I, Colossus
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Anime Christmas is a time for new Anime!!
I, Colossus replied to DragonofDestiny's topic in Otaku Central
[color=#006699]I only asked for one anime this year. I must be fading out of my anime craze and back into the saftey of gaming. A few years back I asked for tons of anime, more than my parents could afford. And they couldn't find most of them, so I ended up with one DVD. --; Now I put backups in my lists, just in case. But, as I was saying, the only anime series I asked for was Get Backers. I honestly don't know too much about this series. The plot is pretty simple, just two guys that run a buisness. Their buisness is to get...stuff...back. So, yeah, it wont be a rivetting story but it looks cool enough. I would've asked for Witch Hunter Robin but Cartoon Network got the rights to it and it'll air on Adult Swim sometime soon. Heh.[/color] -
[color=#006699][b]Name:[/b] Daniel Stowers [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Description:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532323[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Daniel was your average, ADHD ridden kid while he was growing up. At times he can be very social and happy, but other times he can seem very distant and cold. He can sit in solitude for hours if needed. But other times he requires being active and social. He?s very strange about that, he could go either way. He got normal grades, but was quite a bit more intelligent than what his grades made him out to be.[/color]
[color=#006699]Well, I pretty much know everything I'm getting for Christmas. Because I'm a sneaky little bastard. So far I know I've gotten these things. [list] [*]Mario Kart: Double Dash (GCN) [*]True Crime: Streets of LA (PS2) [*]Need For Speed: Underground (PS2) [*]Get Backers - Episodes 1 - 50 (DVD) [*]Family Guy (DVD) [ Note: Unsure of what season. ] [*]Finch Shirt [*]Hurly Shirt [*]Pocket Watch [/list] It'll be a good Christmas this year. And that is without my Brother's present, which is most likely THUG (PS2). Also I got 50 bucks from my Grandpa. Can't wait for Christmas morning. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B]So, that's what Bart as the raven was for.... Was there any particualr reason you wanted him as the raven? just curious. [/B][/QUOTE] I figure because it's for school and 'The Raven' is a classic piece of literature and he's trying to make students relate to the material. Or something? It looks pretty good but the quality of some of the pictures suck. But of course there isn't much you can do about that, heh. Other than that I rather like the image. And I think it's great you're trying to make students more interested and involved in their learning by relating stuff to them. Good luck.
[color=#006699]I get a piece of SPAM or two when I check my e-mail once or twice a week. But nothing serious, mainly porn ads. I usually open my ads unless there are tons, sometime it'll be just some advritisement for some harmless device or product. But sometimes I'll open it and I'll get tons of porn popups. Popups don't bother me (since I use Opera a majority of the time). So I can just click the "[b]Close All But Active[/b]" button and poof they're gone. On my hotmail account on the other hand (which I check like once a month) I have SPAM e-mail coming out the wazoo. I just check it because an old girlfriend that moved up north has some vandetta against Yahoo Mail and wont email me there. :p But overall it doesnt annoy me too much. Spyware is what annoys me.[/color]
[color=#006699]Last Christmas me and my friend's Dad ordered penis enlarging pills for my friend as a gag gift. In Advisory we all gathered 'round to open gifts. Basically it was like a bootleg CD ring, because no one felt like actually spending money on anyone else. But it was hilarious when he opened it. The teacher got pissed, but it was all in good fun. I miss that year.[/color]
[color=006699]I was watching Filter (one of the few programs on G4 I can stand) earlier today and they were doing a piece on competetive games. I didn't particularly agree with a majority of their choices, not so much what their choices were, but mainly the order. To me, what makes a great competetive game are the emotions that you feel. In a normal singleplayer adventure, when you die you might get frustrated, even a little angry. But if you're in a heated multiplayer battle and you lose a life, you'll go ballistic. Anyway, what are you favorite competetive games. The games that have your palms sweating and ready to go? For me StarCraft is one. I really get caught up in that game. Probably the main reason is, you can't see how your enemy is doing (unless you send a scout). Unlike fighting games, FPSs, and pretty much every other genre, there is a bit more suspense when playing, since you are un-sure of what's happening outside of your view. Also...rushing is a factor. One person could be in the middle of building a huge base and the other person might have just gotten a few troops together as fast as possible and attacked. I would post more but I'm strapped for time. I'll be sure to edit it though. What are your opinions?[/color]
