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Everything posted by Epid3mic
Letsee... Invader Zim- I'm surprised only one other person has named this show so far. Yes, it's new, but it was...INCREDIBLE! The whole Zim and Dib thing was hilarious, as well as most anything that ever happened in that show. Or maybe I'm just biased towards anything Vasquez... Family Guy- No explanation needed. The Simpsons- Like others here, I agree that The Simpsons is slowing down. I would say they were best when they finally established that certain art style mid run. I consider that to be the show's prime. Daria- Funny how I like this a whole lot better than Beavis and Butthead, although Daria was great in both. I get a kick out of how Kevin is always wearing his football pads hehe.
Okay, now don't act like you have never thought about this before. but what songs do you listen to that make you feel sexy, or are even good songs for intimate moments:love: I think some good ones are: Inertia Creeps-Massive Attack You Spin Me Right Round-Billy Idol Rock Your Body-Justin Timberlake(Yes, yes, I know it's Justin Timberlake, but hey, it's still a nice song... :sits in corner: ) Well, add your own!:smooch:
I don't know what I would be like if I was a girl, but I can tell you now what I WOULD NOT be like. I would not be like those girls that go up to other girls and scream, "[B]Like OH MY GOD!!!! You look soooooo cute today!!!!!!!!![/B]" or, "[B]OH MY GOD!!!! Didn't he wear that shirt LAST month??? What a loooosserr!!!![/B]" or even, "[B]Like OH MY GOD, I wanna get drunk so badly! Aren't I cool???[/B]" Ughh....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Well humans didn't believe in God's until our brains came up with the brilliant discovery of imagination (any one else see the connection?) and since it is commonly believed that most animals do not have an imagination (because they have lower brain functions which are believed to be needed to host an imagination) then the chances that they can perceive some thing that even for humans requires a hell of a lot of faith to believe in I think animals on the whole would look to some thing more logical than what some lengths humans go to. Eg they would think you were their parent and would not be able to think up imaginary ideals like Gods. It could be linked to having more syntaxes added onto the basic survival? Then again other animals that are as smart as us don't seem to have gotten onto the god bothering craze. On the other hand dictators are the only thing to a true god in this world in the physical sense, maybe you're pets hate you because they think you are like an evil dictator? That could be elaborated even more, you all talk about what you do for you're pets when in fact the only thing normally (unless you have a dog or some thing out bush) that is not a human stereotype ideology is feeding them. Seems cruel to me, you keep them there by food and inflict what you think they like. So really you could all be evil dictators just standing ready for the US to invade! This is making sense as I type it by the way, or to me any way. I don't think I should have drunk this stuff Mitch gave me... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think humans "discovered" imagination. Imagination is a core part of human nature, even prehistoric man painted on walls. I'm actually glad you brought up the possibility that they could hate because I thought about this too. The thing is I was comparing animals now to what humans were way back. Before science, if something stange or unusual happened, how? It was a god. How do we know the king is right? The gods say so. Why should we work all day? It's the will of the gods. For all these pigeons know, this is what life is like. I refer to the middle ages, when the feudal system was in full swing. The lords, for the most part, were incredibly oppressive towards the peasants. But why didn't the peasants revolt? They didn't know any better, they just accepted life as it is. Of course now, where education is commonplace compared to the middle ages, it's easy to question your lifestyle, your leader, even your god. So, technically, I am an evil dictator to these pigeons (Hehehe...), but whose to say they are able to question me? They could conceivably accept my will as superior to their own.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Actually it's been well documented that birds follow whom they precieve as their "mother"... the first thing a bird sees it considers it's mother. I've seen several cases where birds are born and someone takes care of them and they constantly follow them. It's like that one movie about that girl who raises the geese and they follow her when she flys that plane thing? Same concept. They just precieve you or your family as parents to them. People that will look out for them, feed them, etc. You're not a God, you're just a parent. [/B][/QUOTE] That very well may be( I don't know much about pigeon families :p), but I would think that the thing that makes me more deity-like than parent-like is that I'm not always there with them, in fact, I'm only with them to feed them. So in a way, I just appear occasionally to feed them, and say I forget, they think they are being punished. I would assume a mother bird stays with them until a certain age and such. But like I said, I don't know much about pigeon habits. Oh well, as long as I feel better...;) BTW, I don't literally think I'm a god, I was just speculating that to a simpler creature, I could be percieved as one. [QUOTE][i] Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth[/i][B] except when we are dealing with epid3mic he HAS to be a god of some sort .[/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I think my next project is becoming the deity of the ants in my backyard. In fact, I must get to work on the conspiracy against the queen...
maladjusted, there's a word for people like you: teenager. What you're going through is not uncommon. In fact, like so many others here, I have that same problem. But then I always remember this great quote, and I'm sure you'll know who says it: "There's nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually doing something about it. Too often a person grows complacement with their disillusionment, perpetually wearing their "discomfort" like a favorite shirt."
