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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari

  1. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Kana sighed and took off his over coat. Water lined the floor now, fromhis coat and other people as well. He folded the coat up and placed it in his bag. He was acctually pretty dry, except for his hair, which droplets of water still lingered on. Kana headed for his first class, kicking Ranma in the calf as he passed him. "Ah! Damnitt, stop being so silly and help me clean up a little, will ya?" Ranma asked. Kana stopped for a moment and looked at him, half considering helping, then looked at the girl. Kana grabbed a towel wordlessly and walked over to Imi. "Ah! no...um.." she started to say in protest to the two men trying to help. "Shut up." Kana said bluntly, grabbing a bit of her hair gently and dabbing it with the towel. Imi looked at him with wide eyes for a moment as he continued to dry her off. Kana grabbed her hand and ran the towel down her arm. "Don't you touch me!" Imi yelled jerking her hand away. Kana looked at her for a moment. Then he looked down at the floor, dropped the towel on the floor beside Ranma's feet and procceded into class. "Well, atleast we've got one student who's smart enough to not get too soaked," replied the teacher when he walked in the room. Kana didn't reply and took his seat.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Aye! thank you, sweet heart. ^-^ *gives Jacob a dog biscuit*
  3. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]"Didn't think ahead that far," Jamie said, pulling out of the drive way and down the east road. Ailistair smiled at him. Jamie glanced at him. "Sorry about that, some of the bi*ches in there are so fu*king blind," he said. Alistair nodded. "It's alright, I don't mind." Jamie grinned and watched the speedometer rise steadily. "What's the speed limit?" Jamie asked, still grinning. Alistair looked out the window. "Um....45 I beleive," he said. Jamie acctually laughed for a minute. "45, eh? Well then..." Jamie said as the gauge reached 50. Alistair looked at him. "Going a little fast, aren't we?" he asked. 55. "Of course not," Jamie replied with a smirk. 60. "Um...you might like to slow down...." Alistair said, looking out the window. 65. "Naaaw..." Jamie replied. 70. Alistair looked at Jamie "Uh..." 75. Jamie laughed and all but slammed on the breaks. The road was clear so there was no threat of a crash, but alistair was almost throw out of his seat. Jamie chuckled and continued at a mere 40.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Kana sighed and stood up. He put his hands in his pockets and walked back to his home to grab his ride to school. He opened his garage door and turned the light on. The light was illuminating an old, but well kept Harley Davidson motorcycle. "Heh...still perfect." Kana said to himself, grabbing his helmet off the table on the far side of the garage. A german shepard in the corner of the garage looked up from it's nap when it heard Kana's voice, then put it's head back down when it realized he wasn't there to take it out. Kana smirked at the dog then put his helmet on, and hopped on his bike. He started it up and took off down the road, the garage automatically closing. Kana arived at school less than 30 minutes later, and almost 10 minutes early. He parked his bike and put the helmet underneath it, placing the keys back in his back pocket. Kana shoved his hands in his pockets after grabing his book bag off the back of his bike and walked into the school slowly.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]OOC: Bwahaha. My sign up was so sh*t -.- IC: Kana looked down at the droplets of water hitting the ground around his feet. He was soaked by the rain, but barely noticed. Kana signed as he neared the busstop, where two girls were already waiting for the bus, huddled under an umbrella. Kana stopped walking when he reached them, though he was behind them, further away from the road, where the side walk connected with a yard. Kana looked at one of the girls, with a blank stare. [I]Heh. She's kinda cute...[/I] was the first thing that came into his mind. Hoshi caught eyes with him, but Kana didn't look away right away, as most people do. He looked at her directly for a few seconds then looked down to his feet. Kana knew both the girls were looking at him now and felt uncomfortable. He forgot that it was pouring rain and sat down on the side walk, his legs crossed, and his head down. He pulled his brown, soaked hair straight over his eyes and drained the water from it, then pulled all his hair forwards, then flipped his head back, flipping his hair back as well, and sending water a foot away. "I should have drove to school today....." he murmured to himself, in a deep, strong, yet quiet voice.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Name: Jinshi Kana[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Age: 18[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Gender: Male[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Description: [/color][/size][/font][url="http://asshiah.free.fr/galerie/oav/kirasad.jpg"][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]http://asshiah.free.fr/galerie/oav/kirasad.jpg[/color][/size][/font][/url][font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen] A simple and emotionless expresion present on his face constantly, Kana is tall and thin, but distant and tough looking.