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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"I think the first thing we need to do is get out of this forest," Kristen said as she brushed some of the dead leaves off her pants. "That way, if the fire guy tries to attack again, he won't have such an advantage. All this underbrush was really helping out the flames." "Thats a good idea," Yuki said as she lead the way toward a clearing in the trees. Everything around them was mostly burned due to Jerid's barrage of flame attacks. "All these things are dead because of him." "I wish we could do something for them, but unfortuantly, we don't have the gift of bringing dead things back to life," Kristen said as she leaned her head against Kayin's shoulder. "Are you ok, Kristen?" Kayin asked as the both followed Yuki's lead. "I"m just tired thats' all." Kristen said as she closed her eyes, and allowed her brother to lead her. "Is there a village or something around here, maybe we can rest in?" "I think I spotted one when I was in the tree," Yuki said as she quickened her pace. "This way, I believe."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Darn it brother. Why didn't you listen to me." Kristen thought as she took Kayin's head and laid him on her lap. "I told you we'd have to think about our moves with that guy. He was too strong to make such a rash move." She said as tears fell down her cheecks. "Do you know that fire guy?" Yuki asked as she looked at Kristen. "Not really. He attacked us before we met you here in the forest. So we got a little taste of his power. We where able to scare him away with a storm we made, but that took a lot out of us. And that nap we got..it just...it just wasn't enough." "Oh wait! I got something that will help!" Yuki said as she rushed back to the trees, and grabbed the fruit she had laid out for them. "Here! If you guys eat, it will help you regain your strength. Me as well." She said as she took a bit of one she had left for herself. "Thanks again, Yuki." Kristen said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and broke the fruit into small chunks. "I don't know what we'd have done without you. There was no way we could make another storm. It took all of my strength just to make that cloud." Kristen said as she passed in and out of conscienous. Kristen took the fruit and took a bit of it herself. The juicy goodness spread through out her body, almost rejuvinizing her. "Here brother," Kristen said as she grabbed Kayins hand. She concentrated as she passed some of her energy on to her brother. "You need it more than I do. At least get enough so you can eat." Kayin slowly opened one of his eyes, and slightly smiled. "Yuki, could you give us some water?" Kristen asked as she started to feed her brother the pieces of fruit. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]Karen sighed as she loaded up the screen with the gun controls. "What did I tell you Grant. Look at the big commotion you've caused." Karen said as she watched the pirate ship dance around the Federation's, easily avoiding their attacks. "How much ammo do we have left?" Karen asked as she kept her eye on the pirate. "About 13%, and about 24% missiles." Grant replied as he popped up the screen. "There is another ship approaching." Grant said as he popped that screen up to the left. "Alright, keep an eye on that one. He's not our enemy now. But if it starts to fire, let me know, he'll become one then. You can never tell with these Outlaws." "Alright," Grant said as he pushed the screen father back, letting the main ones contain Cyd's ship. "Let's see how she handles this," Karen said as she locked on to the ship and let lose a couple of homing missiles. The ships followed Cyd's ship as she raced through the sky. "Please excuse me, your highness." came a voice from a entercom link. "Please refrain from firing any more shots. We now have you with in the ships shield." "Alright, I'm coming aboard." Karen said as she got up, and waited for the ship to dock. "Grant, once I step out, put up the shield. I don't want them getting close to you. And only answer to me." "Sounds fine to me. Just get me some parts!" Karen couldn't help but laughing as she heard the ship dock, and the door opened in front of her.