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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari

  1. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hey, could someone please make me a banner and avatar from the picture below? I usually make my own banners and theyre usually anime but I wanted to do something a little different. Yes, i'm sure you guys like the cleavage shot, haha. Anyway, would someone please do this for me?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/2843985.bmp[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/2843985.bmp[/url]
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]lol. Good kid. Here are yer avis. *winks* feel free to PM me any time, hun.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] 150x80: [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/31883033.jpg[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/31883033.jpg[/url] 100x100: [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/37576480.jpg[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/37576480.jpg[/url]
  3. yes, im a girl....lol...and the avatar size is 150x80 at the most....unless its not for this board...well, I'll get to that and make two, one within this boards limits and your 100 x 100. im so silly ^^;;
  4. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Hey, I hope this is alright, hun. Tell me if you want me to change anything. *winks*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/10561842.jpg[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/10561842.jpg[/url] [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/22223622.jpg[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/22223622.jpg[/url]
  5. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Here you are, hun. Hope you like it. The glow was iffy. lol. I hope this is alright. *winks*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [img]http://img5.imagetown.net/96652058.jpg[/img] [url]http://img5.imagetown.net/96652058.jpg[/url]
  6. Your welcom! Feel free to pm me if you need any help with anything or if ya just wanna chat! lol. ^-^
  7. ooc- grr....sasuke is supposed to have the $30 million bounty.....lol. i guess i didn't make that clear, our charecters are getting mixed togeather... ic- Sasuke sighed as the car pulled to a stop in a dark lot. "This is it." Ryu said, taking the keys out of the ignition. He looked at Sasuke. "What are we waiting for?" he asked, noticing Sasuke had his hand lingering on the door handle. "I'm not sure. I don't think he's here yet." Sasuke said, shaking his head and gently fingering one of his twin daggers that he hadn't drawn in a long time. He unsheathed it and looked at it, his finger gently sliding along the sharpened blade. His finger left a trail of red blood on the lade as he cut his finger. "Damn, thats sharp." he whispered, bending his finger to increese blood flow. He noticed Ryu looking at him odd. "Oh, sorry." Sasuke said, re-sheathing the dagger and putting his finger in his mouth. Ryu smiled and got comfortable in the seat. Sasuke sat low in the passengers seat and ran his hands accross his face. He needed to shave. He reached out the window to turn the sideveiw mirror so he could see his face. He looked much older than he had only a month before. His face was rough from not shaving and his eyes looked tired, he was already dirty and needed another shower. He rested his chin on the open window. Just then he spotted in the side veiw mirror, the van pulling up behind them.
  8. on the left side of your screen, theres a bunch of links, "General" "My ob [user cp]" and "Misc." you under "My OB" and click on "Signature" you can add text that apears under every post like ive got *points at her sig* and 1 banner, largest size is 500x100 pixles. to insert text, just type in the text box...it insert a banner, paste the url onto the page where you want it, and put image tags around it. e.g.: [img]yourbanner'surlhere[/img] and you can also do different things with the text with different tags. :D i hope that helped. give it a try, i attatched the banner, just take the url and put it in [img]these[/img] tags in your signature box..... : ) heres the URL: [url]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20314[/url] and the image: [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20314[/img]
  9. that works! :D that oka, animesoul?
