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About Pupps47

  • Birthday July 8

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  1. name: Duo Maxwell age:??? Gundam: DEATH SCYTHE Weapons:A few Laser Cannons, A sword, Missiles, Lasers, Guns,ect. Misc.:none p.i.:none
  2. BASICS--------------- name: age: gundam or mobil doll name: weapons: misc.: personal info(about character):
  3. MY RPG!!!!!!!!! ALL GUNDAM PILOTS MEET AT 2:30pm sharp at the old warehouse behind the constuction field....~Chang Wufei~ 'An e-mail from Chang...heh! He decieded to look at a computer screen and he isn't fighting for his life!!' Duo thought. 'But why does he want us [I]there[/I] ?!?! That place creeps me out....and Chang rarely calls for a meeting..ever.' Everyone got the message, and everybody decieded to go, but Chang wasn't there.... "Is this a trap?!!?"Heero asked. "Hmmm...probably. But even without Death Scythe I can kick serious ass!!" Duo laughed. "Well, you were right about one thing Duo Maxwell," A mysterious voice said, "but wrong about another!Hehehe"
  4. 8-It sounds like all of the evil Gothic music I listen to. Its sad and is like what everyone else writes(like wiccansamurai said)
  5. My mom will watch anime with me anytime she know every possible attack that Goku can do....ect. But my dad thinks anime is just a load of B/S. And my dad is over 35 years old. So ya, I kinda agree with Katana And how many kids are gonna stay up on Tuesday at 10:30pm to watch anime that they don't even care about? If the parents cared they would sue for Looney Tunes. They throw 10 ton weights at eachother and they're killing eachother with GUNS AND KNIVES! Anime uses guns and knives but no as frequently.Elmer Fudd is walking around with a gun every time you turn on the T.V.
  6. Sanosuke Sagara. He uses his bare fists unlike the wimps. They use crappy weapons.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]It's a good thing Bra doesn't have her mother's temper, or a broken nail or dropped shopping bag *would* be a good enough incentive to go super saiyan. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Oh god....if she had her mom's temper(or dad's) a broken nail would be the end of the world. Bura is her REAL japanese name Bura with all nails painted... :D Bura with a broken nail... :demon: "Everybody, head to a different planet- my daughter broke a nail!" Earthlings... :eek: :bawl: :confused: :( :faint: :help: :worried:
  8. The SonicX show is a good show, but it could be a LOT better.
  9. I ran into pole while playing volley ball, AND MY MOM WAS RECORDING IT ON TAPE!!!!!! Now watch channel 7 at 8:00 on America's Funniest home videos, I might be there...
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