MY RPG!!!!!!!!!
ALL GUNDAM PILOTS MEET AT 2:30pm sharp at the old warehouse behind the constuction field....~Chang Wufei~
'An e-mail from Chang...heh! He decieded to look at a computer screen and he isn't fighting for his life!!' Duo thought. 'But why does he want us [I]there[/I] ?!?! That place creeps me out....and Chang rarely calls for a meeting..ever.'
Everyone got the message, and everybody decieded to go, but Chang wasn't there....
"Is this a trap?!!?"Heero asked. "Hmmm...probably. But even without Death Scythe I can kick serious ass!!" Duo laughed.
"Well, you were right about one thing Duo Maxwell," A mysterious voice said, "but wrong about another!Hehehe"