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Everything posted by duorocks17
yeah! Vicky's back! lol...i really don't know what to put, but I hate waiting! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen shot up in bed breathing deeply as she clutched her chest. "Why...why do I keep having this dream?" she asked herself as the vision of the hooded figure flashed back into her mind. "Stop it!" she yelled as she grabbed her head and covered her ears. "why....why?" she asked as a tear rolled down her check. [I]Why am i so afraid? I can take on anything. More than he ever could. I have to be stronger[/I]. Karen stood up and walked over to the windowsill, gazing out into the evening sky as she wiped the tear from her face. [I]I can do this. I just have to stop thinking about it. I just hope everyone, especially Harru is ok[/I]. [COLOR=Red] "Make sure he doesn't get himself into any trouble."[/COLOR] Mr. Weasley's voice entered her head. Karen laughed in spite of herself. "It looks like I have two boys to take care of now." she said as she smiled. Just then, she heard a commotion down the hallway.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Gaming Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
duorocks17 replied to Semjaza's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I never finished the first KH, I'm not that great of a video game player, although I like to play. The new KHII game looks very interesting. I've heard that it contiunes the storyline of the old KH with some new characters and such. If I happen to get any money, I'll be sure to buy it. The GBA version looks kinda like the old one. I'm guesing the only thing that is new is the characters and such. But if it introduces the storyline for the PSII game, what's the need for the movies? More revenue? Also, who is the guy with the blonde hair and keyblade? I don't mind spoilers.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Hum....I don't know if I've ever really "marathoned" before. I guess you could say I have. I first bought my Gundam Wing box set a few years back. I remember that ever day after I got home from school, and popping in the first disk. I watched it all the way through, and then I would pop in another, until my mom came along and strictly said, "Will you turn that stuff off, it's time for bed!" (only instead of the stuff she would say something else.) Needless to say, she wasn't very happy with my $150 purchase. N/E ways, I ended up only taking a week to view the entire GW series, including Endless Watlz. I would say that I try to watch at least all the eposides on one disk before I just stop watching. A friend and I rented NGE from our local library last year. Each week we got a new disk, and one day out of that week, we would watch the eposides on the disk. It was sometimes hard to remember what had happened in the series, (maybe that's why i didn't really understand it at the time.) We did the same thing with Trigun. But I understood that one too. I guess you could say that I marathon, but only for short periods of time! :)[/COLOR][/FONT]
OOC: No i'm not really from Westchester. I live in the middle of nowhere!!! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Mary looked around her at the beutiful surroundings. Everything seemed so refined, just like the life she had just left, only there was something missing. [I]They are not here[/I]. She thought to herself with a smile. [I]But neither is he[/I]. Mary walked up to her new group of housemates. "Are you ready to go," the older student asked her with a smile. "I think we are," Mary said as she looked over to her new classmate and nodded. "I'm Mary," she said as she extended her hand while they walked. "I'm Kiataa Abeler. It's nice to meet you." she said as she shook Mary's hand. The two smiled at each other as they made there way to their common room. "Thank you for guiding us," Mary said as she slightly bowed to the prefect once they had reached the common room. "Oh you don't have to do those formalities here!" the girl exclaimed as she turned slightly red. "I'm just helping out a fellow student. Don't you worry. We where first years once." she said as she showed them to their rooms. Mary and Kiataa walked into their room, and picked out a bed. "Are you nervous?" Kiataa asked as she began to unload her belongings, scattering along her bed. "Not really," Mary replied as she carefully layed her clothes in neat little piles in her dresser. "I'm anxious! I can't wait for it to begin!" she exclaimed as she looked over to her friend. She couldn't help but smile. [/COLOR][/FONT] Oh, you might want to put on the recruitment one that you've started it. (If you haven't already)
