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Everything posted by duorocks17
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya looked up at Canathael as she slowly followed slightly behind him. He was still looking the other way, as if afraid to look at her. Maya followed quietly as the group took another turn, and contiuned down yet another alley. [I]"What just happened?[/I]" Maya thought as she was watching the gravel pass underneath her, looking down at the ground. [I]"Did he just...protect me?" [/I] Maya really didn't know what to do. She'd never been "protected" before. At least, the only one who ever did the protecting was Miguel, and that was a long long time ago. Maya had always been used to protecting herself, at least, that's how it was back in her time. To be protected by someone she wanted to protect, Maya didn't know how she was feeling. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't describe the emotion that was going through her, it was one of many mixed feelings, one of shame for not being able to take care of herself in the first place, and then having him save her, shyness because maybe it was the first time she'd ever really felt like a got-to-be-protected girl, and...something else she had never really felt before, not even she could give it a name. Maya took Canathael's jacket from her shoulders, and actually put it on, holding it tightly to her, as the group stopped. "What's wrong?" Maya called as she caught up with the two men. "It seems Sir Marek is a little...perplexed." Canathael said quietly as the two watched Marek look up and down the alley way. "Ohhh great," Maya said as she rolled her eyes. "You're lost, aren't you?" Marek gave no response, more like a mumble under his breathe that sounded like "I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up," but Maya paid no attention. Maya looked around real fast to make sure there was no one around them. Then Maya closed her eyes. "What the hell are you doing?" Marek said as he turned around. "Just shut up for a sec," Maya said as she concentrated. Through the drip-drops of water hitting the cement, and the rain still contiuning to fall, making a somewhat mask over the sound, Maya could faintly hear the rumble of the cars and trucks on the street, the splash of water as tires ran through the puddles of water that where now everywhere. "The street's this way," Maya said as she started running down an alley to the right. "Hold on!" Maya heard the call from behind her as the two boys tried to keep up. Maya was concentrating on the sound of the street, knowing that as long as she did, she would be able to find the exit to this labriynth of alleys. Maya turned up a couple of alleys until she finally stopped, and sort of slammed herself against one of the walls, slowly peeking out around the corner to see what she could see. Just a few feet away, the ground seemed to shake from the wieght of the heavy cars, trucks, and vans, not to mention taxi's that where slushing down it. "Found it!" Maya said with a smile, as the two men joined her, Marek pushing past her as he started down the street. Maya grabbed Canathael's hand tightly as the two walked up to where Marek had stopped at the cross walk. "Where to now, oh master guide?" Maya asked sarcastically, as she sneezed. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya held on to Canathael's hand tightly, as she held his jacket close to her with her other hand, slightly jogging to keep up with his, and Marek's quick pase. The rain was still contiuning to fall as heavily as it was earlier, as Maya looked up into the clouds. It was hard to tell the difference between the smog and the actuall rain clouds, Maya figured she'd probably be the only one of the crew who could. Another shiver ran down Maya's body as the group stopped to pick an alley to follow. "Are you still cold, my Lady?" Canathael asked as he looked down at her, with a rain-soaked brow. "It's not the coldness that bothers me," Maya said quietly. "But what about you? Aren't you cold? Do you want your jacket back?" Maya said as she reached to take it off. "Do not worry, I'm fine as long as your fine." Canathael said with a smile, as they followed Marek down another alley. "I dont' trust him," Maya said quietly to Canathael, as the group turned and took another alley in a different direction. "What if he's leading us to some sort of trap?" "I'm sure he wouldn't, at least, not right now. I believe he will take us to where Lady Li has gone." Canathael said almost tonelessly. "We will just have to follow him for the time being, until we can find everyone else." Maya nodded quietly, as she heard voices up ahead. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A man voice said. "Looks like a trio of tresspassers!" Came another voice. Maya looked up, and saw three armed men, blocking the path between them and the next alley way. The first of the speakers was a short, almost tubbly man, batting a club in his hand. Next to him, was a tall man, holding a gun cocked at teh side of his head. The third, and the second speaker, was standing with his arms crossed. All had smirks on their faces. Maya reached back for her gun, only to realize that she no longer had it with her, remembering she had dropped in the the alleyway. "Oh look boys! They've even got a cute chick with them! I bet we could have some fun!" The taller of the three men said. Maya sqeezed Canathael's hand, as he side-stepped to take a stance in front of her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya clincted tightly to her bare arms, slightly shivering as she surveyed the area. They where in an alley surrounded by tall