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I, Colossus

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Everything posted by I, Colossus

  1. [color=#006699]Due to lack of activity here in the gaming forums, I?ve decided to create this topic. I created one similar long ago, when I was known as Cyko. At the time, I was obsessed with Capcom, and in a way I still am. But I?m going to switch it up and put a few other developers in there as well. [b]My Favorite Developer: Capcom [/b] Capcom (as I?ve said a million times) is mainly my favorite developer because I grew up with their classics, their games appealed to me when I was a child, and they still appeal to me now. Most games/developers I liked as a child I do not like now. My tastes have grown with me; I didn?t even like Nintendo at first. I spent countless hours with Street Fighter 2: Turbo and Megaman X for the SNES. Those are still some of my favorite games too. Below are some of the franchises that hooked me and kept me hooked throughout the years. Megaman is probably the single biggest gaming icon when it comes to third party developers. He has appeared in numerous games throughout the years, I don?t know the exact number, but last time I checked him and Mario were neck and neck for that title. As stated above I grew up with the first X game. As I got older and bought a PSX, I got a chance to play some other MMX games. After I had beaten them all, I was frustrated. I couldn?t get my hands on one of the NES titles, and there was no other game. So, I explored Capcom further. Street Fighter was the next thing I found. I had been playing it, well forever, but since I was so young I didn?t know it was made by Capcom. However, I later found out, that my two favorite games were made by the same people. Coincidence? Around this time I had started using the internet, so I looked up Capcom and found Resident Evil. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was the first RE game I played, at first I didn?t like it, mainly because I was new to the Survival/Horror genre. But as I played it I felt much more comfortable with it and to this day RE is one of my favorite series. Then comes Devil May Cry, I have not felt such joy while playing a game since the first time I play SMB3. Unfortunately the 2nd installment wasn?t as enjoyable, it felt more like an expansion pack than a game. I just recently picked up the second release in Capcom?s ?Big 5? line-up, Viewtiful Joe. All I?m going to say is that it?s amazing and point you to the VJ thread. [b]Honorable Mentions: [/b] Hal Laboratory ? Super Smash Bros., SSB Melee, [recent] Kirby installments EAD ? Mario, Zelda Konami ? Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania Westwood Studios ? Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2[/color]
  2. [color=#006699]Really? EGM gave it some crappy scores. I for one have been exited about this for a long time, but after reading some of the stuff I have. Bleh, I am definately going to rent it before I buy it. Even though I defended the graphics in their early stages, I only did so because I was blinded with love for Capcom. And...I usually am. But after seeing it in motion, and just actually looking at it non-biased, I can't say I'm impressed. From what you've said I have to check it out, no matter what I'll rent it. I'll check back on this topic when I do, I sincerely hope you are right and everyone else is wrong. [/color]
  3. [color=#006699]Well, a little while after my last post, my father "cleaned" my room, and I was without a memory card for about a week or so. Heh, I did get a lot of practice on the helicopters though. ^_^ But today, I found my memory card, he put it in my dresser...the insane old man. So I just started over and I'm on episode 3, the flying part is really annoying. I've only tried once so far, but I can't get the hang of it. But, other than that I'm in love with this game. I'll probably have beaten a lot more of the game by the end of tonight. :p I loved Iron Ogre - Hulk Davidson's character, especially the voice. *sings "Davidson is in the house" and walks off*[/color]
  4. [color=#006699]I got the OK from James to create another topic. This topic is going to tackle the DVD's speacial features and religous connections. The DVD extras are amazing, but not enough if you ask me. I'm one of those people who watches the movie and then watches all the extras. The extras didn't keep me busy nearly as long as I wanted them to. [b]MTV Movie Awards: Reloaded[/b] was awesome. =p It was a skit from the MTV Movie Awards and a spoof on Reloaded. First they (Justin Timberlake and Sean William Scott) are in Zion, and a hilarious conversation with Andy Dick ensues. [spoiler]Andy: There's going to be a big orgy at Morpheus' place later tonight, at least that's what many of us have heard. Morpheus: What many of you have heard is true. Andy: What can we expect at this orgy Morpheus? Morpheus: MACHINES.