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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. [COLOR="Teal"]I voted for Fullmetal Alchemist. Although I agree that it would be interesting to have a Death Note Forum for the simple fact that it would be nice to be able to discuss this series, I choose FMA because I think it'll attract more people. This show is getting a new season, and I think it'll draw more people. Personally, I'm tired of discussing the other shows listed (besides Death Note).[/COLOR]
  2. [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="teal"]Hello All! I must say it has been awhile since I've been around here, but I am currently composing a new work, and I needed a few opinions for it. This is totally voluntary and I promise you will not be sited in the work at all. Also if there is another thread like this already, I am sorry. I tried looking around but didn't find anything so far. So, the question is, [SIZE="3"]"How did you come up with your screenname?"[/SIZE] I'll answer first to sort of give you an idea. Obviously, my name is duorocks17. The answer for this question is easy if you know me. What is my favorite anime? Gundam Wing of course! And my favorite character from that show is Duo. So, "duorocks" was an easy name to come up with. The "17" came from the fact that I was 17 years old when I joined this site. Which, was a long time ago haha. So my name comes from my favorite anime character and a number that represented my age. It really didn't take me a long time to come up with it initially, but I did put some thought into it. I have never changed my SN since my first day here. I have always been "duorocks17". So now it's your turn. Tell me how you came up with that all important screenname! Tell me what the basis for your name was, why did you choose it, and if it took you awhile to think it up. Also, have you ever changed your SN before too? Thank you so much for your help! Have fun![/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. haha I love this show just for the simple reason it's so random. Though i don't believe anyone under the age of 18 should watch it. My favorite character is the happiness bunny. hehe. I just love the episode of the happiness bunny's revenge. That and the episodes where he actually talks. I don't get why people pay so much attention to the animation style. So what it's not all pretty like what you're used to seeing from main shows like bleach and naruto. I find it hilarious. Oh well. In the end, we just watch it for the laughs anyways.
  4. I really enjoyed reading this series, and so I'm interested to see what the anime adaption of it will be like. The first episode (which is all I have seen so far) stayed pretty true to the manga. I think the reason I like this series so much is not necessarily the story line (which has sort of been done before), but it's the actual character drawings. Sometimes it looks like they aren't quite complete, and the background designs are amazing as well. haha, I guess I'm just more for artistic stories that deviate from the norm. I wonder if this will eventually gain in popularity, or if it'll just be another one of those shows that it seems only I watch.
  5. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Yay! finally someone else who has heard of this series! I randomly picked up book one at the local bookstore just trying to pass some time with a friend, and I could not put it down! I have all the volumes out so far, and can't wait for vol. 7 to be released! The character designs are very well done, and though i can't quiet say the characters are original...(Rain reminds me a lot of Vash from Trigun) I have to say the story sure is! For those that don't know, Immortal Rain follows the story of Machika Balfaltin, I young bounty hunter who goes around weilding a big sythe. She is on the hunt for the immortal Methuselah, a man who has lived for over 600 years. Methuselah is the only bounty Machika's grandfather, Zol, could not kill. So, in an attempt at revenge, and a chance to prove herself, she searchs after him. Little did she know that she would soon get caught up in his life! The story follows Rain and Machika, as she learns more about Rain's past, and rides the thin line between love and hate. My favorite parts of the volumes are the little character descriptions between each of the chapters. They look like stats from a video game, and incredibly funny. I would definately suggest this series to anyone who is looking for a romantic comedy, but i have to say, it's rated Older Teen for a reason. There's lots of violence, gorriness, and even some induendos, so if you're under 16, i wouldn't suggest this for you. Also, you need some patience if you want to get the ending, after all the author states herself that it takes her awhile to draw, so who knows when the story will be finished. I believe it's definately worth the wait though! [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]This is definately a series you can easily get addicted too. I bought the disks 1-3 collection the other day at Best Buy for only $20, definately a steal, esp. since now they've come out with the complete box set. The action is really continuous throughout, but the story really starts to pick up around disk three, and on your way into disk four is where the real story begins it seems. My