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Everything posted by duorocks17

  1. Sarah had headed out into the street while everyone else was in the hopsital. She headed over to Legato's dead, lifeless body. "How pathetic." she said as she grabbed his arm and started to tug. She dragged him out of the street and into a nearby building, which just happened to be the office of the town sherif. "Hello!" she yelled in the silence of the building. A small door opened to the side and a fat, old, dangly man came out of the door. "How can I help.....AHH!" the man screamed in his old voice as he looked at Legato's dead body on the floor. Sarah ran to cover his mouth, as not to let the others know. "So..how much?" she asked the old man as she slowly let go. "The reward price was $$10 billion. He was wanted on numerous accounts of murder." Sarah held out her hand, waiting to recieve her payment. The old man looked at her and started to laugh. "Look here lady, we don't have that type of money! You've got to be joking!" A very stern look came across Sarah's face as she drew out her sword. "Look her," Sarah said as she pointed her sword at the old man, "Either you give me my money, or someone is going to get hurt!" A frightened look came across the old man's face as he started to head of the vault. He took out the money, and placed it in a bag, and handed it to Sarah. "Thank you very much." she said as she hid the bag in her clothes. All of a sudden she heard some commotion outside, and turned around, and saw Julie, Nick, and "Knives??" running out of the hospital. Sarah put her sword away and ran out of the office, and began to follow...
  2. I think it was more along the lines of commercializim. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see what would happen if Goku acutally went to school. (I'd think it would be funny) he'd be like the dummest kid in teh class, but could beat up everyone! he'd be the school bully! :)
  3. You're so lucky! I wish we had it here....you can never get enough of it. I own the box set, but it's still fun to watch it on tv. it means you don't have to watch those other crappy shows that come on. I'll take GW anyday!!!! :)
  4. oh....Glory...i remember that one! We watched it in History Class. That was a good movie, and sad too. Isn't that the one where he is forced to train the african americans to fight in the Civil War? Alright, i have two good war movies now, The Longest Day, and Glory. :)
  5. Another thing that i would like, is for my family to finally get along. It seems that whenever my brother has to "speak his mind" it gets my dad really pissed off, and well, you don't want to see him when he's mad. So i'm going to ask and pray that those too finally get along, and that my brother comes to his senses.
  6. I had to work the day after thanksgiving. You know, the rush and all that stuff. I had never been apart of such an awful experience. It was like people just lost their sense of humanity. Two ladies where fighting over something, and we had to call the security to come and break it up! I just thought to myself "gez, people...you need to get a life." i couldn't believe that all that was just because of some stupid doll. Me, there is only one thing i really want for christmas, and that is for my family to finally get along. It seems that my dad and brother are always fighting, and just for once....maybe...they could get together long enough to not shout each other's heads off. And then i was asking someone whether they were going to go to mass or not on christmas, and he replied "no, it takes to long". I'm sorry, but that is really pathetic, and it just made we want to slap him. I believe that this world has truly lost the true sense and meaning of christmas.
  7. Wow, i have to agree with Xra, Stratego is a great strategy game, and i used to play it all the time with my brother. Of course, i would always win! :) My family had a streak of playing board games everynight. Out of the ones listed, i like Monopoly the best. I loved playing against the computer thought, where you could set it so that you already owned all the good property, and just made the computer dish it out. Total time to play game: 5 mins! That's the real condensed version! My grandpa made us a game called Yahoo! it's very fun. Me and my dad used to play it every night. it was kinda like sorry, only you roll the dice instead of draw a card. (We'll have to play it sometime!) :) Ahh...those good childhood memories. Also, when i was really little, me, my brother, my dad, and my uncle would have sorry competetions! Those were quite fun. I was always red!!!
  8. Art new this one was coming... my name is Amy, and to tell the truth, my nicknames have nothing to do with it! -Cookielady- given this fine name why? you may ask, because my favorite food is cookies. My favorite gift is cookies from myself!! :) -Cookie Monster- same as above, only taken from the loveable and adorable Sesame Street character -and of course this name, duorocks17- why? because duo! do i need to say anything else?? -and of course, the soon to be famous author, that's also me! (Yeah! my story has 7 chapters!!!) :) Take that old english teacher!