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Where...where am I?" Karen asked herself as she slowly opened her eyes, and looked out the computer outputed 'windows' of her ship. "These stars don't look that familar at all." Karen accessed the databank, and pulled up a list of star charts. "I can tell you where we are." came a voice that seemed to suround Karen inside the ship. "Then why don't you Grant?" Karen asked her ships' computer as she rubbed her head, it still hurt after that huge explosion that caused her to get her. "You obviously remember what happened, but I sure don't. All i remember was we where attacked by those Pirates. And Kevin is battling too. Kevin! Is he ok?" Karen asked as she regained some of her strength in an instant, and viewed her monitor. It showed a fierce battle raging, but there in the middle was her brother. "At least he's still alive. for not that is. Where are we Grant? I have to get back!" "I'm afriad that is not an option at this time." "What! What do you mean?!?!" "This ship is badly damaged." he said as three big lists appared on the screen. "This is everything that needs to be fixed before we can successfully make it home." Karen sighed as she looked at the huge stack of parts. "I only have half of these." I beeping noise alarted Karen as another screen popped in front of her. "A ship is approaching, Federation class." Grant said in a nonchalant voice. "Federation? We're that far out? How am I..?" Karen answered the call of the Federation ship. Apparently they were patroling, and noticed their distress signal. Karen looked up at Grant as the transmition ended. "Sending out a distress signal was not very smart. The Pirates might have heard it." "At least they're going to take care of us." Grant said as he let himself be guided onto the Federation ships hall bay. "We can get parts, and be on our way." "Like they will have parts," Karen sighed again as she watched teh ship coming closer, praying that a Pirate had not also heard the call.... [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Okay everyone, I am starting the story in the Adv. Arena. I'm still leaving the sign-ups open in case anyone else wants to join, but I will close them in a week. Here we go! :)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue][I]"Darn it!"[/I] Kristen thought as she watched Yuki douse the flames. [I]"If only we could have gotten some more rest. I'm still tired, but i have to fight to stay alive. We have so much to live for yet!"[/I] Kristen watched as the steam rised into the air from the mix of flames and water. [I]"Maybe.."[/I] Kristen thought as she pointed her staff toward the rising mist, and concentrated. The mist soon became a small dark matter that took the shape of a cloud. "Keep with the water Yuki!" Kristen yelled to her friend as she contiuned on making the steam into a cloud. [I]"If i can do this..."[/I] Kristen thought. [I]"Don't worry sis,"[/I] Kayin yelled mentally.[I] "I understand. I'll finish it for you. I'll keep him away so you can gather more."[/I] Kristen smiled back as she contiuned to watch Jerid and Yuki fight each other with fire and water. [I]"That's it...keep on making those fires. Yuki will douse them and cause the steam. Then i can gather it to make a storm cloud which my brother will electrify enough to leave you parazlyed for the next eternity. Then we can finally live the lifes we've wanted to live...together...the way it was meant to be."[/I] Kristen watched as her brother jumped ahead of her, ready to protect her at all costs.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Great sign ups everyone! I hope this story goes well. I'm going to wait to start it until we get at least ONE member of the federation, or another outlaw. If not, we just might have to make federation members controlable characters until we can get someone. I'm going to hold off for another couple of days, but whenever we get tired of waiting, let's just go for it sis! Here is a list of charcters and their fractions so far: Outlaws: Sayree Swift (Ri)---callmegoddess04 Edel Hawke---dMage Pirates: Cyd---Conna_da_fox Ariadne---Cyriel Otto Kall---erinzyger Jossie---Mai We have enough Pirates, so please sign up as either an Outlaw, Fed, or one of the people back on the planet (the list is above). [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I agree about the random member thing. I want to visit some new sites, but when I click that, it takes me to a page that either hasn't even started, or has only been updated once. I think it would be fun if we could make the whole table set of the myO transparent, that way, if we have a background, you can acutally see what it is. I believed you mentioned making it more easier for us to "make it our own" site. I can't wait. :)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Oh darn," Kristen said as she watched the once tiny dragon fly off. "I had the perfect plan to attack him too." Kristen said as she sighed, and stretched. "I'm sure it will come back, sis." Kayin said as he collected the last of his shuriken, and pulled his jacket back on. "Thanks for your help with the flames Yuki. We'd probably be goners if it wasn't for your water ability." Kristen nodded in agreement, as Yuki slightly blushed as she took a spot under a nearby tree. "Fighting sure makes one tired." she said as she too sighed. "It would be wise if we got some rest. I mean, we've already had two battles today bro. And i highly doubt that little bird will come back so soon after that shock you gave it." Kristen said. "I guess your right," Kayin said as he thought. "I'd feel a little safer if you provided us with some cover though, that way we're more out of sight." "No problem bro," Kristen said as she raised her staff into the air. The once shining sun was soon covered in storm clouds so dark that the daylight soon seemed nighttime. "How's that," she said as she smiled and layed down on the tree next to Yuki. "Perfect," Kayin said as he took a tree on the opposite side of the path. The twins were asleep in an instant.