favorite episode is one called "Angel" and I believe it's on disk 4. (I have yet to buy the rest of the DVDs, but I plan to soon.) I really like how they combine the CG with the still animation. I find this series to be artistic in a sense, but beautiful none the less. I wish AS would pick it up so more people would watch it, it really deserves all the good reviews it gets![/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Okay, so I finally got to watch episode 9, and I agree with the Yuki thing. She always appeared in the exactly right place for that part of the scene. And even when she moved the book away, the moment had already passed. And the changing scene had just become so accustomed to everyone, they knew exactly what to do! I thought the radio broadcast to be pretty funny, and of course all the references to the other shows. I'm a big Detective Conan fan, so that one just cracked me up. I found it kinda sad that all the cost-cutting measures where used, i think the episode would have been a bit better with some more action, but it still turned out well. Does anyone know if the game Itsuki and Kyon where playing at the beginning is a real game or not? This show has a lot of references to other things so I thought it might be a reference to an actual game. Maybe I'm just seeing things. I hope that this wasn't the last episode, I'm really hoping for another season, I mean, it even gave a preview and all! but if not, this wouldn't be the first show i've watched that gave a preview but never put out a new episode. But with all the popularity this show is getting, you'd think they'd keep going right?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I recently got hooked on this series by randomly finding the ED dance movie (complete mind you) off a website. Personally, I just could not stop laughing at it. It was then decided that a friend and I MUST learn the dance that goes along with it. It just looks like so much fun! Anyways, I found the show and like Lindus, I had to do a double take at the first episode. It was so incredibly funny though you just had to keep watching. I sort of guessed what was going on, but i think it made a wonderful segway into the series. In a sense, you could say it gave you a "heads up" on the future events in the show. Another thing I like about this show is the complete randomness of it all. I mean, there really is no continuality (in episode order) to the story that's playing out. Some episodes to flow after the other, and then you have those ones that just come at you out of no where, but are great and interesting just the same. I must say I do love how this show is told from a first person perspective. Not many shows offer a view from this angle, mostly you just get a third person omniscient view of the world the characters live in. I love how we see things from Kyon's point of view. The animation in this show is wonderfull as well, I love the character designs, and the backgrounds are just as pleasing. They all look fairly realistic. I'd have to say what I love most about Haruhi is the story itself. I find it very interesting, and defined. Personally, I can't wait to watch more! If I had to choose a favorite episode so far, I think it'd be the baseball episode. Oh and if you just can't believe how much this show and song are taking the world by store, I found plently of sites that show local groups doing the dance out in the street I'd love to share. Hehe, this is definately a show I'd get someone else hooked on![/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]I started watching this show through a suggestion of a friend of mine, and was surprised of how much it reminded me of different shows I have watched throughout the years. The first show that comes to mind is Card Captor Sakura. Next, it reminds me of Fushigi Yuugi with all the love delimas it contains. I don't know why, but i find it hilarious how all of the Knights want to "pret" with Himeno. I watched the series in Japenese, so i don't know how the english voices sound, but the japenese ones where fantabulous. I would highly suggest this show to anyone else who is a fan of the before mentioned series. It has action, love, drama, and even comedy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. wow everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. But I have returned, and school has almost started again. >_< [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya quickly made her way up the hill to where Canathael and Erika where standing. Maya nodded toward them both as she walked by, and made her way through the portal. Maya sighed as she felt her feet hit the cold steel of the floor of the portal room, as she opened her eyes and made certain she was inside the ship again. Maya took a couple of steps forward as she heard someone come through the portal behind her. Pieter emerged behind her, and gently touched her shoulder as he walked by and headed out of sight. Maya looked down, realizing she was still wearing the ceremonial outfit. "This is no good, I don't want to stay in this. I can barely move in it. I'll go change and hunt out Dave. I'm sure he can show me how to use this new computer system more efficiantly." Maya jumped off the platform and headed down the hallway to the lift that lead to her room, hair flowing gently behind her, as she shuffled onto the