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Everything posted by Epid3mic

  1. SCIENCE owns Make Yourself and Morning View, it was the most incubus-y out of the three. I love Incubus, but their harder stuff just plain outrules their newer music. Gladly, they are saying they are going to go back to their roots...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i] [B] These are the laws which they follow The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others. The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none. It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused. And this is the law of the Power. (yay for copy and paste lol) [/B][/QUOTE] This does little to answer the original question. What you posted is basically the Wiccan eqivilent of the Ten Commandments. What we, or I atleast, wanted to know is what seperates real Wiccans from "fake" Wiccans? It's one thing to follow a common guide of morals, but those laws tell nothing of who or how to worship. Once again, it's basically just left to whatever you want. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i][B] Be not as those of other religions. [/B][/QUOTE] I found that kind of interesting.
  3. I think it depends. I see that most of the cases discussed here have inside friends, so they didn't have to start from scratch. I think it would help alot if you went to public school in middle school, where there are going to be alot of kids meeting new people as well. Wait, is sixth grade middle school now-a-days? Oh well...
  4. Disclaimer- I'd just to say that in this post and my future posts, I MEAN TO OFFENSE TO WICCANS. So if it sounds rude or discrimitative, I apologize. ;) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cacophony [/i] [B]So what you're saying is that you're against people having freedom? The Bible said God gave people free will to do as they please are you against that too? What about freedom of speach? Should the world just have one dictator to tell us what to do think and feel? [/B][/QUOTE] If someone gave me all the parts to make a car, just because I technically am able to use those parts to assemble a car, doesn't mean I automatically know how. What I'm saying is, by having no hierarchy, there is no one to consult when you don't understand something. Therefore, people end up making things up. And since their is no hierarchy, there is nothing to stop this. For example, GuardianStar says she believes in The Christian God. But I bet that there are other wiccans that do not. But, they are still both wiccans. Now say you have a faithful catholic. And then you have a catholic who says that he believes that Satan is better than God(just an example hehe). The thing there is that, the guy who believes the latter cannot be catholic and believe that, plain and simple. I'd rather have order in my religion, I wouldn't like to share the name "Christian", with a non-christian. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Original[/i] [B]Could you explain to us what they have stolen? In Norse mythology, the chief god, Odin, crucified himself on the World Tree and was speared in the stomach. He later, of course, rose from the grave. I could say Christianity knocked off the whole Jesus crucifiction idea from that, seeing as the Norse version happened hundreds of years earlier. But I'm not! I'm not! Lol. Just saying there are a lot of similarities beween different religions, more than you'd think. What did the Wiccan's steal exactly?[/B][/QUOTE] Wiccans didn't create the Greek gods. Wiccans didn't create the animal or elemental spirits. Wiccans didn't create God. Wiccans didn't create the Egyptian gods. I have yet to meet a Wiccan that worships their own God. You see, it's one thing to think that Christianity took the crucifixion idea from norse mythology(Which BTW, I don't believe is true), but- atleast they changed the names! ::looks around:: Umm, I'm sorry, that seemed kinda rude :( . I'll add a disclaimer.
  5. Heaven and Hell are nowhere. No, I do believe in them, but they do not exist in this material plain. "Places" exist to harbor matter, our souls are not matter, therefore heaven and hell are not places. Heaven and Hell are states of the soul. Heaven is union with God, perfect happiness. Hell is the eternal seperation of God, usually characterized by a sort of "physical", if you will, pain. No offense to any wiccans out there, but the whole idea of wiccanism just...annoys me. I don't like the fact that there is no authority, no hierarchy, people are left to do whatever they please. Also, that they don't have anything original, they just pick and choose from other religions, mainly pagan ones. BTW, I love JtHM. Do not diss Nny. He is cool.
  6. Has anyone seen the preview for the movie Gothika? I just saw it today and it looks kinda cool (ignoring that Hallie Berrie is in it -_-'). Another cool preview is for Resident Evil 2. It's actually called Resident Evil:Apocolypse, but I think RE2 is better so nyah. Anyway, for the non-gamer the preview is very cool. It was kinda ruined for me since mentioning Umbrella Corp kinda gave it away.