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] Kristen Cloud [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearence:[/B] Long green hair that, when it's down, goes all the way to her knees. She usually keeps it up in a pony tail, making it easier for her to fight. She is fit, and wears a tight-fitting green tank top, and black pants. She also wears black boots that go up to the calf. [B]Bio:[/B] Kristen is the twin sister of Kayin. The two grew up together, and yet sepearated to study under different masters. Kristen went to seek out the wise man of the villege next to them, and there met a very saught after master of the arts. It was there that Kristen truely learned how to fight, using not only her strength and body, but her mind as well. Kristen searches for her brother to show him her new powers, and to contiune the cause that the old nijias once did, to defeat the evil. [B]Element:[/B] Light Thunder [B]Skills:[/B] is able to produce a huge sound wave, that can crush anything. Is fast on her feat, and also in the mind. [B]Weapons:[/B] a long staff, which she uses to call on her power, that has a sword hidden inside of it just in case. Also, she as two trowing knives she keeps on the inside of her boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Kristen is fun loving, and very smart. She usually uses her knowldege to get out of a sticky situation. She really doesn't like to fight, but will to save the world. [/COLOR][/FONT]
trying to add a little depth to the character! :) [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]Karen lay back in the bed in the infirmary, wondering where Harru had gone. [I]He looked so sad just now. I wonder what is bothering him[/I]. Karen thought as she turned on her side. [I]I hope it's nothing serious.[/I] Karen closed her eyes. [I]I'm afraid. I'm afraid to fall asleep. I don't want to have another one of those dreams[/I]. Karen thought as he body shook again. [I]What are they anyway? Why am I seeing this stuff? Is it because...?[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]She's is definatly HER daughter.[/COLOR] A voice entered Karen's head. [I]This voice. I remember it from when I was young. But what does it mean?[/I] Karen tried to remember what the old man looked liked who had said this. [I]I remember I was standing next to Uncle Remus, something had just happened.[/I] Karen strained hard to remember. [I]Nothing. It's no use[/I]. She thought as she turned over on her back, and tried to remeber all the things that happened today. [I]So many things.....so many people..[/I].Karen thought. A smile came across her face as she thought of Harru. [I]Where ever you are, please be ok[/I]. she thought as she closed her eyes.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Sorry if anyone wanted to post...I'm really impatient. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue][I]Karen walked slowly through a dark and musty area. Tree limbs where sticking out all over, catching on her clothing. Karen looked ahead to see where she was going but saw nothing. The ground felt quiet wierd under her feet. It didn't feel like a normal forest floor, hard things where sticking up, causing her to slightly stumble, and the ground was all uneven. "Lumos" she whispered to her wand, as a small light appeared at the end. Karen looked down and screamed, only her voice could not be heard. It did not make a sound. All over the forest floor where dead bodies, bodies who looked like their soul was taken away from them. Karen rushed forward, trying to put distance between this graveyard on undug graves and herself. Karen ran and ran, until an arm came out of nowhere, and smashed her to a tree. It was there that she looked up, and saw a hooded figure coming towards her. She looked to her left, and saw more dead bodies on the ground. "I'm going to be next" she thought to herself as the figure advanced, streatching out its hand. "No! No! Don't touch me! Stay away!" Karen yelled again, her voice still unheard. The figure came closer. "no....no" she said quietly as she knew no more.....[/I] "Is she going to be ok?" came a young man's voice. "Yes, she'll be fine now, thanks to you getting her here. I don't know what would have happen if we waited any longer to calm that fever of hers." Karen slowly woke up, still keeping her eyes shut, trying to figure out where she was. "Am I dead?" she though to herself. She used her senses to try to figure out the question. Her body felt hot, as if she was sick. She felt herself lying on a most comfortable bed, with something on her forhead that was spreading coldness through her body. "Well, this is it." She said as she slowly opened her eyes. Everything was blurry for quite a few seconds, until they came into focus. "She's waking up." a woman's voice came. Karen looked straight up. The castle ceiling was a welcoming sight to behold. She sat up and tried to take in her suroundings. "Carefull, carefull." Came the woman's voice again, as she rushed over to her. "You better lie back down." "Where am I? Who are you?" Karen asked as she stared at the lady. "You are in the Hospital wing, and I am Madam Pompfry." "The hospital wing? How did I get here?" Karen asked as she stared at the nice old woman. "This young gentleman was kind enough to bring you up here. You had quite a temperature." she said as she smiled, and nodded opposite her. Karen slowly turned around. "Harru?" Karen said as she slowly smilied. Then Karen registered his face. "Harru? What happened? Who did this to you?" she asked as she touched his face, where a black eye was forming. Harru smiled. "Actually, you did it?" "What?" Karen said taken aback. She couldn't believe she would ever hurt one of her friends. [/COLOR][/FONT] I think that's enough for today. Opps, gtg!
