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Everything posted by duorocks17
[COLOR=blue] Alright, looks like we have another Beatle! I'm going to put Angelus as John for now, but if you want you can challenge him for the spot. Me and Art will decide who is better. We still need some bad guys, and the Chief Blue Meanie is still up for grabs! P.S. Angelus~John plays the Trombone. (sp? you know what I mean ;))[/COLOR]
OOC: I agree, I hate to wait. [COLOR=blue] The winter sun shined though the window and the gaze landed right on Frodo's head. He awoke, and looked out toward Rivendell. "I shant be seeing this place any longer," he thought to himself. Frodo grabbed his stuff, and headed out of the room where he met Sam, who was packing his own bag. "What are you doing, Sam?" Frodo asked. "Packing, Mr. Frodo. It's gonna be a tough journey. Always got to be prepared." Frodo couldn't help but smile as his compainion as he once again looked out into Rivendell. "Well, it seems the journey will start soon. We best find the others." And with that, Frodo and Sam went out of safeness they had been in for the last couple of weeks, and opened their lives to a completely new adventure.[/COLOR]
Also, please make sure you have at least seen the movie before signing up. And please stay committed! [B]Name:[/B] Ringo Starr [B]Instrument of Choice:[/B] In St. Pepper's Band: Trumpet. In the real band: Drums [B]Personality:[/B] Ringo is an fun-loving, entergetic guy, who is sometimes considered a loner. But his funness and charisma more than make up for this. [B]Appearence:[/B] (third from the left, or second from the right, however you look at it! on the pic above) Ringo is shorter than the other beatles, and has brown hair. [B]Side:[/B] Good!
I love Family Guy and i really wish I could buy the DVD's. I keep telling my brother that we need to spilt the cost, but he won't go in with me on it. *slaps brother* I keep seeing it at work, and keep wishing i could buy it. I mean, it's really not that expensive, plus I get a 10% discount, so that's saving even more. I really don't have a favorite eposide...i love them all! I can't wait till we get to see new eposides. I can just imagine it....i finally get home from work to watch them...and the good thing is....no early morning school the next day!
I know that one of my songs would be "Time's Up" by Saga. This song really sums up my life. I never have enough time to do anything that i really want to do. I have to go to school...go to work....do homework....and right now....build my bridge from toothpicks for physics class...and write my book. I never have any free time it seems, and when i do, i'm usually sleeping.
[COLOR=blue]"Some people have no manners," Hermione replied as everyone turned back around from looking at the Slytherin table. "Well, what about this story?" she said again turning back to Karen and Ron. "Well, I guess you wouldn't have heard but there have been some incidents lately of people who have been camping in the forest and well, have just disappeared. People go to search for them, and when they find them...they're dead." "Which forest is this?" Alex asked. "It's a forest called Kilkia. And actually, it's really not that far from where we are." Karen replied. Alex looked a little frighten by this fact, as her hair changed color. "Don't worry," Hermione said in her airy voice. "Nothing can get through the defenses of this castle!" "And how do you know that?" Ron asked as he looked at her. "It's all in [U]Hogwarts: A History[/U]. I've read it." Ron rolled his eyes, as Prof. M. handed out the schedules. "Looks like we have Transfiguration first," Remus said as he glanced at his schedule. "What's that?" "Just stop," Ron said as he picked up his bag, and motioned toward Hermione as she started to open her mouth. "Let the man figure it out." "Come on Remus," Karen said as she too grabbed her bag and slipped her letter inside of it. "It's going to be fun!" Remus looked slightly confussed as he grabbed his bag. "Oh man. We're having it with the Slytherins," Ron said as he checked his schedule again. "What's so bad about that?" Hermione asked. "You'll see," Ron replied as he lead the group out of the great hall. "See ya later, Alex!" Karen called as she followed suit.[/COLOR]
I really hope that Lord of the Rings wins, even though i hate to admitt that it might not have a chance. All of the LOTR films where great epic masterpieces. The visual effects where stunning, and the fight scences where great. If it doesn't win best picture, i hope that Peter Jackson will at least win. He did an awesome job. And just think of all that time he put into it. All those hours of special features, and that sort of stuff. (Plus, i loved how he incororated his kids into at least one scence in every movie.) Out of the ones listed I think that Cold Mountain will win. I never saw this movie but there has been a lot of hype about it.