lift, and pressed the button. "Wait!" Maya heard a voice call from below, as she saw Erika run up, but it was too late, the lift had already taken off. "Oh well, it won't hurt her to wait a bit," Maya thought as the lift stopped, and Maya headed to her room, and changed into her normal clothes (her uniform). "I feel so much more comfortable now." Maya exclaimed, as she took a seat next to the computer, and woke it from it's involentary sleep. "Alright Mr. Computer. How bout you show me where Dave is so i don't have to search the ship for him," Maya said quietly as she fiddled around the computer, finally getting a map of the ship to appear on her screen. Dave was pacing around in the control room, just where Maya figured he would be. She also saw Sarek and Morgon in a training room, Canathael and Erika riding the lift, and Pieter in his room as well. "Thank you!" Maya said as she taped a couple more keys and the computer went back to sleep mode. Maya then took her pony tail holder from the dresser, quickly put up her hair, and walked out of the room.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Okay, i've decided to restart my sailor moon watching again. Somehow, it seems a lot funnier this time around. I just finished the first arc of R, and I'm just starting where ChibiUsa joins the frey. Hehe, i forgot how much i liked this show. In answer to your question Dagger, I'd say it's kinda hard for me to answer. I decided one day to show my friend the Sailor Moon movies. Now, she had a general idea of the story line, from what I'd explained to her, but she'd never seen an episode before. I thought you could get a general idea of what was going on from the movie, and she said she sort of understood it, but then again, she had no idea of the backstory of the characters. Which, you kinda have to suspect it being a movie and all. In a way, the movies kinda tie up, and reiterate the end of the series, so unless you want to know the ending, i'd suggest waiting till you watch the series first, and then endulging in the movies. hehe, i just have to say, i think one of my favorite episodes is when one of the Cardians attack that Nursey School, and Usagi and Mamoru have to take care of the baby. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. Yay!! It's my birthday, and now fall semester is finally over! :) [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya knelt quietly down next to the hole in the ground where Li's body now lain. Maya's hair gently floated on the cool breeze that swayed the grass stems back and forth. Her hair was down, and rippled gently across the silk fabric of her gown. Maya had never worn such clothes before. The fabric was the darkest blue she could imagine, with shinny white characters up and down them. Maya had no idea what they meant, but she figured, and hoped they meant something of new life, and rebirth. A white sash was tied across her chest, and formed a bow at her back, her hair coming down to it. The clothes where slightly tight, but Maya didn't care, it was all for Li. Maya scooted slightly closer to the edge as she laid the book in her lap, clasped her hands together and prayed. "Li, though I didn't really know you as well as I would have liked to, you where like an older sister to me. Thank you. Thank you for everything you have taught me. I promise I will be more devoted to my studies now, and I'll try to learn everything I can about history in your stead. I know you'll be watching over me, because as long as I remember you, you are never truely dead." Maya gently clasped the book, and grabbed on to the edge of the hole, as she leaned over and tried to put it on top of her coffin. "I give you this book that you loved to read on the ship. I hope you enjoy it, at least, you won't be bored up there." Maya said as a tear ran down her cheek, and she straightened herself up, and clasped her hands together again. "I promise, here and now, that I will NEVER forget you. And be it me, Cael, or Sarek, we WILL avenge your death. He will not go unpunshied." Maya bowed, feeling it appriopraite, though she knew nothing of Li's customs, and slowly stood up. Maya had seen Morgon and Sarek already leave, but decided to wait for Canathael, shuffling over to gently grab his hand after he had finished, and tried to fight the tears she knew she couldn't hold back. "I'm sorry Li, but this will be the last time I cry for you. I must get stronger if I'm going to defeat him. I can't be a cry-baby. I'm going to hold my own, just like I've done all these years, and I'll get through it, cuz I know that now my brother and Katie are not alone, they have you to watch over me too."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]We have the man power.....we have the will power....we can do it!!! hehe, it sounds like an add for a car commerical. hehe, I like the idea of being famous. ;) I just wanted to say that the ideas for the next chapters look promising, I can't wait to go mid-evil. Also, I'm not going to give up on this RP. I'll be here till the end! I haven't ever finished one either, and this one definately has potential, as we've already found out. I think this is also the longest one I've been in. Go us! Well, i better go study for finals![/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I sort of agree. It's sort of become a three person RPG. At one time there, we even developed our own order for posting, hehe. Maybe if we opened up the sign ups again, to get some more people involved, we might be able to make it that far. Well, you know, we could make it there with just the three of us too, though it might take awhile. ^_^. I don't know about everyone else, but I really like the story so far. I think it's come along really well. I hope this is what you where looking for when you planed it. :) I'm up for anything you decide.