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[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Wow! This looks really good Vicky! Name: Maya Engel Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Human Timeline: Present Day Earth, year 2004 in AD measurements. Special Skills: Maya doesn't believe in magic, being from present day Earth. She also doesn't really believe in anything magic related. She doesn' agree with her friends who like to use tarot cards to tell their fortunes. She finds such games stupid and non-sequental. Maya is a fighter however, and her favorite technique is called "Blitz", where she can strike an opponent 10 times in one second. Weapons: one short sword, that is based on the kantanas of olden day Japan. Also, she carried a can of mase in one boot, and two daggers in the other. Special Items: I guess you could consider her can of mase a special item. ^_^. Also, she wears a charm necklace she got from her grandmother that supposively has "special powers", though Maya just thinks it's some crack-pots tale. Weakness: Maya is defeatly afriad of water due to a tragic accident when she was little and almost drowned. Even the rain makes her scared. Personality: May is VERY realistic. If she can't see something with her own two eyes, she basically doesn't believe it exists, or is possible. She is also some what of a smart ***. She can be very kind and loveable, but you have to get past her rough exterior, something she hardly lets anyone do. She is also very smart. She is the top student in her class, with a GPA of 3.9995, although she never studies. Kinda like natural smartness, that comes along with her natural smart-*** abilities. She can seem really cold at times, but in reality, it's hard for her to make a friend. She believes in Murphey's law, anything bad that can happen will, and she also believes that anything good you have can be easily taken away. But once she makes a friend, she will protect that person no matter what the cost. Description: Maya is slightly on the tall side, coming in at 5 feet 9 inches. She has semi-long brown hair that goes about half-way down her back. Her hair is also naturally wavy, and slightly curly at the end near the tips of it. She has curly/puffed up bangs. She can usually be seen wearing her school uniform which is a white blouse, and a blue-plaid skirt that goes to her knee. She then wears blue boots (the standard shoe for her school), which are flat on the bottom, and have no heal. These boots are made of a special fiber that make them really comfotable and are stretchy enough to allow the person to move freely in them. She also usually wears her hair up in a pony-tail so it doesn't look so long, and doesn't get in her face as much. Bio: Maya is the second child of Dursten and Kalenna Engel. She is the twin sister of Miguel Engel. The little shack they lived in on 42nd street was no place for children to live. Full of violence and ganster activities, Maya had a rough childhood. Her mother caught a fatel disease when she was just two, leaving her and Miguel to be raised by a father who was never there, and never really cared for them after Kaleena died. He would never look at Maya because she looked so much like her mother. She was essentialy raised by her 2 min older brother, and the other kids that lived in the neighborhood. Maya had a grandmother, who came to visit them once every month. It was during one of these visits that Maya inherited her charm necklace. Her grandmother always said that it had "special powers", but then Maya questioned why her grandmother had not given this item to her earlier, it might have been able to save the mother she barely remembered life. It was during this span of her life, that Maya became an ample fighter, the only reason being that it was the only way to survive. Although she was really a sweet and caring girl, she always showed the calm and quite side of herself, letting her brother do the talking. One week, when Maya was eight, there was a rain storm that lasted all week. Every day it contiuned to rain. Unfortuenty, 42nd street was next to a little creek that ran though the town. Due to the torental rainfall, the creek flooded. While walking home from school one day with her brother, a dam near the school broke, causing a rush of water to fall onto the neighboring streets. This rush of wave came right at Maya and Miguel, and both where swallowed by it. Miguel always kept a close grip on his sisters hand, and swam her to the safety of a nearby hanging tree branch, fighting off the current in the process, but by the time he got her on there, he had no strength left, and he was seen no more. Since her home was now destroyed, and her brother gone, Maya and her father moved to a different town, since he was also getting transfered. There she was forced to intermingel with the locals, by now she was cold and shelter, afraid of making a friend for the simple fact that she figured she wold lose them eventually, just like she lost her brother. She has really only made one friend in her life, a girl in her class named Katie. It is through Katie that some of Maya's rough exterior has started to melt. She also started to "hang out" with the other girls in her class due to Katie's influence. It was there that she learned about tarot cards, and watched some of the other girls use them on themselves, trying to figure out their future. One girl asked if Maya wanted her fortune told, and even though she refused, they did it anyways. Her fortune, "You will lose the person most dear to you in a terrible accident." Maya never really believed in the stupid fortune, she didn't believe in all that magic junk. Living on the street had taught her that magic was just some old wife's fairy tale. Something you read in all those history books. She still didn't believe the stupid fortune when Katie was hit by a car right in front of her eyes. That was when she vowed to never let anyone get close to her again.[/COLOR][/FONT] I hope that's okay!
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]It's been awhile since I've been on the boards, so you'll have to forgive me if this has already been brought up, but is it true that they're releasing Nausicaa here in America? If you've read the manga of this series, you know how good it is. It's another film byHayao Miyazaki, creator of "Spirited Away" and the upcoming film "Howl's Moving Castle". The story itself follows Nausicaa, princess of the Valley of the Wind, as she tries to unlock the secrets of the Ohmu, and try to save humanity. Over the course of the story, she meets some interesting people, and learns more about the world, and the Ohmu. This movie was originally released in 1984 in Japan, and then we pretty much buttered it in the mid-eighties with a movie called "Warriors of the Wind". Miyazaki himself was disgusted by it. Anyways, thanks for all your help. I was really exicited to hear this might be coming out, but I wanted to check and make sure. And if someone answers my question, we can turn this into a discussion about it. Thanks again![/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]My local library just got this in the other day, of course, I'd already had a hold on it since it was first listed. I was hoping to get the first book of the series, so I was a little disappointed when I saw I was getting book two. nonetheless, I could still get what was going in. I think I'll have to go buy the first book now, that way I catch up on anything I missed. You are right, it is drawn in a different way from most mangas I have read (e.x. Jing's neck seems a little long), but I like new changes, and I think it fits him just fine. Not only is this book intertaining, it's also humerous as well. (hehe, Kir is a play-bird.) Since I have only read book two, I really can't say much else. I like the whole conspect of the world Jing lives in, and a city controlled by time was quite interesting. I personally have wanted to watch the anime series for a while now, but I can't find it anywhere. I'll just content myself with the manga for now, either that or wait for it to be released. (or if it already has, wait till I have enough money to buy it.) Has anyone see the OVA? I've been wanting to watch that also, just have to get more room on my computer first. ^_^.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I don't really know why, but I love this show. It's fastly become one of my favorites, ever since I started watching it. I started watching it a couple of months ago, from a suggestion from one of the anime news places. You know how they have "if you liked this series, check out blah blah blah". I can't even remember which series I got the recommendation from, but now I'm glad that I got it. The story line is cute, with not so bad looking characters either. One of them is kinda annoying, but at least she grows a little as the story progress. I love the little "Holy Maiden" thing. And if you watch close enough [SPOILER] when Dark kisses Riku, he does turn back into Daisuke. That's why Riku saw his face, and why he's clearly back to himself right afterwards, even though he still has the wings[/SPOILER] I think my real favorite part about this series is the music. Miyamoto Shunichi is just completly awesome. He sings the opening song "True Light", and also "Caged Bird", and the very ending song at the end of the series entitled "Michishirube". These songs are so pretty, and his voice just takes your breathe away. I've started reading the manga, volumes one and two are already out, and volume three comes out in August. I think my favorite part of the manga is at the end you get to catch a glimpse of the author (Yukiru Sugisaki)'s other works that have only yet been published in the magazine. I think I like the look of the characters, and the story isn't too bad either. ^_^.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I've been meaning to watch at least one episode of this, just to see what it was like. From what I had seen from screen caps and such, it looked kinda cheesy. And I have to agree with Conna, Sailor Moon is really not a good idea to turn into a live action show. Now, in case you where wondering if there are other Live Action shows, GTO has been turned into a Live Action show, but that one is pretty good. I have to agree, having the character's hair change colors makes more sense. I mean, you would think that someone would notice. *shrugs*[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I was hooked on Case Closed from the first episode. there is something about it that just appeals to the kid in me. I'm a big fan of detective fiction novels, so this series is right up my alley. I like the character designs. your right, they remind me of YYH. I love trying to figure out "who-done-it" before Jimmy can. What really get's me is his smart *** comments. Like in the one episode. "I'm just here because I'm afraid George is going to hurt himself with that bat." hehe, it cracks me up. I don't know why we have to Americanize everything. What was wrong with the name "Detective Conan"? I think it suits the series better than "Case Closed". And changing the characters names. It' doesn't really bother me all that much, but I watched this series in Japenese. At least they made the names slightly the same. exp. Ran = Rachel. The manga for this show is just as cute as the the anime. No matter what you watch or read, you'll be hooked from the beginning. You can tell why this series is still running, and has produced over 7 movies. I know I'll keep watching it![/COLOR][/FONT]
sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this. For some reason I haven't been getting my subscription like I should be. *shurgs* oh well, at least I'm here, and still kicking! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Kristen jumped high into the air as soon as she heard her brother's call. She was quick to rise, observing the scene below her. She saw Yuki jump, and gave a sigh of relief. [I]"She strong, but I don't know how much longer she'll be able to hold on. I've got to do something." [/I] Kristen thought as she watched Yuki land back on the ground and begin to fight the guards again. "Why hello there." Kristen heard as she looked next to her and saw Clesia and Torinte, floating right next to her. Clesia smiled as she produced a huge gust of wind that sent Kristen flying back and smacking against the trunk of a nearby tree. [I]"Dammit, I should have sensed her."[/I] Kristen thought as she regained herself as she knelt on a branch. [I]"Kristen! Are you ok?"[/I] She heard Kayin scream in her head. [I]"Don't worry, bro. I'm perfectly fine. It's going to take a lot more than that to hurt me."[/I] Kristen thought as she contiuned to watch the fights taking place everywhere arond her, Clesia and Torinte hovering around the tree, waiting for her to come out. [I]"Brother, do you think a little mist will help us?"[/I] [I]"It defintaly wouldn't hurt, it'll help us hid ourselves better, and give us an advantage."[/I] [I]"Alright, then. We'll use the ground this time, it's already built up with electricity from your last attack. I'm going to use the fog to help Yuki. Can you handle them both for a bit?"[/I] [I]"No problem,"[/I] Kayin thought with a small laugh as he dodged one of Jerid's attacks. "Here I go!" Kristen said as she jumped down from the tree branch and landed at the foot of the tree. Kristen slammed her staff into the ground. "Power that protects me, please lend me your strength." she said quietly as a small mist began to rise from the ground. "What's this?" she heard Jerid yell, as the queen answered "It's the girl!" Clesia started to heard Torinte towards Kristen, but by that time it was too late. The mist had turned into a fog, and Kristen was gone from site. Kristen grabbed her staff out of the ground and removed the hidden sword, and began to charge the unsuspecting guards. Yuki was quite bewlidered as she heard the plops of bodies hitting the ground. "Kristen?" "Are you ok?" Kristen asked as she arrived in front of Yuki, breathing slightly deeply, her sword in stance in front of her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen smiled back at Harru as she started to decend the ladder. It seemed that it continued down for a ways, until her foot final rested on solid ground. "I made it to the bottom!" she called up as Harru started to decend as well. "Lumos" she whispered to her wand as a small light appeared at the end of it. She heard another "Lumos" next to her as Harru planted both his feet on the ground. "Let's go," Karen said as she took Harru's free hand and started walking down the cave. There where tree roots all along the sides of the cavern. The dirt, a dark brown shade, that of which seemed to be soaked in water. The cavern was very humid like, as there was moisture in the air. "Hermione! Remus!" Karen called out every few seconds as she lead the way down the small cordior. She pointed her light in front of her, and saw two lumps on the ground. "Hermione!" she yelled as she let go of Harru's hand and rushed over to her side. "Hermione! Are you ok?" she asked as she helped her friend up. "Karen....Karen is that really you?" Hermione asked as she hugged Karen. "I knew you'd come! I knew you'd find us! The spell worked didn't it!" he said as she smiled. "It sure did," Karen nodded as she smiled back. "I kept my promise didn't I?" Hermione smiled and nodded back, as she gave Hermione a small cantean. "Here, there is some water in here. It will have to do until we can get you back to the castle. There's one for Remus too." she said as she walked over to him. "Here Remus." she said with a smile. He took the cantean greatfully, as Karen looked back and smiled at Harru. They had made it. They had found them at last.[/COLOR] ~I really didn't know what to post....but at least this RP is going again! Yay![/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"So...how exactly are we going to find them." Harru asked, trying to start up a conversation. He was keeping his distance from Karen, staying at least one or two steps back from her. "With this book. There's a locator spell inside. With that we'll be able to pin-point Hermione and Remus's location. Then....I guess we'll have to dig our way to them, seeing as how they are underground." Karen said as she walked with a fast pace towards the forest. She remembered all to well what had happened their earlier, but she didn't really care at the moment. [I]All that matters is finding Hermione and Remus.[/I] she thought to herself. [I]I made a promise that I'd find them. And I'm not going to break it. I don't care what happens to me. I know, deep down, Harru won't let anything happen to me either.[/I] "How'd you know they where in the forest?" Harru asked uneasily, as the two grew closer and closer to the edge of the wood. "I used another spell to talk to Hermione. Some people consider it a form of advanced magic, but it's really quite easy. It's something I learned from my uncle." she said as she entered the forest brushing the branches aside, and holding them back long enough so they wouldn't slap Harru in the face. "Alright." Karen said as she fell to her knees on the path, and opened the book infront of her. "Let's see what it says," she said as she opened the book, Harru sat down next to her as he watched her turn the pages. "Locator...locator...locator....Aha! Here it is!" she said as she turned to Harru and smiled. A small smile came across Harru's face...he couldn't help but smile back at her. "Humm....this doesn't look to complicated." Karen said as she ran her finger down the list of directions. "Ha!" she said as she giggles to herself." This really is a simple spellbook for dummies." "Alright then." She said as she stood up and placed her wand in her hand. She thought about Hermione and Remus, and chanted the word "Locoto". The wand spinned around in her hand until it landed in one direction. "Come on!" Karen said as she grabbed Harru's hand and raised him up, and started to run to way the wand was pointed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Brother!" Kristen yelled as she ran up to Kayin and helped him up. "Don't worry, I'm fine." He said with a smile. "No your not. You're hurt. We have to get out of here. Somehow..." Kristen said as she looked around, the three standing a little ways away, smiles on their faces, and the dragon circling overhead. "Come on Kristen....think" She said quietly to herself. "Thinking of running away so soon?" came the Queen's voice. "We where just starting to have fun." she said as she sent another wave of wind towards Kristen and Kayin. Yuki rushed forward and tried to make a shielf out of water, but the wind was stronger and knocked her backward. "Yuki!" Kristen yelled as she saw Yuki raise up again and step in front of the two twins. "Don't worry, I got this covered." She said with a smile as she prepared for her next move.[/COLOR][/FONT] --- ~Sorry I haven't posted in a while....having both computer and internet problems. Trying to get back into things. ^^
Trying to bring thread back to life but not knowing what really to post..... [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"H...hello?" Karen heard the faint voice in her head. "Hermione! It's me! It's me, Karen!" "How....what...." "I'm using a magic spell to talk to you. Don't worry about Remus, he can't hear us. But, he is ok isn't he? You're ok? Please tell me your ok!" "Well...if you mean ok as being stuck in a cave under the forest then yeah I guess we're ok. We're both still alive. But I'm getting hungry." "So you ARE in the forest!" "Yeah...at least that's what my guess is. I see some tree roots and the dirt here is kinda damp." [I]So Harru wasn't lying to me....he knew they where in the forest. He was trying to help.[/I] "Is there any hope that you can like...dig yourself out?" Karen asked as she still layed on the couch in the common room. "We're trying, but we're not having any luck." Hermione said exasperly. "Aright. I have an idea. Since I know your in the forest, I can research a locator spell, that will pin-point exactly where you are. The only thing is...it might take me awhile to find it. I remember Uncle Remus telling me about it, but I can't quite...." "Its' in the "Simple Spells for Dummies" book. I checked it out of the library earlier." Hermione said with some pleasure. "Ok, I'm going to the library now...but it may be a while till I find you. But I promise I will. I won't give up." Karen said determinly. "Thanks, Karen." "You can thank me when I see you face to face." Karen said with a small laugh. "Bye for now!" "Bye Karen!" Instantly Hermione's voice vanished as Karen stood up off the couch. "I've got to go to the library. Sorry Ron." Karen said as she left him a small note, and raced down the stairs to the library.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I have to agree with Hittokiri on this one. I also watched the trailers and I was very disappointed. The voice didn't really seem to fit Al's character at all, (it was Al's voice on the trailer, Httokiri, he always does the little opening thing). I just hope that they can get some better actors for Ed, and the rest of the gang. I don't know what CN is thinking making the Second Opening the First on this English version. To me, I think it gives a little away on the characters, I mean, we don't meet Armstrong till around the episodes where the second opening starts! I don't know about other people, but when I see someone in the opening, it makes me want to know who they are. Either that, or they just won't show the opening on TV. I guess I'll just have to relay on buying the DVDs so I can watch it in Japenese instead of english...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]In a way it makes me sad that I can't get my FMA fix every Monday now, but I'm glad that more people will get to see it, espcially if it is being aired on CN. But I thought FMA only had 50 episodes? Did I read it wrong somewhere? Does it really have 51?? (Not that it makes that much of a difference, but I was wondering.)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Yes, I like Harry Potter too, if you didn't already know from my RPG, but I'm sort of afraid to see the movie. The Third book of the series is by far my favorite book, and the simple reason for that is none other than Lupin. I'm afraid that the movie just won't do the characters justice. First off, I believe that they should have taped the movies the same way they did LOTR, all at the same time. This way, you wouldn't so much of an age difference between the movie. I mean, the characters are only suppost to be 13 in this movie, but the actors are 16 and older. Also, by doing the movies, they are sort of limiting the imagination of children who read the books. I'll say it simply, the guy they have playing Sirus is not how I pictured him to be. I'm sure this goes for a lot of other people too. I'm not trying to be a movie basher or something, these are just the truth of it. I will go see the movie, dressed up like everyone else, and I will enjoy it, either because it is good, or the simple fact that me and my friends are making fun of it the whole time.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I started watching FMA through a suggestion from a friend a couple of months ago. Now each week I wait eagerly for the next episode to be subbed. I really can't explain why this show appeals to me soo much. I think it is the story line. I have to agree with you that the first couple episodes where a little slow, but when they start going into Ed and Al's past, you see what a hard time they really had. You can see what a deep bond the brothers share with each other at many points in the series. Although this show is not as funny as some other ones out there, humor is not the main focus of the show. Brothers' search is what the show mainly follows. The character designs are well drawn and the background music is simply gorugous at times. The sountrack is pretty good, and although most of the music has a sad sense to it, it really fits in with the show. My favorite song from the soundtrack is the song called "Brothers" which is played often in the series, most rememberable when Ed and Al burn their house. This show is a great series, and I would recomend it to anyone who would like to try something new.