I liked Tenchi Muyo the best out of all the tenchi series. I think that this series had more depth than the other ones, I mean it wasn't as long, it made sense, and it did a good job introducing the characters. Maybe i just like the story line as a whole a lot better than the other series. I absolutely hated Tenchi in Tokyo. (sp?) To me it wasn't as well draw as the other series where. I really can't put into words why I liked Muyo better than the others. I loved how Kagato played the organ, maybe that's what appeals to me, since I play it too. It was fun to see Tenchi realize his powers. I thought that the second one seemed to drawn on for too long. But one thing I liked about the second one, is that you got to see more character development.
Does any have any suggestions on how to make the body size more in proportion to the face? I know that the head is too big, but it seems no matter what size i make the head, the body never matches up.
[color=blue] "Have a good nights sleep?" Karen asked Ron as he sat down beside her. Harry sat down next to Hermione, across from Ron. "Yep. The bed's are nice and soft!" Ron leaned into Karen. "Better than the ones back home." Karen couldn't help think that this was true, but she didn't want the others to know what they were talking about, seeing as how they were all looking at them. "Why do you care about the beds?" Hermione asked. "The school is what you should be worried about! Today's our first day..." "Well, duh," Ron cut in. She ignored him and contiuned. "And i personally can't wait to learn about magic! I mean, I hardly knew it existed until I got my letter!" Ron snickered, as Karen hit him in the side. "Not everone is from a full-blooded family like us." she said. Hermione glared at Ron, as a wierd sound made it's entrance into the hall. "Look!" Harry said as he pointed up. Hundreds of birds, owls, in fact, where soaring through the windows of the castle hall. Harry, and Hermione looked on in awe as Karen looked up and saw what she was looking for. "Grant!" she said, as her owl flew down to her, holding a letter in his beak, and a paper in his feet. Karen took the letter from his mouth, as he nipped her playfully. She handed the letter to Ron as she untied the paper from his foot. "It's from your Uncle," Ron said as he was about to open it, but Karen ripped it from his hands. "Read this. I'd like to keep my letters to myself thank you very much." She said as she shoved the paper into his hands. A brown owl came down and landed in front of Hermione. "What...what is this?" she asked as the bird looked right at her. "Take the letter," Karen instructed her as Hermione grabbed the letter, and the bird flew off. "Look" Ron read as he opened the paper. "They still haven't caught that person doing those killings." he said as he showed the paper to Karen. Karen looked at the picture, which was of the forest where the attacks where taking place. The people where moving, as if looking for something. "What are you talking about?" Hermione asked.[/COLOR]
Hello all! While trying to find something to do, i drew this picture, hoping that it would be the main character in the manga that me and my friends are making for the contest that it seems everyone else is in. The only problem is...i know there is something wrong with it. The picture is in the attachment. I think that my main problem is that her face does not match the proportions of her body. But that is my main problem. I can never draw the body right. It never seems to match. I was hoping that you could tell me what you thought of the picture, and then if you knew of any styles or techniques to use to get the body to match please let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions, please say so. I'm open to any and all critisism, so fire away!