buildings, the street was a little ways away, cars slowly moving by in the rain. To the right ran another alley, that was seemingly interconnected with the one she was standing in. Maya had no idea where she was exactly, but she knew, she was home. Or as close to home as should would probably get. Maya's low-raise blue jeans where soaking wet from where the flare started in the fabric, to her boots. Her black short shirt, with hardly any sleeves on it, left a little bit of her stomach exposed. Maya didn't have to check her clothes, she knew what she was going to be wearing, this was practically her time after all. She had often worn clothes like this when she went out on the town with Katie, though her clothes wheren't so revealing. Maya rubbed the side of her leg with her foot, making sure that both her knives, and can of mase where still inside them. Maya could also feel the coldness of steal that was pressed against her back, a small gun hiding in her belt line, on her back, the shirt barely covering it from view. Maya looked down the street, as the rain began to fall harder. [I]"Rain....I hate the rain,[/I]" Maya said to herself as she shivered again, not only from being cold, but from starting to get scared as well. The scene of her brother being washed away appeared. [I]"Miguel," [/I] Maya whispered quietly. [I]"No, I can't think of the past."[/I] Maya shook her head, and tried to erase the vision. "Lady Maya, are you alright?" Maya turned around to see Canathael, standing behind her, looking slightly worried. "Canathael," Maya said as she looked up to him, rain falling off his hair. "Please, Canathael, promise you won't leave me again! This time....is dangerous." Maya said as she looked down. "People get killed every minute on the streets. You have to be fast and keep low. They show no mercy. I don't....I don't want to lose you too." There was a silence as the rain contiuned to fall around them. Canathael had just started to speak, when Maya spun around and reached for her gun, there was someone coming down the alley way...someone...or something.... [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Where could she be?" Maya asked queitly to herself, as she sat on the fence post of the house where the gang had first met their wanted outlaw, who was now dead as a doornob. Sutaru was standing next to her, arms crossed in a most upset fashion. "I can't believe he tried to shoot me," Sutaru said as he looked down at Pieter who was now laying semi-uncounsious on the dirt path next to Maya's feet. "You didn't have to punch him that hard though," Maya said as she slightly kicked Pieter with her toe, nudging him a tad bit. "Now I can't tell if he's really about to faint, or if he's just still drunk." Pieter moaned again, but didn't really make any movements. "I still wish we knew where Li was," Maya began. "But we can't really go look for her until the boys come back, it'd be pointless to leave now, when Canathael said he'd be here shortly." Sutaru nodded slightly as he looked over his shoulder to a dust cloud that seemed to be raising. "I think there's something, or someone coming," Sutaru said as he tried to make out the figures through the cloud of dust. "Canathael!!" Maya said as she ran to meet them, a huge smile on her face.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya slowly reached for the door to the sheriff's office, dawning a character she always hoped she'd never have to play, a whinny, cry-baby girl. Maya took a deep breathe, as she opened the door, and ran inside, pretending to be crying. "Please sir!" Maya said as she ran up to him and pulled on his arm. "I can't find my brother! I think he's lost!" Maya cried as a fake tear came down her cheek. "Whoa, now girl," the sheriff said, trying to pry Maya from his arm. "There's no reason to get so upset..." "But he's all I have," Maya cried, holding on tighter. "I need my brother! Please!" A groan came from the corner of the room, where the cells where. The sheriff walked over to the cells, Maya still holding tightly to his arm. "Quiet down you," he said as he was about to turn back around. "Brother!" Maya said like a young girl as she rushed to the cell and tried to get Pieter to come closer. "Pieter, it's me, Maya. I'm getting you outta here," she whispered. "That man is your brother?" the sheriff asked, confussed. "Hold it...you look like that girl that was with him earlier..." the sheriff said as he started to reach for Maya. "Sutaru!" Maya yelled as she quickly did a low kick to sweap the sheriff's feat from underneath him, as Sutaru came rushing in the door, and pinned the old man against the wall. "Grab the keys," Sutaru said as he pinned the man, who was now shaking from being startled, and wondering just who these people where. Maya nodded and reached for the Sheriff's pocket, but he moved slightly away. "That's it," Maya said as she reached inside her boot, and took out her can of mase. "Take this you old broute." Maya said as he sprayed it in his eyes. During the confussion of the sheriff yelling with pain, and reaching for his eyes, Maya quickly took the keys, and unlocked Pieter's door. "Come on!" Maya said as she tried to grab Pieter's hand and pull him up, only he wasn't willing to move, and through the force of the effort, Maya fell back into the wall. "Ouch!" she said as she slowly stood up, now getting madder that Pieter was being such a baby (in her mind), and couldn't hold his own. Maya quickly walked up to Pieter and yelled in his face. "Get your ass up!" Finally, Pieter's face turned toward the sound, and while he had his eyes open, Maya once again sprayed the can of mase at him. "Whatcha do that for?" Sutaru asked as he took the keys from Maya, and looked the sheriff in one of the cells. "Look, he's more awake now," Maya said with a satisfactory smile. "Grab him and let's get the others and get out of here." Maya said as she helped pull Pieter up, and onto Sutaru's shoulders. She then lead the now three party group out of the building. "Li!" Maya shouted into her communicator while running toward where they had left her. Maya only got static on the other end. "Li!!" Maya tried once more, only to get the static again. Maya looked over to Sutaru, who shook his head, and ran faster, carrying Pieter on his back.[/COLOR][/FONT]
umm...i got tired of waiting...sorry....trying to keep it alive... [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"This is bad," Sutaru said as he looked around the outside of the tavern. "Where could he have gone? We'll have to use the communicator now." he said as he reached for his. "No, it's still to early to give up yet." Maya said as she stopped him, and looked around some more. "Let's just go looking in windows or something." Maya said as she started off down the street, Sutaru following behind her, not really liking this idea very well. They searched many houses, sometimes getting stuffed throwed at them in the process. "This idea stinks," Sutaru said as he reached one more time for this communicator, wiping his sleeve clean of the lettace that had just been thrown at him. "No, wait!" Maya said as she stopped him one more time. "There's still two more places we havn't looked yet." Maya said as she pointed towards two buildings in the middle of the small town. One, was the church, the other, the Sheriff's office. "You've got to be kidding me," Sutaru said as he followed Maya toward the sheriff's office. "I'll check here, you check the church," Maya said as she started to head to a window with bars on it. "Pieter? Are you there Pieter?" she whispered, as she heard a gruff, and then the sound of a bottle dropping. "Who's there?" came a voice that Maya slightly recognized. "Show yourself!" "Oh great," Maya thought. "Sounds like he's drunk again. I knew he couldn't hold his liqour very well." Maya shook her head. "It's me, Pieter! It's Maya!" she said very slowly, and slightly louder then she wanted to. "The walls...are talking.." she heard Pieter murmer, as she sighed and decided to just head inside anways. She hailed Sutaru from outside the door, but not going anywhere near the church. "Thank goodness, let's get him and get the hell out of here." Maya nodded, and started to go inside. "Wait," she said. "I'll go in, if that sheriff guy sees you, he might be a little wierded out. I'll pretend to be his sister or something, if anything goes wrong, I'll scream, and that's your cue." Sutaru was starting to not like the idea that he was always having to stand around and wait, he wanted some action, but he nodded nonetheless, as Maya went inside.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya watched worriedly as she saw Canathael follow Sarek into the distance and out of eyesite. [I]"You better not break your promise Canathael,"[/I] Maya said to herself. [I]"Or else.[/I]" Maya quickly shook her head to bring her back to reality, as she surveyed who was now left. Li was standing next to the still unconcious James, while Sutaru was standing next to her, arms folded. "Looks like it's up to Sutaru and me to find Pieter. Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself, Li?" Maya asked, though she already knew what Li was going to say. "I"ll be sure to contact you if anything strange, or bad happens." Li said with a smile. "Please contact me once you have found Pieter." Maya nodded, as she turned around, and headed back into town, Sutaru on her heels. "It might be too dangerous for us to use the communicators to contact him, it might get him into trouble." Maya yelled back. "He might be in trouble already," Sutaru commented as they made it back to the tavern they where at before. Maya carefully opened up the doors, but noticed that Pieter was no where to be found. "I was right," Sutaru said as he glanced around one more time before the two left. "Well, maybe he's waiting for us somewhere else," Maya thought out loud.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"What the hell is going on?" Maya demanded as she took a station between Canathael and Sarek, staring Sarek down. Sarek shrugged, and started to turn the other way. "Don't turn your back on me!" Maya practically yelled, as she grabbed Sarek's uningured arm. Sarek turned around quickly and practically ripped Maya's arm off of his other one. "Don't touch me," he hissed as he squeezed Maya wrist, lifting her a little into the air, toes an inch from the group. "Let go," She demanded strongly, and quietly, trying her best not to let the pain now coming from her wrist qway her. "Get your filthy hands off of her!" Canathael yelled as he struggled even more under Sutaru. Sarek shurged again, and threw Maya to the ground, though not has hard as he truely wanted to. Maya landed on her wrist, getting dust all over her dress, as she slowly stood back up, holding her wrist. "Our group dynamic sucks!" Maya exclaimed as one of the two men started to regain conciousness.