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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. My dad is a printer. He has worked for one company for over 25 years. Then they went out of business. This company came and bought them. They gave him a job, but i think he liked the old company better.... Mom is a para for our local school district. She works with the special ed kids, the ones that are slow learners, and the trouble makers. She comes home exhasted, but she says she loves her job. I could never do any of these. I don't have that much patience with other people. heh..maybe that's why i hate my job... I want to be a rad-tech, with asperations of becoming one who works in the heart cath lab. It looked really interesting when i visited that section of the hosptal this last week. And then..of course on teh side i have to finish writing my book...which now has..yay! 42 pages!!!! :)
  2. duorocks17

    Clay Aiken!!!!

    I'd have to choose neither. I'm sorry, but his new song just scares me. Is he a staker or something? What i don't get is that he didn't win American Idol, and he's more popular than Ruben. What is up with that? I thought Ruben was a teddy bear. Clay...is a toothpick. (hey artemis, we could make a bridge out of him! :)) I would die to meet a member of the Beatles. And also if i was back in 6th grade, a member of NYSNC!
  3. I prefer the classical element of music in final fantasy games. Let's just face the fact, all the FF soundtracks are just awesome. Why? because they have that classical feel to them. As for the Kingdom Hearts theme, that really fits the opening sequence perfectly. And as Desbreko said, it would also depend on the situation of the story line. I mean, you wouldn't really want a techno song when someone is dying....would you?
  4. Hey everyone. Well, this idea just came into my head when i was watching the new Harry Potter preview. I'm sure that everyone who has read Harry Potter has had something they wanted to change about it, or a character they wanted to add to the story. Well....here's you're chance! Here's my idea: we'll start off with a completely new story, but trying to keep the same character traits and stuff. -introduce your character into the story and have fun making Harry Potter our own story!!! Introduction: [I]It has been 12 years since "He Who Must Not Be Named" went into hidding. The infamous Potter who was responsible for "freeing" the wizards and witches of the world is just getting ready to start his first year at Hogwarts. But there is news in the papers of some mysterious activity in the darkened woods of Kilkia. Muggles have gone missing, and many have died. This has the Ministry worried, and they have stationed guards at the school. Dumbledore senses an evil presence growing slightly stronger. Could the predictions be true? Harry, unaware of this fact, heads for the Hogwarts train, ready and eager to start a life away from his Uncle and cousin. But what Harry does not know what dangers await him in this new life is about to start.....[/I] Requirements: Name: (You can be either a character already in the story, or make up your own) Appearence: (hair, eyes, etc. No clothes cuz they all wear the same thing) House: (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin) Friends: (name a member of the house you're in that's also in the book that you might talk to) Small Bio: (self explanatory) I hope you all like this, and that it works out ok! My Character: Name: Karen Black Appearence: Blue eyes, black hair, slim in figure, and slightly tall House: Gryffindor Friends: Ron Small Bio: Karen is the daughter of Sirius Black. After her father was incarerated for the murders of all the muggles, Karen was sent to live with her godfather, Remus Lupin. Karen has grown up despising her father, thinking that he abandoned her. Her mother died when she was born. Since Lupin is a werewolf, the Ministry worked against having Karen stay there, saying it would not be a safe place to grow up. Mr. Weasley took a stand and say he would look after her during the time it was needed. During the period of the full moon, Karen is sent to the Weasley house. She has grown up with the family, and they consider her one of their own. Ron is Karen's best friend. Have fun!! :)
  5. That you who ever said that the Heavy Arms didn't actually have a beam saber. Because of Heero's injury, he wasn't able to hold the full weight of the arm. Trowa mad it so that when it got to heavy, Heero could dislodge the arm to get to the saber. Thus, it isn't a orginal part of the gundam. I like Heavy Arms, but there are other gundams i like more. I love how it has so much firepower, but the problem is when you use it all up, you really have nothing to go on. This could cause a problem, but as earlier stated, i don't think it was meant for front line battle....
  6. Well, since Goku goes to train with King Kai in other world, isn't there no since of time there? So therefore, how would they know how much time is passed? Plus, Goku is the protaganist of the entire series, of course there is going to be exceptions for him. As for the dragonballs, i'm pretty sure it has to be within a year since the person died.
  7. For some reason, i find myself running away from the tv when GT is on. I saw the first eposide, and i guess i thought to myself that it would be another dragonball all over again. DOn't get me wrong...I LOVE dragonball. I just thought it would be the same plot. Maybe its because GT trunks just pisses me off. I mean why couldn't he be as cool as future trunks? I've also heard that it gets better at the end, which is what I'm waiting for. I just don't understand these robot people....
  8. Well, i would look like just what i invision the main character of my book i'm writing to look like. (but if you want to know what i really look like, just think Sailor Jupiter, only not quite so tall) N/E ways: -brown straight hair cut down to the waist line, although it is usually kept in a pony-tail located in the center of the head, with a couple of strands falling down to make it look like bangs. -you're typical anime schoolgirl uniform, only blue in color, short skirt, and a red ribbon. (Think hitomi) -cute tiny socks that are blue in color, and white shoes with blue stripes. -slim in figure, and very in shape, although not notiable -about 5'7" tall, with blue eyes
  9. Well...i think you would call this underrated buy i would say Pilot Canidate, otherwise known as Canidate for Goddess. I don't know why, but i really liked this show. To me, and charcters and backgrounds were nicely drawn, and the storyline was pretty good. I can vaguly remember watching it on TV once or twice, and i just thought it was great. I was really pissed when it came off the air....
