I, Colossus
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Everything posted by I, Colossus
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
I, Colossus replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]No, my point there was just that people can't compare South Park to things being shown on Cartoon Network. It is two completely different things. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I realised what you are trying to point out, and to a small extent I agree with you. But you have basically been stating that or a similar fact over and over. You think it's the children's fault and partly it is, if their parents say not to watch it, they shouldn't. But if their parents can't even control what they are watching on television, they aren't doing a very good job as a parent. -
Well I bought this game, I think about a week ago. And ever since I've been dancing around this thread, mainly because I'm not sure what to post about. The graphics are beautiful, which is given to anyone who has seen the screenshots. I mean Sephiroth's post pretty much clears everything up. Gameplay wise I prefer Tekken 4, it's much funner to me. But SCII holds the rest of the cards. It has so many modes and things to do. The unlockable are so numerous, though most are stupid (like the character profiles). I'm not happy about Heihachi being the PS2's character. I already have him in T4, it's not that big of a deal. I may trade mine in for the Gamecube version if I can manage with the controls. I've yet to unlock everything, or even all the characters, so I guess this isn't my [i]final[/i] impression of the game, but, whatever.
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
I, Colossus replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Yeah, and South Park is not aired on Cartoon Network. It is aired on Comedy Central, a TV station for ADULTS, not CHILDREN.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh come on, just get over that argument. Just because Cartoon Network had children in mind when it was created doesn't mean they don't have the right to show what they want. Not to mention the disclaimer and the late showing time. You are right...Cartoon Network can't stop kids from watching the shows, but neither can Comedy Central. It might be different if they were airing an uncut version of something on Toonami. The whole point of Adult Swim is to air shows that may be a little too much for children. In a Yu Yu Hakusho topic a long time ago, I seem to remember you talking about something similar. But you were talking about how the shows on AS were edited TOO much for the concept of Adult Swim. ... In closing, parents can't stop kids from watching AS, but they can't keep them from doing much else either. If the parents really felt stongly about it, they should be responsible enough to keep it under control. -
I was a bit suprised, Cowboy Bebop was my first step out of the Dragonball Z/Gundam stage. I still enjoy both series' to an extent, but they don't measure up to some of the series I watch normally now. The whole series was amazing, and it is currently my favorite anime, has been since I saw the last three episodes. [spoiler] The last three episodes and Session #5 are really the best of the drama in Bebop. I was over at my friend's house and he had just bought the last DVD (this was about a year ago). First we watched Session #23 Brain Scratch, I was not pleased with this episode, it's still my least favorite of the series. Hard Luck Woman was the next episode, the ending really got me. Especially with "Call me, Call me" in the background, I'm not a huge anime music fan, but that is a great song. The last two sessions The Real Folk Blues part 1 and 2 were just amazing when I watched them. I ended up watching again right after. I was kinda like...holy ****...that was beautiful.[/spoiler]
As Gohan Egret said Hyper Dimension is an AWESOME game if you are a fan of DBZ. It's in the top three DBZ games of all times (Legends and Budokai are up there somewhere). If you are a fan of Gundam you should check out Endless Duel, that is also a great fighting game. Other than that you have all Nintendo titles, Super Turrican, MM7/9/X/X2/X3, Plok, and Sunset Riders.
A sandwich. *walks into kitchen and makes a sandwhich* I got my wish. [b]Edit:[/b] Seriously though, I'm really not sure. You don't know how your mind will react in situations such as this. I could get confused and actually ask for a sandwhich. I could do the selfish thing and wish for money, eternal life, another person's love, ect. Or I could better mankind, find cures, end hunger, end hate/greed. If I had to choose right now I'd wish for more time to think about my original wish.
I have plenty of things to keep me busy now that I'm in High School, mainly homework/studying and stuff. When I am not slaving away, I have tons of other things to do. I play GCN, although the only game I have in Wind Waker (which I'm [i]almost[/i] done with. ^__^) I still play quite a bit. I'm planning on buying Super Smash Bros. Melee and Metroid Prime/Fusion pretty soon, I can't wait. Then, there is my PS2, I have quite a few more games for this one. Frequency and THPS4 are the only ones that I am still working on completing though. I'm so close to beating THPS4, it's going to be a big accomplishment for me when I complete [b]everything[/b]. Skating is a rather big part of my life as well. I don't skate nearly as much as I used to, but the passion is still there. Other than that there is TV (Anime/Shows/Movies), Music, Computer, and just hanging out with friends. I'd like to think I live a pretty full and happy life. ^__^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] What exactly did the commercial say...? Just wondering.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] "Tonight's Trigun summary was provided by theotaku.com I hope we don't crash their server too" Yeah...I was kinda weirded out when I saw that, I was doing handstand pushups at the time and I fell over. I ran downstairs to post the news, but my dad was on the computer. Whatever. I expect our membership to go up ten fold in the next few weeks.
