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Everything posted by Epid3mic

  1. What exactly do you want to know? Whether wicca is dead or not? Well, no, it's not dead, there are many followers of wicca (more than I'd like to admit sometimes -_-'). A religion can only be dead if absolutely no one believes in it, which is very hard to tell.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]As soon as I read those, the theme songs of Eureka's Castle and Muppet Babies suddenly came back to me. Especially the ending theme to Eureka's Castle. Everything from those singing gargoyle fish to the giant who owned Eureka's castle as a music box. Are you talking about Adventures in Wonderland, where they used live actors? I loved that show. For some reason, the episode where the Red Queen bought new china dishware stands out. She kept saying she bought china, and everyone assumed she was buying the country. I think the Wonderland phone book had red pages instead of yellow. David The Gnome. I used to watch that everyday when I came home from kindergarten. I think he lived underground with his wife. There were a bunch of tunnels the gnomes used so they could hide from the trolls, which I thought were surprisingly big. I feel older, now. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I am talking about the live action series. Remember The Mad Hatter and the Hare? I remember that they had a cool house with two doors and stuff, I would watch every episode hoping one day they would actually show the inside of the house. And yes, thank you, David The Gnome was what I was thinking of. Old Nick Jr owns new Nick Jr.
  3. Yep, I hate "Invisible", pretty bad song. And don't try to say I'm "close-minded" or any of that bs. Just because you like him doesn't mean everyone has to. Despite being a Linkin Park fan, I think Numb isn't that great compared to other songs on Meteora. I think the best songs were Somewhere I Belong, Lying, and Faint. Plus, the music video for it was pretty bad. Actually, Linkin Park doesn't make very good music videos, oh well, I think their music makes up for it ^_^
  4. Why are stereotypes so bad? I find them quite amusing. In fact, I am quite thankful for them. I mean, have any of you ever laughed at a racist joke? Just because you do, doesn't mean you are racist. You are laughing at a stereotype. Labeling in itself isn't bad. If being a prep is having money and shopping at Abercrombie-exactly what's so bad about that? I suppose the thing that is bad is when labels are used as insults. I usually don't call anyone a prep, but many people show preppie qualities. I would say shopping at any store in the mall (Yes, including Hot Topic, for some reason people think it's different than Abercrombie. I say, different clothes, same price.) is preppie. So yes, I have a preppie quality. I think many of the people who have a prejudice against "preps" are somewhat preppie themselves. Oops, just made a generalization :/
  5. I used to watch whatever was on, I didn't really have the mental capacity to discern the good form the bad (although I did notice that the worse ones came on later in the day). The Elephant Show, Eureka's Castle, Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, George of the Jungle, Looney Tunes, Power Ranges, Rupert, Muppet Babies, Alice in Wonderland(The series), Under the Umbrella Tree. Yep good times... There was also another one with this old gnome. Does anyone remember that? It was like this gnome with a beard, I think he was married too. He used to do stuff, I guess gnome stuff I don't really remember.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Finally! Someone mentiones hades! There are 2 waiting places: Paradise and hades. When you die, you don't go to heaven or hell... yet. Paradise is like a heaven, and hades is like a hell. Jesus made a reference to this when he was on the cross. Can't remember nor find exact scripture. [/B][/QUOTE] I believe you mean when he told the good theif "Today you will be with me in Paradise". But, there's no reason not to assume he meant Heaven.
  7. You should write an epilogue where Alice proceeds to download the movie of Kazaa >) I know how you feel. I couldn't see the The Matrix Revolutions friday night because I'm fifteen. I went saturday morning with my father. I didn't really mind though, I just wanted to see TM:R. But really, it's not the movie theatres fault. With movies, especially popular ones like The Matrix where younger kids are more prone to try to sneak in, the theatre can get in trouble if some kid sneaks and their parents sue when they find out their child saw some sex. It may be unfair to us, but alot of kids have very over-protective parents, and the theatre is just trying to protect themselves.
  8. Okay, since Purgatory is a Catholic doctrine, and I am Catholic, and I do pride myself with a somewhat expansive knowledge of Catholic catechism, I will try to answer this best as possible. Firstly, PoisionTongue, your argument for earth being purgatory would be quite valid, but you were going of something that Mitch said that was false. Purgatory is specifically the place between Heaven and Earth, not Heaven and Hell. This is because once you go to Purgatory, you are garunteed access to Heaven once you have finished your "sentence", if you will. On the note about infants. Infants do inherit Original Sin. And they are, in a sense, sinful, in the fact that they have inherited this sin, not that they have commited some evil on their own free will. This is where Baptism comes in, christian children( and sometimes adults) are baptised to get rid of original sin, among other things. On biblical support of Purgatory, there is in the Catholic bible. Not in most Protestant translations. Namely because Martin Luther got rid of certain books of the Bible that he believed were apocrypha. The most obvious text that supports Purgatory would be in the second book of Maccabees. I'm not sure of the exact lines, but it tells of Judas Maccabees, how he prays for his fallen soldiers so that they could have forgiveness in a world to come. It's a short book if I recall, you could find it if you looked. To KarmaOfChaos, you speak with very little proof, but with an excess of opinion. It is very, and unfortunetely, true that the Catholic Church, especially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, would sell indulgences among other evils, but that in no way reflects doctrine. I also understand that you weren't trying to demeane Catholics, but I would be very careful with your boldness, it could easily offend some people. Lastly, on Hell. Hell can be represented by countless things. And where the word comes is quite irrelevent since there are many words for Hell. But all in all, Hell isn't a place. Since, a soul can't really go anywhere since it doesn't take up space, Hell is merely a state of being, namely the state of eternal seperation from God. Every physical description of Hell is just a way to say what Hell is like, since the nature of Hell is incomprehensible.