RPG Trigun: A New Start (WARNING: Smoking, drinking, and violence involved)
duorocks17 replied to JoyKaiba's topic in Theater
Sarah used her lightening fast speed to get away from the buildings before any of the others. She looked over at Shuno. "Darn i was hopeing he would have died. But oh well. There's more money for me to collect!" Sarah said as she pulled out her sword. The rest of the group drew out their weapons as well. Sarah decided to take avantage of her speed, and headed into the city. The rest of the group all started to shoot at Shuno. Shuno once again blew his horn, and another building went toppling down in front of the group. Sarah hid herself behind one of the posts of a building while Shuno was turned toward the group. -
[COLOR=blue][IMG]http://templepl.promised-dream.net/volumes/vol1.jpg[/IMG]I bought this series when a store near me was going out of business. I was looking around, since everything was 50% off. And i stopped in front of the manga section. There was hardly anything else left, but i saw the front of the book. I picked it up and read the back cover. It sounded a little like Escaflowne, but it reminded me so much of the story i am writing that i had to buy it, and for $5, i thought it was worth it. It was definatly worth the money, I opened it up, and couldn't put it down. Its a story about a young girl named Kaguya. She was adopted, and the only memory she has before then is of a young boy reaching out his hand and helping her. Some wierd things happen to Kaguya. The tarot cards always turn blank before her. And before she really knows what happens, she is kidnapped and taken to another world. I don't want to give anything away, so if you have read it, please tell me what you thought of it. I personally can't wait till the next book comes out. I can't wait for the end.[/COLOR] (in case you where wondering, this series only has seven books, so it's not that long in case you thought you couldn't afford it)
Well...i guess i missed the topic on Hamlet. But it was my favorite play. To me it just seemed like it had a great story line. The characters were ones you could actually understand. Or at least, ones you could put yourself into their shoes. I used to hate reading old english plays like Romeo and Juliet, but when I read Macbeth i acutally understood it, even though half my class didn't. I had always heard about Hamlet from the seniors in my school, the ones that came before me, and thought i would hate the play. But i loved it. I really did love it. The reason Hamlet never committed suicide, even though he thought of it, was because he was afriad. He was afriad of what comes after death. That was one of shakespears points of the play. After all, Hamlet's fatal flaw was his inability to act. That's why so many died at the end of the play. (Horatio, and Fortinbras where the only major people left alive.) Hamlet is not mad. you can tell this by looking at the differences between him and Ophelia. Plus, he even says he is not mad, that he is only playing. Like i said earlier, Hamlet is my favorite play, although Macbeth comes in second.
[COLOR=blue]Frodo walked on as he listened to the music of the elves. He walked past his room when he noticed the light on in Bilbo's. "Hello Bilbo." Frodo said as he entered. "Hello my dear boy!" Bilbo said as he put his book aside. "Just who i wanted to see." Bilbo looked Frodo striaght in the eyes. "Do you know what you are getting yourself into?" "Yes, i do." Frodo replied. "I am the Ring-bearer." Bilbo sighed. "I hoped that it wasn't going to be you, but i figured it would be you and Sam. Here, I have something to give you." Bilbo lifted up an old, tantered box, and opened the lid. "This is Sting." he said as he lifted out the sword. "I shant think i'll be needing it anymore, so I want you to take it." Frodo took the sword, feeling slightly awed that this was the sword he had heard about in all of Bilbo's stories. He took the sword with eagerness. "And this," Bilbo said as he unwrapped something that was in cloths. He took it out, to reveal a chain shirt. "I don't think I will look right if i were that," Frodo said as he looked at it. "Silly boy, you wear it underneath your clothes! Come on! Let's try them on!" Frodo took off his tunic, and put on the chain mail, which felt light as a feather. "I got that from Thorin." Bilbo said as he watched Frodo put his tunic back on, and tie the strap on his sword. "Now you look the part!" Bilbo said as he observed his favorite nephew. "How shall i ever repay you?" Frodo asked as he hugged Bilbo. "Just come back safe, with lots of songs and stories!"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Mary watched as the two wolf demons left to find wood. She stood next to her brother, not really knowing what to do. "It seems they have sad pasts, just like us brother." "So it seems," Meteo replied as he was keeping watch, he still had his sword in his hand. Mary walked over to the dead body, and started to pray. When she was down, she started to cover the body with dirt. She placed a flower at the head of the pile, and prayed once again. "May his soul find peace," she said as she was kneeling down next to the body. "Mary...do you sense anything?" Meteo asked as he looked past his sister into the woods. "Um...just the shards that Fantra has. Nothing more. Why?" Mary asked as she stood up with her bow in her hand. "Change the direction of the wind," Meteo said. "I think i smell something that doesn't smell like our wolf demon friends." Mary looked slightly worried, as she walked over to her brother, and coomenced in changing the wind. Her hair flew from the side, to straight back, as the wind blew right in her face. Now she could smell something...although she wasn't sure what it was...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Frodo looked around the council. He figured what Bilbo was hinting to. [I]The ring has been passed down to me. It was my inheritence. Therefore, it is my duty to take it.[/I] Frodo thought to himself. Frodo stood up from his chair, and announced, "I will take it." he said as he looked around at each of the races. "I will take the ring to Mordor." Frodo looked from the Men, to the Dwarfs, to the Elves. "Though..." he said as he looked down. "Though i do not know the way."[/COLOR]
Mary was looking hard at Fantra. "This is no ordinary demon." she thought to herself. Mary pulled her brother to the side. "Brother, she has another jewel shard, and she took that one from me. Should I shoot her?" "No....not yet." Mary turned around and knelt down to the Elder's body. She looked up at Kay. "I'm sorry," Mary said as she touched the Elder's face. "I can't revive him. He's to far dead." Meteo looked at Fantra. "Why was this guy after you?" he said as he looked at her.