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya nestled her head snuggly on Canathael's chest. "I know I'll be safe as long as you and the others are around. And I promise, I won't let anything happen to you either. I don't want to lose anyone else, espically not you." Maya said quietly as she felt him calm down even more. Maya was glad. She couldn't stand to see Canathael in such torment and pain. [I]"As long as I have my memories of Li, she isn't truely dead." [/I] Maya thought quietly. [I]"I just hope the others releaize this as well." [/I] Maya closed her eyes, feeling slightly sleepy. Feeling Canathael's warmness close to her, Maya felt safe, and comfortable, though her feet where twisted a little behind her. Maya was just about to fall asleep, the quiet drone of Canathael's breathing like a melody to her, when a knock came from the door. "Who is it?" Maya called, not really wanting to get up from the carpeted floor. "It's Dave. Open up." Dave's voice called as he pounded on the door once more. "Okay, I'm coming, just hold on!" Maya called as she slowly pushed herself off of Canathael with his help. Maya smiled down at him, as she turned around and walked over to the door, once again putting her hand on the device for the door to open. Dave was waiting outside the door, his hands in his pockets, and head looking down. He startled slightly as teh door opened and he looked up at Maya. He rocked back balls of his feet. "It's...it's time." he said as he looked at Maya and then looked away, landing back on his feet. "Oh...okay." Maya said quietly as she too looked down. "We'll be there in a couple of mintues. The portal room right?" Dave nodded. "What about our clothes?" Maya said as she looked back at Canathael. What he was wearing truly wasn't proper for this type of ceremony, and Maya had still yet to change. "Oh, don't worry. You'll be wearing the traditional clothes of Li's time. They'll change as you go through the portal." Dave said quietly. "Okay, I understand." Maya said as she wondered what type of clothes would be proper in Li's timeline for a funeral. "We'll meet you there." Maya said as she shut the door, walked over to the bed and picked up the book, and held it close to her. "It...it looks like they're ready to go, Cael." Maya said as she extended her hand to help him up. Canathael allowed himself to pulled upright by the girl, as he let the blankets fall to the ground. "Shall we go?" Maya asked with a smile, trying to stop the tears forming in her eyes. Maya knew what she thought, but even though she truely believe that Li wasn't really dead as long as she remembered her, she couldn't stop her emotions from showing what she truely felt.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue][I]"Oh my gosh, I'm sooo glad school if finally over," Maya said as she strapped her backpack on, and headed out through the front doors of her High School, watching the other kids in her grade and above walk across the grounds to their cars, and their rides. Maya didn't have such a thing, her father didn't give a crap, and even if they could afford a car, he drove it to work everyday. So thus, Maya walked. But the journey wasn't a lonely one, Maya always had Katie to walk with. "I can't believe you fell asleep in physics class again!" Katie exclaimed with a giggle as she caught up with Maya, the two now walking at an even pace. "The teacher sure was mad." "Naw, I think he was maddest when I proved that what he said wasn't entirely correct." Maya said with a satisfactory smile. "My theories are never wrong." "You never know," Katie said with an air of knowing something that Maya didn't, and gave her a look that meant the same. Maya punched her playfully as the two came across a group of giggling girls waiting for the sidewalk light to change. "Oh! You better look out Sarah! It says something good is going to come your way!" a brown haired girl said with a giggle. "Oh! You're fortune says "beware of a mysterious encounter"," the girl named Sarah returned with the same type of giggle. Maya sighed as she came up behind them. "I can't believe you two are still into that tarot card crap," Maya said as she reached past them to press the light button again. "It's all a bunch of BS. There's no such thing as magic." "Well, Ms. Know-it-all, why don't you try it out yourself." Sarah said as she pushed a couple of the cards into Maya's hands. "Tsh, like I would ever do that. I don't need some stupid cards to tell me the future. I just live life day to day, and believe only in my theories." "Oh yes, science is the answer to everything," the brown haired girl said sarcastically. "All right then, prove that one of my theories is wrong." Maya said defensively. "Umm....the light turned green," Katie said in the background but no one was paying attention. Sarah looked at her, and thought. "Heh, you know it's right. I'm always right." Maya thought to herself. "You can't live in the past!" Sarah blurted out. "If you keep living in the past, you're missing out on everything you live day to day. You can't bring back the dead, but just because they have died doesn't mean they're truely gone. The dead live inside of us. As long as we have memories of them, and we cherish those memories, they will never truely die." Sarah said as she looked up toward Maya. "Even though they are gone, they still live on inside of you. Your brother, Katie, and even Li too." "What? How do you know?" Maya said startled as everything around her faded away, leaving just her and Sarah in darkness.