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Everything posted by Colton

  1. yeah my parents dislike me watching end of evangelion too but i think its just because they dont understand the story line behind it. other than that they really dont care and i even got my dad watching samuri jack
  2. i would have to say the three things i would want most would have to be: rouroni kenshins katana, unit 01 from evangelion, and all the girls... :)
  3. hey guys thanks anyways. so how long does it take to be a junior member? so is rorouni kenshin the same as samuri x? cuz i think i might go buy the set since they took it of cartoon network
  4. its suppost to say why is it only asuka and shinji left on earth
  5. does any one know why rei appears right before everyone dies in the End of Evengelion? and why is it only and shinji left on the earth afterwards?
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