[color=#006699]No. I [i]unfortunately[/i] haven't seen this. Though it is something I am extremely interested in seeing. The Ninka Scroll movie is one of my favorite anime movies of all time. I do have a question for you though. How does it compare to the movie? Is it better, worse, or equal in terms of quality?[/color]
[color=#006699]I just got it last night. I'm not very far, but from what I [i]have[/i] played it seems great. So far I've done around 4 or five missions. But I've faced 3 teams in the "Clan Wars". This is my first strategy based RPG (I believe that is what they are called). And I'm still relatively new to RPGs. I've only played FFVII, FFX, FFIII, and Wild Arms. I feel I'm adapting pretty well, and it's relatively easy to learn the format of the battle system. Currently I believe Marche is level 6, and the rest of my characters are 4, 5. The healer you start out with (I can't remember his name at the moment) is only at level 2 though. So overall, it's great. I can't wait to play through [b]all[/b] the missions and see how high I can get my characters. I still have quite a few questions for those further in the game and/or have beaten it. How long does Clan Wars last? When will I be able to have my characters learn abilities from other classes? For someone new to the genre, name some things I should look for when deciding to either reject or accept a clan member. These are probably all things that will be introduced to me later in the game. But I'm pretty curious now. [/color]
[color=#006699][b]What is your name?[/b] [size=1]Daniel.[/size] [b]Spell your name backwards. [/b] [size=1]Leinad[/size] [b]Date of birth:[/b] [size=1]July, 6 1989[/size] [b]Male or female? [/b] [size=1]Male[/size] [b]Astrological sign:[/b] [size=1]Cancer[/size] [b]Nicknames: [/b] [size=1]Shroomy. Shroominator. MAgic. Magic Shroom. Shoomcoolguy. Shroomum. Shroombeans. Shroomalicious. OrgasmaShroom.[Note. Don't ask me. Ajeh, Shinobi, and Solo made those up. -.-[/size] [b]Occupation?[/b] [size=1]9th grade student [/size] [b]Height:[/b] [size=1]I dont know. 5 foot something I suppose.[/size] [b]Weight:[/b] [size=1]97 last time I checked. But that was like 6 months ago.[/size] [b]Hair color:[/b] [size=1]Blond. Soon to be black.[/size] [b]Eye color:[/b] [size=1]Brown. [/size] [b]Where were you born?[/b] [size=1]Norwitch, NY.[/size] [b]Where do you reside now? [/b][size=1]San Antonio, TX[/size] [b]Age:[/b] [size=1]14[/size] [b]Screen names:[/b] [size=1]There are thousands. =p Junior Shroom is my current.[/size] [b]E-mail addy:[/b] [size=1]slightly_tweaked@yahoo.com[/size] [b]What does your screen name stand for? [/b][size=1]1UP Mushroom/Muchroom Cloud.[/size] [b]What is your gangsta name? [/b][size=1]Gamin' Homeio[/size] [b]What does your diary name stand for? [/b][size=1]N/A[/size] [b]Pets:[/b] [size=1]Dogs: Buster, Lita, Mikey, Riley. Cats: Mooke, Mickey, Rhyno, Hissy.[/size] [b]Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [/b] [size=1]Umm. 14 I suppose. o_O[/size] [b]Piercings?[/b] [size=1]I'm afraid of needles, lol.[/size] [b]Tattoos? [/b] [size=1]See above. But I still want a barcode on the back of my neck.[/size] [b]Shoe size:[/b] [size=1]8 and a half. [/size] [b]Righty or lefty?[/b] [size=1]Right.[/size] [b]Wearing right now:[/b] [size=1]Hurley shirt. Silvertab jeans. Scooby Doo boxers. X_X[/size] [b]Hearing:[/b] [size=1] Perfection Through Silence by Finch[/size] [b]Feeling:[/b] [size=1]Hurt. I pulled a muscle.[/size] [b]Eating/drinking:[/b] [size=1]Nothing. Sloppy Joes are cooking.[/size] [b]~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~[/b] [b]Have you ever been in love? [/b][size=1]I think I have. But love is hard to define.[/size] [b]How many people have you told "I love you"? [/b] [size=1]1 person beside my direct family. Back when I through the word love around. 1st grade girlfriend.[/size] [b]How many people have you been in love with?[/b] [size=1]1.[/size] [b]How many people have you kissed? [/b] [size=1]Depending on your definition of kiss. 17 or 3.[/size] [b]Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [/b] [size=1]Other than direct family no.[/size] [b]How many people have you dated? [/b] [size=1]3 seriously[/size] [b]What do you look for in a guy/girl? [/b] [size=1]Come for the looks, stay for the personality.[/size] [b]What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? [/b] [size=1]Face.[/size] [b]What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? [/b] [size=1]Cute. Not stupid but kinda ditzy.[/size] [b]Do you have a bf/gf?[/b] [size=1]Not currently[/size] [b]If so where did you meet them? [/b] [size=1]N/A[/size] [b]What do you like most about your bf/gf?