[/I] BANG! BANG! Came a knock on the door. [I]"Even though they are gone, they live on inside of you," Sarah's voice faded as she too disappeared, and Maya awoke, breathing deeply, sweat dripping down her cheeck.[/I] The knock on the door was heard again as Maya rose from where she had fallen onto the bed, wipped the sweat from her face, slightly shaking, and put her hand on the lock to open the door. Maya's jaw almost dropped to the floor as she stared at the half naked, shivering man outside her door. "Canathael? What's going on? Where are your clothes?" Maya asked as she took his hand and lead him inside the room, shutting the door behind them. "P-please f-forgive me, My Lady. There seems to have been an accident in my room. I dare hope it wouldn't trouble you too much if I where to stay here for the night?" "Huh?" Maya said as she stopped searching the drawers, finding a shirt, one that once belonged to her father, blue, that had stripes across the shoulder part, that could possibly fit him, and handing it to him. "Put this on, I hope it will fit." she commanded as she watched him barely be able to get it over his head. "Well, it's a little tight but it will have to do." Maya said with a slight giggle. She couldn't help but admitt, he did look a little funny with it on. Canathael gave her a wierd look, as she handed him a blanket to wrap up in and contiuned. "So you want to stay here?" Maya asked, slightly uneasy. "I'm afraid I cannot return to my room at this time. If it is a problem, I will be more then happy to..."Canathael began as Maya cut him off, grabbing his arm. "No, it's okay. Please don't go." Maya said as she hugged his arm. "I...I don't want to lose you too." Maya said as a tear started to form in her eye. "I am not going anywhere, my lady," Canathael replied as he looked down at her. "Though, I'm afraid Sir Dave tells me that we are going to be leaving soon, to give Li a proper burial in her own time." "In her own time? You mean, we're going to go to where she lived?" Maya asked as she looked up at him. Canathael nodded, as Maya let go of his arm, and walked over to the dresser where she had set up the book next to the picture. "Then, maybe I should give this back to her. You think that would be alright?" Maya said as sat down at the end of the bed, touching the book softly. "I believe Lady Li would like that." Canathael said with a smile, as he looked around the room. The room looked like a room you and I would have today. A bed was nestled in the corner, and next to it a desk, that had a laptop on it, only it was a new version of computer that Dave had given to her, she had not been able to do much with it since she got on the ship though. The desk contained many pictures that Maya had brought with her, mostly of her and her brother, and her and Katie. Maya sighed as she placed the book back on the desk. "You're probably tired. Being cold has a tendensey to slow your body down and make you sleepy. You can sleep on the bed if you want." Maya suggesested, slightly blushing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. w00t! only 2 weeks of school left!!! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya slowly opened her eyes. She looked around her, through blurry eyes, red from crying so much, and blurry from just awaking, to find herself still in the study, still in that crouched position. Maya looked down to what she felt in her lap, and everything came rushing back to her. The battle between the gangs, Sarek falling into the river, Maya shooting to try to save him, the new girl, the group finally getting together, then Morgon and Li having to fight each other, and finally, Li's life being taken away by that evil bastard who had no right to be called human, if he was even that. He had to right to live, Maya was sure of that. Maya grabbed the book tighly with one hand, and with the other wiped her eyes, and stood up to stretch. Maya wasn't for sure how long she had been asleep, but now her body was so limp from having lost almost all feeling, and from being curled in a ball, she could barely walk. In a way, Maya wished she could have remained asleep, in her mind everything was fine, no one had to die. Maya clutched the book tightly to her chest as she thought of Li again, and started to make her way to her room, not really sure where else to go. [I]"At least I can be more comforable in my bed...well....as comfortable as i could be right now.