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I, Colossus

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Everything posted by I, Colossus

  1. r2vq: Yes. I know why, I guess. And it's pretty cliche for the female to start caring about her kidnapper. Just look at every episode of InuYasha. :p [spoiler]Yeah, she saw the human side of him. But the human side was just as bad, he [i]kidnapped[/i] in order to kill someone. It's not really that I find it weird anime-wise. Because it happens all the time, however I don't find it at all realistic. And human emotions is the [i]only[/i] thing I really care about when it comes to realism.[/spoiler] Anyway, I've watched the first half of 3. Good stuff so far. I urge anyone who hasn't checked this anime out to go find it now.
  2. I just finished the first episode, and I have to say that I am [i]really[/i] impressed. The first thing I noticed is the opening song. Now, I am not usually into hip-hop. But this was a really good song, it was relatively well written and set the mood for the show really well. Next is the animation quality. Now I admit, I'm not up to date on all the latest anime and how the animation looks. As far as I know, this is some of the most visually stunning animation out there. Of course I'm still stuck on how nice s.CRY.ed looks, and from what I understand s.CRY.ed is insanely old among the anime-people. :sweat: As a majority of you have said the fight scenes are really what take the cake. They're so stylistic and flowing. Mugen's moves remind me a lot of Spike's (Cowboy Bebop) moves. The actual moves aren't very alike. But the style, kind of free-flowing, relaxed style. Where as Jin is like Viscous, a very clean-cut, straight to the target style. Anyway, this anime has so much potential. It could easily turn out to be one of the best out there. I'm eagerly anticipating episode 2. [b]EDIT:[/b] Well. I just finished Episode 2. This is becoming one of my favorite anime very quickly. :P But I did find something weird. [spoiler]Why was Fuu-Chan being so nice to Oniwakamaru? He kidnapped her and planned to kill her friends. And from the first episode you'd really think she'd be more outspoken about that.[/spoiler] So, yeah, I found that to be kind of strange. [b]EDIT #2:[/b] To Arralyn: Yeah, the as much as I liked the opening the hip-hop is going to take some getting used to. However I do like the little record-scratching DJ thing when they're switching scenes. Also, so far none of the music has been as The Real Folk Blues. ;) [b]EDIT #3:[/b] Too many edits, meh. Anyway, as some of you know sites have been dropping Champloo left and right. It was relatively hard for me to find episode 3, so I suppose it'll get harder which each episode. Anyway, AnimeONE is who's subbing it, but unfortunately they're currently IRC-only. However, it's been brought to my attention in a chat that Anime Forever intends to keep on going through the series' entirety. So it seems that that's the place to be for Champloo-age.
  3. I, Colossus

    8 mm

    [QUOTE=Milo]I have not seen this movie, but I am extremely interested in snuff films. They're so mysterious...are they a hoax? Do they exist? Urban myth? Does anyone know...is this a "real" snuff film, or another fake?? Milo :whoops:[/QUOTE] 8mm isn't a real snuff film. It has Nicholas Cage in it. But the story is centered around a snuff film. Yes. Snuff films are realy, half of the one's you can find are fake. But there are videos people beign killed gruesomly. Case and Point the big new stories about the video of the Amercan civilian getting his head slowly shopped off. 8mm is alright. I had it on my Top 10 movies back when that topic was still around. I don't like it nearly as much now, but it's pretty cool. Gotta go, I might edit this later with more thoughts on the movie.
  4. [quote name='Fall][font=Verdana][size=2]]3. [b]Marilyn Manson[/b]- Mechanical Animals [b]and[/b] [b]also [/b]The Golden Age Of Grotesque.[/size'][/font][/quote] To me, those are Marilyn Manson's two weakest albums. If I was going to put something of his on my list (and I'm not) it'd probably be Anarchist Superstar. Not sure how that's relevant but, whatever. 1. [b]Nirvana[/b] - Nirvana (The Collection). Anyone who's ever talked to me for ten seconds probably saw that coming. That CD was literally the only thing in my CD player for about a year. It's easily my favorite album of all time. To me it just never get's old. 2. [b]Probot[/b] - Probot. Only if I were to get strandeed right now would I pick that. Jus tbecause I've only had it for a few weeks and I have not got to listen to much of it. 3. [b]The Killing Joke[/b] - The Killing Joke. Everyone should check this out now. They are so great but only .001% of the people I know have heard of them. EDIT - If we could have a mix CD on the other hand. I'd probably throw some Tool, Audioslave, and The Tea Party on a disc. What a CD that would be. :D
  5. Damn. It's been quite a while. Anyway, I'm glad I held out on getting an SP untill now, because on June 7th, the best SP ever shall come out. An NES themed SP and along with it will be the release of a few NES games, going only for 20 bucks a piece. I'm personally getting Zelda. ;) Anyway, not much to say on this end. Check out the picture though. [URL=http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/nescollection_032604_000.jpg]GBA SP - NES[/URL]
  6. [color=#006699]I bought FFTA a while ago, but after having lots of trouble figuring out the whole job thing, I returned. Now I feel pretty stupid...to not have looked a the manual. ^_^; But I bought it again about two weeks ago and I'm loving it. [b]Clan Gaiden[/b] My main character (Marche) is named Sushi, he's level 15 and is currently a fighter. Montblanc is now an Animist and level 13. My other characters are all still around the 10s. But they're all getting stronger now that I've been participating more in the Clan Wars. Anyway, I have destroyed [spoiler]one crystal[/spoiler] so far and I'm about to do the mission Diamond Rain. So yeah, I'd say I'm doing ok. I'll be sure to post back when I get a little further.[/color]
  7. Woah. Thanks a lot Hittikori, it's great. ^_^ Something tells me I'll be using this one for a while. The 'the man' thing is a nice touch, althoug I hate when people actually call me that, haha. So yeah, I love it, thanks.
  8. [color=#006699]Well, I might as well post in here. I personally didn't vote in the poll, because my favorite games for the system aren't up on your poll. Right now there are quite a few really big PS2 games out that I've yet to play (ie. Jak II, XenoSaga, ect.) so I can't [i]truly[/i] answer this question yet. But as far as what I have played, these are my choices. Above all I'd like to say this is impossible, you can't really compare SSX and Devil May Cry or something along those lines. Both are amazing games, but there is nothing to compare. So, I'll just try my best I guess. First off I'd like to say that GTA3/Vice City are the most overrated games for PS2. Yes, they are good games, but nothing special honestly. Nothing new, or revolutionary. I just don't see what all the fuss is about. Probably overall, my favorite is Devil May Cry. Visually [i]stunning[/i] for it's time. To me DMC had it all, graphics, gameplay, ect. The only things that dissapointed me about the game were the story and the legnth. It did take me a little longer than most people, but mainly because it was my first PS2 game. I was still getting used to the slightly different controller. But I believe DMC is one of the best PS2 games to date. It's relatively overrated in most people's eyes, but it deserves all of the fanfare it got. SSX: Tricky is another game I really enjoyed. I would pick SSX3, but I've only had about a weekend of play with that. But SSX: Tricky, I've had since I bought a GameCube. Something I really liked from SSX: Tricky were the DVD options, I really wish more games would incorporate this feature. Other than that I really like Zone of Enders, MGS2, and what I've played of Rez (I really need to buy it). [/color]
  9. [color=006699]In comparison to your other works, I'd say this is a step down, visually, from what I'm used to seeing in your work. It's still a good banner, but to me the yellow and greyish colors clash and I just don't see how you can make those work. I really like the idea though. Well, not of the American flag being pounded by missles, but what I mean is, it's a very interesting stock image to work with. Considering it's not from some random anime or something, which is over-used here. Overall, it's pretty good,I just prefer your past two works greatly. And I just thought I should note that "Blasphemy" is the correct way to spell it. ^_^;;[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by slice [/i] [B]Also, who is your favorite character? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]My favorite animal is Joey the duck. Unfortunately he moved out some time ago. :( As for my house I finally got it payed off about a week ago. Which was a big relief, that last debt was huge. It took a lot of fishing to pay that off. But I'm quite enjoying the statue of myself by the train station. :blush: My basement is Mario themed currently, I only got two of the things from Nintendo Power (it was a freind's issue) but all the other stuff is mine. Well, now that I think about it, it's Nintendo themed. I have my Arwing and two Master Swords down there as well. My first floor is my recreation area, I have a CD Player with K.K. Rock playing, my frog, my jellyfish, a pool table, a ping pong table, and a few other knicknacks. I also have a HUGE festive tree in the middle that I need to take down. My top floor is where I spend most of my time, I have a modern sofa, all 4 of my NES games, a small festive tree, and a smaller CD player with DJ K.K. playing. And I should be getting a WideScreen TV in there soon if Breko remembers. ;) So that's it, I have a few plans for my house. But nothing huge, do you know there are some people that constantly change their house to fit with the season? Some of the Christmas and Halloween set-ups I've seen online are insane.[/color]
  11. [color=#006699]This game is average at best. While I was playing it I really loved it but now that I've beaten it, and have not played it in a while, it's lost it's magic. The focus ability is really neat. But the novelty wears off really quickly. By the third psuedo-level type thing you'll be unbeleiveably bored watching your character jump kick a swat member or doing a backflip off a wall. Other than that my favorite part are the fights with the agents. The fact that I'm not supposed to be able to hold my own, but I can because I'm awesome at the game is cool, lol. I just wish it was [i]possible[/i] to defeat them. I can kick an Agents *** for 5 minutes straight without getting hit and he just get's up. It's kind of stupid. =/ Currently the main reason to get it is the Matrix scenes. But now there is rumor that the extra scenes from ETM will be packaged when the Trilogy Set is released on DVD. ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=#006699]I didn't mean excuses like [i]that[/i], but whatever. Anyway, I get what you're trying to say. I'm just pointing out that they're entirely different games. NFS: Underground may not have the most solid framerate, but from your post it seemed like you only thought lowly of the game because of Double Dash!! But for the record, I prefer DD!! out of the two. The customization options in Underground are awesome, but DD! is probably my favorite racing game of all time. Despite the fact it's not really ''traditional'' racing.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]I didn't notice anything at first either. But, when you're playing it next to the sixty frames per second Mario Kart: Double Dash, the difference becomes apparent really fast. :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]I think should point out I've been playing Mario Kart: Double Dash!! as well. To me these two games are just two games you can't compare. They have two whole different premises. They're just un-comparable. But, yes, I still have yet to notice any slow down. Even as I play MK: DD. So find another excuse. ;)[/color]
  14. [color=#006699]Sports games aren?t my forte, so I?ll be handling the other two genres. With the Action/Adventure genre you have tons of picks. Now that platformers are expanding, most of them could be considered Adventure games. Jak II is a good example of this. Jak II has a very wide variety of gameplay, similar to that of GTA. Jak II features a wide open city, the ability to hijack cars, and several other elements that aren?t usually found in your typical platformer. So, I?d definitely recommend this one. Other than that you can always play it safe with the GTA series. If you want something a little cheaper, I?d go with Devil May Cry, as far as I know it?s down to 20 dollars, and considering how awesome it was, it?s a real bargain. ^_~ Heh. I have to go but I?ll edit later. [/color]
  15. [color=#006699]Well, I recently received this game for Christmas so I figured I should post here. So far I?ve been having a lot of fun with it. ^_^ The graphics are amazing, Charles I?m not sure if it was just X-box version, but I?m not getting a hint of choppy-ness on the PS2 version. Or it could?ve possibly been that the demo was an early version. The reflections are beautiful, and so are the environments, even if they are a bit cliché. I have not been this overwhelmed by the graphics of a game, since the first time I played on a Next Generation console. The graphics really are gorgeous on the PS2 version. I do agree with Charles, that the locations of the races are pretty bland. A lot of the races are the same environment, with a different course. Which is admittedly a little annoying, but when it comes to racing games, it doesn?t matter nearly as much as normally. You don?t really have time to sit and look around at the environments. So, it?s not a big problem, it just feels a little bland once you?ve done a few of the races in Underground mode. Underground mode is insanely fun, I think I?ve been spending a little [i]too[/i] much time playing the game in this mode, lol. It?s just insanely addicting, take last night for example. I started playing at 10PM, I know I?ve been playing for 2 or 3 hours, but when I look over it is 4AM. :p I was amazed, I had no clue how long I had spent with the game. There is a good number of options when customizing your car?s appearance and performance. It?s relatively easy to win a race with a crappy car, but it?s always fun to customize it. ^_^ Right now I have a black Civic. I?m planning on trading it in though. Anyway, next time I play I?ll come back and give you the full skinny on my car.[/color]
  16. [color=#006699]First of all I'd really like to thank the few of you who voted for me. ^_^ I knew I'd have no chance of winning anything, because of the overabundance of awesome members this year. But, I honestly didn't think I'd even be mentioned. (Even if I did win [b]Best Newbie[/b] last year. =D). So, thank you. [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] PiroMunkie [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size][/strike] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Semjaza Azazel [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Dagger IX1 [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [/strike] [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] Shinmaru [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Funniest Member:[/b] wrist cutter [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Charles [b]Most Opinionated Otaku:[/b] PoisonTongue [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]Taylor