  9. i used to pass out sometimes, and when i went to the doctor, he said it was because of lack of sugar. I have hypoglycemia. If there is any instances in your family history about one of your family members having diabetes, i would ask the doctor to do a blood test. It is a lot better to know that you have it now, than later on in the future. They can help you control it better. I hope that helps, and of course, it would be the right thing to do to go to the doctor. Also, the ear is what controls balance. You might have an inner ear infection.
  10. .....back at the bus.... "What are you doing? Why are you following them?" Sarah yelled as she watched Mike slowly disappear into the distance. She turned around and was met with faces looking into the ground. "You know they'll lead us right to Vash! Come on!" Sarah said as she started to run after them. Nick grabbed her arm as she tried to ran past him. "Let me go! They're leading us right to Vash! Isn't that what you want??" Nick looked straight into Sarah's eyes, "Now is not the right time," he said as he lead her back into the bus, everyone else following. "But.....but why?" [I]If we just finished this now, i could get back..and they would be ok.[/I] "It's just not the right time...."
  11. "Wait!" Mary said said as she rushed in front of Kay. "You musn't hurt her!" Both Kay and Meteo gave her wierd looks. "What are you talking about? She just tried to kill us!!!" Meteo shot back, still ready to strike. "Brother please! She's not the one. I still sense the presense a little further away. She doesn't have it!" Mary said as she walked over and stood between her brother and this new creature. "Please don't be afraid. I know you won't hurt me. I'm Mary," Mary said as she extended her hand. A smile came across her face. The new creature just stared at her, a confussed look on her face...
  12. Sarah moved to the doorway as she watched in both horror and amazment, as Julie's skin seemed to just melt away in to a god-awful shape Sarah had never seen before. A wave of terror swept through her body, as she watched the arm get bigger and bigger. "How...how can someone generate so much energy??? It could distroy the planet! Are all of them capable of this?" Sarah looked over to where the battle between Mai and Legato was raging on. Mai still had her gun set on Legato's face, but even from Sarah's distance, she could see her shaking. "This is going along better than i thought. If all goes as plan, I'll have more than one bounty to haul in today." Sarah returned her gaze to Julie, who's arm had now become almost complete....
  13. Great sign-ups everyone!! :) I'm still hoping/waiting for someone to sign up as either Harry, Ron, or Hermione. Otherwise, I will start the story sometime this week.
  14. I liked Outlaw Star and i was really one of the first anime shows i saw. I liked the characters, and the plot just seemed to appeal to me. I think it was the whole "everyone is after me!" thing. I think it was cool who one group of people could cause so much communtion in the galazy. You could also say the same for Cowboy Bebop. But you must give credit where credit is due. Altough OS may never live up to Cowboy Bebop, it is still a great anime in it's own rights.
  15. Sarah rushed out of the bus, and stood next to the two. [I]Alright! We get to fight already! The sooner we get this overwith the better. I swear if they do anything to my son...[/I] Sarah clinched her fist in anger. "Looks like we've got a friend," Sarah said as she stepped in front of the two facing Mike. "Why don't you tell me where you're boss is? That way we get this whole mess overwith, and i can go home." "This doesn't concern you. Step aside." Mike said as he came even closer. Nick stepped infront of Sarah, waiting for someone to make a move.... (hope this was ok!)
  16. I like Celtic music because it just seems to calm me. At work they have one of those selection CD things and some one is always coming along and pressing the Celtic CD. It makes me want to fall asleep, and helps relax me when i've having a very trying day. But then some kid goes and pushes the Scottish button and the bag pipes go off and it ruins the mood! I wish we had music at our store, if it was celtic music, i'm sure everyone would be a lot more happier!!! :)
  17. I think that my favorite christmas song is "O Holy Night". This song starts of so soft, but then it gathers strength and just blows you away. I can't stop myself from singing my lungs off when it comes on the radio. This song just makes it christmas for me. Another one i like is two guy's version of the 12 days of christmas..i can't think of there names...it's the one that starts off like "on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me..a beer.." it's so funny! Another one is a song that the Beatles sing....i don't know what the song is called, but all it basically is is them singing "Christmas time is here again." and then it gets to my favorite line-"O-U-T spells OUT!!!" :)
  18. How can you talk about WW2 and not say "The Longest Day"? I think that that has got to be my favorite war movie. After learning more about WW2 this year, it made me apperiate the sacrifices our armed forces make even more. As for action, i'd have to say that Indiana Jones, and the orginal three Star Wars movies. These are clasics! (ok..i can't spell) Growing up watching these movies have had an effect on me, and what i rate films by. There have been some great movies out there, but i don't think that in there time, they could compare with these two.