[/I]" she thought. Maya walked quietly through the ship, hardly making a sound, moving slow. It was an effort to make one leg move, her body semi-falling forward as she stepped, regaining her balance, and then stepping again. Maya made it to the lift and pressed the number for the quarters floor. The door swished open abruptly as Maya stepped out, and procedded to continue to walk toward her quarters. She heard a door open/close, but Maya paid no attention to who it was, watching the ground as she walked, until she found her way to her room, opened the door, and went inside. Maya gently propped Li's book up on the nightstand next to her bed, that contained a picture of her and Katie at a fair. "I'm sorry, both of you," Maya said as she held back the tears that where coming to her, and let herself fall onto the bed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. umm....*ignoring above post* [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya stood in shock as she looked at the now lifeless body of Li, blood staining the once white sheets of the bed. Maya looked on, as if frozen to that one spot in the medical bay. The words of "I'm sorry" echoed through her head as all emotions seems to fall out of her body, replaced by the intense feeling of greif and sadness. Maya could not stop the tears rolling down her cheecks, her face from being flushed. She had lost all feeling. She hardly noticed when Canathael ran out of the room. Maya felt completely alone. The world seemed to slow down, each passing second seemed like an hour. Maya's mind raced back to the first time she had met Li, here on the ship. Although Maya had always found her a little wierd and outdated for obvious reasons, she came from a time period that was long ago by Maya's and Dave's standards, but she had always felt some sort of closeness to her. Maybe it was because Li and Maya where the only girls on the ship, maybe it was because Maya greatly admired her fighting spirit. Somewhere inside herself, Maya thought of Li as an almost older sister, and now she was gone. Nothing could bring her back, just like nothing could bring her brother, or Katie back. "Maya....are you okay?" she heard Pieter's voice come from the other side of the room, heading towards her. Maya looked up at him, tears contiuning to flow down her cheecks. His face was just as red, you could tell he had been crying, but death was something he was used to. He didn't show it as outwardly as the others did. Pieter motioned to put his arm around her, but Maya swatted it away. "Of course I'm not okay you idiot!" Maya yelled as she stepped away. "Li is dead! Our friend is dead! And I...I couldn't do anything..." Maya said now feeling frustrated. "Just leave me alone!" Maya yelled as Pieter try once again to comfort her, as she ran out of the room, pushing past Erika, as tears contiuned to fall. [I]"Why is it that everyone who gets close to me dies? Why do all my friends have to die? Why can't anything turn out happily? We where doing okay until that moment. We where all together, about to make it home. Why? Why did that bastard have to shoot her?" [/I] These thoughts raced through Maya's mind as her feet led her unconsciously to the door of Canathael's room. Maya raised her hand to knock on the door, but found that she didn't have the strength, or willpower to actually hit the door. Too many thoughts where racing through her mind as her feet took flight again, and now lead her to the study. Maya stopped and saw a book laying on the coffee table. "This...this was the book Li was readying before we left." Maya grabbed the book, and held it close as she curled into a ball on the chair, putting her feet on the chair, resting the book on her knees, and wept into the book.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya ran quietly behind the girl with the fans in front of her, who looked not much older then herself, keeping a strong grip on Sarek's arm. "We've got to find the others," Maya said to Sarek. "Li can heal your wounds, and plus, if we're all together, we can get the hell out of this situation, and time period." "I know," Sarek replied. "Li, Pieter and Morgon where with me in the other group. So they're either on the other side of the river, or have somehow made it across." "What about this girl? Can we trust her?" Maya asked quietly, not really sure what to think of Erika. "Yes, I think we can," Sarek said as Maya almost collided into Erika as she stopped, raising her arm in order to throw one of her fans. "No! Wait!" Maya yelled, as she recognized a person in the oncoming group. Through the blood stained clothes, and semi-wierd look on his face, Maya was certain she could recognize Canathael anywhere. "Canathael!!" Maya called out as she dragged Sarek toward him, Erika following behind. "Lady Maya, are you alright?" Canathael asked as he met the group halfway. Maya nodded. "I'm fine, but I'm afraid Sarek isn't. We need to get out of this mess, and time, and do it now! I told you this whole gang thing was a bad idea!" Canathael nodded as he took Sarek off of Maya's shoulders and supported him. "Let's find the others," Canathael started. "Then you can tell me how right you where." He said with a smile. "I think I see them!" Erika called as she looked into a group of gang members from both groups. "Pieter! Li!" Maya called as she headed to where Erika thought they where, wanting to get the hell out of there.