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen kept a tight grip on Harru's hand as he lead her through the thick underbrush of the forest. She knew that Harru wouldn't hurt her, not after what had happened the previous night. But somehow, Harru looked a little different. There was something in his eyes...but Karen couldn't quite figure it out. "Harru, are you feeling ok?" she asked after calling Hermione's name at least a dozen of times. "Why do you ask?" Harru said with a little bit of intensity in his voice, that Karen was sure he didn't mean. "It's just, you seem...oh i don't know, nevermind." Karen said as she started to rub her arms, the intesitity of the forest was getting to her again, as Harru led her deeper and deeper. "I'm just tired, that's all." Harru said as they made their way to a clearing. "I bet you are too." he said with a half smile. "Yeah.." Karen started but then she realized where she was. [I]This place....it looks just like...my dream![/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]Name: Karen Trente Age: 14 Side: Good Organization: Princess of the planet. Apperence: See the attachments below. Blue hair, blueish/greenish tint eyes. Around 5'6" in height. Good figure and physic. Ships Apperence: See attachment called Ship2. Basically take this picture and make it slimer. There is a door on the side, and the front is basically where Karen sits. There is a etching of a dragon on both sides of the ship, facing the engines with those being dark orange/red. The ship itself is entirely blue except for that part. The dragons are black. Weapons: A black 7" capfire. (gun in pic), her hands and fist, and her mind. Bio: Karen is the princess of the planet mentioned above. At the age of 12 her parents died, and she ruled the kingdom with her twin brother Kevin. It was when she turned 14 that their uncle tried to overtrow them. Karen has lead an intellegent life up to now. She is considered a genius in almost all aspects. She helps invent different new products of the planet, to keep it clean, and selling these inventions to other planets has made her a great profit for the planet. She built her ship (the Blue Dragon) and it's computer (Grant) by herself. (Grant is the computer system of the Blue Dragon, and in visual form looks like any other person. He is acutally based on a friend of Karen's). Karen is also a suprub fighter, even though she believes in pacifism. Without her parents knowing, she trained under a retired Outlaw, who taught her the ropes of space, and being able to fight not only up there, but on land as well. During the space battle, Karen was knocked unconscience, and thrown to the other side of the galaxy. IT is there that she is picked up by a federation ship. Now she must figure out how to fix her ship, gets any parts that she might need, all without the Feds figuring out her technology. Personality: Karen is fun and sweet, and usually quite intergetic. She can be hard to stop when she has an idea on her mind. She is also pretty stubborn, but a friend to all that cross her path. She usually doesn't like to fight, but will to protect her newfound friends, and the ones she loves. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]In a galaxy far away, not yet touched by human hands, there lies a planet. A planet whose green grass shines brighter than any other. A planet where the sky is free of polution, and towers fill the sky lines, connected by tubes. This is a planet of a very highly civiliezed society, with technology that far sarpasses that of earth. When you talk to someone on the phone, they are acutally right there next to you, you can touch them, hug them, or if your in the mood, slap them. Computers take the visual form of people for better communication. A planet that is not only rich in its environment, but in wealth as well. This planet was run by a Royal Family known as the Trentes. The Trentes where a pacisific people, who spread pacifism throughout the galaxy. They where greatly loved by all on their planet, but hated by those of others. One day, the Trentes had two children, twins in fact, the older, a boy named Kevin, the younger, a girl named Karen. These two grew up on their parents philosphies and became advocators for pacifism throughout the galaxy. This was all to the great discomfort of their uncle, who always believed that the kingdom would be his. He detested the laws of pacifism, and thought that wars where the only way to accomplish change. The day the King and Queen died, was a great morning for the entire planet. The uncle thought that it was now his chance, but the kingdom was given to the twins at