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Thoughts On Love: Kana is rather discordant when it comes to love. His all-but-obvious obssesive need and sesnsitivity make him vounerable and easily pained. Love is preluded by his mask of solituded and depression. His heart is heavy from past mistakes and cares little for people now.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Bio: Kana is in his Senior year, his last year in school before going for an internship for a huge computer company. Kana is well known for being crule and keeping to himself. He has no friends, only a select few people he can just barely stand to be around, thus little is known about him, and why he is so depressed. His parents were very creative though, giving him a rather girlish name.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=1][color=seagreen]Bah, short bio......Damnitt......tell me if this is alright.... and for people too lazy to click the link...[/color][/size][/font]
  7. Here you are, I spent pretty much alot of time on it and put a lot of effort into it. I hope you like it. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v448/ArunueS/93a74ae1.jpg[/img] Tell me if you would like anything to be changed
  8. Alright, this is the simplest thing in the world. A black and white avitar with a picture of a wine bottle. That's simple, isn't it? yeeeeesssss. if you feel like making a matching banner, 200x100 please, so I can fit it on with the one i have in my sig now that has the pic of me in it :P
  9. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Don't worry, kiddo, took care of it. IC: Jamie stood up and stared at the man. "Damnit, we don't need no shit right now," he said firmly, approaching the man. Alistair had let go of him and stood up aswell. "Hey! I'm sorry, I was mistaken!" the guy said, raising his hands as if to show he was unarmed or something of the like. Jamie sneered and shook his head. "Don't gimmie that crap," he said, shoving the man slightly. Alistair watched this. "Jesus, Man, it was a mistake!" The man said, shoving Jamie back. Jamie grined and without thinking much hammered the guy in the face with all his might. The guy took a tumble to the ground, hitting his head on the floor. Alistair looked at Jamie. "What did you do that for?" he asked. Jamie sighed and grabbed Alistair by the arm, dragging him outside. Jamie took him back to the car and opened the drivers side door. Alistair got in the passengers seat and as soon as Jamie had sat down, he turned to alistair with a glare. "Give me a fucking name, or we're not leavin'," he said, roughly. Alistair looked at him with the same expression. "Heh.."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Meh...Graphic with matching banner. Not too happy right now, so I can make ****.
  11. [color=SeaGreen][font=Book Antiqua][size=2]....two? Damnitt, I need to re-read profiles, and yes, I ment it as you. IC: Jamie smirked and shook his head, "You're an odd one," he said, openeing the car door and leaning down into the car. Alistair climbed in the passenger's seat and asked again "Where we goin'?" Jamie just started up the car. "Wherever I feel like," he said, cooly, a little bit more used to the idea of having someone to talk to, and better yet, a topic for conversation. He pulled out and headed down the parking lot twords the east road. "Nice car," Alistair remarked, scanning the interior. Jamie grinned and nodded his head. "Open the glove compartment and get me a ciggeret, will you?" he asked. Alistair nodded and popped open the compartment and pushed around some papers to find a pack of ciggerets. Alistair found them and handed them to Jamie. Jamie smiled and said "Thanks," before rolling down the window and tossing the pack of ciggerets out, all the time keeping his eyes on the road. "Been tryin' to quit," Jamie said, "I forgot about that pack before." Alistair nodded and continued to rummage through the glove compartment. "So, I'm not getting a name, huh?" Jamie asked, looking at Alistair now, breifly. Alistair pulled out a black, leather case from the glove compartment. "Nope," he said, "What's this?" Alistair asked, noticing the zipper on the side of the case was bound with a key lock. "Nothin' too important," Jamie said, looking at Alistair again, and taking the case and shoving it into the backseat. Jamie looked back the the road, chewing on a pen. "Might I get a name from you?" Alistair asked, with that same expression that was starting to creep Jamie out. "No....I don't give names, I take 'em," he said, pulling into a parking lot of what looked like a fairly decent bar. "Hm," Alistair said, "Never been here." Alistair closed the glove compartment and looked to Jamie.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. I hope this is alright, I've never heard of it, so I'm not sure if I got a correct pic. I used a manga pic, if you don't mind.
