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Capt. Obvious

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    getting there

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  1. I think he knew that he was way out of his league with goku, so he stole his body to survive. Then he found out he couldn't access goku's body's power, and his body was too beat up to go back to, so he stole Vegeta's.
  2. Cartoon Network, or rather Toonami, isn't all that bad. It's a good way for future anime fans to get start and get some good background on a lot of popular animes that makes reading the magna's or seeing the uncut versions easier.
  3. Cell and Buu had the same concept and were basically the same threat to the earth. The difference is Buu took it a lot farther than cell did. It's kinda like comeparing Piccolo to Vegeta. Both started bad and ended good. Both are pretty good fighters, yet neither of them saved the world all by themselves. As for different attacks, the Mesenko Ha and the Kameameah are the same thing, just with different hand movements, different names, and different colors.
  4. Well, i have many, but one of my favorites is when Goku has just tuned SS for the first time against Freiza and he give his speech and then says, "Ally to good, nightmare to you!" right before that giant pillar of lave erupts up behind him. A good frien of mine and i made a list of funny moments in the series and one of the memorable ones was when Freiza and future trunks start talking about goku and then King Cold ask, "Whats a Goku?"
  5. kinda makes you wonder doesn't it? I'd say it's his, because if it wasn't, that would make one think that he is a mad body hopper, always keeping an eye out for the next, more powerfull body. If that were true, then he would have taken Freiza's when he had his back turned. No, the switch beam seems to me like a last ditch desperation move.
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