [/size][/color]
Gaming I can't believe I'm starting this thread, but...
I, Colossus replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Noosphere
First off, I'd go with Ninja Gaiden, it's pretty beautiful. If I remember correctly you seemed to really like the DOA series (Or just thought the girls were pretty). So then I'd go with Dead Or Alive 3. It's now a "Platinum Hit" which means you can get it new. Or you could buy it preowned for around 15 bucks. And if you really like DOA you could get Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball pre-owned for about 25. However if you do end up getting X-Box Live there is always the upcoming DOA Ultimate, which is a re-done DOA 1 & 2 that's online. If you like GTA and don't have 3 & Vice City for the PS2 you can buy them bundled in the X-Box. But I think it's still around $50. One game that is often overlooked is Panzer Dragoon Orta. It's a continuation of a series that was on the Saturn, so you might know what it is. If you're a Star Wars fan there's always KOTOR. Other than that you're on your own... EDIT: Morpheous beat me to a few of them... -_- -
I live in San Antonio. I enjoy a multitude of things, I play video games, listen to music, watch TV, and skating (board). That just about scratches the surface. I'm currently attending driving school and I'm in tenth grade at St. Gerard Catholic High School. I pretty much hate it their, my parents sent me there in an effort to...dicipline me? I guess that was there goal. But it hasn't really done much other than making it worse. So at least it backfired... I'd like to become a filmmaker. And that's about it. Food : Cucumbers (With Ranch), Pizza, Doritos, Jolt, Cheetos, Hot Wings.
It seems a lot of people are really exited about this, so I should post the most recent screens. [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/01.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/02.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/03.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/04.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/07.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.videogamerx.net/gamenews/a003/824/10.jpg[/img] I still have not been able to pick up PoP: Sands of Time due to recent money troubles. But I really want to buy it before this one is released because it is looking simply stunning. Also, this sounds really interesting... [quote][b]IGN[/b] [i]What Ubi proposes is a title where actions of any type can be strung together in an almost Tony Hawk-like fashion, creating chains of flowing death. What we've seen thus far looks terrific, but we still know very little. [/i][/quote] Fun, no? [b]Edit:[/b] I thought this would have a reply by now, but I guess not. Anyway, UbiSoft has released two of those nifty 3D shots. You can see them [URL=http://www.bonusstage.com/art1648.html]here.[/URL] Be warned though, they take quite a while to load.
I was going to post a topic on this title, but after a little searching I found this. There is no real big news that would warrant another thread being made so I hope it's not too old to bring back. Anyway, I'm very intrigued at the premise of this game. It sounds like it's really going to be something else. The only problem I might have with the game is, I'm not sure about the legnth, or the replay value. I just hope it's not just wave after wave of ground troops and that there are some interesting challenges, requiring more than firing a gigantic pinball at enimies. One thing you neglected to mention, though, is that a second player can rally your troops by playing the Donkey Konga drum periphiral. Which is interesting in itself.
I very recently spotted this game while looking around on GameSpot, and I have to say, I'm pretty exited about this title already. It was originally a dinky flash game made by the people at Newgrounds, but the two owners (of Newgrounds) ran into someone, who is now the producer of the game, who pushed them into making a console version of the game. Thus, the developer "The Behemoth" was born, and they began working on the console version. Right now it's only GCN and PS2, but appearantly a while back it was supposed to be on the X-Box as well. The story isn't an innovative one, but it did originate from a flash game, so you can't really ask for much. [quote][b]GameSpot[/b] [i]Alien Hominid's story is a simple one, and it unfolds much like a director's cut of E.T. in which, rather than passively sitting back to play with a Speak & Spell and sucking down Reese's Pieces, E.T. comes packing an alien piece. You'll play the role of a small yellow gender-neutral alien who has the misfortune to crash-land on Earth after slightly overzealous FBI agents shoot down his ship as it cruises by. To add insult to injury, the ship literally crashes on the doorstep of FBI headquarters. As if that weren't bad enough, some FBI agents make off with the craft. Our yellow hero, anxious to return home, sets out to reclaim his ship. [/i][/quote] The gameplay is supposed to be simple run-n-gun, which is nice for me because I'm really into simple, old-school gameplay. Anyway, the real story here is the art style, this is truly a fresh art style. [center]Screens: [b]GameSpot[/b] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/922129_20040729_screen001.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/922129_20040729_screen002.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/922129_20040729_screen003.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/922129_20040729_screen004.jpg[/img] [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/reviews/922129_20040729_screen005.jpg[/img][/center]
He likes me, but I don't like him!
I, Colossus replied to Ryoko T.D.C.'s topic in General Discussion
Are you sure this guy isn't MaxSonic? :P Just tell him that you just want to be friends. And if he persists further it's sexual harrasment, that could mean that you could do an assortment of things. If you tell your parents or a school official that you're genuinely afraid they are [i]required[/i] to do something. I would honestly just tell him to back off or you'll get [i]someone[/i] involved. And if all else fails you can alway kick him in the groin. He'll get the picture.