  13. Here you are, hun. I cleaned 'im up a little bit and gave him colour too. I hope this is alright.
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]ArunueShekamari :: Jamie Malcom :: Male BoxHoy :: Matt Daniels :: Male Silver Cyclone :: Jake Steel :: Male Methuselah :: Elizabeth 'Beth' Nesbitt :: Female Kyuai :: Alistair 'Andy' Dernend :: Male Sonata :: Natalie Chal :: Female IC:: "She don't know shit..." Jamie stated bluntly, dragging his feet over to his bed and lazily flopping down. "She don't know shit." he repeated again. It was after school hours and he had free time. It crossed his mind to go out, but he soon realized that, considering he just had a discordant break up with his girl-friend, he had no one to go out with. Jamie lay back on his bed and closed his eyes. "I have nothing to do...." he said bluntly. The thought of asking someone from one of his classes to spend the day with someone they didn't know and probably scared the shit out of them crossed his mind. But the way that he thought of it, he didn't think it would be a good idea. "What the fuck...." he said to himself, covering his head with his pillow. "This is shit..." he said, his voice muffled by the pillow. Jamie threw the pillow off his face, stood up and walked out into the hallway. "This is so fucked up...." he said to himself as he walked down the hallway, looking for someone to talk to, or an excuse to get his mind thinking about something. Jamie came to the end of the hallway. It branched out to another hallway of dorms and a hallway leading to the classrooms, much much further down. There was also a door at the cross section that was to the outside. "Mn....I need some fresh air anyway." he said to himself, opening the door and catching a glance of a young man behind him, but the thought not sticking in his mind. He shut the door behind him and looked around. The parking lot was to his left and the back of the university to his right. He procceded to the left and got the car keys out of his back pocket. He heard the door behind him open and close again. He looked behind him and saw a guy about his height with grayish, almost white hair looking around outside of the door. As soon as their eyes met, Jamie turned back around and continued down the side of the building the the parking lot. He was flipping his keys in his hand and whistling to keep his mind off of that guy, but couldn't seem to complete the task. Jamie acctually caught himself glancing behind him to see if he was following him. It turns out, he was. He was trailing about 2 yards behind him. Jamie shook his head and walked in to the parking lot. He scanned over the cars and grinned when he saw his beautiful black Ford Escort. Okay, so it's a slightly old car. No CD player, or air conditioning, or luxury like that, but it was a good car and kept miles well. Jamie was about to unlock it, the key in the door, when he noticed the guy he had seen was leaning on the bumper of a car at the end of the lot. Jamie scowled at him for a minute, even though the guy wasn't looking at him and stuck the keys bak in his pocket. He walked around the front side of the line of cars and came around behind the guy and grabed him by the shoulder. He turned around so quick, it suprised Jamie even. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jamie asked in his deep, strong voice. The guy stared at him for a moment then said very slowly, "Um....I...Don't...Know?" OOC: happy? I got it up![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. There we go......that's it! Thank you Annie ^-^ and thank you for giving it a shot Shredaa, it's cute, but not what I was looking for. Good job to you both.