Did you know if every muscle in the human body pushed in one direction, it could lift up to two tons. The thing about the body that amazes me most is how fast our brain can send a signal to the arm, making it seem like it moved just as you told it to.
I once read this Isaac Asimov short story where there was a man who was constantly being followed by flies, and he could never figure out why they followed him (No, he did not smell :p). His scientest friend came up with a theory that the flies worship him. So anyway, I was think about this in regard to the pigeons that my father owns (They are too train my dogs to hunt). And I thought that maybe these pigeons see my family as gods. I am the one who mostly feeds them, so I could be a sort of god of harvest, if you will. My brother is the one that takes them in and out of the cage to use them. My father is the one that uses them with the dogs. They could see my brother as a god who guides them to judgement, my father. My father is like an almighty god who decides whether they will be punished (used to train my dogs) or saved (put back in cage). My dogs of course represent satan and an underworld, where they are punished by being trained with. I was just thinking how cool that is. I am a god.(Hmmm...I like the sound of that)
I never cry. No, I'm not trying to be manly or tough, I just don't cry. I can get emotional, like when I listen to certain songs or see certain movies, but never to the point of crying. Also, I don't like to see people cry, especially girls. It's just kind of a, turn off, if you will.
I have never been too fond of AFI. I investigated them a bit a while ago when they were considered "punk", if you will( I use that term very loosely when refering to them so don't get mad at me). And quite frankly, their recent rise in popularity doesn't spark my interest that much. It's not that I hate them because they are popular(I think they were pretty popular before "Sing the Sorrow" as well), but from what I heard a few years back, and what's being played on the radio now, it's none too appealing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tattoi nobori [/i] [B]But I will take exception to the other thing: The earliest major influences of punk can be traced to the beat movement of the late 60's, and specifically to Andy Warhol's art/anarchy project, Factory. So while the first Punk bands hit the mainstream a few years after disco was born, the origins and attitudes go back much farther. I think you'd agree that it would have been a pretty shallow thing, if punk were created purely as a backlash to club dance music. [/B][/QUOTE] I do agree very much so. But it's also interesting that punk music started as a club thing. That's what I meant when I said The Ramones weren't the first punk band.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tattoi nobori [/i] [B]How on earth can you say the Ramones are overrated? I mean, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but hopefully it goes without saying that just about every punk band listed so far wouldn't sound the way they do, without the Ramones' (and others) influences. That's like saying the Beatles were a fad, ignoring that both bands single-handedly changed the face of music in their time. The Beatles challenged a music industry built on throwaway singles by equally disposeable stars, and the Ramones killed disco. History will thank them. ?_? [/B][/QUOTE] Just because a band is influenced by another band, doesn't mean said band cannot be better than their influence. The Ramones weren't the best punk band simply because they were the first, which they weren't. And do you know how much of The Ramones style goes into most punk songs today? Very little. And The Ramones killing disco? Haha! That has got to be the most annoying stereotype of punk music ever coined: punk rock was created as a rebellion to disco. If people didn't want to listen to disco, they could have listened to the countless rock bands of the 70's. Ever hear of Led Zeppellin? Lynyrd Skynyrd? The Who? Not to mention that rock was way more popular than disco, in fact disco was more of the equivilent to techno today, it was mostly a club thing.
I guess my school is pretty lax. The only thing it really cracks down on in terms of appearance is gang clothes. Gang colors, chains, baggy pants, and chains are not allowed to be worn. This doesn't really affect me much, plus no one really gets in trouble for it if they do break it.
Less Than Jake isn't punk, it's ska. You could say they sound similar, but they have completely different origins. I still like 'em though, in fact, I like ska a whole lot better than punk. The Ramones are overrated, The Sex Pistols had a few good ones, and The Clash were terrible. Classic punk seems to be popular soley because it's "classic". The Offspring have to be one of the few modern punk bands I enjoy. Their first album was great, Ignition didn't impress me too much, Smash was okay, Ixnay on the Hombre wasn't anything special, but I consider it a great album because it had that unique "offspring" feeling, Americana was great if not only for "The kids aren't alright", and Conspiracy of One wasn't too impressive, but "Special Delivery" is cool. I would rate their first album the best, it was the hardest, fastest, and really fit the name "The Offspring". The Dead Kennedys were incredible, and have to be the only punk rock band that truley personified the punk subculture while at the same made their name known. Now if I only was interested in politics...