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Dammit!" Maya yelled, as she closed the communicator, realizing that Canathael had cut her off. [I]"What are you thinking?" [/I] she asked herself, as Sutaru came over, and John, who had prieviously thought that Maya was the only sane on in the group, took a few steps away from her. "Whoa, calm down. I'm sure those guys are fine. They're strong, and can take care of themselves." Li nodded in agreement. "It's not that," Maya started. "I know they're strong, they can take care of themselfs, blah blah blah. I have a really bad feeling about this. Something....just isn't right." Maya said as she shook her head. "It's hard to describe." Maya tried to explain as she snapped open her communicator again. "Dave, please, I need to know where Canathael is." Maya heard some static on the other end as a grumpy voice came on the line. "What do you want now?" Dave asked exasperated. "I need to know where Canathael is," Maya said more forcelly. "What's happened now? Surely you haven't encountered anything bad already?" There was silence on the other end, as Dave sighed. There was some "click"ing in the background and after a moment Dave spoke. "Go straight down that road till the edge of town. You can't miss him. And don't bother me again until your ready to come home." The communicator beeped to show the end of the transmittion, as Maya turned around, grabbed John's hand, and started running down the road. [I]"Canathael, you idiot," [/I] Maya thought running as fast as she could, pulling John along. [I]"You can't get away from me so easily. I'll find you no matter where you go."[/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue] "What's Canathael doing?" Maya wondered quietly as Pieter returned to the table. "What's going on?" She asked, with a worried expression on her face. "He had something to do, ja?" Pieter returned not looking directly at her, not even he knew what was going on very well. "Alone? He had to do it alone? Why didn't you follow him?" Maya said as she started to get up from her chair. Pieter grabbed her hand, and forced her back down. "He's got a communicator, he'll call if he gets into trouble." He said reassuringly. "But what if it's too late," Maya said, as she watched two men enter the tavern. "Canathael is strong, Maya. He can take care of himself," Li chipped in with a smile. Maya nodded her head, as she contiuned to watch the two men. "So...." Sutaru said, trying to break the ackward silence. "Do you believe us or not," he asked, directing the question toward John. "Well..."John started, sweating a little. "I"m not saying I believe you, but you seem like nice folk, all of ya except for that Sarek guy, so I guess there's no harm in showing ya around." The group breathed a sigh of relief. Maya wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, she still had her eyes on the two gentlemen who had entered the tavern, who we now seated at the bar. "Umm, John." Maya asked as he caught his arm to get his attention. "Do you know any of those men at the bar there?" she asked as she nodded toward them, not wanting to point. John studied the back of the two carefully, and pondered. "I'm afraid not ma'am." John said as he turned back around. "My name's Maya, you don't have to call me ma'am." Maya said back to him, as she looked to Li. "Is it just me, or does that one on the left look a little familar." Li studied the back of the man for a bit, and then nodded. "I think we need to get out of here," Maya said as she rose up. "You mean, you think that's Pro..." Sutaru started. Maya nodded strongly, as she silenced him from saying the rest. "If we get caught now, it's all over. I think we should try to find Canathael and Sarek. I don't like the fact that we've broken up. And they don't even have John with them. How are they going to know where they are?" The group nodded as they followed Maya out of the tavern, being carefull not to be seen by the two gentlemen at teh bar. "Should we try to contact them?" Li asked as they where all safetly outside. "They couldn't have gone very far. I'm sure we can catch up to them. Are we ready?" Maya looked around, as everyone except Pieter nodded. "I don't think this is such a good idea." he started.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Canathael!!" Maya yelled as she ran up the corridor, waving to him as she saw him down the hallway. She skidded to a stop before him, and spun around. "How do I look?" She said as she smiled up at him, hands clasped behind her back. The long blue fabric of Maya's dress was still turning a bit, the lace at the bottom quiet frilly. You could see the boots Maya was wearing, they looked just like her school shoes, only made of cowhide. She still kept her mase and knives inside of them. Traveling up, Canathael noticed her red belt, and the top of her dressed, marked with a scarf that seemed to hang off her shoulders, being tied in the front. Maya's dress was also long-sleeved, and she was wearing a blue hat, her hair flowing down her back, this time not pulled up. "It seems people in this period are more modest." Maya said as she smiled up at Canathael. Canathael was at a seeming lost for words. "You look lovely, Lady Maya," the sorcerer said with a small bow. "If I may ask, how do I look?" The sorcerer asked. Maya giggled as she examined him. "You look like someone straight out of those John Wayne movies," she said with a smile. "I see you've got weapons." Maya said as she pointed to the two guns. "Can you use those?" Canathael nodded, though not quiet sure of himself. "Good," Maya contiuned. "I've got a small one here, but it's not proper for the girls to wear them where they will be noticed." Maya explained. "Well, shall we go?" Maya asked as she smiled up at him. "Come, Lady Maya. Let us start this new adventure." Canathael said as he grabbed her hand, and the two headed for the portal. "We're ready Dave!" Maya yelled as she saw the blue light appear before her and spread out. Canathael was looking a little apprihensive, but Maya sqeezed his hand and smiled. Canathael looked down at the young girl, nodded back, and allowed himself to be lead inside. [/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: I'm going on a trip out of town this weekend, so I won't be able to post. Just letting ya know. :)