Anime Any Good Places to buy Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin DVDs
duorocks17 replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I usually get my DVD's from Best Buy, cuz i have gift cards. :) But the only places where i live that you could possibly get anime is Suncoast, FYE, Best Buy, or Sam Goody, which went out of business on my side of town. I got my Gundam Wing box set for a great price at Best Buy. I can't do anything online, so i'm stuck shopping at our hometown stores. I would make sure i checked the prices at each place you go. Some stores jack up the price cuz they know someone will buy it. I'd say your best bet is Best Buy. But if there is a place going out of business...heh...cheap DVDs!!!! -
*looks around* I could of swore there was another thread on this.... But anyway. my dad is a beatle freak too. I grew up watching the movies, commentaries, listening to the CDs, and basically learning almost everything about them. My family goes to BeatleFest every year in Chicago, which is a big festival where a WHOLE bunch of beatles fans get together. Quite an amazing experience.
It usually takes me something to get me interesting before i actually start writing. You know me, something just lights a fire in my head, and then i run with it. I really hate it when i can sit, and plan out something perfectly, but then, when i go to write it down, i completely lose it. This has happened to me a lot while i'm writting my book. Sometimes i have to go back and check things to make sure they are right. I usually get my urges when i am watching tv, or playing a video game. I usually like to draw what i watch on TV. Like characters and stuff. Sometimes reading other books help me. Just by reading the details of how something is written, helps me get into the mood.
OOC: Alright I think we've waiting long enough. I guess certain people are just ignoring me, or don't want to be apart of our story. But for those of you who were nice and waited, here we go!!! [COLOR=blue]Karen looked at the American girl and couldn't help but smile. "She's going to be fun," she thought to herself. "Quiet down," the old lady in front of the first years said as she walked over to the side, and revealed a stool, on which was placed a very worn and teathered hat. "Is this some sort of test?" Harry whispered to Ron. Karen had just begun wondering what the point of the hat was when it seemed to rip open at the brim, and started to sing: (i don't want to copyright enfringe so i won't write the song). The hat sung about the four different houses. How Gryffindor was where the brave and daring made their home. How Hufflepuffs were patient, loyal, and true. [I]"That probably won't be that American," Karen thought[/I] How Ravenclaw were witty, and smart, and always of ready mind. The Slytherins, cunning folk who would do anything to achieve their goals. The entire audence burst into applause as the hat finished it's song. Ron let out a sigh of relief once it had finished. "All we have to do is put it on! Fred had said something about having to fight a troll..." Harry smiled back at him as he clapped along with all the other students. The old lady once again resumed her post at the center of the students, this time with a piece of parchment in her hands. "When I call out your names, come and put the Hat on, and then take your seat at your house table." Karen was starting to feel really nervous. [I]I hope i get put in Gryffindor[/I] she quietly prayed to herself. The old lady cleared her throat and began to shout out the names. "Harru Ashton" the prof. called. A young boy with shaggy white hair walked up to the stool and put the hat on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"SLYTHERIN!"[/COLOR][COLOR=blue] the hat shouted out. The Slytherins clapped loudly as Harru went to join them. The noise quieted down as the prof. said the next name. "Karen Black". Karen swallowed hard as she walked past Ron and the new friends she had made on the train. She walked up to the stool and put the hat on. She heard a voice inside her head.[/COLOR][COLOR=red]"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Ah, i see. I know just where to put you!" "GRYIFFINDOR!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] the hat shouted out. A wave of relief swept through Karen's body as she ran over to Fred and George, who where yelling there lungs off. The rest of the Gryiffindors where clapping as well. The hall quieted down once again. "Alex Firebolt". Alex walked up to the stool, her hair changing colors as she walked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"HUFFLEPUFF!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] Alex ran over to the Hufflepuff table as the hall grew louder and then quieted back down. "Hermione Granger." Hermione was talking quietly to herself as she walked up and slammed the hat down on her head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"GRYIFFINDOR!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] Hermione ran over to the table and sat down next to Karen. "Elizabeth Jones" Elizabeth walked up to the hat and put it on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"RAVENCLAW!