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Hehe, yeah that card was pretty funny, it had even my dad laughing as he was walking by. But, to answer your question again, according to the ANN, it says that Travis Willingham is the voice for good ol' Lt. Mustang. However, I'm sure there are plently of rapid Roy fan girls who would agree with me when I say so far his voice just doesn't match up. Of course, we've got to give the guy some time, we've only heard him in one episode so far, but lets say, the original Roy voice is deeper, and according to my friend, "More sexier." I would highly suggest buying the DVD, that way you could judge for yourself, and it is a good show, no matter what you measure it up to. ^_^. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya squeezed Canathael's hand tightly as she watched, open eyed, as Sarek was pulled into the water by a member of the opposing gang. "Sarek!!!" Maya yelled as she ran to the water's edge, and searched the top of the water for signs of life, watching the river roll swiftly by. In Maya's mind, reality began to crumble, as a flash of the scene in which her brother was washed away from her in the water. The water had washed Miguel out of her life, now it dared to tempt fate, and claim the life of one of her friends. Tears started to roll down Maya's face as she clintched them tightly at her side.[I] "I won't....I won't let the water win!"[/I] Maya yelled to herself as she brought herself back to reality, and began running down the bank of the river, screaming Sarek's name. "Sarek!! Sarek!!! Where are you??" Maya yelled as she tried to keep up with what she thought was the river's current, tears flying off her checks. Two bodies popped up from underneath the raging current, one Maya easily recognized as her fellow traveler, the other, Maya saw was the girl that pushed him in. A couple of yards away, another girl came up to the surface, gasping for air, trying desperatly to catch up to the other two. "Sarek!!" Maya called out as she watched him struggle against the current, and the girl that was clinging to him. [I]I have to do something[/I], Maya thought as she pulled out the gun she was given. [I]I won't lose him to the water too![/I] "Sarek!" Maya yelled as she pulled the gun in front of her, and took aim at the girl, moving the gun in order to keep pace with the water, aiming slightly ahead of them. Sarek nodded, as Maya counted to five, moving the gun five spaces ahead by her calculations, and fired.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Canathael sighed as he reached to gently move Maya's shoulder, gently calling her name in order to wake her. "Lady Maya, it is time to wake up," Canathael called gently, shaking her shoulder the slightest. Maya showed no response, as she contiuned to breathe in and out steadily. Canathael tried once again to wake the young girl but with no avil. Maya was just too comfortable, she didn't want to have to wake up and face reality. Finally, Canathael shook her hard enough, practically coming to a yell, as Maya slowly opened her eyes. "Cael.." Maya said quietly as she rubbed her eyes, slightly sitting up. "What's wrong? What time is it? It can't be time for school already?" Canathael smiled sadly, as he brushed some of Maya's hair out of her eyes with his hand. "I'm afraid it's nearly dawn. And there won't be any school today, Gavin is waiting for us." "Gavin?" Maya said as she was suddenly brought back to reality, now feeling fully awake. "But that means...we'll have to fight, won't we?" Canathael did not answer verbally, though he slowly nodded. "I don't want to fight! We should be trying to find Li and the others! What if they didn't find her? She could be alone with that evil dude!" Maya said as she leaned against Canathael. "We must first past this obsticle first, then we will be able to resume our search. I'm sure Lady Li is fine. She is a strong woman." Canathael said as he stood up. "I'll be waiting outside the door. Please get ready, my Lady." Maya watched as Canathael walked slowly to the door, and walk out it. Maya stretched as she got out of bed, and observed the clothes that where laid out for her. "I still don't see why we have to fight. This isn't our war. Our war is against [I]them.[/I]" Maya sighed as she saw the all white clothing. "Seriously, what is their problem? Apparently they have no fashion sense." Maya said as she put on the pants, and then rolled them up to her knee. "It's no use if I can't get to my knives," Maya said as she put on her shoes, securing her knives, and special item inside of them. "Well...maybe I can keep them a little long, these pants are a little baggy." Maya said as she brought the cuff down to 3/4 length, and put on the shirt and vest. Maya reached into a dresser, and pulled out two strips of blue ribbon, using them to secure her hair in ponytails on either side of her head. "Sorry, "gang", but I can't go without wearing blue." Maya pulled herself away from the mirror, and quickly ate a little of the food that was sitting out for her. Finally, Maya opened the door. "Let's get this overwith, Canathael. I don't want to waste any more time, when we could be looking for everyone." Canathael nodded, as Maya grabbed his hand, and the two headed downstairs to where everyone awaited. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Okay, if you know me just a little bit, I'm sure you know that there's two things I'm sort of obsesed with, the former being cookies, the latter D. N. Angel. Ever since I saw that first episode I've been hooked. I've gotten all the manga that's came out, and I have to say, some things are more apparent, as one would expect, in the manga. Which is fine with me! It's definately clearing up some things. I went to my local Best Buy store the other day to buy a CD I had wanted, and went to look around the anime section, and what did I find? The D. N. Angel DVD!! I was really excited because I had forgotten when it was released, so of course I bought it. I'm having a hard time getting used to the english voices, I swear I've watched it in *** over 6 times, so it's kinda hard not to expect a certain voice. I've only gotten to watch the first two episodes, so I'll try to post again once I've seen it all, and all the extras goodiness. I did, however watch the extra where it actually showed the recording session for "True Light", the series' opening song.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Well, if my memory serves me correct Dagger, the little flashback episodes end at either 9 or 10. I know 8 is the really sad one, which I won't give anything away. I'll go back and rewatch my fansubs, but I'm pretty sure it ends at 9. As for the dub, I have a few complaints. First off, they seem to cut out some stuff from the show. It wasn't that obvious in the first episode, but in the second, I could definately tell something was a miss. Secondly, why start with the second opening? I just don't understand that, and then they seriously cut the ending song, which slightly changes in episode 8 to add more dramatic effect. I hope they don't edit that out. I think they did a pretty good job on the voice cast, though you really can't beat the originals. But I'm not complaining. Okay, in answer to your next question, he doesn't get shown in his original form unless you watch the opening, that's the only place you'll see him until a couple episodes later. Hope that helps! ^_^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya looked around anxiously as she watched the tall wierd guy, who was aparently named Gavin, leave the room. Maya saw as all faces where now turned towards the three time travelers, each one of them wearing those white vests, grining way to enthusastically in Maya's mind. [I]"What a bunch of freaks!" [/I] Maya thought to herself. [I]"Why are they obsessed with the color white??"[/I] Maya took a step back, and grabbed Canathael's hand as a woman in the gang, with blonde hair, and blue eyes took a step towards her. "Yeh beh hungry, rite?" the lady said with a small bow. "Follow meh!" she said as she turned around and started to head down the hallway. Maya's tummy gave a growl as she clintched it with her free hand. "That's right, we haven't eaten since we where in that tavern with John," Maya said as she looked up to Canathael. "Nor slept for that matter, in fact, I don't think I've rested since this whole thing began." Maya said quietly. "I'm sure it will be fine, my lady," Canathael said reassuringly. "They seem hospitable. Shall we see what they have?" Maya nodded entergetically as she led the way after the woman, Marrek following not far behind. Everything around them was white, white walls, white carpeted floors, even the molding, and picture frames where white. Finally the carpet gave way to a tiled floor, with a huge table in the middle of the room. The set was extravagant. Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beens, corn, carrots, slices of cake, slices of pie, grapes, oranges, bananas, and every other fruit Maya could think of. "Wow!" Maya said as she rushed toward the table, letting go of Canathael's hand in the process, and surveyed the food. "This looks really good!" she said as she looked to the woman who had led them there. The woman nodded as she pulled out a chair for Maya to sit. "Thank you!" Maya said as she nodded toward the woman, but took a grape from the tray, and walked over to Marrek. "Here!" she said as she shoved it into his mouth. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He spat as he shoved her away from him. "Making sure it's not poisoned." Maya said with a smile. "I see your still alive...soo..." Maya said as she walked over to the chair and took a seat. "It's time to eat!" Maya said as she started to load her plate with turkey and fixings, and began to devour the food. Canathael laughed quietly to himself, as he took a seat next to Maya and began to eat his share too. "That was delicious!" Maya said as she rested the fork on the plate, as she looked up to the woman. "Would it be possible to get a bed to lay down? I don't know if I can keep my eyes open anymore." Maya said as she rubbed her eye, now feeling more sleepy then she did before, possibly because she was stuffed with good tasting food. "Rite this way!" the woman nodded as she headed up a flight of stairs. Maya stood up from the table, and placed her napkin on her plate and looked at Canathael. "Good Night Canathael!" Maya said as she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him, and then ran up the stairs after the woman, following her into a room that had a pair of white silk-material pajamas laying out. "Have a good night, miss!" the woman said as she shut the door quietly behind her. Maya quickly changed her clothes, and fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed.[/COLOR][/FONT] okay...I can't write irish...sorry...
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