  19. I remember back in 6th grade during recess we would spend the entire time standing inbetweent the post and pressing our arms up against it. (Lol. i know it was stupid). Does anyone else know what I'm talking about???? It's where you stand right in the middle of the door post. Then you just extend your arms out so it is touching them. Then you apply pressure for about a minute. Then you step out of the door, and whala! Magicly your arms raise with out you even trying too! heh....sixth grade was wierd. I also remember when i used to live in my trailor house, me and my brother had a bunk bed, and i had the bottom bunk. There was a window ledge right next to it, so in the middle of the night, i would sneak up the ledge, and then comminsing in scaring the sh*8 out of him!!! (i'm so mean!) :)
  20. "Well, brother, looks like we've meet a friend already! What luck we have!" Mary said as she looked at her brother with a smile. "I don't know if i'd call that a friend," he said as he nodded his head toward Kay. "Hey! I have a name!" Kay yelled in defense. Mary started to laugh as an eminsinse wave shoot through her body, and she started out into space. "Mary! What's wrong?" Meteo said as he rushed over to her. "I sense....I feel something wierd..." Mary said as she looked at her brother. "It's coming from over there." she said as she pointed her finger into a dense section of the forest. Meteo pulled out his sword, and faced the trees, as a rumbling noise was heard...
  21. Sarah looked out the window of the building Wolfwood had told to her to stay in. It was turning into quite a fierce one. Sarah looked past the battle between Julie, Wolfwood and Shuno, to Mai who was walking to the strange new person. [I]So that's the infamous Legato. They say he's Knives' right hand man. I could have sworn i saw a wanted poster of him up somewhere. But where?[/I] Sarah looked around throught the window. A shot was fired, and Sarah saw the bullet go crashing into a nearby building. "You have no chance of winning!" came Shuno's voice over the commotion. It was Wolfwood's gun that had gone off, and smoke was still raising from the barrel. [I]Wait a second...if this Legato dude is Knives' right hand man...that means that Vash will come looking for him! This is perfect. Alright...so all i have to do is help this battle drag out longer. I'm sure he can sense Legato's presence...i mean even i can, but only because i'm so close.[/I] Sarah looked back out the window, and saw in an instant, Shuno rushing once again towards the two...
  22. I think any of the FF would make a great video game. A Xenosaga anime would be cool, and if it's true they are coming out with one, i can't wait to see it. I can just imagine a Zelda anime. That would be cool. Oh! An Anime of Pacman!! That would be hilarious! or Joust! (ok, no one knows what i'm talking about, but they are really fun atari games)...but Joust wouldn't really have a point...but it would be funny, nonetheless!! :)
  23. Furbys....does anyone else remember the big craze that these little guys created a couple of years ago? I remember that i was apart of the craze. I have 5 furbys. They were all a little family. I even had a little baby one. he was so cute. I remember when my mom got me one, she said. "You're father and I saw those and thought how ugly they were and we said no one would ever want one of those. How wrong we were." Did you ever have a Furby? And if so, did you ever teach it to say anything? A friend of mine got hers to have an entire conversation with her. and she also taught it to say some bad words, but we won't go there.....
  24. I only joined neopets cuz i friend wanted me too. I never really understood the whole point of it, and well, i tried to kill mine, but the dumb thing would never die! lol. I can't believe they actually have toys out nowadays where you can have a neopet that talks to others. It reminds me of Furbys.
  25. *sings* Christmas time is here again! Christmas time is here again! O-U-T spells out!! I can't believe the season we have waited all year for is here, and only a couple of days away! But, shoot...i still have tons of stuff to buy, and my funds are getting depleated. But hey...that's the whole point of the holidays, isn't it? To give to those you love. i don't mind all the holiday rush, the best part is when they open their gift and you see the smile on their face! That's my favorite moment of the christmas season! :)
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