their ages of 12. For two years, the two reigned peacefully, spreading their beliefs throughout. The uncle had been gathering allies, mostly wealthy men, who where mad at the kids for giving their wealth to those in need, supported the uncle. The space pirates in space, despising the planet's wealth also took the uncle's side. The battle broke out on an beutiful summer day. The uncle's men attacked the castle, using the city as a shield. The Pirates attacked from above, destroying vital satilties. Karen, (the sister), realizing this, gave Kevin an affectionate good bye, and headed with a ship she developed herself, into space. The battle was fierce, and with a damaged engine, and shield failing, Karen was knocked uncouncious and sent into subspace. Karen awoke in the middle of nowhere, clear on the other side of the galaxy. She sent out a signal, hoping and praying that someone other than the Pirates would hear it. The Pirates bands where strong, and existed throughout the entire galaxy. Luckily for her, a member of the Federation ( a elite fleet combining 150 planets, but they know of no planets beyond the "Southern Line") picked her and her ship up. There technology is fourth rate compared to Karen's. Does she even have a hope of making it back? Can Karen make it back home in time to save her brother, or will she get caught up in the battle not only against time, but all space as well? [B] Sign ups:[/B] [U]Characters:[/U] [I]Kevin, their uncle[/I], or: [I]Member of the Federation[/I]: you are on the ship that picked Karen up. You are trying to get her back to her planet and are basically the good guys. [I]Space Pirate: [/I] You are basically the bad guys and are out to destroy Karen before she can make it back home. [I]Outlaw:[/I] You really don't have a side, but just want to be in the action. [I]Wealthy landowner:[/I] You are on the planet helping the Uncle. [I]Citizen[/I]: You are on the planet, helping Kevin. I will be playing Karen, and there is already a spot saved for one Pirate. I would like three of each group of people. I will confirm your appointments before we start. [I][U]Name:[/U][/I] [I][U]Age[/U][/I]: (make it reasonable) [U][I]Side[/I][/U]: (If your with Kevin and Karen, good....Uncle...bad) [U][I]Organization[/I][/U]: (Pirate, Outlaw, Federation, etc.) [U][I]Apperence[/I][/U]: (We're in the future here people, so be creative) [U][I]Weapons[/I][/U]: (be realistic, nothing that is so powerfull it can destroy everything, and if your a member of the Federation, you're weapons can't be as advanced as Karen's and the Pirates) [U][I]Ships Appearence[/I][/U]: (Applies to Pirates and Outlaws only) [U][I]Bio:[/I][/U] A brief bio about your character [U][I]Personality:[/I][/U] How your character will react to others. I will post mine once someone else has responded. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. And remember Have fun!:) [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"You seem pretty strong yourself," Kristen said with a smile at her new friend. "I could sense you from the other side of the forest." Yuki slightly blushed as she laughed. "Yeah, you could say I am." "Your probably stronger than us," Kristen said as she laughed at herself. "I'm quiet pathetic." "Stop doubting yourself sis," Kaying intervened. "Your the greatest fighter I've ever know." "Your just saying that cuz your my brother," Kristen said as she playfully punched him. All of a sudden, Kristen felt a wave of evil come over her. She looked up into the sky and saw a huge bird-like thing approaching with an open mouth. "Move!" Kristen said as she pushed Kayin hard the opposite way, and grabbed Yuki and jumped into the nearby trees. At the same moment, the object shot a huge barage of flames from its mouth, burning the spot where the three once stood. "Kristen!!" Kayin's voice came over the fire. [I]"Don't worry, bro. I'm fine."[/I] she said telepathically. "Are you ok, Yuki?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the lift." she said with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll take care of these flames." she said as she outstretched her hands.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]The soft morning sunlight was pouring in through the infirmary window as Karen slowly opened her eyes. Her first notion was to shake off the events of the dream she had yet again. They didn't seem to upset her that much this time, maybe she was just getting used to it. [I]At least i had a semi-good rest.[/I] Karen thought as she sat up in bed as the witch came over to check on her. "Well, good morning sunshine." she said as she placed the back of her hand on Karen's forehead. "It looks like your doing a lot better. Do you feel like going to class today?" "Actually, yeah i do. I don't want to miss having more fun with my friends. And besides, I'm kinda used to this sort of thing happening." Karen said as she got out of bed and streatched. "Ok, I got you some new clothes sent down from your dormatory. They are sitting on the chair over there." she said as she pointed to the chair next to the window. "And please take this before you leave. It will help you gain a little bit of the strength you lost." she added as she placed a glass filled with a goup of gunk that was green. "Thank you ma'm." Karen said as tired to avoid the nasty color of the concoction, and headed over to her clothes as the witch closed the curtain around her bed. Karen was just getting dressed when she heard the door to the infirmary open, and a voice she knew all to well. "Please, I need to see Karen." came Ron's voice as the witch held him back. "Don't worry young man. She's perfectly fine. She's getting dressed for school. I insist you wait till she's done. Otherwise i might have to put a spell on you." Ron sighed heavily as he took a seat on one of the beds, looking out the infirmary door. "But this is really important." He muttered to himself. "Ok, I'm done." Karen said as she pushed the curtain back, and drank the class the witch had laid out for her. It tasted like onions and green pepers, and Karen had to put her hand up in order not to spit it back out. "Karen!" Ron said as he ran up to her and hugged her, but making sure she swalled before he did. "There's something wrong! Hermione and Remus didn't return to the tower!" "What?" Karen said as she lead Ron out of the infirmary. "Thank you again ma'm." she yelled to the witch. Karen ran down into the Great Hall where Harry and Liz and Alex where waiting. "We've looked in the Library, and some of the classes." Liz said as Ron was panting to get some air. "Why don't we spilt up and try to find them." Alex said. "Maybe they're having fun together." Liz wispered to Karen, who held back a laugh. "This is no time for laughing Karen." Ron said as he looked around. "Alex has a good idea, Ron." Harry said. "We should split up." "Ok, Harry, you and Liz go search upstairs in the classrooms one more time. Ron, you and Alex go search the dungeons, and I'll look outside." Karen said. "But...wait..." Ron started. "We've got to find them before morning classes start." Karen said as she looked at her watch. "If we can't find them, we'll meet again in first hour." Everyone nodded in agreement, as Ron still looked puzzled. "Good luck everyone." Karen said as she headed for the Enterance Doors. Karen wasn't really watching where she was going, and ran into someone with a thud. "Oh my! I'm tremendously sorry." Karen said as she pushed her hair out of her eyes. "I didn't mean to.....Harru?" Karen said as she realised the white haired heap as her friend. "Oh Harru." Karen said as she helped him up and hugged him. "You've got to help me look for Hermione and Remus. They didn't return to the tower last night." Harru nodded as he took Karen's hand and lead her out to the grounds.[/COLOR][/FONT] lol, i hope that was good to get everyone back into the story...the search begins!
  15. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Good night everyone," Karen said as she watched the group leave. Hermione and Remus where the first to go, then Liz, and Alex, finally Harry and ... "Please be carefull, Karen." Ron said as he finally let go of her and stood up to walk out of the infirmary. "You know where to find me if you need me. I'll come straight back as soon as i get a chance this morning." "Thanks Ron." Karen said as a small tear went down her cheek as she watched Ron give her one more brotherly smile, and then leave. Karen laid back down in bed, but still afraid to fall asleep. [I]That was kinda wierd. They just seemed to show up out of nowhere. I wonder what the others think now that they know about my 'special" ability. I guess they just think its a dream...they wouldn't and don't need to know it was a premonition.[/I] Karen turned over on her side as she gazed out the window of the infirmary. [I]Ron sure got jealous when Harru showed up. At least I know that he's ok, but there was something.....it seemed something was different about him. Something in his eyes....maybe I was just seeing things[/I]. Karen thought as her body beat her will power and she once again shut her eyes, this time, for a hopefully peacefull sleep.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. Continuing my last post..... [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"I see," the Heamaster said as he looked at Karen . The group was all quiet until.. "Wait a minute, Ron. How do you know that's what happened. And what do you mean by an accident?" Hermione said, apparently seeing that there was a common agreement between Ron and the Headmaster that something had happened that wasn't a shock to them. "I've know Karen my entire life." Ron said defendsivly. "I think I can tell when there's something wrong with her." "Ms. Black," the Headmaster started before the quarrell erupted. "Do you mind to tell us what happened. Both before and what your dream was?" "Dream?" Hermione said queitly as Karen started to explain. "Well, sir, I was standing on