  9. When it comes to piercing I wouldn't keep anything away from my face. I want to get my eyebrow pierced, maybe an ear. That's about all I'm okay with. Noses are okay but I don't think I want one. I would never get my belly button pierced, that's kind of a girl thing. It also seems to be a trend with girls in my high school, can't say it's not sexy though ;)
  10. I was thinking of getting a "Z?" on one shoulder and an irken symbol on the other. Right now I'm too young for a tatoo to go lightly with my parents. As for tatoos being stupid...meh. I don't see how ink on your skin can really affect your brain in any way, but okay.
  11. The first thing you have to do is [B]stop defending him[/B]. He is a sexual predator in the making, period. He is not your friend. Valerie is right, doing it to you while you sleep is 10 times worse than while you are awake. No offense, but you make it a bit obvious you let people push you around. No one will think you are a slut, they'll think he's a pervert (which he is). And if you're afraid to tell an adult, atleast tell you're boyfriend to go kick his ***, I mean, if he's dating you, he should know you are not a slut. And if he asks why you let him do it, just tell him the truth: you were afraid and didn't know what to do. This "friend" of yours is obviously not healthy, I would completely cut him out from my life if I were you. And don't give me that, "well, he's my friend" bs, don't be afraid to hurt someone's feelings, if he was truly your friend, he wouldn't be sexually harassing you.
  12. I love cross-country, I just finished up my first season. Our team got to the championship, but I think we lost to another school. This only only my first year, I'm not that great, My 3 mile PR is 21:30. I am progressing though, I can't wait for next season.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FirePheonix727 [/i] [B] BTW, have you read Dune:House Atreides ? Or have you just seen the movies? I've seen the old movie and sci-fi channel made it's own version ^^! [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't read it and quite frankly I'm not too interested in anything about Dune that wasn't written by Frank Herbert himself. I haven't seen any of the movies, everyone who has seen them and read the book seems to take them as a personal offense :D Dagger, you are right, any genre will have it's own stereotypes, but with sci-fi, that's not so much a genre flaw as it is an author flaw. Sci-fi does not have to be in space. Sci-fi does not even have to take place in the future. I agree that aliens are very over-used, but that is just one face of science fiction. With fantasy, I can safely say the [B]majority[/B] of fantasy will deal with wizards, elves, and/or knights(or anything like knights, don't get technical on me). Kashi, I actually do know about Shadowrun. I came across it when I heard about their new action figure role-playing game that I thought was pretty neat. I also played the old SNES game, which probably had the coolest opening I know of (The main character waking up in a morgue? How cool is that!?). Anyway, I like the idea of Shadowrun, unfortunetly, I have never the pleasure of playing the role-playing game. BTW, I also forgot to mention in my first quote that probably the most popular science fiction series ever is also alot of fantasy- Star Wars :D
  14. I strongly dislike Pink. It's not so much her music being bad per se, but as a person, she is soooo fake. Notice how she only became popular when she picked up her little "rock rebel" persona. Everyone seems to conveniently her hip-hop era. It annoys me how she is just cashing in on this angsty image.
  15. I love Billy Idol and David Bowie. I also loved many 80's sci-fi, Alien, Blade Runner, Predator. Yep, the 80's was pretty cool. Fashion-wise, we are going through the 80's again really, especially when you look around and see everyone in ripped jeans :o
  16. I saw one episode, where they were filming a por..I mean...music video. From that one episode I can safely say- someone should assassinate them. I was just waiting for Nick to bust out with the domestic abuse, but alas, none :(
  17. You seem to ignore that lists cannot work simply because music taste is relative. Quite frankly, I believe both Nirvana and RHCP shouldn't even be in a top 100 greatest rock bands of all time :/ Plus, it's MTV, what the **** were you expecting?