sorry I'm a little late, I hope this goes well! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] Mary Kenze [B]Age:[/B] 11 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Year:[/B] First [B]Bio:[/B] Mary is the daughter of a rich banker from Westchester. She has grown up with all the airs of society, but abosultely hates her life there. She wishes she can be free to do whatever she would like to, instead of what her parents make her do. As a young girl, Mary was forced to go to bording school. It was there that she met her life-long friend, Max. Max and Mary have been best of friends, but her parents don't approve of him.The day Mary got her letter, it was like a string of freedom, but her dad burned it before she could open it. The letters conituined to come. Mary wrote Max a good-bye letter. Mary finally decided that the rich life was not the life she was meant for, and ran away to Hogwarts, hoping that when she returned, her parents warth would have wavered, and Max would still consider her as his best friend. [B]Apperence: [/B] She has long brown hair that goes down to her back, and blue eyes. Mary feels most comfertable in a pair of jeans, and a red shirt. She is medium height, and fairly attractive. [B]House:[/B] Hufflepuff! [B]Pet: [/B] A brown owl named R.H. [B]Wand: [/B] 10 inches, maple and phoneix feather [B]Special traits:[/B] Very easy to get along with, doesn't care about status, and can speak/read foreign lanuages. [B]Strongest subjest:[/B] Charms, Potions [B]Special abilities:[/B] Doesn't really have any. She is smart for her age, but doesn't like to show it. [B]Worst subject:[/B] Astronomy [B]Dislikes (food)-[/B]Anything that's not made from real meat. (a.k.a. Fish) [B]Likes (food)- [/B] Any type of candy, as long as she can tell nothing is wrong with it. [B]Dislikes:[/B] Miss Granger [B]Likes:[/B] Mr. Potter [B]Class list:[/B]Class 1-Charms Class 2-Transfiguration Class 3-Sciences Class 4-Arithmetic Class 5-History of Magic Class 6-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 7-Potions Class 8- Advanced Charms [B]Other items:[/B] a recorder [/COLOR][/FONT] Ok I changed it.
RPG Race through Kanouyate [Possible violince^_^]
duorocks17 replied to ArunueShekamari's topic in Theater
Sorry I'm late, I hadn't realize this started!!! I'll try to introduce my character a little into the story. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Mimi sat at the edge of the stable throughly complexed by what had just happened. "What a rip off!" She said to herself, as she transfered her goods to the new horse. "I spent all that time finding a good horse I could take, and now I can't even use it!" Mimi watched as the other competetors rushed out of the starting line, all in a hurry to be the first to make it to the checkpoint. "What idoits. Any smart person knows the only way to travel is during the night. Isn't that right?" Mimi said as she petted the horses head. Although she might not have the horse she started out with, this one seemed to be better fit for the challenge. Mimi looked around the stable for some food for her new horse and found a barrell full of hay. "Here ya go." She said as she put it in front of the horse. "Eat up..this might be the best you ever get." Mimi said as she slowly shut her eyes. The sun had set and the sand under her bare feet was cool. Mimi mounted her horse and joined the race, passing many who had fallen out over the corse of the day. Night time slowly turned into day, and she contiuned on at an easy pace. All of a sudden she heard gun fire ahead of her. And was amazed she had caught up with the main group already.[/COLOR][/FONT] Sorry, but that's all I could think of and have the time for today! -
Yeah!!! The story is going again!!!! [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Karen was still gripping her wand in her pocket as Liz made it to the top of the stairs, and occupied the space Draco was just standing in. "Hi, guys!" Liz said shortly out of breath from the climb, and laughing so hard. "What happened back there?" Karen asked with a smile at her new friend as she lessened the grip on her wand. "Just a small accident." Liz shurgged as she lead the way to the top of the tower. All along the side of the tower, we set up many telescopes, all with what seemed like hundreds of dials that were moving of there own accord. Each telescope was pointed towards the heavens, each fixing in on it's own star. Hermione walked over to one and looked through. "Wow! It's so beautiful!" she stated. "I can see the gas just moving around the star. It's such a beutiful blue