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About DragonGirl

  • Birthday 08/20/1989

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  • Biography
    physco rocker w/ a split personality
  • Occupation
    bEiNg PhYsCo

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  1. yeah people living in japan are lucky:extra violent anime, more technology....Why are cartoons better in Japan?
  2. Y do they always try 2 capture pikachu? Isn't pikachu a common pok'emon? And....... Why don't they die?
  3. I'd say that you have to wait a couple minutes, but I'm not sure I'll have to check it out.
  4. After I beat OOT and the screen says the end, the scarecrow's song plays. It plays about 5 times then the game freezes and restarts. Does this happen after you beat the game? I was just wondering. :rolleyes:
  5. Wow, really? Whenever I beat it, the ending plays and then I'm right back inside ganon's tower. My friend said that your suppose to turn back into a kid or something. Geez I'm confused... Think that there's something wrong w/ my game?
  6. I like yugioh, and my deck is mostly made up of dragons and beasts. I get kinda annoyed when people say that only guys sholud be playing yugioh and dat girls should be cooking, cleaning and crap. Anyways I'm kinda a tomboy.
  7. Yeah ash's dad is never seen or talked about, and why does Brock's dad sell rocks?
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