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen watched as the planet came closer and closer to view through the screen on the Federation ships' bridge deck. "Inform me when you are ready to disembark." Karen said as she turned and headed back toward the hanger towards Grant. There where many soldiers surrounding the ship, a few actually doing their jobs standing at attention, but most where eyeing the ship with curiousity. One put his hand up and was instantly shocked thanks to the shiled Grant had emplied. "I thought I told you to stay away from my ship," Karen said as she walked past the ones who snapped to attention at the sight of her to the man who had just been sapped. She examained him. "You'll be fine. You're lucky I told Grant to put it on low though." she said as she helped the man stand and then entered the ship. "That was fun." Grant said sacastically as Karen headed for her room, and started to pack some supplies. "What is that for?" Grant asked as she picked up her gun strap and tied it around her waist. "Just in case." Karen said as she pulled up a screen to the side of her bed. "We don't know very much about these planets out here, remember? We can't be too cocky. I mean, look. One of my uncle's followers is out here already. What if there are more like her? I have to make it back to Kevin. Failure is NOT an option." Karen said as she finished coping the list on the screen to her watch. "Ok, I've got your parts list. Is there anything else you need?" "You might get some food for the storage. You're getting kinda low." Grant said as he popped up another screen. "It's that lady again." The Fed's head came on the screen. "We are ready to leave when you are, Your Highness." "I"m on my way." Karen said as she picked up her backpack, and headed towards the ship's door. "I'll bring back something for you too Grant!" she said with a smile as she stepped out and went down to hallway to meat the Fed. "Let's go!" Karen said with a smile as she led the way on to the new planet.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen stood and stared at the pirate she had seen too many times before. "You've gotten bigger," Karen said as she looked Cyd over. Cyd seemed surprised by this comment, expecting the princess to comment on her uncle. "I could say the same to you." she said with a smirk. "No, that's not what I meant," Karen said as she drew a cirlce around her waist with her arms. "This way." Cyd stared at her, as Aki hissed in her lap. "Maybe it's just that my uncle chooses fat, incompetent people to do his work." Karen contiuned. "Hum." Karen said as she shrugged and turned to head out the door. "I'll talk to ya later," Karen said as she waved and stepped out the door, the Fed right on her heels. "Your Highness! Aren't you a little more worried about what she said?" "Naw...come on. I figured you'd know me at least a little better by now. Me...I'm not afriad of anything. Now, let's head for the nearest planet. My ship needs some parts."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]This banner is awesome sis! Yet again, you do another faboulous job! I like the pics (of course *wink*) and I like the white thing in the background. And of course, Long live the sister-hood! ^^[/COLOR][/FONT]
gosh..stupid firewall made it delete my last post...let's try this again..... [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Ron...stop." Karen said as she made Ron's wand hand drop and looked up to him. "Please....don't." "Why are you trying to protect him?!? Can't you see he's trying to hurt you!" Ron said as he looked fierecly at Harru, who still had his hands in the air. "Cuz...I..." Karen didn't know what else to say, as she looked down and another tear started to fall down her cheeck. "You have too much compasion for others," Ron said almost disgustidly as he put his wand in his pocket, and picked Karen up. "I'll let you go this time, but if you ever try to hurt her again, i won't be so sympathtic." Ron said as he looked beadily at Harru. Then Ron turned towards Harry. "I'm taking her up to the tower. I'll meet you in class." Harry nodded back, as Ron ascended the stairs with Karen in his arms. "We should be getting to class too," Alex said as she looked toward Liz. "But what about Hermione and Remus! We can't just give up on them!" she cried. "We're not giving up. We will never give up on them," Harry said as he looked at Liz. "But we'll get in even more trouble if we contiune to search right now. We have to get to class. We'll search after school, that way we'll have more time, and some better daylight." "Alright," Liz said as she nodded to Harry. "Come on Alex, let's go." She said as she grabbed Alex's hand and lead her to their first class. This left Harry and Harru alone in the hall, staring at each other... --- "I'm not doing a very good job, am I?" Ron asked as he contiuned the treck up the stairs. "Protecting you that is." He said as he smiled and the door to the tower opened wide. "You're doing a great job!" Karen said as he gently placed her on the couch that was in front of the fireplace. "I'm just a troublesome ward." "Eat this," Ron said as he handed her a piece of chocolate. "I was saving it for later, but you need it more." Karen took at bite