[/b][size=1]N/A[/size] [b]Do you have a crush right now? [/b] [size=1]Not a 'crush'. She knows my feelings. But we're currently at different schools. And I lost her number. -__- She calls every now and then though. She is the girl I currently think I might love.[/size] [b]If so who is it? [/b] [size=1]A girl named Ashley. [Some might remember her from older threads back when I was Cyko.][/size] [b]Do you believe in love at first sight? [/b] [size=1]No.[/size] [b]Do you remember your first love? [/b] [size=1]We've established that already.[/size] [b]Who is the first person you kissed? [/b] [size=1]Katie. [/size] [b]Do you believe in fate? [/b] [size=1]To an extent.[/size] [b]Do you believe in soul mates? [/b] [size=1]To an extent.[/size] [b]If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [/b] [size=1]Time will tell.[/size] [b]~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? [/b] [size=1] 2.[/size] [b]What are your parents names? [/b][size=1]Micheal, April[/size] [b]What are your siblings names? [/b][size=1]Josh, Lisa.[/size] [b]How many siblings does your mother have? [/b][size=1]3[/size] [b]How many siblings does your father have? [/b][size=1]1.[/size] [b]Where are your parents from? [/b][size=1]Dad: Detroit. Mom: California, then the country Turkey.[/size] [b]Is your family close? [/b][size=1]Somewhat.[/size] [b]Does your family get together for holidays? [/b][size=1]Nope.[/size] [b]Do you have a drunk uncle? [/b][size=1]No.[/size] [b]Any medical problems run through your family? [/b][size=1]Alchoholism[/size] [b]Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [/b][size=1]Nope.[/size] [b]Do you have any nieces or nephews? [/b][size=1]Probably.[/size] [b]Are your parents divorced? [/b][size=1]No. But they seperated for a while when I was in 4th grade.[/size] [b]Do you have step parents? [/b][size=1]Nope.[/size] [b]Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?[/b][size=1]I disowned my Dad...for pretend kinda.[/size] [b]If so for what? [/b][size=1]Saying Kurt Cobain was insane.[/size] [b]Did some of your family come to America from another country? [/b][size=1] Not in the term you're speaking of.[/size] [b]~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [/b][size=1]I don't know. ..::shrugs::..[/size] [b]What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [/b][size=1]Sir Mic Alot. [/size] [b]What's the best CD you own? [/b] [size=1]Nirvana - In Untero[/size] [b]What song do you absolutely hate? [/b][size=1]I don't know. =p[/size] [b]Do you sing in the shower? [/b][size=1]Yes. With the song actually on though.[/size] [b]What song reminds you of that special someone? [/b][size=1]As stupid as it sounds. "Magic Stick" by Lil Kim and 50 cent. She used to sing it all the time.[/size][/color]
[color=#006699]Look, I don't know much about actual film making. Or camera angles, lighting, all of that. So don't be expecting some grand list of artsy movies or anything. Just thought I'd let you know. [b]1. Donnie Darko:[/b] I saw it around 6 months ago on DVD. It is still my favorite movie. When it comes to favorites I never really stick, I have a new favorite the next day. But I have a feeling this will remain at the top for quite some time. It just told a wonderful story and was an all around awesome film. Has some sort of a cult following now. [b]2. the Matrix:[/b] The first time I saw it, I hated it. But I was like 10 or so when it came out. So all the intillectual capacity needed to fully understand it wasn't there. Now that I know what happens and cool fight scenes aren't all I look for in a movie I can see what a masterpiece it really is. Breathtakingly original. [b]3. Mallrats:[/b] The movie that opened me up to the world of Kevin Smith's directing. I'd seen Dogma before, but it didn't really grab me. I just liked the **** Demon. This film is probably the funniest film of all time. I've even gone as far in my love for this movie to purchase the blue prints from the stage in that movie, where Jay and Silent Bob made their plans. Funny stuff. [b]4. the Ring (American Version):[/b] I know many people here will probably prefer "Ringu" just because it's from Japan, and others will prefer it because it's the original. But the American version was deeper plot wise, and a whole hell of a lot freakier. [b]5. Kill Bill Volume 1:[/b] I can't say much about this movie. Mainly due to the strangeness (or to someone who knows about film: wonderfulness) of the film on a whole. Sticking anime in there was pretty strange, and was probably my least favorite part of the film when I saw it. But I've warmed up to the idea since. :\ [b]6. 8mm:[/b] I watched this last night. It was amazing and freaky as hell. I'm thinking about starting a thread about it. I don't really have much to say because since it's so recent in my mind I'll probably write too much and reveal a bunch of stuff. [b]7. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut:[/b] I still have it on VHS. And if you asked me right now, I could probably recite it. :p The summer I got it, I watched it at [i]least[/i] 2 or 3 times a day. I'd do everything with it running. I'd eat, it'd be on, I'd be on the computer, it'd be on. It was litteraly on that whole summer for the most part. If I was out side messing around with my friends, it'd be on. I love that movie like no one will ever know. [b]8. Light It Up:[/b] This was my favorite movie a few years back. Awesome story about a bunch of kids in the ghetto, in a ghetto school. That take a cop hostage and demand stuff to help the school. I have not seen it since that day I rented it years ago. But I love it none-the-less. [b]9. Ninja Scroll:[/b] First anime movie I'd ever seen. This and Princess Mononoke are what opened my eyes and made me realise there was more stuff than DBZ. And a majority of it was better. [b]10. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels:[/b] From the guy that did Snatch. With a majority of the same actors. Except this is 10x better.[/color]
[color=#006699][b]SECTION A[/b] [i]In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree[/i] 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. [b]A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [b]B The current staff deserves an A, now that Altron is gone. But as a whole, some other bad mods have shown up. 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [b]A+[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [b]C. On a whole this place is very accepting. But there is always that group of people that want to be mods and go around bashing people because of their post count and stuff. Not as often anymore, but I used to see it a lot.[/b] [b]SECTION B[/b] Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [b]Everyday. When I get home from school. On the weekend usually once I wake up.[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [b]Fine[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [b]N/A[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [b]Centralized. Way too many forums already.[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [b]That's iffy. It would depend on how it was intergrated.[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [b]Yes. [/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [b]N/A[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]If I notice them.[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]I don't know. OtakuGamer probably. But I spend a bit of time in Music/Movies/TV and Anime Lounge too.[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? [b]Nope. That's what AIM is for. And with AIM you have a bit more control with who you're chatting with.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]Nope. It'd be cool and all. But, I just don't see it working for OB.[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]Yes.[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]Nothing.[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]Nothing.[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [b]All I ask is that you [i]don't[/i] incorporate RPG stats or any of that in any way.[/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [b]8. Good time, but some people annoy me. I bet that sounds kind of cocky or rude, but there are some members I really dont enjoy the company of.[/b][/color]
[color=#006699]I [i]have not[/i] read the novels. Which, in a way is good. I can't really be dissapointed about how well the book was translated into a movie. Or, if anything was left out. I do, however, plan on reading them over Christmas break, so that'll work out. Something I'm [i]really[/i] angry about is that I've still yet to see TTT. x_x I'm really bad about watching movies. I'll see a preview a month before it's out and nearly die of exitement. Then I'll see a preview of the same movie, but it's coming to DVD. And I'll start saving money...basically I hide whatever money I have somewhere I wont remember for a while, like in a DVD case. Anyway, by the time I find that, I've forgotten again and spend it on a CD or something. I'm planning on either buying TTT over the weekend or asking for the Extended Version for Christmas. As a whole I'm very exited about the movie, but I'll probably forget. Someone remind or something. ;p[/color] Edit: Here I am...like 6 months later...and I still have not seen it. o_O;
[color=#006699]I'm seriously considering buying Mario Party 5. MP1 was awesome, MP2 improved it, MP3 destroyed it, and MP4 was a failed attempt in bringing it back to it's glory. However, the few MP5 mini-games I have played were sheer fun. No other way to describe it really. I play on the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc. My friend (it's his disc) have probably racked up a longer time on the 4 or 5 mini-games on the bonus disc than we have racing in Double Dash!!. Which is strange considering how easy/fun Double Dash!! is, but that's for another topic. I've honestly yet to read anything on MP5, but from what I've played it brings the series back to it's roots. Just a fun, easy to pick up and play, game. [/color]
[color=#006699]Just so you know...Jay and Silent Bob will not appear in anymore movies. Possibly Silent Bob, but Jay definately will not. Jason Mewes is serving time, my guess is for possesion. Heh. I'm a pretty big Kevin Smith fan. In a few of my posts I've said "Snoochie Boochies" or "Nooch" or something. I've grown quite fond of their slang. Anyone who talks to me on AIM can verify that. Mallrats > Clerks Cartoon > Clerks > Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back > Dogma > Chasing Amy.[/color]
[color=#006699]Just browsing the interweb (GameFaqs) and I read this on the headlines "Ex-Nintendo boss goes back to his roots". Confused and curious I decided to take a look. It seems Yamauchi is going way back to the 1800s when Nintendo was founded as a card game company! Cool stuff if you're interested in Nintendo's history.[/color] [quote][i]From GameSpot[/i] [b]TOKYO--According to the Kyoto Journal, former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi, age 76, will become the president of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Project foundation. The foundation is dedicated to promoting the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, an anthology of 100 short poems by 100 different Japanese poets written between the 7th and 13th century. The Hyakunin Isshu is also the basis for a traditional card game where a participant reads the first half of a poem and other players must find the correct card with the second half of the poem written on it. (Gamers will recall that Nintendo Co. Ltd. was started as a playing card manufacturer.) The foundation hopes that the promotion of the Hyakunin Isshu will result in greater awareness of the poems, and that it also is responsible for encouraging more tourists to visit Kyoto. The foundation will be run on a budget of approximately 1 billion yen ($9.1 million), most which will be contributed by Yamauchi. The project will begin by establishing a museum dedicated to the Hyakunin Isshu in the Sagano district of Kyoto, where the anthology is said to been collated. The foundation is also planning a tour throughout Japan to promote the Hyakunin Isshu card games. Although no details were given, there are also plans of developing a software application themed to the Hyakunin Isshu. "When thinking about Kyoto, I felt we need more tourism attractions," Yamauchi recently said. "The Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Project has a wonderful vision, so I decided to give it my full support." [/b][/quote]
[color=#006699]Answer: Bob Hoskins as Mario and John Leguizamo as Luigi. Question: Name all the Mario Karts and what console/handeld device they appear on.[/color]
[color=#006699]Well. I'm back with a relatively new desktop. My desktop got too crowded with all my parents crap, so I put it all in a folder. Then I put a lot of the stuff I used on the desktop into that quicklaunch thing. I've also (in the spirit of the game's release) changed my wallpaper to a Mario Kart: Double Dash!! wallpaper. Not terribly different from my other one, but worth the post to keep the thread alive and running.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Though that sounded alittle sarcastic; [/B][/QUOTE] It didn't [i]sound[/i] like anything, unless you have some strange hearing thing where really you hear what you read...or something. But yes, sarcasm was the point. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B] Are teenagers really experts on love? I think most teenagers experience lust and not love up until they are married. [/B][/QUOTE] And even then, it can't be verified. Half of the people that get married get a divorce and a good percent of the people that stay married do it for religous beliefs. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B] I just liked there outward apperance. Sure I told them that I loved them, but that was just something I said to either make her shut up and let me watch Inuyasha or get what I wanted from her. [/B][/QUOTE] That's very honerable of you. [b]Edit:[/b] I am one of those few teens that doesn't throw the term 'love' around. I refuse to believe I've expirienced it at such a tender age. It just is kinda stupid when one a guy has "Girl No. 1" on him and he's telling her how much he loves her, and the next day he has another girl. There is one emotion I've felt for a while, that I don't describe. And as I said I'm a bit stubborn using the term 'love'. But, it can't really be described by anything. Ashley is this girl I've known for a little over a year now, we've had our romantic expiriences but now we are seperated due to schools. I still feel a lot for her, and she's called every now and then. It's just, I don't think it's love, but it isn't lust or infatuation because it's not purely sexual. I just really don't know how to describe it. But I guess that goes with the territory of being a naive, somewhat stupid, 14 year old.
EVA was an enjoyable series. Although I don't own it because I can't find it for a reasonable price (-.-) I have seen the whole series and "End of Evangelion". I've been meaning to buy "Death and Rebirth" for a while now but my wallet is unbarebly flat due to the holiday gaming season. >_< I loved EVA, it excelled (sp?) on several levels, the character depth. Which, as Asuka mentioned, was probably the most realistic aspect throughout the whole series. Shinji wasn't just some cliche perfect character. He didn't spew random one liners out about becoming the best pilot ever. Which seems to happen a lot in anime that incorporates mecha into it. He reminds me (to a small extent) of Akito from Nadesico. Even though both shows are completely different (genre, art, depth, ect.) they hold the same "I'm just a regular guy, why do I have to try and save the world" attitude. Enough about that though, for the subject I wouldn't say that EVA is my favorite anime. I enjoyed Cowboy Bebop a hell of a lot more. EVA is overly complex, to actually understand what's happening you have to do a bit of research and re-watching. Sometimes it helps a series, sometimes it hurts. To me, it hurts EVA. [b]Edit:[/b] OLS was my favorite for a time, but to me it became overly simplistic in a way. It's still a favorite of mine, though I've not touched my OLS DVD set in a while. ^_^;
[color=#006699]I'm pretty sure a good amount of this board knows about Finch. They've gotten pretty big since around July. I've known about them since around Febuary, so a little while before they got HUGE. They were still pretty well known anyway. I'm a fan of their older stuff, more than the stuff they released after "What it is to Burn", and no, it's not because I have a vandetta against mainstream stuff. But because they went a little softer for that album. The two exceptions to that rule and my favorite songs are Perfection Through Silence and Project Mayhem.[/color]
Anime which cartoon do you prefer out of..
I, Colossus replied to Anime`babe's topic in Otaku Central
[color=#006699]Out of those listed I'd have to say that [b]Rorouni Kenshin[/b] stands out the most. I've been following Kenshin for a few years now, so basically quite a while before it was aired on Toonami/SVES. Though I am not one of those people who despises dubbing or CN/Toonami for whatever reason. I still watch Kenshin on SVES every chance I get, for I've not seen all of the series. I plan on ordering the box set soon, when I can scrounge up the money and whatnot. The best thing about RK to me, were the OVAs. They were perfect, both the subs and the dubs. I've seen the subs and I used to own the dubs. They were perfect in every way, the only anime that matches up to the RK OVAs is Cowboy Bebop. The ending was amazing [spoiler]with Tomoe dying and whatnot.[/spoiler]. Of course I've yet to see Noir, which I've heard wonderful things about, so this is subject to change.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kyo no Ryu [/i] [B]Thats just it. I cant figure that OUT! Minimize everything? How? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]No. You minimize you windows. So you see your desktop, I feel like I'm going to have to make a tutorial in animation shop or something. -.- Just try and follow the steps if you can't figure it out I've done all I can do.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kyo no Ryu [/i] [B]I change mine like every 2 weeks. I couldnt figure out how to save my desktop but I do have the image Im using! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]I'm not sure how you can't figure it out. I clearly explained it in my original post. Minimize everything and click on your desktop. Press the button that says "Print Scrn". It's right next to the F12 button. Open up an image program (eg. MSPaint, PSP7, Photoshop). Click "paste" in the image program then save it as a .JPG Hope that helped. Though I've never seen anyone else have such trouble with it. o_O;[/color]
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
I, Colossus replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Ok. I'm honestly not going to follow the rest of this thread. But the economy is not Bush's fault. The economy is like anything else, it's not a constant. It goes up and down. Clinton happpened to come in on America while the economy was going up, thus he got praise. Bush happened get elected while the economy was going down, thus he got blamed. That's really all I have to say, I don't follow as many issues as I should. [b]Edit:[/b] Even now that its getting better, he still didn't do anything. It's just a cycle.