  18. So, to put it plainly, which genre do you prefer: fantasy or sci-fi? The mystical worlds of magic, swordplay, and mythical beasts in fantasy? Or perhaps colonized space, intelligent machines, and the post-apocolyptic futures of sci-fi? Personally, I'm for sci-fi all the way. Fantasy just seems so used. I mean, you got your elves, your magic, your knights, your orcs, your...fantasy. But with sci-fi, the possibilities are, well, endless. There is no end to the enviroments, technology, and species you can come up with. With fantasy, you will eventually reach a point where your creations can't be fantasy anymore. Another reason I prefer sci-fi over fantasy is because despite how fantastic the ideas are, they are all scientifically plausible. It's a pleasure that these stories I read may someday be a reality. Granted, I am still into somethings that are sci-fi/fantasy hybrids (Dune, Final Fantasy, etc). Anyway, your opinions?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B] I can imagine killing someone. I can almost garauntee that I would enjoy it. The only thing that stops me from doing it is that I am afraid of what would happen to me afterward. I'm smart enough to not leave evidence. I'm smart enough to get rid of possible identifying marks (i.e. dental, fingerprints, unique marks or scars). But my mind would bring me down. Remorse? No. I have almost complete control of my emotions. In fact, the only ones that give me trouble are love, lust, and fear. Fear would be my downfall. [/B][/QUOTE] You don't have to be smart to get rid of evidence, you just have to be dumb not to. Have you ever listened to a song called "So What" by Ministry. Listen to it, you would like it...alot. Anyway, my murderer idol is the infamous Son of Sam. He was a serial murder in the 70s. He would shoot young women with a .44 calibur gun. He was also a paranoid schitzophrenic. Take a look at the first page of the first letter of his letter to the police(misspellings included): Dear Captain Joseph Borrelli, I am deeply hurt by your calling me a wemon hater. I am not. But I am a monster. I am the 'Son of Sam.' I am a little brat. When father Sam gets drunk he gets mean. He beats his family. Sometimes he ties me up to the back of the house. Other times he locks me in the garage. Sam loves to drink blood. 'Go out and kill,' commands father Sam. 'Behind our house some rest. Mostly young -- raped and slaughtered -- their blood drained -- just bones now. Papa Sam keeps me locked in the attic too. I can't get out but I look out the attic window and watch the world go by. I feel like an outsider. I am on a different wavelength then everybody else -- programmed too kill. However, to stop me you must kill me. Attention all police: Shoot me first -- shoot to kill or else keep out of my way or you will die! Papa Sam is old now. He needs some blood to preserve his youth. He has had too many heart attacks. 'Ugh, me hoot, it hurts, sonny boy.' I miss my pretty princess most of all. She's resting in our ladies house. But I'll see her soon. I am the 'Monster' -- 'Beelzebub' -- the chubby behemouth. I love to hunt. Prowling the streets looking for fair game -- tasty meat. The wemon of Queens are prettyist of all. It must be the water they drink. I live for the hunt -- my life. Blood for papa. Mr. Borrelli, sir, I don't want to kill anymore. No sur, no more but I must, 'honour thy father.' I want to make love to the world. I love people. I don't belong on earth. Return me to yahoos. To the people of Queens, I love you. And I want to wish all of you a happy Easter. May God bless you in this life and in the next. He signed the letter, "Yours in murder, Mr. Monster." Heh.
  20. I'm with Semjaza on this. They are none too original, sound pretty much the same as most other post-punk/emo clones out there :/ What's the big deal about the violins? There are tons of rock bands that integrate more than the traditional 3 instruments into their music. Check out some Ska.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]How you can like a song as average and repetitive as This Is the New **** by Manson and nothing else, I have no idea. Sounds like you're missing out to me... I love Manson and don't even like half the singles. [/B][/QUOTE] I think it has something to do with it's association with The Matrix Reloaded soundtrack, the Matrix tends to make everything better for me...:love:
  22. I can't believe no one has mentioned Five Iron Frenzy. I love them, too bad they are breaking up :( . P.O.D. is christian? Wow, I never realized that. I always liked their hits, but I never really got into their other stuff.
  23. Arghhh, I'm such a hypocrite, all the artists I despise, always have one song I like. "Carousel" by Blink 182, "With You" by Avril Lavigne, "This is the New ****" by Marylyn Manson. Also, I love 80's new wave! Billy Idol, Tears for Fears, Kim Wilde! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B]I also like Daft Punk [/B][/QUOTE] There is nothing wrong with liking Daft Punk! In fact, you must listen more!
  24. I loved the movie. I'm a big Tenacious D follower so naturally I'm very biased towards Jack Black. The only thing disappointing is that the Ministry sticker in his van only got one shot :( . [SPOILER]I liked that MTV crack he made when lecturing about "The Man"[/SPOILER]. I was also surprised to find that the ending concert song was actually very catchy. Oh yes, how could I forget? The gay kid was absolutely hilarious!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl [/i] [B]. I mean Simpsons was the oringnal and as far as I'm concerend Family Guy is just a slightly different rip-off. You have the parents, a big brother and sister, and a little brother. [/B][/QUOTE] If that's how you judge Simpson rip-offs, then ALOT of shows have "rip-offed" the Simpsons. I can't choose between the two simply because they are [B]too[/B] different. They both have their own unique humor. The SImpsons has a more witty and satirical humor while Family Guy has an outrageous slap-stick style.
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