of the chocolate. The warmth spread through her body, even though she wasn't really cold. "I'll be back to get you for second hour. You stay here and rest till then." he said as he got up and walked out the door. "Thank you Ron," Karen yelled to him as she watched him leave. She took another bite of the chocolate, the warmth once again spreading through her body, but it was nothing to the comfort she had felt earlier in Harru's arms. [I]Why can't I do anything to help anyone? Why is all this happening? What is causing Harru to have this split personality? One minute, he's trying to kill me, or get me killed, the next, he's the nicest person in the world, and he cares for me. More than Ron ever could. And where is Hermione and Remus? Are they really in the forest? Or was that just the evil Harru trying to lead me there?[/I] All of a sudden, her uncle's voice, and fascade appared in her mind. [I]"Use this spell when ever you want to find me." Uncle Remus said to a young 3-yr old Karen. "I won't ever be away from you, will I Uncle Remus?" "Unfortunetly, there might be times in the future when I am. But don't worry, I will always be with you. But just in case, you can use this spell to find me." "What does it do?" the young Karen asked. "Well, basically, it amplifies your thoughts to a distance of a 3 mile radius. But you don't have to worry about other people hearing them. Only the person you are concentrating on can hear it." "But what if you're farther away than that?" "Then you'll just have to believe me when I said I will always be with you. Are you ready now?" "Yes!" the young Karen said as she nodded. "Now the first thing you have to do is hold your wand in both your hands."[/I] Karen took her wand from her pocket and clamped it tightly in her hands. "Now, this is the most important part. You must clear you mind, and focus only on the person you are trying to find. Picture them clearly in your mind." Karen thought as hard as she could, trying to remember the way Hermione looked. That brown bushy hair, those bright green eyes. Her house robes. The way she always rose her hand in class when Karen was afraid to. "Ok, now that you have the person in your mind, touch the tip of your wand to your forehead and call them with your thoughts. Shout to them! If they are around, they will answer." Uncle Remus's face and voice left Karen's head as the only thing that occupied it at the moment was the visage of Hermione. Karen slowly raised her wand to her forehead, and shouted with all her willpower and emotions: "Hermione!! Hemione!! Can you hear me? Please!! Please answer me!! Hermione!!!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Kristen slowly raised her head from Kayin's shoulder as she finally woke up. The senerary in front of her was different. It was not the same green forest leaves that once blocked the path, omnisous trees raising everywhere. The path was clear, and graveled none the less. There appared to be small businesslike buildings on each side of her. "We made it," she said as she hopped down from Kayin's back. "Looks who's finally awake!" Yuki said as she steadied Kristen as she stood up. "Are you ok?" Kayin asked concerned as he took her hand. "Yes, I'm fine now. Thanks to you." She said as she smiled, and squeezed his hand. "But what about you two? You've been walking forever! It's your turn to get some sleep." "That does sound like a good idea," Yuki said as she streatched out her arms and yawned. "Look! There's an inn! What do you say we stay there?" "Sounds like a good idea!" Kayin said as they headed for the inn. "You guys go check in, and get some rest. I'll buy us some food so we can have a hugs feast when you two wake up!" Kristen said as she gave both Yuki, and her brother a hug and headed for the vendor stands.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen stepped off her ship as she was greeted with "Welcome aboard, Your Highness". Karen surveyed the scene. The lady she had been talking to before was not present. This didn't forbode well with Karen, as she could obviously tell, there was something else going on. "Where is the lady I was talking to before? I believe she is your superior." Karen asked as she looked toward an lower-ranking officer who was looking her ship over. "She is in the other hanger," he said cocking his head to one direction. "Arresting and searching a pirate we just caught." "That's why there are not more of us here, Your Highness." said a young man who was decorated more than the other. "We're here to protect you, just in case something happens." Karen laughed. "You people! I swear!" she said as she contiuned to laugh. "No matter how many times I visit you, you always seem to crack me up! You? Protect