[/spoiler] It was hilarious, there are other funny scenes as well. Will Ferrel plays the architect and anything with him in it is awesome. The other extras were cool too, but I can't help but want to see more. :\ Matrix - Religion [img]http://home.comcast.net/~edw3/reloaded4.jpg[/img] Daniel 2:3 And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. [img]http://home.comcast.net/~edw3/reloaded5.jpg[/img] Deuteronomy 28:52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. ---- Those are just a few things, I've noticed. I'm suprised how many people didn't know how religion oriented that it is. Such as Zion being the last Isrealic city. =p There is another scripture I can't find at the moment, that describes Agent Smith. I belive it's something like "Issiah - And I have brought forth a Smith of destruction" or something. Researching the religous connections is quite fun, you should try it. Anyway, anyone else have the DVD and notice any religous connections I missed?[/color]
  5. [color=#006699]Well, yeah this is pretty old now, I know. I'm not sure why I have yet to post in this thread, I've read through it several times. Not to mention I'm pretty exited, FFVII was my first and is my second favorite RPG. Cloud looks [i]amazing[/i], but Sephiroth looks a little iffy. A bit to, female-ish for me. o_O But overall I'm rather exited about it. I mean, I'd be happy with [b]anything[/b] FFVII right about now, and a movie is better than it could be. We'll see how it turns out, hopefully it won't put FFVII to shame.[/color]
  6. [color=#006699]Heh. I can't wait, me and a bunch of my friends are going on a crusade of sorts. First, we're going to go find two idiots that tried to jump one of my friends for his skateboard. That probably isn't the smartest or most legal thing to do, but seeing a friend of mine hurt isn't something I can deal with. Then we're going trick-or-treating on bikes/skateboards. Depending on what happens when, I'm not sure I'll be dressing up. But if I do, I plan on being Sadako from Ringu. I'm going to buy a white nighty/gown thing and a black wig. ^___^ I can't wait.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Let me try to deal with this. At first, I was a bit taken back that Magdalena was banned for her actions on another board. But, before I could take issue with this I took a step back and looked at the situation for what it is: nasty and mean spirited. If this individual wants to rant about her disapproval with OtakuBoards on another forum then so be it. Having said that, however, I hardly think it was fair to try to publicly humiliate one of our members by putting them on display and saying "This banner sucks doesn't it" and then proceeding to call it "****." Where's the class in that? It's not very nice at all. If you don't see anything wrong with that, I'm sorry.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]Who cares if it's mean spirited. It didn't happen here, OB's rules don't apply to the rest of the internet. The point of that link was to show you she didn't lead them here to flame us. That's like banning me, for saying "I don't like Charles, he sucks" to a friend of mine. =p[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Wouldn't it have been just as easy for Magdalena to private message James, myself, or even Syk3 about the situation if she thought it was unfair? It sure would have been the respectful and mature thing to do. Perhaps I would have been able to see things from her point of view. Maybe she could have convinced me that she wasn't trying to be malicious and that Syk3 was overreacting a bit. But, that thread she made immediately disproves that theory. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]Yes, it would have been easier for her to PM one of you. But one has trouble PMing someone when they are unable to see the board...because they're banned. :p Also she told me she had a chat with Syk3 recently, as did I. But sometimes you need second opinions. [/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Everyone should remember that we don't ask for a lot in the art forum. Just that people critique others maturely and do their best to offer pointers so that they can help along others. If you're not providing insight or anything of value--then you shouldn't be posting at all. Magdalena might have a chip on her shoulders when it comes to her artistic ability but her people skills leave much to be desired. And a true artist can communicate their message with the intention of helping others rather than degrading them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]Once again, she apologized.[/color]
  8. [color=#006699]I like a John Mayer song, I'm unaware of the title but I seem to have it stuck in my head all the time. =p "I wanna run through the halls of my highschool, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs, I just found out" and I can't remember anything else. But I'll be singing it all day and my family members will look at me strangely, as I mainly listen to techno (Aphex Twin-ish stuff) and rock-ish type stuff. (Rammstein; Deftones; ect.)[/color]