First GBA game I'll be picking up for quite some time. Super Mario Bros. 3 is my absolute favorite of the 2D Mario titles, quite possibly my favorite Mario game of all time. I still think they should have packaged it with the original SMA. I guess they had the sense to know SMB3 was good enough to sell on it's own. I personally don't like the whole e-Reader thing at all, just an excuse to dig more money out of the pockets of loyal gamers. I have not bought one and never plan too, it's just not my thing.
Wow, this is going to be extremely hard for me to answer, there are [i]so[/i] many amazing games out there. Well in my early days as a gamer ( for lack of a better word) I mainly stuck to platformers/side scrolling/shooting. I was a bit too young for RPGs and what not. On the NES I particularly loved Double Dragon and Super Mario Brother. Those are the only games I can even remember playing. There were also some great games on the SNES, but they never really, immersed me. That all changed when I got my hands on the demo version of Wolfenstein 3D. I sat at the computer all day, trying to beat it, it was the first game, that no matter how frustated I got, I [b]HAD[/b] to beat and keep trying. To this day Wolfenstein 3D is my favorite PC game. :p As far as the original Playstation goes, probably Crash Bandicoot. It took me forever to beat, because I was new to the concept of memory cards, and didn't get one untill a year after I got my PSX. Same thing with Tekken 2, I'd spend all day unlocking all the characters and leave it on overnight so I could play with them in the morning. Near the PS2's birth, I got into the Megaman games, I own all of them on the PSX. They were just awesome...took me forever to beath them though. N64...Mario 64, and Super Smash Bros.....yeah. PS2 was next, Smackdown 3 is still one of my favorite wrestling games (even though 2 was [i]WAY[/i] better). I took a fancy to 3 because I kicked so much *** at it. DMC was so awesome the first time I played it. Tekken 4 and THPS3/4 were equally amazing, I only got up from the TV for restroom and food for like two days after that Christmas. Now TWW is what I'm playing, at first I wasn't too impressed, but I'm loving it now. Overall...I can NOT pick a specific game. Those are my favorites for each system...I guess.
Answer part 1: Ed hacks into the Bebop and uses a remote control to come pick her up. Answer part 2: Piokos (spelling?) Question: How many sessions does Vicious appear in?
Well I wasn't sure where to put this, since it is dealing with art [i]and[/i] writing. Anyway, with all the new comics I've been reading, and seeing Mallrats again, I'm quite in love once more. So I'm here to ask what your favorite comic writers/artists are. I hope you guys explain it to the point the doesn't get closed, because discussion on comics is so rare here. Anyway here are mine. [b]Favorite Comic Artists:[/b] [b]Todd McFarelen/Greg Cappuolo:[/b] Both of their last names have spelling errors...I can tell. But before you say "if you can't spell their names they aren't your favorites", they were my favorites a long time ago. When the Spawn craze was in full swing, the comic's art was breath taking. Greg on pencils and Todd on Inks, it was a match made in heaven. [b]Angel Medina:[/b] I don't know if he still does anything relating to comics anymore. I honestly barely remembered his name, but the stuff he did in that KISS comic was awesome. [b]Joe Madureira:[/b] He is my current favorite, though he hasn't done anything in comics for a while. Last I heard he was making a video game company or something. But he is coming back in September with a Street Fighter [ one of my favorite games ] comic. Plus, he brought a bit of manga-ish style to the X-men, which I loved back then. [b]Favorite Comic Writers:[/b] Jhonen...period. Kevin Smith, Bluntman and Chronic was ******* hilarious. Hmm, I suppose it's a bit hard for [i]me[/i] to write about writers. Joe Kelly, mainly for "Action Comics #775" which everyone in the world should read. I'm done...
I have not bought many CDs over all. I probably have a little over 50, and like 20 in heavy rotation. But if we are counting samplers as well, I have well over 300. My friends brother promotes almost every local band and gives out samplers for almost any band that passes through here. Quite nice actually.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Celia [/i] [B][color=0099FF][size=1]If there is no 'God', why would you be posting here? I just found it ridiculous how you don't believe in God; he created everything.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] How can you find someone's personal beliefs ridiculous? Because they don't match that of your own? I'm not trying to be rude or a meanie-head or anything, but you shouldn't trample on someone's beleifs. I personally am agnostic, well, more like undecided. There isn't any proof he exists, but no one has a better explanation to how we got here. I personally think everything is just simply beyond human comprehension and we'll find out when we die.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Kevin Smith is a good writer, but a very dull director, I think.[/B][/QUOTE] It's true some camera angles he uses suck, and he uses a lot of shots from the [i]same[/i] angle. But other than that he is awesome. I perfer Mallrats to Dogma too. But Dogma isn't over-rated, it's one of my favorite movies (only Donnie Darko, Mallrats, Spiderman, Matrix, and Boondock Saints beat it). It did get a bit confusing, seeing as how I'm quite young. But I found the religion aspect very interesting.