Hewwit. ;) [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] Adam [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Syk3 [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Dagger IX1 [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Arcadia [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Warlock [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] James [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] Dagger IX1 [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]AzureWolf [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] Taylor Hewwit (ie: Peach Head) [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention: [/size][/strike] [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] Baron Samedi [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Spikey [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34994]Hate Crimes:[/URL] Because of my [i]loathing[/i] of the words "Hate Crime". [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Care Bears: Quest for Care-a-Lot [Rated G for intense cuteness] [b][strike]Silliest Thread of the Year: [/b][/strike] [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention: [/size][/strike] [b][u]Random Awards[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Award:[/b] (Best Avatars Overall) Semjaza Azazel [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]Syk3 [b]Signature Award:[/b] (Best Signatures Overall) Kinetic [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]James [strike][b]Best Location:[/b] [/strike](Best Specific Location) [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Best Otaku Couple: [/b]PiroMunkie & Queen Asuka - Come on. We all know they're going to sweep. [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention: [/size][/strike] [b]Best looking Otaku: [/b]Juuthena [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]Queen Asuka [b][strike]Otaku clique of the Year: [/strike][/b] [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/strike][/size] [b]Best MyOtaku: [/b]Shimaru [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Dagger IX1 [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [strike]Poet Laureate: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Writer of the Year: [/b]Charles [size=1]Honorable Mention: [/size]Solo Tremaine [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] OtakuBoards: Enter the Net - Solo Tremaine [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Final Flash [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention: [/size] Brawler of the Year (sparring): [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Role-Playing Game of the Year [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/strike][/size] [u][b]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] Juuthena [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Baron Samedi [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] wrist cutter [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] PiroMunkie [b][u]Anime Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] (Best Anime member overall) Dagger IX1 [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] AzureWolf [strike].hack//SIGN Member of the Year: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] DragonBall Guru: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Digipeep of the Year: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] ZeroG214 - (This guy really deserves more credit. He isn't on much but he does contribute a lot to the Gaming & Anime sections) [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size] Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/strike][/size] [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/b] Dagger IX1 [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/u][/b] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] The Vampire: Ed [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] Shinmaru [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Desbreko [b]The Sony Award:[/b] The Vampire: Ed [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] NorykoAngelcry [strike][b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] cloricus [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] DeathKnight [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Kinetic [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] Kaisuke [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] James [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Final Flash [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Series Otakus[/u][/b] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Desbreko [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b]The Triforce Award (Zelda):[/b] Desbreko [size=1][strike]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] Something tells me I'll be back to edit this one later. ^_^ [/color]
  17. [color=#006699]What's so hard about what we have now? All you have to do is type in your desired font, color, and size. I'm guessing that you use the little bars up at the top. So you have to like...mesh them together. If I were you I'd just copy and past my stuff. [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1] Is what you seem to be using. Just copy that and close it off at the end of your post.[/color]
  18. [color=#006699]Well. The first thing I do after graduating high school will be to get a job at Raquespace, upgrading and repairing networks. I'm reading a few text books and messing around with linux on another computer. I have 3 years to learn this stuff, then I'll pass the exam and work in that department. I've already visited and know quite a few people that work there, it reminds me a bit of Office Space. [i]Very[/i] relaxed work envirement. But after a few years of working there I'll be able to pay for college (no way in hell am I taking out a loan). I plan on going to UTAustin and majoring in creative writing. After that I'm honestly not sure, I may pursue writing, since that's always been my passion. But I could probably do plenty of other things.[/color]