  7. Well, let's examine this.... Hip-hop- No. Mainly because I don't like hip-hop and if your music doesn't appeal to me, it is inherently evil! :p Hybrid- It's okay that Linkin Park is an influence for you, but don't become a clone. Hard Rock- Pretty much the same as above. Goth Rock- Seeing as the other choices you put here, I take it you don't know what "goth rock" is. Save yourself alot trouble and stray far from this... Pop- Well, it looks like this was a joke so moving on... The answer to your question is just have alot of jamming sessions with your friends and go with whatever makes you feel good. Don't rely too much on your influences, just do what you like. Also, don't limit yourself to one genre, if you get big, you will be labeled.Don't worry about it now.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Avalon [/i] [B] My 1st generation cousin is Raven Symone [/B][/QUOTE] That is awesome! ::starts sings "That's so Raven" theme song:: I'm supposedly related to Robert E. Lee as well, by marriage. That's about all I know of.
  9. The silver edition comes with a cord for computer hook-up via USB. A really good site for games is [url]www.ticalc.org.[/url] It also has other programs for things like....math. If you want a great Tetris clone get ZTris. I've had it for a while and it hasn't crashed on me yet. The 89's are...meh. The TI-83+ SE has about twice the memory. Plus, the 83's are just plain more commonly used.
  10. Okay, this doesn't really fit into any of the official gaming forums, so I'll leave it here and the mods can move it at will... Do any of you like to pass time in a boring class by playing games on your calculator? I have a TI-83+ Silver Edition. Right now I have a great Tetris clone and a shooter that's sort of like a mix between Space Invaders and Centipede(It's called Phoenix, it's actually pretty popular). Using graphing calculators as gaming systems has become quite the fad at my school...well, atleast for most of the geeks :p.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The pep rallies at the end of the week were always great though. We all had a lot of fun at them, especially at the expense of the Freshmen. [/B][/QUOTE] Amen to that!:devil: I have only been to one pep rally, and that is as far as my school spirit goes. It was the "color guard" rally, where the freshman, sophomore, juniors, and seniors had to wear a different color. We had little competitions, and, of course, the freshman were booed-a-plenty.
  12. Awhile back me and my friend were making fun of the scene in "Kid's Story" from The Animatrix where Kid and Neo were chatting, so I wrote a little chat log about it. Here ya go... Kid1337:liek is NE1 out ther?? i feel alone an stuff! The1:i'm herr d00d! u r not alone lol!!1 Kid1337: r u Neo? The1: No, im Ne0 Kid1337: swet! The1: hey, you can free urself Kid1337:how?? The1: lol n00b The1: you gotta free ur mind The1: duh! The1: lol The1: rotflmfao Kid1337: stfu The1: sry Kid1337: How did you get into my comp?? The1: im teh 1337 h4x0r!!!!! The1: ph33r m3h lol! The1: d00d, u have alot of pr0n on ur comp o.0 Kid1337: stfu ***git! The1: sry again lol. Kid1337: hey, wut is all this stuff im feelin inside me??? The1: uhhh...puberty??? Kid1337: not taht!!!11 The1: oh lol! d00d, jo0 r feelin teh matrix Kid1337: wat? The1: free ur mind, an ull understand!1 The1: i g2g, dun have alot of time, y know?? Kid1337: wait, 1 mor question! The1: wat?? Kid1337:asl?? The1:21/f/cali LMAO! Kid1337:***gat! Finis
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]I, just, like, can't think of anything right now, y'know? My mind is just a total blank slate, and I don't have a thought in my pretty little head, cause I'm just miss popularity, y'know? I'm the hottest girl here, and nobody can impress me, cause they're well, just a bunch of freaks, y'know? Like, for sure! Uh oh, my girlfriends are here! Oh! We're driving to the mall to pick up some stuff at the GAP! Like, I'm so totally there! Normal kids like me shop at the GAP. It's like, so totally neato in there! OMG, did I just say "neato?" That's totally impossible! I-I-I'm normal! I can't say things like "neato!" OMG OMG OMG, I hope my girlfriends didn't hear me say "neato." That'd so totally wreck my social life in school! Oh, I just can't even think about what'd happen! My boyfriend Connor would dump me. OMG, I'd be single? NO! I can't be single! I'm normal! Gosh, maybe there is no normal. Does that mean I'm not popular? OMG! No, that's not true! Get ahold of yourself Crissy, you are normal and you're the hottest girl here, and nobody is better than you, cause you're totally normal. Was I just talking to myself? OMG OMG OMG I was talking to myself! But I'm better than everyone else! Maybe I think I'm better than everyone else? I don't know! My pretty little head doesn't know. No! I'm just a poser! I think I can trounce all over people without any regard for their feelings. That's wrong, like y'know? Maybe I should be nicer to those around me, cause being mean causes enemies, right? Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to people, cause RPCrazy is PoisonTongue's best friend in the whole world! I guess I should just shut my pretty little mouth when I feel the need to criticize somebody who is important to PoisonTongue! Cause I totally would lose PoisonTongue's respect if I continued to criticize his best friend, y'know? Like, totally! I?m just a bimbo when I keep making fun of people just for the sake of making fun of them! OMG, I?m not normal and I?m not perfect! OMG OMG OMG! I?m just a bitter little bimbo who tries to be mean to other people just to make myself feel better about myself! OMG! I?m so disillusioned about everything I know! I just can?t live without making other people look stupid! I guess I?m just an airheaded idiot! But, I?m normal, right? Right? [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: [b][color=darkblue][size=1]You've been on the boards long enough to know our rules about post quality. This is your first and only warning about this type of offense. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Yeah, but...if you asked some of those questions in cultures other than your own, you might get different responses. In truth, normality is only what you yourself perceive as normal. You might follow a routine in your day that might not seem "normal" or "comfortable" to someone else. So, normality is mostly a question of one's own perception. I think the reason normality is kind of a cornerstone of society is simply because the majority of people share certain basic behaviors/ideas/etc. That's why you do see significant differences in various cultures. I mean, obviously it goes deeper than that...but normality is a very subjective thing.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Very true, which is probably why they have their own culture, they see those things as normal. Like I said, people tend to associate with people they have things in common with. So say in a culture where nudity is common, just because it's different for us, doesn't make it any less normal for them.