  9. [color=#006699]Good point, but look at from her stand point. You went a bit overboard on critiquing a banner. the creator of the banner understands what you mean, but comes back with another arguement (not arguement I can't think of the word at this moment). So you get frustrated, make some hasty comments, and after being told it was wrong apologize. But the moderator continues to tell you, why you were wrong. So you vent on another forum. One person takes it upon him/herself to cause trouble here. And then YOU get banned. Doesn't seem fair to me, unless I'm missing something here. [/color]
  10. [color=#006699]This may be against the rules, I honestly don't know. I can't remember reading anything about it, so I'm going out on a limb here. I think Magdalena was wrongfully banned. Syk3 usually makes wise decisions in his modding, but I think he may have gotten a little defensive with this involving Mei and whatnot. Magdalena was harsh when speaking of the banner, but she apologized and was forgiven. I know that wasn't why she was banned, she was banned because of [URL=http://www.otakuforums.com/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=32433&st=0]this.[/URL] Syk3 says she was banned because she told people on another forum to come and flame us. As you can see, it was their own conscious desicion to come here and say the things they did (and I belive it was just one person). And before anyone says "Well if she hates it, it shouldn't matter" I think I should point out everyone thinks/says they hate something important to them in the heat of the moment. Anyway, I ask she be un-banned, for I see nothing wrong with her actions. She was seeking refuge in another forum, that is all. [b]Edit:[/b] Wrongful ban is a bit much, I [i]could[/i] be missing some of the story. [/color]
  11. [color=#006699]I didn't understand the concept of birthdays. On my third birthday I didn't know the presents were for me. If it was "From: Mom" I thought it was hers. I kept giving the presents back after I opened them and told them how lucky they were for getting all the ninja turtle toys. I was eurphoric when they told me that they were [b]my[/b] toys. =p[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Its amerime. Its american anime. Or atleast a sad attampet at it. I dislike it because if it were a real anime, it would have an actual plot, which this one lacks. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]You think most anime has a plot? Anime isn't some godly being. A good share of anime is horrible, worse than most American cartoons. I'm not meaning to jump on you about it, and I agree about Totally Spies being somewhat stupid. But you are acting like every random anime is some deep, thought provoking, amazing, show. But yeah, Totally Spies is just one of the many anime-influenced American cartoons, which isn't [i]always[/i] a bad thing.[/color]
  13. [color=#006699]Well the bottom line is, you sleep or you die. :p It may sound strange but you would be suprised at how many people die from lack of sleep in Korea. I would take sleep over Otaku[b]Boards[/b] anyday. I need sleep to function, it's who I am. I have spent a couple of all nighters on OB, but nothing huge. I am not so obsessed with a message board I spend all of my time posting there. That's a bit strange and unhealthy. But I'd bet James is happy to know how much people love OB. ^_^[/color]
  14. [color=#006699]Well, I suppose I'll participate in this, as I've got no where else to post. [b]Answer:[/b] 1. Knife 2. 9mm Pistol 3. Grenade 4 .44 Special 5. Shotgun (double barrel 6. Shotgun (Pump Action) 7. Harpoon Launcher 8. Crossbow 9. Mini Gun (UZI) 10. SMG (M60) 11. Kalash (AK-47) 12. Assult Rifle (M16/M203) 13. Bazooka 14. Sniper Rifle (SVD Dragunov) I belive these to be the only weapons that were actually confirmed. I left out the bonus because I've read so many differen't things about how many levels there will be and because it's [i]bonus[/i]. If I get an official word on it I'll be sure to edit. [b]Question:[/b] Name the new character in MegaMan X7.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]' Thats what the Battle Arena is for, buddy. That is what its for. Where have you been all this time? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]Perhaps you mis-read my post? I know what the Battle Arena is for, I was simply saying I would like it to be a sub-forum as it used to be.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Actually, that would call for more Mods in each forum, becuase they would have to have a vast knowledge and alot of time on there hands to handle such large jobs. I'm pretty sure the mods have on of those things, what are they called again, "Lives"? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=#006699]No need to be rude. Your point is a valid one, but even now the moderators don't know everything about everything. :p You don't need a vast knowledge of anime to know what is SPAM or not though. I doubt Asuka has seen half of the series posted in AL. It might call for two or three mods in every forum, but it's not a big deal. With the exception of a few inactive moderators, most of them could easily handle it. Except for I go back on one point, sparring needs it's own forum because it'd be impossible to get to an RPG with all of the sparring threads. Perhaps a sub-forum like we used to have?[/color]