too!" "That's not a star, it's a planet. It's Neptune." Karen said as she walked over to Hermione, and registered the cordinates from the telescope. "Based on it's location in the sky," Karen said as she looked up. "It looks like it's almost completed it's yearly cycle." Hermione looked up from the telescope and stared at Karen. "How...how did you know that?" "Yeah!" Liz pipped in, amazed that someone her age could know this already. "I just do," Karen said as she shurgged her shoulders and moved to the opposite end of the tower. She couldn't tell them the truth. She didn't want to frighten them. [I]I guess knowing the cycles of the planets, and particularly the moon, is something normal people just don't know.[/I]Karen thought as she looked down upon the forest below. All was calm in the forest, not a single tree branch was swaying from the light breeze that Karen could feel on top of the tower. All of a sudden, there was movement within the trees, as if something or someone was moving around, searching for something.A feeling of coldness swept over her body once again as Karen leaned forward to try to get a better look. She leaned so far, her body shivering, she was about to fall off the tower. As Karen started to feel herself fall, she gave out a cry. A light seemed to come in the forest, but disappeared in an instant. "Karen!" she heard a voice yell as she felt someone grab her arm. Her body was still shivering, as she felt herself being drawn into Ron. "Karen? Are you ok?" He said with major concern in his eyes. "Y..ye...yeah.." Karen said as she looked back over the edge of the tower from the safty of Ron's arms, trying to see what had caused the light. "What's going on with you?" Ron asked as he felt her forehead. "Are you sure you're ok?" "Yeah...I'm fine. I guess I just got a little carried away with looking at the night sky." "Would you like to return to your dormatory?" the professor asked as he came over after spotting the commotion. "You've had a long day. Why don't you have a good nights sleep. I can tell from your friend over there that you know what's going on." He said as he nodded toward Hermione. "Go on." "Thank you sir." Karen said as she gave Ron a slight hug, and walked down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs that lead toward the Great Hall, Karen stopped, and collapsed against the wall.[/COLOR][/FONT] I think that's enough for today! :)
This sounds like fun! Is this taken from that movie that's coming out? [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue] Name: Mimi Rodgers Age: 18 Bio: Living on the outskirts of town most of her life, Mimi has had it hard to come by. Her parents died transporting her to the city, hoping that there she would have a better life than they could possibly have out in the desert. She goes around doing odd jobs in order to earn money for herself, and to stay alive. While doing an odd job, she came across a sign rewarding a large sum just for someone to cross the desert and come back. Mimi traveled the city looking for an able bodied horse, and she found one just sitting in a stable. Mimi "gratiously took" the horse, and has now signed up for the race, willing to do anything for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Appearence: Around 5'8", with brown hair that is pulled up into a pony tail, and deep blue eyes. Short shorts, and a loose fitting shirt. She is farely skinny (remember food is hard to come by for her) but very atheltic. The odd jobs she often has to do has made her both physically and mentally strong. Hand held supplies: A small rock that is in the shape of a dagger, that she has edged to make very sharp. Horse packets: Luckly enough there are some provisions inside the saddle bags, but not much. A water canteen, some horse grains, and one small sack of dried food. I hope that's ok![/COLOR][/FONT]
lol...I'm also in a class like what you described only it's called "Internet and Web Design." We really don't have that much of a lee-way since what we make is our school's Internet site. It's mostly for the parents and alumni to look and see what's happening. We're going to get into flash later in the year, and I can't wait. I really like what you have done so far. The pics are awesome, and if they're going to be animated, I can just imagine what they are going to be like. The blue on the page is a little dark, you could probably shade it a little pic so it doesn't take the readers attention away from the context. I also like how the menu buttons are on the right side. Something you don't really see everyday. Keep up the good work!