the Astronomy tower, looking on the grounds, when all of a sudden I found myself looking at the forest. I felt some sort of pull or something, and the next thing i knew i was falling. It was there that I saw a light flicker in the forest, just before Ron grabbed me. The professor then sent me to my homeroom. But i never made it there. I guess i collapsed on the way, because the next thing i remember i was having that dream." "What was your dream this time," the Headmaster said to get Karen started again. Karen relayed the events of her dream, not leaving out any detail. When she finished there was a wierd silience in the air. Ron was holding her and looking to Harry who looked kinda shocked. Hermione was covering her mouth as Remus held her up. Liz and Alex where clutching on to one another. "Dead bodies," came an audible whister from one of them. Karen looked to the floor, as everyone was once again staring at her. "But....but how did you get up here?" Hermione asked shakenly. Karen smiled as she contiuned to look down at the floor. "Harru." "Very well." the Headmaster said as he stood up. "I will give you all a chance to say Good Night to Karen. Then I will lead you all to your common rooms. Students should not be out of bed at this time of night. That means you too, Mr. Weasley." THe Headmaster said as he looked at Ron, and then walked out of the infirmary. Whether by the fact that the Headmaster did not notice, or he did not seem to care, Harru went unnoticed as the Headmaster left, standing in a dark corner, watching the events play out.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Kristen sighed as she easily found the source of the energy. "I just got my brother back! Why do people keep trying to fight us! Can't we ever get a break?" "Let's just ignore it brother." Kristen said as she led Kayin in the opposite way. "But why?" Kaying asked. "Common sense." Kristen replied as she looked at her brother. "We just used up some of our energy battling that crazy dude. Its not very smart to face an unknown enemy with only a fraction of your full potential. I mean, what if this person is stronger that the fire guy? If he would have stayed around, he might have beated us." "What are you talking about? We could have easily beat him! Your speed was so fast he couldn't even..." "We can't get cocky if we're going to survive." Kristen said as she looked up. The rain was finally stopping. "I don't want to lose you again." she said as she leaned her head on Kayin's shoulder and contiuned walking.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I'm at the end of reading "Planet Ladder". I think this is a great series, but seing as how it's one of the first ones I've ever read, I guess you could say i'm ignorant. I think one of the main reasons I like this series, is it kinda has the same feel as the book I am currently writing, and its helping me think of new ideas. The first manga that I ever bought was "Gundam Wing: Eposide Zero." i then bought the other GW mangas. ALl of which are good. I would love to get started on a new series, but since I'm broke, i can't buy any. I think i might see if our library has any, but it doesn't even have a good selection of Anime, so I'm not that hopefull.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen looked up at all the people who seemed to come out of nowhere. Hermione was gently hugging her, as she noticed tears where streaming down her face. Ron, seeing Karen in the bed rushed over to her, and took her from Hermione, holding her close to him. "I was so scared Ron," Karen whispered into his ear as he held her, and saw the Headmaster enter the room. "It's my fault, sir." Ron said as he looked straight into the Headmaster's eyes. "I was worried about Karen." "She didn't return to the common room sir, after she left earlier from Astronomy class." Hermione pipped in, handing Karen a hancherchief. "We were worried something might have happened to her....after what happened in the tower." "And what did happen?" The headmaster asked as he looked through his spectacles at the group surrounding Karen's bed. "She..." Ron started as he looked down on Karen. "She had another accident." The group looked at Karen, who was slightly shaking as she held on to Ron.[/COLOR][/FONT] sorry it's so short, but pressed for time!
  20. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    Kristen let out a sigh of relief as she watched Jerid disappear in a flame of fire. "He's pretty fast." she said as the rain contiuned to fall around her and her brother. Kristen looked straight up into the sky as she let the rain fall straight on her face. "The rain feels so good." "It sure does," Kayin said as he walked over to her, making sure she was alright. "This reminds me of when we where little." Kristen said as she looked over to Kayin. "We used to make storms like this all the time." "Only it took us twice as long." Kayin said he he took her arm, and led her out of the fog that was now covering the forest.