  17. [color=#006699]Why does everyone think Reloaded was dissapointing? It wasn't up Matrix standards, but few sequels are up to the standards of their originals. It isn't one of my favorite movies, but it was not a huge letdown. Though, I'll admit I am expecting a bit more from Revolutions. What I've gathered from the trailer is that [spoiler]Neo just strikes a deal with the sentinels. They no longer have control of Smith and he has more power than ever before. The sentinels need Neo to stop him, and Neo needs them not to attack Zion.[/spoiler] Of course it's just what I thought, but it seemed obvious to me. [/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by James[/i] [b]I feel that most people aren't getting the full experience with this series. The primary reason is simply because most of the movie's fans aren't going out there and seeking the other stuff...stuff that opens things out and shows you the full breadth of what is being offered. This is kind of a sad thing, and perhaps a negative thing on the part of the creators -- people do have to go to a lot of effort to really understand the story. But maybe that feeds into the whole concept of it anyway.[/b][/quote] [color=#006699]It's true, I've yet to play the game or read the comic. And honestly I didn't have a lot of the stuff figured out untill I watched the Animatrix. The Second Renaissance and The Final Flight of Osirus in particular. I'll probably end up buying/renting the game and reading the comics before Revolutions. I can't wait. ^____________^;;[/color]
  18. [color=#006699]In case some of you don't know, Fire Emblem is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises over in Japan. Unfortunately not one Fire Emblem game has made it to the US. Until now, soon [i] Fire Emblem [/i] will be released for the GBA. This is by no means news, it's been known for quite a while. But I still felt that it deserved a topic. ^_^ From what I've heard your task in the game will be to protect a young girl from bandits and whatnot. Throughout the game more and more people will join your party and help out with the adventure. What's possibly the coolest tid-bit I've read is that many story elements will take place in battle. Meaning the story can be altered by your party, which also mean there will probably be quite a bit of replayability. Another thing that will affect that battle system is terrain. Each differen't type of terrain will hold specific advantages. When I first heard this I wasn't too thrilled, but I've grown into it. [img]http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/fireemblem_092503_2.jpg[/img] [img]http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/fireemblem_091703_maps_12.jpg[/img] [img]http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/fireemblem_092503_1.jpg[/img] Personally, I can't wait for it. I'll be picking it up as soon as possible. ^_^[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]That movie was really F-ed up to say the least. It even threw in some anime.... very odd, and very typical Tarantino. It's deffinantly worth watching. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I thought the anime part was kind of stupid at first, but then I realised [spoiler]that they couldn't have an 11 year old girl having sex with and then killing the old man. =P This film was amazing, there were so many parts where I felt so many differen't emotions. It's hard for me to explain it, but it was just an immersing expirience. Just to let anyone who pukes easily that this movie isn't for you, there is so much gore in the movie even I shuddered a bit. The beggining freaked me out, with her face all ****** up and that it was in black and white and Bill's voice. Not to mention "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra", that helped make the atmoshpere even scarier. The fight scenes were amazing, best in any movie ever. No questions asked. I noticed some classic samurai movie influence with the blood spatters all over the place and whatnot.[/spoiler] And for those who don't know, at the end there is quite a cliffhanger. As much as I love the movie (Fourth best of all time in my opinion) I can't really think of much to talk about. So that's it for no.