[color=blue]Thanks for all your comments guys. The work is coming along, and we're about to move on. Hopefully I can find some free time in class to make you guys a good one. But here's one to keep you satisfied. I really don't like it myself, i think i could have done something else with it. I didn't know what to put for the quote either, so if you haven't watched the series, you probably won't get it. [font=Century Gothic][font=Verdana][color=teal]EDIT:[/color][/font] Here I am to answer such a gratious request! *giggles* Well, I finally got a computer with PSP8 and i have to admit this animation thing is pretty neat. Tell me what you think of my newest creation!!!! [/font][/color][color=black]Does anyone know how to reduce the size of animation files so you can get them to upload? I tried mine, and it was just to big![/color] [color=teal]EDIT AGAIN:[/color] Here's another banner I made today, and yeap that's right! It's just for Tony!!! Here's your suprise and I hope you like it! Please comment on this banner too. It one of the first one's I've made with my new programs. The second one is the one I currently have in my sig. I think it's funny. If you have another idea for a quote, I would greatly appriate it. [color=teal]Posts combined after deleting spam. -Syk3[/color]
[COLOR=Blue]Conna made a Pilot Candidate banner and didn't tell Duo? I love it! You're Zero banner is awesome! I just love the colors and of course the pic! *giggles* I like your other banners as well. Your really good at this, as I've told you countless times before. :) I can't wait to see a new one!!![/COLOR]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]I have been an anime fan for years, but I have only just recently started to read magna. What made me start reading it? Sometimes i ask myself the same question. I remember one time, me and a friend of mine who are also into anime, stopped by this store that was going out of business. We look in, and there in the front of the store are these manga books. We walk over to them, and I picked one up called "Planet Ladder". The are on the front was beutiful, so i turned it over to read the discription of the plot. I looked at it, and it rememinded me of a story i am writing. So, i figured, the thing is only $3.50, i think i can spend that much on a book, and it might help me with my writing. Let's just say I have been reading magna ever since. :) My friend on the other hand, she picked out a particular series, i can't quite remember the name, but she didn't like it that much, but still reads magna, when I give her something I have finished reading. If you need to know our genders and such, we are both females, and both seniors in high school. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]While filping through the channels today, I came across the TV guide channel. I stopped and took a look at the schedule, and to my surprise, I found this show on MTV2. I hard just barely heard of the series before. I knew that it was anime, and that it was done by pretty much the same peopel who did Escaflowne, so I headed straight for the channel and began to watch. After getting over the first shock that it was actually on MTV, i started to watch, and got really interested. This show turns out to be one of your cop drama shows, only one of the main characters isn't human, he's an andriod. I only got to see about half an eposide because I had to leave the house, but if anyone else has been able to actually see an eposide, please say what the series is like, and weather you liked it or not. I couldn't tell you when it was on, or if it'll be on again, even though I hope that it will be. Like i said before, the animation style is like that of escaflowne. I personally liked the little that I saw, and was hoping to be able to come back in time to catch the next eposide (there was two on back to back) but unfortunatly missed it. Your comments please! :)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Blue]Hello everyone at the OB. It feels great to be back after such a long wait. After having some free time on my hands because the OB was down, I decided to go check out the new things that had been happening to the Greetings section of the otaku.I was greatly impressed with the new way things where set up, and it made sending a card a lot more fun, and easier. I remember the old days, this is alot better. I just have a couple of suggestions that maybe you have thought of, and just didn't have time to do. Or we just have the technology for these kind of things yet. N/E ways, I was wonder if there was a way you could make the greetings apart of the OB. What I mean by this is that maybe you can put a list of the OB users in the area that you send the greeting too. We all have friends on the OB that I'm sure would like to recieve a card from us. And if there are people who are like my mom, and don't trust anyone on the Internet, there is no way they are going to give us their e-mail so we can send them one. My simple suggestion is this, put some kind of link to a user's list on the Greetings section. This way, the greeting can be sent to a member of the OB without them having to give out their e-mail. Or, you could just have the greeting sent in the form of a PM. Does that make sense? If not, i can try to clarify more. Just trying to help! :)[/FONT][[/COLOR]
Altough I haven't really thought about who a good actor/actress would be if there ever was going to be a live action EVA, my question is, why ruin a good thing? I mean, I'm sure we can all agree that EVA is a great anime series. Anime series. To make a movie of it, especially a live-action one, i think that would take away from the justice of the anime. I mean, think about it. Writers, animators work tons of hours just to produce one eposide. Then you have these people who just make a movie, that probably won't even live up to our expactions. It just won't be able to compare to the real thing. I mean, look at Sailor Moon. They made a live-action of that, (and although I haven't seen it myself) I've heard it wasn't that good. And then you go and stick actors who probably have no idea what EVA is in the movie? Wrong...its just wrong.
I used to watch this series back when it was on Toonami also, and have to agree it is like Kikaider. But i thought that Kikaider had more depth to it. Don't get me wrong, I thought 009 was an ok series....well, i'll just fess up, i only watched it cuz Joshua Seth does 009's voice...but some of the plot was good. I liked the end, where they had the Greek gods, and the cyborgs had to face them. I mean, it made me get an interest into the gods, cuz i never really heard of them before. And, you really could tell who was who without knowing at least a little bit. Like the fact that Artemis and the dude with the red hair where twins? Never would have know...