  15. Normal exists. Is it not true that most people get out of bed in the morning? That's normal. Is it not true that most people wear clothes when they go outside? That's normal. You people are taking this "individual" idea way too far. Just because everyone is different, doesn't mean no two people can be alike. If everyone was truly different, then then nobody would have very many friends, isn't it true that people tend to like people they have things in common with? If normal didn't exist, they would be no social structure, no morals, no common bonds at all. But of course, just by stepping outside, we know those things [B]do[/B], in fact, exist. In fact, if there was no normal, I'd say the world would be in a significant amount of chaos.
  16. Her intelligence rises and lowers for when it's meant to be funny or not.
  17. Well, atleast they are living up to their name.
  18. I don't understand why people don't like sleeping. To dream is one of the most incredible human abilities. Even if it's a nightmare, the fact that your brain left reality for a while is amazing. It's like total virtual reality. And if anyone here has had a lucid dream or mastered the ability to have lucid dreams, I bet you can't wait until night. And to those who think it's a waste of time, what exactly do you end up doing anyway? Playing games? Watching TV? Is that really anymore productive then giving your body the [B]neccesary[/B] rest for a good day's work? BTW, insomnia is a serious medical disorder. There's a huge difference between the inability to sleep and staying up because you want to. Oh yes, and IRT the original post, no. There is no magic way of going days of no sleep without consequences. [B]Go to bed[/B].
  19. Oedipus Rex was great. The Trojan Women was also interesting, as it strayed so far from the attitude of The Illiad.
  20. I race, but not in cars, on my feet. Next week, I have a race on a 3-mile course in san diego. Actually, it's technically not a race in cross-country, but a competition nonetheless.
  21. Where are you posting from, the hospital? Seriously though, that must...suck, to say the least. I was in a car accident once, but walked away without a scratch.
  22. Metalheads hate the punk rockers. The punk rockers hate rappers. Rappers hate rockers. Rivetheads hate ravers. It's an endless cycle. I think the reason rap is a sort of rival to rock is because they are basically fighting for the dominant genre. Nu-metal and pop-punk are in right now, and rap pretty much needs to fight to keep it popular.
  23. Ughhh...I am having the worst first weeks of school ever. I accidently put my stuff in the wrong locker, and while they were switching it, my lock was "stolen". For Cross-Country, the school lost my physical papers, so now I can't go to the first competition(and of course my Coach has a nice way of making it seem like my fault). My algebra teacher makes about as much sense to me as a quantum physics professor who only speaks german. I can't seem to go to english class without forgetting something. I'm still mad about that Cross-Country thing. I forgot to get the test sheet to raise my history grade. My right leg hurts. :(
  24. Lizzie McGuire is okay, for the most part I try to avoid it, but it has it's good moments. Everyone says I remind them of Gordo. It's probably cause I speak in a monotone, am in many honor classes, and hang out with a sexy blonde. Oh wait, scratch that last one.
  25. Telepathy. Probably the most frustrating aspect of a pubescent male is not knowing what girl's think about you. Therefore, with telepathy, you'd never be left in the dark again! Not only that, but you could read people's thoughts during test's and get the answers and you'd know when people were doing something behind your back. Either that or DFantasy's ability to see straight through girl's clothes. :love:
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