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Draco Malfoy". Malfoy walked over to the hat, but it never made it to his head before it shouted.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"SLYTHERIN!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] Malfoy smirked as he walked over to the table. "Remus Mythen". Remus walked up, looking slightly nervous, and put the hat on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"GRYIFFINDOR!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] Remus went and joined the Gryiffindor table, looking slightly relaxed. "Harry Potter." The room fell silent as all eyes where on Harry as he went and tried the Sorting Hat on. There was a moments pause, in which it seemed everyone was holding their breathe.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"GRYFFINDOR!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] The entire side of the Gryiffindor hall went crazy as people, such as Fred and George, where yelling "We got Potter! We got Potter!" The old lady cleared her throat once more and read: "Illidas Sigma." The young boy with brown hair came up and tried the hat on for himself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"SLYTHERIN!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] The Slytherin table once again cheered as Ron was now the only one left. "Ronald Weasley." Ron shiffted his steps a little as he walked up to the stool. Fred and George where pratically standing on the table, waiting to see what their little brother would get sorted into. Ron put on the hat, which went slightly over his face.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"GRYIFFINDOR!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] Fred and George led the yelling that followed as Ron came and joined his brothers, and his friends at his table. Karen looked up as Ron joined the table, and sat down next to Harry. She looked at the people who where surrounding her. The Weasleys, Remus, Hermione, and Harry. Never before had she felt such an eminse wave of happiness sweep through her body. She knew that she could be happy in this place, with her new friends. Karen watched as the old man stood up ready to speak. She was ready to start her new life.[/COLOR] OOC: *wips away sweat drop* that took awhile but here we finally are! Let the story start again!! :)
Frodo sat next to Gandalf, at the Council. A council, he had never seen so many different races at one event in his life. This would diffantly rival anything Uncle Bilbo had told him. He was aware of almost everyone's eyes where on him. He felt so small and insignificant. "Why did this have to happen to me?" he asked himself. And yet there was a yearning in his heart saying, "Look at yourself Frodo. You're having an adventure! One that will completely blow Uncle Bilbo's out of the Shire!" He couldn't help but slightly laugh at the thought of him telling Uncle Bilbo his story. It had always been the other way around. There was some angry yells around him, and Frodo looked up. He saw Strider looking right at him. The elves and the drawfs where fighting. A man on the end was yelling at the elf. Frodo felt a hand touch his shoulder. It was Gandalf, and it made Frodo feel less tense. Frodo couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next, and where Sam, and his cousins where.
Mary walked over to her brother, still clutching the jewel shard in her hand. She looked at the new girl, and then back at Kay. "Brother," she said quietly into his ear. "Do you think these two are related." Meteo looked at them both, the girl in front of us with her arms crossed and Kay behind us, looking a little bewildered. "No," he said back. "They smell different." "Do you mind if I have my jewel back?" the girl said as she approached Mary. "Sorry, but it belongs to us." Meteo said as he slid Mary behind him, putting himself between the girl and his sister.
Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl!
duorocks17 replied to Hacker Kite's topic in Noosphere
I thought this was a great movie! The first time i went to see it in the theater i figured it was going to be a scary movie, from the previews, but seeing as how it was Disney, i didn't think it would be all that bad. I went to the movie with my friends, one who loves Johnny Depp, and another who loves Orlando. (i think that's how it went, it was so long ago!) After watching the movie, both had the greatest things to say about each. I personally like Johnny best, i just liked how his character was so caniving, and smart. It seemed he always had a plan, no matter what the situation. My favorite part is right at the beginning, when we first meet Captain Jack Sparrow. You know when his ship sinks. It just fits so well with both the music, and the timing is awesome. It makes you think how many times they had to shoot that to get it right. And the music! what can i say? WOW! Who could imagine that having more than one composer and all the songs fit perfectly!! You would think that the songs would clash at some point, but they are great! and the soundtrack is awesome!