  16. That's a car on the ice cream, isn't it? XD A little bit too colourful, though. I like the idea of using emblem, but the car is too humerous for my taste. ^^''
  17. Mmm, I like the avitar, but the banner isn't exactly what I'm looking for. If you'd like it give it another shot with the banner, try a different pic, or the same, I could care less, but give it a bit more body or color or feeling or something ^.^;;
  18. Oh, yay. This is starting to sound like ti's gunna be fun. Here's the line up so far: ArunueShekamari :: Jamie Malcom :: Male BoxHoy :: Matt Daniels :: Male Silver Cyclone :: Jake Steel :: Male Methuselah :: Elizabeth 'Beth' Nesbitt :: Female Kyuai :: Alistair 'Andy' Dernend :: Male Sonata :: Natalie Chal :: Female Only two females.. ooooh, this is gunna be fun. Sign up's still open, but I doubt we'll get anymore mebers....my RPG's seem to die off after about 4 people join...damnitt....anyway, sign ups still open, like i said, though I'll hopefully get it started some time at the end of this week.
  19. Aye, the pictures queality is horrible, but I gave it a shot and tried to clean the pic up a little bit. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v448/ArunueS/44787d8a.jpg[/img]
  20. Wonderfull sign ups so far, I have a spot saved for Sonata, who will post a sign up on monday. I wish to have a few more people join before we start though, so try and get more members if you wish to start it soon. *wink*
  21. Charecter is already taken, sweet heart. Please choose another one.
  22. [B]The Womans Brother [/B] [why do I keep playing guys? Am I a cross RPGer now?] Oh, and hint up, you gave no setting. That would be appreciated. [B]Name:[/B] Danii Nesbitt [B]Age: [/B] 31 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Occupation: [/B] Works for a gaming/programing industry. Helps to program computer sytems. [B]Appearance: [/B] He stands at an indimidating 6'5'', and weights 240 lbs. His facial features are much like his sisters, with a slender face, and high cheek bones. He is much paler than his sister, amazingly, from over work and lack of nutrition. Danii's eyes are a light brown fading out into a deep, strong green. His hair is a dyed black, just long enough to be pulled back into a loose poneytail. His sister says it makes him look like a thug. His smile is sweet and humble, fitting well with his eyes. He is well toned and muscular, though lately he's been loosing his figure, due to over working and not having time to work out and keep in shape. His atire often consists of blacks and whites and rather baggy clothes, but not too heavy. A black T-shirt and jeans is his most commen outfit. [B]Personality:[/B] Danii has a knack for worrying, over figuring, stressing and overprotectiveness. He's keen to watch every action of his sisters and interogate her constantly. He's an over acheiver and would be described by some as excessive compulsive, due to his constant need for perfection, and preciseness. Danii isn't one to go out on friday nights and party, though he loves quiet nights with his sister. In public he trys to act calm and cool, but in acctuality he's nervous constantly and jumpy as hell. His sister tells him that he's getting old, but he just brushes her off. He's still young and fit, and looks, and acts around his mid 20's, not early 30's. He matured fast when he was a child, because he had to care for himself on quite a few occasions. Danii cannot sit still for over an hour without doing anything or he gets frustrated. He's constanly up and around, but only in his apartment, not often in public. [B]Bio: [/B] Danii lives in an apartment next to his sister. She's constantly bugging him that it's almost as bad as living togeather, which they did for a few years before, untill Jamie got fed up with him and they moved into seperate apartments. He's often hanging over her, and wanting to be with her constantly. He doesn't have a girlfriend and has stated that he isn't looking. His relationships are often ruined by his lack of relaxation and his constant aboutness.Danii would rather be with his sister than with some girl. Jamie complains that he needs to get a girlfriend or he's going to end up smothering her in attention. He just shakes his head and refuses to go out with women. He has recently put in extra hours at work to help out with a huge program he's working on and to keep his mind off of his worrying nature. Although he has ****** up quite a few programs when not paying attention and worrying. Although he is valuable to the company, his boss has threatned to fire him, or atleast put him on smaller, and lower paying projects if he doesn't get his head straightened out and his mind off of his sister. Bring it to my attention if anything needs editing.
  23. Aye, about time for a new banner and avi. I love the set I have now, but I've worn it out. This time I'm lookin' for a pink flyod banner, nicely put togeather and a blue/gray color scheme. I would prefer one picture. I would like no text, not even my SN, please, and a border. One picture for the avitar to, and a border on that. Thank you.
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