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya strummed her hand impatiently on the top of the table, putting her head in her other hand, and sighed. [I]"This is so unfair. Here I am, practically starving to death, while he eats a sandwhich in front of me." [/I] Maya thought as she looked across the table to the ongoing battle between Dave and Pieter, Pieter still winning, Dave, practically cursing at him. "That's it," Maya said as she slammed her hands on the top of the table, and shoved her seat back. This seemed to quiet the two boys, as she stormed to the other side of the table, and yanked the bottle out of Pieter's hands. "Really, I would think "[I]grown[/I]" men would know their limit. Obviously, you're still a child," Maya said as she looked at Pieter. "And you," she said as she turned to Dave. "How hard was that? Come on, show some backbone." Dave glared at her as the sound of the door opening was heard, and both Li and Suturu walked through it. "Thank God," Maya exclaimed as she handed the bottle to Sarek, and retook her seat next to Canathael, who was holding back a smile. "What's so funny?" Maya asked as the two other members took thier seats. "It's nothing," Canathael said grinning, as Dave regained his seat at the table. Maya looked questionably at Canathael, but decided to remain quiet since Dave had started talking. "It seems Protosis has decided to make another jump," Dave began. A number of questions jumped onto the table, including "What??", "I thought you said we'd get a break!", and "Where are we going?". "We're going to the Old West, it seems." Dave said, ignoring most of the interuptions. "You mean, like John Wayne?" Maya asked. Dave glared at her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]Maya sat across from Canathael with a huge grin on her face. She couldn't quite explain to herself was she was smiling so much. Maybe it was his innocent nature. The whole being called "lady" thing was kinda cool too, she thought. And maybe it was the fact that he was sitting cross-legged. But nevertheless, Maya found herself smiling more then she had for a long time. Somehow, somewhere, Maya felt a connection to Canathael. According to Pieter, this Elisa girl was someone very close to him, who judging by his actions, where he almost tumbled on top of her, Maya judged was now gone. Maya knew that feeling all too well, losing someone you cared the most for. She wanted to ask him if it was true, but was too afraid to bring back those sad memories when he seemed in a good mood. Canathael had just finished speaking when a low rumble was heard. "What was that?" Canathael asked as he looked around. Maya blushed and held her stomach. "I think it was my tummy telling me I need to eat something." She said with a smile. "Come on, Canathael. Let's go get some lunch." Canathael nodded and the two headed for the cafeteria. "Man, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Maya exclaimed as they headed down the cooridor. "A...horse?" Canathael asked, puzzled. "Hehe, nevermind. It's just an old expression." Maya said with another grin. The two entered the cafeteria, only to hear a wierd noise come from their communicators. "What's that?" Canathael asked as he looked at his new comminicator. "So much for lunch," Maya sighed.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya took her first few steps out of the portal carefully, but once she saw that she truely was back on the ship, all the tension that was building inside of her sort of washed away. Maya sighed heavily as she made her way down the ramp, and stood next to Dave. "Here you go!" Maya said with a smile, as she handed Dave the egg. "I hope that's what you where looking for." Dave nodded, took the egg from Maya, and tried to give her a communicator. "No thanks," Maya said. "I've still got mine." Maya took the communicator from her waist, showed it to Dave, and replaced it. "Thank God one of you has a little sense." Dave said. "You should go to the infirmary, and take care of your wounds." he contiuned as he took the egg in arm, and walked away. "I'm fine!" Maya yelled after him. Maya was the only one left in the portal room. She looked around, thanking that she was safely back on the ship. "Wow, that was nothing like I expected." Maya said to herself as she started walking down the hallway. "Here, I thought this was going to be easy. Heh, things are never easy. Especially when you have crazy people around you. The worst things will always happen." Just then Maya remembered how bad Canathael looked, and rushed the the infirmary to check on him. She found him laying, asleep on one of the beds. "I've already taken care of his wounds," Li said as Maya walked up. Maya nodded and took a chair and set next to the bed. "Do you need..." "I'm fine," Maya interupted with a smile. "I'm going to stay here until he wakes up, just in case he needs something. Thank you though." Maya looked around at the other too guys who where both watching the girls, but then looked away as Maya turned to look at them. "I think they need your help though," Maya said, giving Li a wink. "There's something wierd about them. I think they're both a little crazy if you know what I mean." "I heard that!" Maya heard Sutaru say, as she held back a laugh. Things looked like they where getting better...[/COLOR][/FONT]