  10. I've heard really good things about EVA, and altought i wasn't that fond of it, i have to admit it was intreging. I haven't watched or really heard anything about Fist of the North Star, so i really can't help you there. It really depends on your likes and interests. One person might love an anime while another hates it. It's up to your personal tastes. As for the money situation, i would first save up as much as I could. Then if i really wanted to spend a whole lot of money, i would buy a long series, but you'd have to make sure it's good. Otherwise, go with a short series you know you can afford and finish.
  11. i thought TF was a good show. I mean....good enough to keep me interested. I thought the whole thing between [spoiler]Starscream and the girl[/spoiler] was cute. I watched just to see what would happen, and if the two sides would become one. I didn't understand it thought [spoiler]when the minicons started talking.[/spoiler]How where they able to do that? That really confused me. I used to watch this show as a little kid, and just watching again reminds me of the good ol' days....
  12. OMG!!! That movie was sooo good!! [spoiler]I got to see the midnight showing of it last night, staying up till past 4 in the morning in progress. But who cares! I loved everything about this movie!! Ok, it was a little scary at times, but even that couldn't stop me from liking it. I think my favorite part would have to be when Pippin sings. Who know Billy Boyd had such a great voice!! And then when they went to battle. *sigh* it was just so awesome! And then when Eowyn (i can never spell her name right) fights the orc dude! that was priceless!!![/spoiler] *i put this in spoiler tags in case this would be considered a spoiler and anyone who hadn't read the books and doesn't want to know what will happen will know not to read.
  13. I know what I want! PIPPIN!!! :) no, really.... Spirited Away on DVD. I absoutly love this movie, and well actually all the Studio Ghibli films. And well....money of course...but i would also like a labtop for when i go to college next year. That would be great!
  14. My class ring? Well, It's senior year, and I've already lost it! :) I got it last year, and seemed to have mislayed it. I used to wear it all the time...but now....i can't find it anywhere! N/E ways, mine had my name on the side, and with that side was a soccer ball. Then the other side has my year...2004, and a music note. Then where the jewel is it is green and has an eagle in the center. It was pretty, and if i could find it i would wear it. Considering how much it cost....you know....I think it's a conspiracy!!!!
  15. Name: Mary Age: 21 Weapons: Bow and Arrows, and a small dagger hidden away Bio: Mary is Meteo's twin sister, and daughter of InuYasha and Kagome. At a young age, Mary was taught by her mother about the Shikon Jewel, and it's powers. She trained hard and became a preistess of her great-grandfathers temple (back in the regular time line) She searches with ther brother, hoping to find the evil villian that stole her family away from her. While her brother seeks for revenge, she seeks for the jewel to get rid of all evil in the world. Appearence: Just like her mother. Powers: She has the ability to sense the shards of the jewel, and her arrows pack quite a punch behind them. She also has the ability to heal, and control the wind so her brother can catch the smell easier. (I hope that's ok, i can change if you want me too!)
  16. Sarah walked out of the hospital, and leaned against a post. She sighed very heavily. [I]Why? Why did i just help her? It's not like i care about them or anything.[/I] Sarah took out her locket and opened it up to the picture of her small family. [I]I'm sure that's what you would have done...it's it.[/I] She put the locket away, and looked out into the barren street. The wind was blowing and dust rose in the air. The darkened shape of a figure could be seen though the dense clouds of dust. Sarah looked hard, but could not tell who it was. Sarah turned around and saw Mai headed towards her. Mai's face became stern, and she ordered Sarah back inside. Sarah walked into the hospital, and almost ran into Nick, who had a stern look as well. "Stay with the others." He said as he walked outside. Sarah took a spot by the window, eager to see who this new enemy was...