  19. [color=#006699]My resolutions? Hm.. [list] [*]Get a Job. - At 14, I currently don't have much of an oppurtunity to get a job. But when I turn 15 this July, I have the option of working at Fiesta Texas or Sea World. ^_^ So I can save up for a car, and probably buy a few things here and there throughout the year. Only problem is, I'll only be working for a few months, as Fiesta Texas and Sea World aren't open year long. --; [*]Improve my artwork. - I'm pretty sure that no one here knows that I draw. Probably because I've yet to post anything here. But I take it relatively seriously, I scan the stuff I draw and color it in Paint Shop Pro 7. So, yeah, I hope to improve it substantially. [*]Improve my grades. - I've been slacking lately. --; [/list] [/color]
  20. [color=#006699]No. I watch an anime here and there, but nothing insane. It's hard for me to find an anime I enjoy now. I can only say I even remotely like 4 or 5 series. Cowboy Bebop, Lain, Noir, and Evangelion are probably my main favorites. Most other anime is just stupid. When I look at something like Trigun or Fooly Cooly, I just can't understand why someone would even dream of liking that. So other than the series' I mentioned and a few movies (Batlle Angel Alita, Ghost in the Shell, ect.). I really don't care much for anime.[/color]
  21. [color=#006699]Seeing as how this has been brought back up I guess I'll share my latest desktop. Heh. I've had this wallpaper up for around two weeks now, before that I believe I was still using the Double Dash!! one I posted earlier in this thread. This is just some of the early Terminator concept art. ^_^ Note: Shin. I want to make sex with that wallpaper.[/color]
  22. [color=#006699]Well. I just finsihed watching the third movie on DVD. I have been waiting to see this movie for a very long time. When it was released in theatres I was unable to go. And I just scrounged up enough money to buy it. It was a good movie but the [i]magic[/i] of T2 just wasn't present. [spoiler]One thing that I hated was Sarah Conner's death. The whole Lukemia thing was stupid, I [i]really[/i] wish she would've been included in this film. It just wasn't Terminator without her though. Just a side question, why didn't James Cameron write and direct this film? [/spoiler] The visual effects were done extremely well in this movie. The CGI wasn't sloppy and was no where near as noticable as most movies today. The fusing of CGI and live actors was incredibly well done. Not to mention all of the robotics used. The T-1s were real, they were actually built. Which is amazing on it's own. I don't have much to say right now, as I'm peeking through the special features on the DVD right now, but I'll be back to edit this.[/color]
  23. [color=#006699]I?ve had Double Dash!! for around 20 hours now, and I love it. ^_^ So far I?ve completed the 50cc and 100cc modes, and Mushroom Cup in 150cc. The first thing I should say is that, right now it seems like it?ll be short. Once I?m done with 150cc all that?ll be left is Mirror Mode, correct? And even then, Mirror Mode won?t be much of a new experience. But I suppose once I?m done Time Trial could hold my interest for a while. That?s why I?ve decided to purchase a [b]Gamecube Broadband Adapter[/b] and compete with the program that Desbreko has linked to. They?re pretty rare so I?ll probably be ordering it online. The tracks are simply [i]amazing[/i]. I wouldn?t call them innovative or anything. But they are extremely well put together and a blast to race on. My favorite track is either [b]Yoshi?s Circuit[/b] or [b]Mushroom City[/b]. Yoshi?s Circuit simply because I?ve been practicing a lot on Time Trial. Mushroom City is just beautiful. Everything works perfectly in that level. Also, I?m [i]really[/i] good at it. Multiplayer is pretty good so far. I?ve only played my Brother in the Battle Mode. We only played for an hour or so, but it was fun. I?ll edit this later when I?ve played a bit more. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Shroom, I'm [i]amazed[/i] at the amount of money that was spent on you. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]So am I, lol. This year and last year were two huge Christmas'. Usually I get clothes and a game, and I'm happy with that. But they've been going all out lately, probably due to a promotion my Dad got a year or two ago. But yeah, I've been getting a lot of stuff for Christmas/Birthday lately. (Note: So far, everything I've gotten is awesome) [b]Edit:[/b] Will got me the Finch CD "What it is to Burn".[/color]
  25. [color=#006699]We just got finished opening our presents a few hours ago (we open them on Christmas Eve) and I am simply flabergasted at how much stuff I got. Seriously, this is way more than I asked for. And I tend to ask for a lot of stuff. Anyway, here's my list. [b]Mom & Dad:[/b] Pocket Watch True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GCN) Family Guy: Volume 1 (DVD) Get Backers 1 - 50 (DVD) Now this is pretty much all I asked for. But they went all out and got me so much more. Real Arcade -- Which is an Arcade Stick - (PS2) LOTR: The Two Towers Extended (DVD) A nice cologne set. Some clothes. And a 5 disc CD player. (My old CD player is broken) [b]Josh & Ashley AKA Brother and Wife:[/b] This was the biggest suprise of all. For the past 3 years, he's gotten me the newest edition of the Tony Hawk franchise. But this year he got me a... Samsung MP3 player with 32MB of memory and a memory stick with 32MB. [b]Lisa AKA Sister:[/b] Need For Speed: Underground (PS2) A shirt. Plus my Grandpa gave me a check for $50.00 and I've yet to open my gift from Will (my sister's boyfriend). Best. Christmas. Ever. Not just because of the presents. This is the first year in a long time everyone was here. And no one is working tommorow on Christmas![/color]
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