OOC: I'm really sorry about not posting for a bit guys. Working 33 hours a week and going to school for 16 doesn't really do a body good. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya was a little taken about by Sarek's movements, being able to get that Marrek guy was something she wanted to do. "I guess having him as an ally wouldn't be that bad. He sure is a quick thinker," Maya said to herself as she walked over to Marrek, who was breathing deeply, trying to get loosened from the string. "I'll take this, thank you," Maya said as she reached inside of Marrek's clothes and grabbed the egg-like thing. "This is what we're looking for right?" She asked as she ran back to Sarek and Li. Li looked confussed, and Sarek shrugged his shoulders as the three headed to where Sarek said the other three where. "I sure hope Canathael, and the others are okay," Maya said as they ran down the hill unto the plains. "Don't worry about him. He's fine." Sarek said gruntly. Maya couldn't help but feel a tad bit nervous. She was sick of fighting people today. She didn't want to have to fight again to make sure Canathael was okay. Maya saw three figures in the distance, and couldn't help but feel excited as she ran towards them, clutching the egg to her chest with one hand, and waving fiercly with the other. "Canathael!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Gez, what kinda man are you?" Maya said disgusted as she handed Sarek his sword. "Well, come on Li. Looks like us women will have to clean up after the men." Maya said as she nodded toward Sarek, and started to run after Marrek. Maya looked back to make sure Li was following, but she knew she didn't have to worry about her. "Looks like this whole gig is going to be harder then I thought," Maya thought to herself as she saw the trails of Marrek's feet up ahead. "I'm not going to let you win," Maya said as he drew closer to view. Maya took the dagger out of her boot, and took aim. "Let's do it Li!" Maya said as she let the dagger fly, and took her sword out of her sheath. The dagger landed just in front of Marrek, which was exactly where Maya wanted it to land, catching Marrek's attention enough to make him stop. "Ahh!!" Maya yelled with a cry that cut through the trees, as she ran and attacked Marrek, drawing her sword above her head, and slashing down. CLINK went her sword against his spear. "Oh....and what do we have here," Marrek said as he pushed off the attack, with no damage done, as Maya jumped back, and landed safetly on her feet. "Isn't it a little past your bedtime girl." Marrek said with a laugh. "Shut up!" Maya said as she changed her stance from defense into attack. "You hurt Sarek. Canathael is also hurt because of you. And the faster I kick your ass, the faster I can return to them." "Oh really....the same way you where able to save Katie, eh?" Marrek said with a smirk. "You don't know anything about her!!!" Maya yelled as the anger welled up inside her body. She wasn't going to let him win, not after that remark. Maya charged at Marrek, sword extended. Marrek jumped out of the way, but Maya was ready for it. She followed his movements, and swung her sword, missing him by inches. "Not bad," Marrek said as he threw his spear at her. Maya jumped to dodge it, and charged him once again. She tried to keep an eye on both the spear and Marrek himself, but he was too fast, and caught Maya offguard while she was looking for the spear, sending her flying into a nearby tree. Maya hit the tree with incredible force, creating a dent in the tree. Maya looked up, in time to see Li wield both her swords towards Marrek...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya watched carefully as the raptor charged toward her as she drew her sword and took a defensive stance. The raptor jumped into the air with it's claws outstreatched, but Maya was ready for it, she slashed at the raptor just before it's claws reached her body, and then ducked out of the way. The raptor contiuned to stumble forward, how it could still see, Maya didn't quite know, but she charged it nonetheless, jumping into the air, and kicking the side of the raptor's face, sending it flying into a nearby tree. Maya landed saftly on the ground with ease, as she prepared for her last attack. She charged the raptor with unmatched speed, and struck it right in the heart with her sword. "Sorry, but your going to have to be quicker then that to defeat me," Maya said as she withdrew her sword from the raptor, and let it fall lifeless to the ground. Then, she cleaned the blood of the sword, and looked over to Li, who was just getting up from underneath the other fallen raptor. "Are you okay, Li?" Maya said as she ran over to help her up. "I'm fine thank you." Li said as she dusted off her gown. "You are pretty fast," Li said as she stood up all the way, and cleaned off her swords. "It's nothing," Maya replied. "It's just something you have to do to survive. Run fast I mean." Maya said as she looked to try to find where Sarek was. She noticed the wierd looking dude who had sent the raptors towards them running in another directoin, and assumed where Sarek was. "Come on," Maya motioned to Li as she ran up the little hill. "Sarek!" Maya yelled as she ran over to him, seemingly tied up against the rock. "What the hell happened to you?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya stopped abrubtly as she heard Sutaru's voice come through Sarek's communicator. [I]"Canathael..." [/I] Maya thought as she clentched her fists. "Why does everyone near me have to die?" she said in anger. Sarek looked at her confussed. "We've got to do something!" Maya yelled at him and then looked over to Li. "Can't you do something? You fixed your arm right? Come on!" Maya said as she grabbed Li's uninjured arm and started running in the direction they had just come from. "Stop," Sarek said as he grabbed Maya's arm. "We don't have time for this." "Let go of me! We've got to..." "We've got to find Protosis, that's what we've got to do," Sarek said calmly as he looked Maya in the eye. "Damn you," Maya said as she pushed Sarek' away from her. "I know that." [I]Why am I even caring for Canathael anyways. It's not like he's done anything rewarding.[/I] Maya thought. "It hurts," Li said quitely as Maya relized she still had a very tight grip on Li's arm. "Sorry Li, I didn't mean to hurt you." Maya apologized. "Well, then, let's get a move on and hurry and find this dude." Maya said as she ran in front of the other two, where she was going for sure she didn't know. All she knew was that she had to hurry.[/COLOR][/FONT]
