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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. Of course I would have to say Duo. Like all the other Gundam Pilots he has a complex past, that haunts him to this day. I think that even though Duo appears to be happy on the outside, he's really quite sad. Sad about the war, sad about his past. Duo had a lot of sad stuff happen to him, and so did the other pilots. Maybe I'm just predujust because I like Duo more than the other pilots ;). But I'd also go with Heero too. I mean, if he's not comlex I don't know who is!!! Does anyone else feel this way????
  2. This has got to be one of the funniest shows on TV. I laugh so hard I start to cry. I loved the one were they had to run across those logs that turned when you stepped on it! The one guy finally made it across but he kept getting stuck inbetween two of them before he moved on! And then the girl, it looked like she broke her leg!! It got cought in one while she was falling and it was twisted behind her! It was sooo funny!!! The voice overs are the best part!!!
  3. Family Guy is a great cartoon! Stewie makes the show for me!! I watch just to see what evil plan he's trying to hatch. My favorite eposide is when he took over chris and they started singing the "Putting on the Ritz" song!!! It was great!!!
  4. Ok, so no one knows who did the song Through the Night, but you have to admit it was sort of good. Not the best, but sort of. I mean, it really got the show kicking and off to a good start. Of course it has nothing on the groups everyone else has mentioned, but give them a chance. For lea, Ride on Shooting Star is a good song by the Pillows. Is it just me or do these guys sound like the Beatles???
  5. Oh yeah! I saw this at a friends house a couple of weeks ago. I had never heard of it before, and thought that it would just be like all the other movies. Boy, was I suprised! I absolutely loved it!!! It was so awesome!! I'm really into the whole "protect your family" thing, I just loved how the brothers kept helping each other out. I'm not gonna explain, you'll just have to watch it. you'll know what i'm talking about!!! I would definatly recommend it!!!!
  6. Come on! Doesn't anyone remember the good ol' days?? With Bugs and Daffy and Tweety and Slyvester (sp), and Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd, Road Runner and Coyote??? You know I'm talking about Looney Tunes!! It's got to be the original, all these other shows just don't measure up!!! I mean, what other cartoons get banned just becuase they talk about WW2 and what happened over there??? And don't think that just because I'm writing this i'm really old. I'm a teenager too. I just happened to grow up with it, and that's why I love it so much!!!
  7. Hee Hee! I got it!!! Come on, people! You got to love Mario Cart!! In my opinion one of the greatest games for the N64! Driving around wierd looking tracks, shooting shells at your opponents, using the power of the star to go faster, using the lighting bolt to make the others small so you can run over them, mushrooms, bombs, the list goes on. My favorite driver...Mario, of course!!! My dad's favortie...toad "Let's go!" Winner....Mario, every time!! I also LOVED Zelda! I keep playing that game, over and over, never being able to get past the water temple. *Cries* But oh well, I love it anyway!! Link is the best!! Go link!!!
  8. I loved Donkey Kong Country! My siblings and me played it all the time. We would always play together. Every day when we got home from school, we would go straight downstairs and play it. Remembering the good ol' days. Whatever happened to them? I remember it took us FOREVER to beat it, because we really weren't that good, especially me!!!
  9. Outlaw Star is a great anime, and like Hotsuma, was one of the first I ever saw. I watched it on CN, so I don't know about the dubbing and all that, but it was great. I really liked the music, and like everyone else keeps saying, if you like action-adventure series, you're going to like this one. I personally liked the main story, which, i'll let you find out. ;)
  10. Favorite fighter, huh? Wow, there's just so many.. Let's start with Goku, from Dragonball Z... How could you not elect this guy? First off, he's pure of heart, something I bet at one time wish we could be. Second, he's the most powerfull fighter in the universe. Third, he gives the bad guys second and even third chances to get their act together. And last but not least, he sacrifices himself for the good of mankind. Who else could you say does that??? Next...it would be a tie between Trunks and Hiei. Both use their swords oh so well, and are also able to kick some major butt without it. Not to mention being fast and really cute!!! Then...i would have to say Kuruma. What other demon cares about humans so much that he was willing to die for one? And the way he uses plants to fight is really cool too. Not to mention, he's very good looking!!! And the list goes on...
  11. I've never even heard of it before, except for the commercial I saw on Cartoon Network. What is about? Is it another DBZ? or is it better?
  12. LOTR is the best movie there is! I just don't get how Pippin and Merry don't get that much credit! I mean, they did alot too,you know!! Pippin is the best hobbit around, and he doesn't get any respect!!! Yo, pippin, I'm on your side!!! Always!!!!
  13. [COLOR=crimson]Have you ever wondered what your name meant????[/COLOR] Well, I have taken the liberty to look up some popluar anime names. Let's start with Trigun: Knives... "The name of Knives creates a very aggressive and independent nature, one with big ambitions, giving you original, progressive, large-scale ideas, salesmanship and promotional ability as well as the excellent business judgment which enables you to gain the financial accumulation to which you feel entitled. You have a versatile, restless nature, and could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks. You are seldom satisfied and are always seeking something new. However, you do not know the meaning of relaxation, for when supposedly resting, your mind is forever active, planning out some new project or seeking new ways to improve your present enterprise. You could organize the work of others, though in your impatience to see the job done efficiently, you would likely step right in and do it yourself. " I think it fits him perfectly!!! :love: Look up your favorite character and post their meaning here! Here's the link: [COLOR=darkblue][URL=http://www.kabalarians.com/]http://www.kabalarians.com/[/URL] [/color]
  14. It's gotta be the Deathscythe! I mean, come on. What other Gundam can appear out of nowhere and whack away at you? I mean, the hyper jammers really take the cake!
  15. which one was your favorite story? I liked Duo's (of course)! I thought it was sad what happened to him when he was little, and you finally got to see how he got his braid!!
  16. Thanks for the help. Do you know what it is about? Does it take place before or after the series?
  17. Rhythm Emotion and most of the Gundam Wing songs were performed by Two-Mix, who in my opinion is one of the greatest J-Pop artists. They also did songs like "Last Impression", "White Reflection", and "Truth".
  18. [SIZE=1]16[/SIZE] [COLOR=firebrick]Hey Gundam Wing fans![/COLOR] [FONT=century gothic]I have a question for anyone who knows a lot about Gundam Wing! Now, I don't pretend to be a genius or anything, but I must say I own the box set, and Endless Watlz, special ed. I was wandering if anyone has heard of Eposide Zero?[/FONT] [FONT=century gothic]I don't know if it's just magna or if it's a movie. I heard somewhere that it was only made in Chinese, but I don't know if that's true.[/FONT] [FONT=century gothic]If anyone has any information about Eposide Zero, or knows where I can either find it or buy it, it would be a great help! Thanks![/FONT] :wigout:
  19. In my small little section of the world, you can watch anime and still be "in the in crowd". Most (or some I should say) of the "popular" kids in my school watch all kinds of anime. And even though my city isn't as big as NYC, it's still the biggest in the state. Even adults watch it here. Just the other day, I went into Suncoast, and saw at least 5 people over in the anime section, checking out the DVD's. And they weren't just picking up DBZ,(thought I have to admit half the section was full of it), they were picking up Kenshin, .hack, and others I am sorry to admit i haven't heard of before. So in answer to your question, I would have to say anime has quite a big following in my city.
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