Here are a couple that I've been wishing for: Cowboy Bebop: I watch this show every time it comes on tv. Why? Because its one of the best animes ever made. Everything about it is superb and top of the class. I just wish i could buy it. Outlaw Star: Another one of my favorite animes, this one was one of the first animes I ever saw. It helped me get hooked on the genre. It would be nice to own it. Escaflowne: Every time i watch the ending of this show it just makes me get that wierd feeling in the pit of your stomach, you know, that your so happy that something finally happened that you wanted to happen. *sighs* what a great show Pilot Candidate (Candidate for Goddess)- This is probably one of the most underrated anime out there. It is a great series, that combines old fashioned drawings with CG action. In my opinions its a great, and high on my list. I just wish that store around here sold it. I would love to own it. Here's some more: Card Captures Rurouni Kenshin Grave of the Fireflies-one of the first anime movies I ever saw. It was great! Laputa: Castle in the Sky Spirited Away and for Magna: I can't wait till the last book of Planet Ladder comes out!!
Lol...don't worry Molly...it's has started...just back a couple and read closely. :) [COLOR=blue]Karen watched as Liz, and Alex joined the Griffindor table. [I]It seems that everyone else is making friends around here. And the friend that I've made is one that my best friend apparently doesn't approve of.[/I] Karen looked over to Ron, who was talking animatly with Harry, asking what the summons had been about. Hermione and Remus where talking to Liz who, like the Griffindors, had Astronomy that evening. Karen started to play with her food. [I]It seems I've been forgoten.[/I] She thought as she looked around her. She still couldn't get the wierd feeling to go away. Karen got up from the table, without anyone noticing, and headed for her house. Karen walked down the hallway, not really watching where she was headed. Her feet somehow carried her to the House, where she headed up the stairs and sunk into her bed. She looked over to her desk, and saw a picture that was taken when she was very little. "My letter!" Karen said as she jumped off the bed, and headed toward her bag that was near the window. The sun had set on Karen's first day at Hogwarts. The darkness outside was seemed to encompas everything she could see out of the window. The last rays of light spread out on the Forbidden Forest, and Hagrid's Cabin as she sat down on the windowsil and opened her letter. The letter read: "My dearest Karen, I wished for you to know that I am perfectly fine. I was hoping you weren't worrying about me, and enjoying your first day at school, but I knew you would. I just want to offer you this advice. Please, try to stay out of trouble. I know I told you to listen to what your heart tells you. But please, make sure that path doesn't get you hurt. Don't worry about me, my dear. Please take care of yourself. Love, Remus." Karen tooked out toward the Forbided Forest, as she went over what the note had said in her mind. The strange feeling swept over her again. [I]I've had these wierd vibes before, and they almost always lead to someone being hurt. If I can stop it, I can prevent that from happening.[/I] Karen contiuned to stare out of the window. [I]Don't you worry Uncle Remus, I can take care of myself. I'm not your average first year. You've taught me a lot of magic already. I can defend myself from any little monster that might attack me in there.[/I] Karen carefully placed the letter on her bedside table as she heard the commotion of the other Griffindors coming into the House. "Karen!" She heards Ron's voice come from downstairs. [I]That's it. I'm going to follow my intuition, and see what exactly is in that forest after Astronomy. No matter what.[/I] Karen placed her wand in her pocket as she walked out of the bedroom and met Ron down the stairs.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Karen watched as Malfoy jumped on his broom and tempted Harry with the ball. "No Harry, you musn't!" came Hermione's voices next to his side. "You might get expelled." "It's a price I'll pay for a friend." Harry said as he jumped on his broom and chased after Malfoy. The two chased each other around the courtyard, until Malfoy finally threw the ball. Harry made a tremendous grab to catch it, and came flying slowly back to the earth. Malfoy, slightly dejected, got off his broom, and went straight for his cronies. "Deserves him right," Karen said to Harru, who was standing next to her as the class watched the commotion. All of a sudden a wave of coldness swept over Karen's body. She shivered as she clutched her arms. "What's wrong?" Harru asked, as the other Gryfindors were celebrating Harry victory of Malfoy. "Nothing, really." Karen replied as she looked into the Forbidden Forest. Something was giving off a wierd vibe, and it was coming from the forest. Karen couldn't quite make out