I feel like I'm posting too much. If you want me to wait longer before I do, please let me know. I don't want to take away from the rest of you. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya watched as the fire Pieter, Li, and her had made caused smoke to rise high into the air. "This was a good idea Pieter! I'm impressed!" Maya said with a smile. Pieter smiled back, but was still looking at the secenary with his camera in hand. Maya walked over to Li, who was sitting down next to the fire, and took a seat next to her. "How's your arm doing?" "It's fine," Li said with a smile. "I'll be able to take the bandages off soon." "I'm glad," Maya said as she hugged her knees and watched the fire dance in front of her. "Is something wrong?" Li asked as she watched Maya, trying to understand her. "Nope, I'm fine," Maya said with a fake smile. She quickly stood up and walked a little ways away. "I hope the boys come soon. I'm tired of waiting." Maya thought to herself as she watched a stegesarous roam the field. "I wish I could see some more dinosaurs too. I always heard the carnivores where the cooler ones." Maya said as she heard Pieter come up next to her. "There's something coming," he said as he looked with sharp eyes into the field. "Someone, or something?" Maya asked, reaching for her dagger that was hidden in her boot. Pieter shook his head, as he kept a firm grip on his gun. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya looked back at the others as she closed her communicator, and replaced it on the waist of her skirt. "Looks like we'll be staying put for a bit." Maya said as she viewed the surroundings. "I just hope they can find us." "What about Sutaru?" Li asked as she watched a dinosaur roam the plains in front of them, as Pieter contiuned to take pictures. "I know what you mean. It's just we don't know if he's even crossed the portal yet. And even if he has, he probably has a bad sense of direction." Maya said as she folded her arms. "That doesn't mean we still can't try to contact him." Li said. "Well then, you try it." Maya said as she sat down on the grass. "I've already did my part by calling Sarek. You and Pieter can go look for him if you want. I'm going to stay right here, until the other two come." Li gave Maya a disgruntled look as she reached for her communicator and started to call Sutaru's name. "Fire." Pieter said as he looked at the tall brush. "What?" Maya asked confussed as she looked up at him. "What we need is a fire!" "To get thier attention!" Maya said as she stood up, finally understanding what he meant. "I'll go get some brush leaves. You stay here and help Li! I'll just be a little ways into the forest ... that way." Maya said as she pointed the the southwest of where she was standing. Pieter nodded his head as Maya raced into the forest.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya was a little appriehensive when she first took a look at the portal, but seeing Sarek, Canathael, and even Li and Pieter go through it before her, she hastily shrugged aside her fears and stepped through. Maya felt a wierd tingling feeling as she took the step, and then realized her foot had landed on solid ground, grass to be exact. Only this wasn't the short grass she was used to. This grass was tall, and went up to her thigh. Maya looked around her, and she had never seen such lucious plant life in all her years. The trees around her where higher then the highest sicamore she had ever seen. The plants themselves, not only bursting with vivid colors, where huge! Maya went over to one plant inparticular, and touched a leaf. The leaf was roughly the size of her entire arm. "This is amazing!" Maya thought to herself as she made her way through the brush. "I bet those palentologists never dreamed of this! I have to admit, they did get it pretty close though. Esp. in that museum we went to last year. I have to say it could definately compare to this, but this is so much more beautiful!" Maya was so intrigued with the plant life, she wasn't really watching where she was going, and ran smack into something. It was as round as a tree stump of a tree that had lived over 600 years. Maya followed the stump thing up, slightly puzzled why it was a yellowish/orange color. Maya looked up, and saw a huge structure, a body. Maya took a couple of steps back and looked all the way up. There, she saw the face of a Brachiosaurus. "Woah," Maya said as she took a couple more steps back. The dinosaur didn't even seem to notice her there. "Those guys sure where right. These guys are WAY taller then our modern day giraffes." Maya wasn't afraid, she knew that the Brachiosaurus was a herboviore, and only ate plants. But she wondered how many of the others knew the difference between the dinosaurs. Maya figured she would be the only one to tell. All of a sudden, Maya heard a scream in the distance, "Li!" Maya said as she ran toward where the sound came from, hopping Li had not by chance met a carnivoire. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Found one!" Maya said entergetically as she led Li to a seat in the control room and then let go of her hand. Li spoke something, which Maya only assumed to be a thank you, as she turned towards Dave. "I see you still don't have them fixed yet." she complained. "I'm working as fast as I can. Maybe if people wouldn't get breaking stuff..." he said angryly. "Don't look at me," the guy in the corner said. Maya had still yet to actually learn his name. She then turned back to Li. "Well, I'm sure you got a name as well. Let's see how I can make you understand..." Maya pondered. She then pointed to herself with her hand. "Maya." she said clearly. She then pointed Canathael, "Canathael" Maya said, as he gave a small bow. Li looked slightly puzzled for a small second, but then she realized, and nodded her head vigorously. Li pointed to herself. "Qang Li," she said with a smile. "So Qang it is," Maya said as she started to walk towards Dave. "No no!" She said as Maya turned around to look at her again. "Li." "Oh! I see. You want to be called Li, right?" Li shook her head. "All right, Li it is." Li smiled as Maya turned to Dave. "Who else do we have to find?" "Two more. Now get on with it!" "All right, all right. You don't have to be so pissy. Come on Canathael, let's go." She said as the two walked out of the control room. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Since we're waiting, might as well do something. ^_~. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Watch where your going, jerk!" Maya said as she regained from the encounter with the man she had seen earlier. Maya had her hand near her can of mase, and also her knife. "I'm sorry," he said with a strong, wierd sounding accent, and looked at Maya confussed. "Are you okay?" Maya looked up and saw clearly who it was. "Oh. I'm fine." she said as she lowered the sense of tension that was growing inside her. There was an odd moment of silence. "Well, I'm going now." Maya said as she started to move past him. "Wait! I'm afriad I didn't get your name yet." He said as he watched the young american girl with growing curiousity. "It's Maya. Bye." Maya said as she hurridly left the cooridor. [I]"What happened back there?" [/I] Maya thought to herself as she made it to another lift to take her to Dave. [I]"I didn't hear him coming at all. Usually with my street sense and all, I can hear things coming. He must be a trained fighter. It looks like he came from the war time. I thought I saw the Nazi symbol on his uniform. Oh well. It's better if I don't get to know him. Something bad will just happen anyways. It always does. Though, Miguel did say it's better to have friends that are as strong as you are. Esp. in times of fights." [/I] Maya shook her head. [I]"I don't want to get close to any of them. I just don't. It'll just end up the same, as the last time. Katie...."[/I] "Good marrow!!" she heard a call as the door opened for her. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I have a question Vicky. This may seem kinda stupid, but it popped into my head. Now, when we travel to this different time periods, are we going to have different sets of clothes so that we match better? Or are we just going to stand out? I know some of our characters would look really wierd in certain time periods, and well, all of us will we went actually start with the Jurrassic period. So I was just wondering.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Maya waited patiently for the elevator to come down to the 3rd floor so she could get onto it. She had just made herself some lunch, being a little tired from not really doing anything earlier in the day. She had been used to cooking for herself. It was up to her to survive, she couldn't count on anyone else. The elevator finally reached her, and she stepped onto it, and pressed the button marked two. "It's time for a nap," she thought to herself as she deceneded. Maya had been unsually busy since she first arrived. Being who she was, sort of nosy, and interested in her new surroundings, she took it upon herself to view every area of the ship. Being accustomed to your surroundings was always a good thing, she learned when she was young. That way you always knew where the quick exit was. Although, Maya didn't feel she'd be leaving this place anytime in the near future. "Future," she laughed. "I am in the future. Who would have ever thought. I wonder what Dad would say if he knew," she pondered. "As if he even cares," she added. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She noticed standing right in front of her, looking warily at the doors. "It's not going to bite you, you know." she said as she walked past the man, and headed in the direction of her own room. She turned around as she put in her code for the door to her quarters. The man was still looking wearily at the doors, but he had now succcied in getting on the elevator. Maya shook her head as the door slided open and she threw herself on her bed. She put her arm behind her pillow and placed it behind her head. "The people here sure are wierd. The only one who looks slightly normal is that "Dave" guy. He sure knows a lot about this ship. Maybe he could teach me some of the technology or something. It might be interesting. Better then just sitting in bed all day. I'm not used to not having anything to do. It was always on the run, or doing something back home." Maya got up from bed and headed back to the lift to go talk to Dave.[/COLOR][/FONT]