  20. Heh. I like how the text kind of blends in with the face. It's a nice change from the millions upon millions of .hack and Trigun banners, blah. It's nothing graphically amazing, but it serves it's purpose perfectly. Other than the grainy-ness of the image, it's a pretty good banner.
  21. Tenchi had a forum a while back, also taken down due to lack of activity. Heh. I personally don't want anymore forums, I want one General forum, one Anime forum, one Gaming forum, one Fan Fic/Literature/RPG/Sparring forum, and one Art/Graphics forum. It would simplfy this place a lot, and you wouldn't need nearly as many moderators.
  22. Like Cyke, I love the show, but I don't follow it very well. I've seen very little of the newer episodes. It's been my favorite show since I saw the priemere when I was in fourth grade (I'm now in Ninth). Heh, saying that I just realise how long it's been going on. My favorite episode is [i]definately[/i] the "Towlie" episode. It's one of the only episodes I was laughing the whole time it was on. The Okama Gamesphere was awesome, along with the game they were playing. =P "Dude I just ripped off your face and ate it"
  23. Newbie is a state of mind, titles/post counts mean absolutely nothing. I am not a big reader, but I have read two titles I found absolutely amazing. First up is a book I discovered back when I was in fourth grade. We took a trip to the art museum and I fell in love with Vincent Van Gogh's paintings. So I went to library, in hope of finding a biography, instead I found "[b]The Van Gogh Cafe[/b]". It's a tiny little book that'll most likely take you under an hour to read. But it's wonderful, it's about 2 characters an adult and a child (their names escape me, it's been a while) who own and run a cafe named after Van Gogh. It tells of the strange little miracles that happen because of the magic of Van Gogh. ^__^ Next is one I just recently read and I am ASTOUNDED not one person mentioned it. "[b]Flowers For Algernon[/b]". It's about a retarded man named Charlie Gordon, who undergos an operation that will help make him smarter, however he becomes a super genius and get's really messed up. [spoiler]The end is so sad too, his intelligence starts regressing and he becomes retarded again. He has no recollection of it (except a few minor things) or his love affair with his former teacher Alice.[/spoiler] There you have it...the only 2 books I've ever enjoyed reading.
  24. [b]First Name:[/b] Daniel [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Blonde although I [i]dye[/i] it every chance I get. Black with red tips. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown. [b]Height:[/b] 5 foot. [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Baggy jeans, some random band/cartoon/idiotic t-shirt, my spitfire hat, and some Airwalks. I'm currently wearing a Mr.Rogers shirt. [b]Personality:[/b] What? [b]Hair Style:[/b] I usually spike it, but if I'm in a hurry I just throw on my Spitfire cap. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Everything? [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] Killing Joke, Bob Marley, AFI, Sublime, 311, and Nirvana are my current favorites. But I listen to all kinds of ****. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Games, music, skating, girls. Really getting into Ranma 1/2, Sonic X, and Rockman.EXE too though.
  25. Bah...my fingers are killing me. First game to kill my fingers since I rented Ikaruga. My left hand, pointer finger is going to fall off, the rest of them aren't at their best condition either. So far it's been amazing, of course I can't beat that helicopter, but I'll get it eventually. A question to the people who have beaten it (i.e. Turkey). How many levels are there? The controls are perfect, this is one of the only fast games where the controls can keep up with the action. The GFX are Viewtiful. I only have two gripes really, the save points, which are virtually non-existent and the fact I keep dying for pretty much no reason. No missles/bullets/people are with me and I'll die (on the Helipcopter). I'm usually a good distance from the propperlers too.
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