Okay, before you begin to get annoyed, this is not another "I love this movie, have you seen it?" thread. I actually have a question about the movie that I hope you can answer. [spoiler]Did Donnie have sex with Dr. Thurman? If you've seen the deleted scenes, one is where Donnie and Dr. Thurman discuss sex, the scene suddenly ends when Dr. Thurman asks Donnie, "Have you ever made love before?". Another scene is when Dr. Thurman tells Donnie that he no longer needs to see her, in which their is a curiously long period of scilence with Dr. Thurman after Donnie leaves, she is holding the stuffed dog.[/spoiler]
I wish that all my wishes will come true. Heh, technically, that's not "wishing for a million wishes". The only problem, I might accidentally wish I was dead hehe. Either that, or I would wish for any following super powers: Telekinesis Telepathy Invisibility Teleportation 1337 h4x0r skillz
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matto Tradagen [/i] [B][color=navy][i] Not, it was not a boarding school. It was one of the staff's way of trasnforming you into what they wanted. It was very much like PiroMunkie said-brainwashing. You weren't allowed to have an opinion that was different from the staff's. You were force-fed christianity, and if you had something to say about it, you got punished. They seriously attempted to take away each persons individuality and transform them into a "Christian" robot, so to speak. Many of the school rules had little to do with school at all. Many of them had to do with what and what not you were allowed to do in your life as long as you attended the school. Again, as stated from my last post, this is my personal experience. Not all schools are like this, that's not what i'm saying. If you want to yell at me, feel free to PM me. ~Matto[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] If it's not a boarding school, and you hate the rules about music so much, why follow them? From the looks of your post, it seems anyone could just go home, listen to any music they want, have however much sex they want, wear whatever they want, and noone at the school would be the wiser. Why does it matter you can't do it at school? It's not like they follow you home.
I went to Catholic school for middle school and my freshman year. My school was [b]very[/b] low-budget. I left because public school, like others have said, have more to offer. I get to choose my classes and electives, while the catholic school only had a set amount of courses. That's basically the reason I left. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matto Tradagen [/i] [B][color=navy][i] I used to attend a private school for a bout two years-6th and 7th grade. Personaly, I hated it. Well, when you first signed up, you had to sign an agreement, which had things in it like: 1. You will not listen to un-godly music 2.You will not attend school dances 3.You will not have pre-maritial sex Those wer[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] How could they control that? Was it a boarding school? BTW, if you think your school is bad, I insist you read this: [url]http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Association_of_Specialty_Programs_and_Schools[/url]
I really liked that movie, it thought it was very creative for a children's film hehe. On the subject of Danny Elfman, his talent is doubtless(Duh, he does the music for the Simpsons), but in his interviews, he is always kinda cocky :/
I'd be Trunks from DragonBall Z. No, not because he's particularly deep, angst-ridden, handsome, or smart. Only because I want to fly, blow up planets, produce energy from my fingertips, change my hair color at will, and carry around an awesome sword :D Either that or Spike, from Cowboy Bebop, so I could live with Faye :smooch:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by batosai20 [/i] [B]shareaza is basically the same thing kazaa but more options [/B][/QUOTE] What more more options? I already feel like K++ has more than I'll ever need :D
For me, Kazaa Lite (K++) or nuthin' heh.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]You're supposed to hold yourself back at 5 :p. It's hard though, that's why I've not bothered to post in here about it yet. I don't get why you guys are so surprised over people liking Linkin Park. There's only millions upon millions of you... as well as countless very successful threads at OB alone. It's not as if they're remotely underground. [/B][/QUOTE] I have too many hehe. And yes, even though Linkin Park is very popular, the last two boards I frequented, [b] noone[/b] liked Linkin Park. And if you did, you didn't mention it. The sad this is, one of the boards was Pojo XD. I'm just not used to the openess of the fans here.
I would list as movies that made me think Blade Runner, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Blade Runner for it's wonderful commentary on AI and Civil Rights. Brazil for it's grim depiction of the future and dark comedy(If you like this, read 1984, the film was loosely based on it). 12 monkeys for it's whole idea (Oh yea, and it's music :p). And lastly 2001: A Space Odyssey. I hate to sound like your father, but this movie [b]was[/b] deep, and is a must for any sci-fi fan(If you like this, read [u]Childhood's End[/u], another great Arthur C. Clarke book).
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanshin [/i] [B]It's far too usefull of a tool for the powers at be to abolish. Man will always fight for power gain, control and gratification, often to horrifying extents. [/B][/QUOTE] Religion or war?:therock: