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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. lol, that's great! Help is my favorite movie, although i don't really know why. I think it's cuz i you can understand it, it's in color, and ringo is basically the star! :) You know, i think they just released Let it Be on to DVD. it's never been released before. and as to your comment about Paul Radaghast, he only became the bassist because the guy who was their bassist quit to marry some lady in germany, i believe. altough i can't remember if that was during the beatles or when they were just simply "the quarrymen". hum.....
  2. Yuna awoke and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She got up, and headed for the village square. The little kids began to gather round her. They wanted to see the aeon, and cheered her as she walked past. "she will save us," an old man said as she took her place in the middle of the square. "I'm kinda nervous," Yuna thought to herself. She took a big breath to calm herself. She looked over to Lulu, and Kimahri who both nodded. She began the dance...
  3. Yeah!!!! The beatles are awesome!!!! I'm glad to see another person likes this great 60's group. ok, first off, my dad is obsessed with them, so it kinda got passed down to me. I even did an essay on Paul McCartney, even though he's not my favorite beatle. (that's ringo!) Every year we go to beatlefest in Chicago, and it's so much fun! They show teh beatles' movies like Help!, and Hard Day's NIght, Yellow Submarine, and all the others! I've always loved the beatles music, and they are a legend. If you haven't heard of they you must have been living under a rock for the last 40 years. If you haven't listened to one, or all of their songs (like I have! :)) I suggest you do. they are one of the greatest bands who have ever sang a song. The british invasion has begun!!!! :)
  4. Name: Sarah "lightening strike" Mc Fade Age: 21 years old Appearence: A female of slim figure, around 5'7" tall. She wears blue jeans, and a red tank top. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Weapon: of choice: her sword, otherwise: a regular gun like Vash's Bio: Sarah is a bounty hunter, and didn't get her nickname for nothing. She moves so fast, no one sees her move. She has killed 124 bounties to date. She searches for the ultimate reward: Vash the Stampede, but doesn't mind taking smaller jobs on the way. Sarah was born and raised a killer, and was taught how to fight when she was two. Although she doesn't believe in killing people, she does it to earn money for her family, her husband and her son. Good or Bad: Bad, i guess, she wants to kill Vash. (I hope this is ok!)
  5. Karen got inside her gundam and the screen went up with a flash. There to the left of the screen was a small picture of her parents. "Don't worry dad, i'll get them back for trying to mess with your invention." she said quietly to herself. "All right!" she yelled. "I"m ready! Let's go find 'em!" "Just wait," Manakari said. "We've got to find something to follow." "They had to have left a trail somewhere," Tanya said as she was waiting for Jake. "Everyone, begin searching."
  6. i think the other movies on with them were daft punk, if i remeber. they had some good songs. I think Clint Eastwood was my favorite. I would go around school just singing it. "I'm happy, i'm feeling glad, I got sunshine in a bag..." you know the words. people looked at me funny, but hey, i didn't care. it was a good song, and hardly anyone knew who they were when i told them.
  7. i love the 80's! It was a great time to be born! all those great shows. Pee-Wee's Playhouse...oh how i remember that show. me and my brother would watch it every time it came on, and then when it was time for the secret word, we would scream it at the top of our lungs and make mom mad at us. :) those were great times, and who could forget the Turtles and Care Bears. they're coming back!!! wow, it seems that everything during this era is coming back, in terms of shows that is. I mean, turtle and care bears. and they even have transformers! not to mention a new He-man! and who could forget those wonderful thundercats.... oh...such great memories of my childhood....
  8. The light shown bright in my face, as i opened the doors and stepped out of the temple of Besaid. I took a step, and then collapsed on the ground. All that time praying in the temple had took it's toll, but i had recieved the Aeon. Kimarhi rushed over to me and helped me onto my feet. "are you ok?" "I'm fine," I said as i stood, and surveyed the beutiful landscape of the island. I took a breath, and walked down the steps of the temple.
  9. I would have to say that my second youngest cousin would have to be my favorite cousin. She is almost eigth or so years younger than me, but we've always been close. Altough she's can't really understand the situations i get into, she always listens, and is there to learn from my mistakes. I'm always able to help her in any problems she has. She's like the little sister i never had. I'm really close to her family too, her mom is like my second mother. I don't know what i'd do if something happened to her.
  10. I'm really not looking forward to my 18th birthday, which is coming up in a couple of months. It means i'll have to stay the entire time at work, untill the entire store is cleaned, which never really happens till around midnight, instead of getting to leave a 10 and say "see ya later suckers!!!". Even though, i might feel like an adult, i'm sure i won't get the whole "let it hit me right in the face" until i move out to go to college. But hey, at least me and katie-chan can go clubbing!!! ;)
  11. Every year around Thanksgiving, my mom's family gets together and we draw names. Whose ever name you draw is who you have to buy a christmas present for. Then on christmas eve, we get together and spend the entire day together. We have lunch, then we go to church, then we come back, eat supper, and then let the festivies contiune. We usually don't finish till after midnight, which makes my little cousins wonder weather santa will come or not!! *giggles*
  12. humm... that is a really good question. There are so many things that i would like to do, but here are some of my top ones. 1. Find and what is wrong with my mom, and find a cure for whatever she has. 2. Finish my novel, and then make an anime series out of it. 3. Graduate from college and become a rad tech. 4. have a family with the person i love most in the world 5. live in a big house, and not have to worry about money! 6. get along with everyone i meet, and never try to hurt anyone i love 7. stay best friends with Lyndsey and Katie-chan forever!!! :)
  13. Spirited Away is one of my favorite anime movies, it wasn't my first, and definately not my last. my gosh, everything this guy has done is awesome! I liked Castle in the Sky, and Kiki's delievery service, but back to spirited away. The music was great, and so was the story. I thought it was funny what happened in the beginning to her parents, but i thought it was really cool how she was able to pick them out in the end. that would be some test! my favorite was the little coal spiders, and of course, i liked Haku!
  14. those are all great ones, but one of my favorite parts was when Kauru got kidnapped by the samuri guy who was wanting to fight kenshin, because he wanted to prove himself better than him. and while they were fighting, kenshin's eyes turned ember, and he came really close to become the battosai again. that was great.
  15. I used to watch this show when it aired in the summer before school started. Now, i find myself not being able to stay up to watch it. I thought it was interesting, and i know i really didn't get very far into it, but what i saw the story was good. The blue kinda looked weird, but hey, its original. I liked the story, which keept you wondering what was going to happen next. which makes me wonder...what did happen after they made it to space?
  16. I like the group, they have had some really good music! my mom has been really into them since like forever, and has all their cds. I borrow them from her so i can listen. she even went to one of their concerts. i'm jealous!
  17. OMG! if that is true i will be sooooo happy! I love Daft Punk's music, and when they used to show there music videos on Toonami, i used to watch them all the time. I tried to download them, but it didn't work. I will be forever happy if this is true! I just love how they do techno, it's sooo good! If you haven't listened to this group you should, it's defenetly worth while!
  18. I remember way back when we used to sing "our God is an awesome God" all the time. That was one great song. and i can't help singing along with "i can only imagine" comes on, even if it is a remake. we have these youth masses where we sing all the newest songs. It is fun. There is guitar and drums and everything!
  19. The first time i heard this song, i was coming to use the computer, and my dad was on it. This song was playing in the background, and he was singing to it. I just had to stand there. Ever time i hear that song on the radio, i think of that moment. dad singing about stacy's mom. oh, the memories.
  20. There are so many huge families in my city that it seems everyone is related somehow. Like my cousins's new husband has 11 brothers and sisters. each parents has like 10 siblings, and the list just goes on. And then you have another family who'll i'll call the "S's" there are like 6 kids in the school with this last name. And a wierd thing happened yesterday. I saw an add on the tv for a youth group and i someone i knew back in 4th grade was on there, and the weird thing was he hasn't changed a bit!
  21. stress is just a part of life. everyone goes through it. like right now, i have so much stuff to do, and so little time, i wish i had a clock i could just stop time with. finding a college is hard work! but usually, what i do is a either talk to my friends, who usually help me out with my problems, or i lay down on my bed, and put my favorite cd in, and just think about how i can deal with it. I try not to let my problems chech up to me, but if they do, i just deal with them, i never put them off.
  22. we read about the salem witch trials in english class, and we read the crucible too. I think it was all a bunch of rich people trying to kill off the poor people so they could have their land. I mean if you think about, most of the peopel who were realling into the church back then had lots of money, even the priest did. and sure, it's wrong, i don't think the trials really accomplished anything other than killing people, and committing murder, but you have to admitt greed is a part of human nature. unforunately.
  23. some of the crazy things i say, hum.... -i like to randomly shout "Cookies!" -"It's the randomness of it all" -"omi kurisu" (i will kill you) -while holding up a mechinical pencil me and my friends like to say "misson accepted" and press it -"for the love of trunks!" that's all i can think of right now, but i know there is more!
  24. Name: Yuna Age: i think she's like 21 or something Weapon: Dark staff Magic: Curega, and all the other healing ones, and of course the aeons! all of them! Bio: Yuna is the daughter of Lord Braska, the world-renoun summuner who defeated sin. She is a summuner too who wishes to prove herself better than her father. Apperence: just like in the game. Type: summoner Overdrive: it lets you use an aeon already powered up for it's best attack! Items: 5 potions, 10 exlers (sp?)
  25. Ok, I have posted the first part, (i guess it's ok) it's in the adventure arena, so let's start! It's your turn, animangademon!
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