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
I, Colossus replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
One issue is enough to tell if I'll enjoy the book or not. If the main reason you buy the book is character development, then that is great for you. I never said it was bad, I said it was something that I wouldn't enjoy. Even if it was just one issue, I can easily tell if it's something I want to follow, while it was a good book, the story and pretty much everything isn't something I want to spend 3 bucks on. It isn't the [i]type[/i] of book I want. -
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
I, Colossus replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
I was planning on picking up 1602 last Wednesday, but I made the mistake of going to the comic store on Tuesday. ^__^ But I got a few good comics anyway, Sentinel #1, G.I. Joe #13, X-Statix #11, and The Amazing Spiderman #49. I'm not sure why I picked up the particular issues, aside from the good things I've read about Sentinel and X-Statix. Anyway, I enjoyed them all well enough, but Sentinel is the only one I want to follow. [i]From myOtaku blog[/i] ''X-Statix was pretty good, what I was expecting basically. Nowhere near as good as everyone says it is, sure it's a good book, well written and illustrated. But everyone is praising it like it's the work of GOD, when it certainly isn't.'' So yeah, that is just my opinion, I guess it's just my style. El Guapo was pretty cool though. =P G.I. Joe was quite good actually, but it was an old issue, from last year some time. Amazing Spiderman was good too, just nothing I want to follow. So I guess I'll just be getting Sentinel and Ultimate X-men for a while. [b]Edit:[/b] Forgot to mention I got Milk and Cheese, Steampunk, and Tangled Web of Spiderman about 2 weeks ago. Steampunk sucks, but the other two were quite enjoyable. ^_^ -
When I said Super Mario World, I meant both of them. I guess I should have included that. Anyway I'm scrapping that question because I forgot about Mario Paint and Mario Exitebike. I was looking for Mario and Wario though. :p [b][NEW] Question:[/b] What is the total amount of shines you can get in SMS?
I'm not a big RPG fan, so I'm still not quite sure about this title. Although I did enjoy Paper Mario. I've still yet to try Super Mario RPG, but it looks pretty cool. I can't say I'm [i]exited[/i] about this game, but I'll probably pick it up. I have not played a decent GBA game since Fusion.
[b]Answer:[/b] Tatanga [b]Question:[/b] What Mario game for the SNES was not Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG or Mario Kart, but had the word Mario in the title?
Why did you choose your screen name?
I, Colossus replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
My name is from a Slipknot song as well. Some of their older (and better) stuff. Dogfish Rising is one of my favorite songs from them, I would use my favorite but "Do Nothing/Bitchslap" would be a weird name. o_O I used to use all sorts of names...well I still do...but I still have no clue why I made them. -
I used to watch X-games every year, back when I was into inline skating and stuff. But now I just like to watch street skating, vert sucks, it the most boring event throughout all of the X-Games. No variety, up and down. So...very, very, boring. I don't think I'll be watching this year though. If I want to see skating I'll just watch a skate video. =P
Heh, I'm number 253. My site isn't doing too well, but I've only signed a few guestbooks and whatnot. I'm hoping to use my blog quite frequently, maybe that will get me some hits or something. --; Anyway my username on myOtaku is Steampunk, it's from some comic I read a long time back, I thought it looked cool. [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/users/steampunk/]Steampunk's Otaku[/URL]
Ghostdog? Nope, I can't say I've heard of that. I might look into it if you would care to elaborate on what it is about. Yeah, Boondock Saints is an awesome movie. The funniest part for me was when [spoiler]William Dafoe and his gay lover were in bed. And the guy says "I just wanted to cuddle" and Dafoe calls him a ***.[/spoiler] I love this movie.
[center][i]"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patrie, et fili [they cock their guns] et spiritu sancti."[/i][/center] I watched this movie (per-request of a friend) two nights ago. It was awesome, one of the best action/comedy movies I've seen in a long time. It's the story of two Irish brothers liveing in an Irish community in Boston. They go around and kill mob bosses and other people, basically anyone who fits their deifinition as an "evil man". They are very religous though, they belive that God has sent them to do these things. Above is the prayer they say before they kill [some of] the people in the film. They also put pennies on the dead people's eyes, it has something to do with paying a toll to the afterlife. Even though the whole movie is about them killing differen't people, it can be funny as hell. Most of them when the brother or drunk or Willaim Dafoe as the [spoiler]gay[/spoiler] detective.