me? You must be kidding! I may be a pacifist, but I know how to fight, and protect myself. Now, what was the name of this ship you captured?" Karen asked as she turned back to the decorated soldier. "Well, I really dont know ma'am. Me and my men was just sent here to protect you. I wasn't given any explisit..." Karen raised her hand and the soldier stopped talking. "I'm sorry, Your Highness." he said as he gave a bow. "Its ok," Karen said as she looked at her watch, which was linked directly to Grant. "Grant, show me the footage of that ship that was captured just now." A small screen apeared, that seemed to come out of the watch. The screen was filled of the image of one ship being pulled into the Federations' ship. "This is the ship that tried to attack us earlier." Karen said to herself as she closed the screen, and looked down sadly. "This doesn't look good...." [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Something that I have noticed lately while trying to make my site a little better is that every time you go to change your personal information, it deletes your quote. This means, that very time i want to add another code into my introduction, I have to rewrite my quote. I find this very annoying. Why can't the quote be a permanant form like the other information that you submit, like your acheviements, and talents. Why is it that only the quote form changes? My suggestion is to make it just like the others, it doesn't change unless you change it yourself, instead of automatically coming off everytime you go to your introduction.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Anime What's your Favorite Anime Soundtrack?
duorocks17 replied to 0ber0n the Neko's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Here is my list of favorite anime soundtracks, (in no particular order): Peace Maker Kurogane: This series has some great background music! I particularly like some of the more softer songs that really set the tone for some great moments in the series. .Hack//Sign: My favorite .hack OST is the Liminality one. Maybe it's just I love that song so much, but once again, See-Saw does an awesome job not only on this, but the other .hack OSTs as well. Inuyasha: Apart from having excellent opening and ending themes, this series has some colorful background music. I like Shippo's theme, as well as the many love themes from the series. Cowboy Bebop: Yoko Kanno. I think that's all that needs to be said. Escaflowne: Not only is the movie soundtrack great, but the series one is just as good. I espically liked Yubia (sp?) the ending them from the movie. Not to mention Sora's song, a.k.a. "Sora". I feel like I'm missing one...oh yeah! Kenshin! who could forget those wonderful sounds from the Magi era. That's all I can think of right now. [/COLOR][/FONT] -
Anime Great Anime that is not known in America
duorocks17 replied to dposse's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue] I began just the other day watching a show that is entitled, "Stellvia of the Universe." This is a surprisingly good show. Unfortuantly, I was only able to see three episodes of the series before it got licensed. Not only did this show have some good animation, but I was just starting to get to some character development. I can't wait till this series is licenced in the US. The one thing i have to admit annoyed me a tad bit was the computer generated graphics. They could have been of a better quality. But over all, for only seeing three episodes, I'd give it a 8/10.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]The sharp, thorny branches wipped at Karen's face and arms as she ran as fast as she could from the clearing. Karen didn't even try to push the branches away. She knew she had to run. Run as fast as she could. One particular branch smashed hard against her face, causing it to bleed, but Karen didn't notice. The pain was nothing compared to the pain she was feeling in her heart. [I]Why is it everytime i get close to someone, something always happens? Why do these things keep happening to me? Why can't I just live a normal life, with a normal family?[/I] Karen finally made it out of the forest, and started to run toward the castle. The pebbles of the gravel caused her footing to fauter and she feel to the ground. [I]Why? Why did Harru betray me? He betrayed my feelings for him.[/I] Karen thought as tears contiuned to flow down her cheecks. [I]But wait. that wasn't really Harru was it? It was like, something was controlling him. But what? Why would Harru be controlled? Why does someone want me dead?[/I] Karen heard running footsteps behind her as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Why?" she asked without looking up from the ground.[/COLOR][/FONT]