  21. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    OOC: FirePheonix---love the avi! The Beatles are awesome!!! IC:[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Kristen took a small step back as Kayin contiuned to fight this unknown enemy. "Let's see...there's two of us, and only one of him. If we keep attacking him and making him move, he'll run out of energy eventually, then we can get away. There's no reason to kill him. He hasn't really done anything wrong." she said to herself as she smiled at the new tricks her brother had learned. "My turn," she said as she leaped into the battle and started to attack Jerid with the sword that had been hidden inside her staff. She threw her staff to the side, as she charged. The staff landed straight up in the ground. She thrusted with her sword. Jerid deflected the attack with a simple wave of his own sword. Kristen contiuned the attack. [I]"Brother!" [/I] she yelled telepathically. [I]"What is it sister?"[/I] Kayin said as he stopped his charge into the battle. [I]"I have an idea! I'll create a diversion and then you charge at him full strength, but don't kill him!"[/I] "[I]What kind of diversion,"[/I] Kayin asked as he looked sideways at his sister. [I]"You'll see!"[/I] Kristen said as she smiled. "What are you smiling about?" Jerid asked as he blocked another one of her attacks. "This," Kristen said as she thrusted one more time, and then seemed to disappear. "Your sister's pretty fast," Jerid said as he looked to Kayin and then started to look around. Then he caught a glimpse of her, holding her staff in the air. "Too late!" she yelled as she slammed her staff into the ground. The sound of thunder pierced the air. The earth began to shake, and crack, causing a cloud of dust to rise into the air. [I]"Now!" [/I] Kristen shouted telepathically again, as her brother charged in for the attack.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]I got those pictures from one of my favorite shows "Pilot Candidate" otherwise known as "Candidate for Goddess." Please post comments on my work, i don't want this to turn into a spam thread and get closed. The new one I'm working on now is going to be from Full Metal Alchemist, but I'm having some difficulties with these new programs, so it might be a bit before i get it on here. I'll be sure to post it when I'm done. In the mean time, please feel free to comment on the ones i have done already.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]"Brother?" Kristen said amazingly as she pushed the rest of her long green hair out of her eyes, and pulled away from his embrace. She looked at him. [I]Same hair....same eyes...same age...same look....It has to be him.[/I] "Brother!" she said as she flinged herself around his neck. "You don't know how long I have been searching for you!" she said as a tear came down her cheek. "I've missed you sooo much!" "I've missed you to sister. I have so much to show you! You'll never guess..." Kayin broke off as they heard the slight sound of steps behind them. "I guess I was followed." Kristen said as she pulled her staff close and looked at her brother. "No...i think it was me." he said as he stepped in front of Kristen in order to protect her from this unknown force. "I guess this is my chance to show you how much I've learned" he said as he smiled and drew his sword.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. duorocks17

    Internal Ninja

    [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]"Oh man..." Kristen said as she leaned on her staff at the top of a very high hill. "I could have sworn it said he was here." Kristen flopped down on the grass. "All that walking for nothing." [I]"Walking is good not only for your muscles, but for your mind[/I]." An old man's voice entered her head. Kristen sighed as she used her staff to pull herself back up. "I guess your right old man. But I've been searching forever it seems." Kristen sighed again. She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, listening to the slight breeze that was blowing her long green hair off her back. "This way," she said at last as she jumped off the hill, and contiuned her search for her brother.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Mary walked into Charms class a little late. She wasn't used to having to wake herself up in the morning. Usually there was someone who gently tapped her on the shoulder until she threw a book at them. Mary smiled in spite of herself though. [I]It's a start.[/I] She thought as she took her seat next to a boy with Gryffindor clothing. "Hello!" she said as she took a slight bow. "Is there anyone sitting there?" she asked. "Nope, not at all." he replied as he moved some of his stuff out of the way. "I'm Karl." he said as he outstreached his hand. "Mary," she said as she shook it. "Its nice to meet you!" she said with a smile as the teacher came into the room.[/COLOR][/FONT] sorry its so sort, but i'm late! again!
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