what it was she was feeling, but decided to head for the forest to see if anything was wrong. Just at the second, Profesor M. walked out of the school, yelling Harry's name. "Harry Potter!" she yelled as the group around him seperated to let her through. "Follow me," she said as she led him away. Malfoy got that huge smirk back on his face as he watched Harry walk away, with his head down, still carring his broom. "Come on Karen," Ron said as he came up, and pulled Karen toward the door. "See ya later, Harru." Karen called as she followed Ron into the hallway, and then eventually into the Great Hall, where supper was about to be revealed. Karen still couldn't help think what that strange feeling she had was, when Hermione started to question whether he was going to join them for dinner, a frightfull look on her face, as she looked antiously at the door of the Great Hall. "Don't worry, Hermione. I'm sure Harry's not going to get expelled. I mean, he is famous after all." "That still doesn't mean anything." Hermione said.[/COLOR]
OOC: Amy to the rescue!!! [COLOR=blue]"Yeah, I have an extra one, but we won't be needing it." Karen said to Hermione as she walked next to her and Remus. "Why not," Hermione asked, afraid of what might not possibly need a quill and parchment. "That's why" Karen said as she pointed to a sign that was hanging next to the front doors. "It seems that we have flying lessons next. And just our luck it's with the Slytherins." Hermione felt slightly uneasy as she shifted her backpack on her shoulder. "Flying lessons?!?! We're going to learn how to fly?!?!" "It sure looks like it," Remus said as he too looked at the sign with some discomfort. "Ah, don't worry about it," Ron said as he and Harry catched up with the group. "This will be easy." He said as he and Harry led the way outside where Madam Hooch stood waiting. There was two lines of brooms, each one laying on the grass. They all looked the same, each had a long handle and a bushy end to it. The Slytherins where already lined up on their side, as the Gryiffindors lined up on there's. Karen stood between Ron and Hermione, with Remus on the other side of Hermione and Harry on the other side of Ron. Across from her stood, none other than Malfoy, and next to him stood his two goonies, and Harru. "Hey Harru!" Karen called across the way, and smiled. "Ok class," Madam Hooch called. "Step to the side of your broom, and with a forcefull voice say "up!" Come on now, let's see some brooms rise!" Karen walked over to the side of her broom, and with the single word her broom rushed up to her hand. Ron just stared at her as he himself was having quiet a difficult time getting his broom to rise. Karen smiled at him as she held her broom in her hand. Harry had also gotten his broom to raise, and was quite confused by it. "Whoa" his voice was barely audiable over the shouts of "Up!" Hermione was also having a difficult time, and was getting quite frustrated with herself. Karen looked across, and saw that both Malfoy and Harry had their brooms in hand, but they seemed the only two on that side. Karen couldn't help feel a slight bit of satisfaction as she looked and saw that there was more on her side that had their brooms in thier hands than the other.[/COLOR] OOC: sorry everyone but i've been grounded from the computer, so i don't have the time to finish this, but I'll let someone else take over!! :) Hopefully I'll be back on soon!
[COLOR=blue]Thanks for all your comments everyone! I think that the Cowboy Bebop is one of the better ones I've made so far. Heh..i sort of got into the PhotoDraw program earlier today..it looked very interesting. The bell rang before i could play with it though. Well I thought i would show off some skills of a friend of mine, while i'm in the process of creating another banner. Here's one created by my good friend Conna_da_fox. It's of a cute little guy named Billy, and is taken from one of the little movies that is hilarious! Well, here it is![/COLOR]
Name: Kurama Age: over 300 years old Gender: male Appearence: [IMG]http://www.yuyuhakusho.com/characters/h/kurama/big2.jpg[/IMG] Bio:Kurama is really a fox demon is descise. He once was the best Makai theif, but during one of his missions, he was shot, and had to fled to the human world, hiding himself inside a human girl, and then being born again as a human. Kurama appears to be just a simple teenage boy, but in reality he is a fox demon stuck in a human body. He teams up with Yuuske after trying and suceeded in using the mirror to save his human mother's life. He then travels with him, after that. Personailty: Kurama is usually quite, and reserved. He has a lot of knowledge and uses this to his advantadge. He can seem quite in the face of danger, and is always composed. Side: Good Weapons: Rose Whip, and in demon form he can use deadly makai plants( ex. The Death Tree) Spirit attacks: Rose whip, rose whip-lash, and the ability to transform into his demon form. Hope that was ok! :)