  17. To tell you the truth, no matter what show i watch, it has a good theme song. I think it gets you pumped up and ready for the show. My fovorite theme song....hum...that is a really tough one. I would have to go with either InuYasha or Cowboy Bebop. Both have really great soundtracks, and you really can't go wrong with either song. Both are up-beat, and well...they make me want to dance. :)
  18. [b]Anime[/b]-My greatest pastime. I don't know what i'd be watching if i wasn't watching it.....those stupid real-life shows like Survivor. [b]Bobble-Head Dolls[/b]---they answer yes to everything!!! *wiggles head back and forth* I love to ask my bobble head doll questions!! :) [b]Cookies!!!![/b]---I couldn't be the Cookie Monster with out these beutifully delious devices that are perfect the the taste buds....*drools* [b]Drums[/b]---A great way to piss of my brother. *starts pounding drum* What??? What you want me to stop?? I can't hear you! [b]Electric Piano[/b]--I love to just sit down and play whatever comes into my head. And then, I can play it with a telephone sound!!! ;) [b]Friends![/b]---I would have no reason to live if it wasn't for these people. [b]Games[/b]----Wheee!!! Go Link go!!! Wheee!!!! [b]Harrah's[/b] I want to pull the lever! Can't i please pull the lever???? I swear I'm 21!!!! [b]Igloos[/b]---(sp?) What a fun little home! I get to live with penguins, isn't my aunt jealous [b]Jack[/b]----*giggles to Artemis* [b]Katie-chan[/b] What i would do without her, she's my best friend. [b]Lyndsey[/b]--Another of my best friends, who I made a fun little book with. *giggles* The book of Ghastly information....i'll let you guess what's it about. [b]M & M's[/b]---What fun you can have with these little things!!! :) [b]Nemo[/b] what a cute little movie, and yet....it was so sad. [b]Otaku[/b]---i wonder what i would do if i wasn't here.......... [b]Pinball[/b]--"She's the pinball wizard!" [b]Quesidillas[/b]---the greatest mexican food there is!!! [b]Restrooms[/b]---what would you do with out them? [b]Stars[/b]---I love just looking up at them...they are soo pretty. [b]Tony![/b]---what would i do without him? I would actually go to sleep at a reasonable time, that's for sure! [b]Underwear[/b]----um...just trying to be different.....everyone else had umbrellas.... [b]Valentine's day[/b]--*hugs self* [b]Waycool[/b] My favorite saying....from 6th grade!!! [b]X-rays[/b] What I'm going to do when I graduate!!! [b]Yahoo searches[/b]---*giggles* what fun little things you can find just by typing in a letter [b]Z Warriors[/b] Trunks!!!!!! :)
  19. VROOM!! VROOM! Planes flew by at lightening fast speed, causing Escaflowne to falter in the sky. "What the hell are these?!" Reno yelled as he followed Escaflowne with his eyes, and making sure he dodged the parade of missiles that were hurled toward him. [I]Hum....so they're not on his side either. What could they be?[/I] Reno then saw two people running away from the the commotion.[I]Trying to avoid our nice little party I see. Hum...it's the girl.[/I] Reno yelled into the communicator, "You two, stay here and fight it. I'm going after the girl." "Yes, sir!" came the reply, as a new barradge came. Reno dodged it again. "Put you're cloaks on, and fire at them, and Escaflowne!" he ordered. [I]Damn, those things can still see me since Escaflowne ripped my cloak.[/I] Reno saw as his men disappeared and headed straight for Hitomi.
  20. I just got out my Eposide Zero again, and began to ask myself...who really is Middie Une? I mean...this is really the only time we see her. Was she really that bad of a kid? What do you think???
  21. I think it's kinda given that Cowboy Bebop and .hack soundtracks are the best. I mean, all the songs are sooo good, and so clean and crisp. They get me into a good mood. Espically the Bebop ones. They make me want to dance. I also love the Gundam Wing soundtrack. Those songs are good, and I espically love "Last Impression" which is the closing song for Endless Waltz. All of the Gundam Wing songs where done by Two-Mix, which is a great group. Every Little Thing does a great job on the InuYasha soundtrack, which in itself is another great one. All of the songs on there, like the background songs, are just as good as teh more popular ones. My favorite is Dearest and Every Heart. I think it's because teh paino is a predominant force in both of them. I also like Through the Night from Outlaw Star, and yes...who could forget the opening to Evangelion. :)
  22. Heero- "I won't kill anyone this year. I won't kill anyone this year." *repeats to self* Legato-"Not controlling people!! You've got to be kidding me." Wolfwood-"I will use my traveling confessional on everyone!!!" Vash-"Eat tons of dougnuts every day!!" (that's all i can think of right now!)
  23. Ha ha! *laughs at Sailor Moon movie* ya know, in all actuallity, i just watched that a couple of weeks ago. I guess you could consider it christmas cuz it was snowing all the time, and the Darien thing too. I also loved that Big O one. I don't know if you could count this as anime, but it's difinately cartoon....Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! *giggles* sorry, i had to put that. My favorite would half to be Endless watlz, cuz you know, you could technically count that as a christmas eposide. (plus, i havent' seen any other christmas themed shows) :)
  24. I don't know if this is true for anyone else, but all the Japenese voices sound the same to me! Even if they are a different person, it sounds the same. Maybe it's just the language, i don't know... I find that sometimes i end up just watching the show becuase it has a certain voice in it. I mean the same guy who did Tai's voice in the orginial digimon did the voice for what was his name in Cyborg 009. Good voices make the anime good. At least that's my opinion.
  25. OOC: Is it just me, or is this a three person rpg? N/E who i want to keep this going, so here i go! "I'm Yuna," Yuna said as she outstreached her hand. "Tidus", he said as they shook. Kimarhi stepped over and broke them apart. "Yuna....summoning" he said as he looked at her. "Oh yeah. Come on Wakka! We've got to go, another village has been attack by Sin. Lulu is waiting!" she said looking at Wakka. "Oh, and you can come too." she said as she looked at Tidus with a smile. Yuna ran back in the direction of Lulu, with everyone following, Kimarhi making sure he was inbetween the two.
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