  10. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]I hope this is alright, if i can make you a matching banner, I'd love to, just ask.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]oka, 1. to upload the avi, it would probably be best to right click on it and save it to your pc, then upload it from your hard drive 2. you can only have one banner in your sig. 3. for attachments you have to use the reply, not the quick reply but the actuall full reply, at the bottom, it should say "additional options", theres a button that says "manage attatchments" if you click that then a nother window will pop up for you to upload yor images and they will come up as attachments when you click "submit reply" i hope that helps both of you :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]IC- Sasuke pushed her off. "Thanks, but no thanks." he said, grabbing the card from out of BJs hand. He took a moment to memorize the address. Ryu leaned in twords melody. "Do I get a discount?" he asked, cooly. Melody shook her head. "Nope! If anything I'd have to charge you extra." she said, nastily. Ryu scowled. "Well then, we'll be off now." he said, grabbing the back of sasukes shirt and shoving him in the car. "Ow! That hurt, hun. don't be so rooouuugh," Sasuke said, jokinhly. Ryu laughed. "You wish, punk." he said as her smiled at BJ and grabbed the keys to the car. "Hey!" she yelled. BJ was about to wrap her arm around his neck when he turned around and grabbed her arm. "We don't wanna go through this agian, now do we?" he asked her. She looked away. Ryu smiled. "Good. Sasuke! Did ya memorize that address?" Ryu asked, turning back around. "Sasuke..." BJ whispered. Ryu was about to start up the car when melody yelled. "hey! You never answered my question!" Ryu turned to her. "You wanna know the truth?" he asked. Melody nodded. Sasuke looked down, and sighed. "The truth is....." he looked back up smiling, "....we just wanted the car!" Sasuke laughed. "Now hit it, we gotta get outa here, this place is givin me the creeps." The girls watched as the car sped out of the lot. OOC- *looks around* [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]Sasuke already had his hand gun to the back of the mans head. Valentine didn't move. Melody shook her head slightly. Ryu looked at sasuke with a look that indicated he was trying to say something. Sasuke knew what he ment. He knew the gun he had, held point blank to Valentines head didn't work. Hopefully, Valentine didn't know that. "Gentlemen! Please, may we...sort this out like civilized men?" Valentine asked, almost calmly. Sasuke's hand was shaking but he didn't lower the gun. He took in a quick breath and said, "Drop the gun." His voice was almost as shaky as his hand. Valentine smiled. "You wouldn't unarm me, now would you?" he asked. Ryu sighed and shook his head. "I'm getting sick of this, I told you we shouldn't have come in here!" he shouted at Sasuke. Sasuke shook his head. He wasn't sure what to do. He didnt have another gun and he didn't know what wepons Ryu had on him. "Oh, shit." he whispered to himself.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]IC- Ryu jumped into the drivers seat. Sasuke hesitated. "Whats wrong, Hayshi?" Ryu asked. Sasuke shook his head. "I've...never been in a car before..." he said, guiltily. Ryu couldn't help but smirk. "Well, too bad! Getcha' ass in here!" Ryu leaned over and pulled him in by his jacket. Sasuke shut the door and held onto it as Ryu slammed on the pedal and the car jerked forward. Sasuke clenched his teeth, and held on tight to the door and the dashboard. "You'r not a verry good drive---AAH!" sauke yelled as they took a shap turn, the car swinging up on two wheels. "Damnitt Ryu!!" Sasuke yelled, getting thrown into the window. Ryu laughed and sped down the road. OOC- >> > >
  15. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- *cries* im not good with fight sceeeenes. IC- Arunue sighed and thoughts raced through her mind. [I]I can't use The Robe[/I], she thought, [I]and all my wepons are with Hiroshi. Aw, shit[/i]. She wasn't sure what to do. She took one step back. "You can't run." Hawk said, cooly. Arunue crouched an smiled. "I wasn't planning to," She said as she launched herself at him, driving her fist into his stomach. He doubled over for a minute then regained his stance. [I]I'm dead! [/I] Arunue though. [I]I'm dead, thats all there is to it, I can't fight back, I'm dead...[/I] Hawk mimeked her attack and punched her hard in the stomach. She coughed up a bit of blood. [I]Yeah....I'm dead...[/I] she thought, laughing slightly. OOC- someone else do it!!! im not good with fight sceens!!! *runs off crying*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]IC- Sasuke pulled his hair out of his face, letting the water from the shower head run over his body. The water wasn't to warm, but atleast he was able to get a shower. Ryu slamed on the door. "You've been in there half an hour! It's my turn!" he yelled. Sasuke smiled and shook his head. "Alright," he yelled back," Hold on a sec!" He took a deep breath, cherishing the last bit of his shower. He turned the knob to the left and the water stoped. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towle, wrapping it around him. He dried off and got dressed. Sasuke sat o his bed, still trying to dry his hair. [I]254-6397-9276...[/I] the last number in his thought was cut off by a mouse squeeking, then running across the floor. [I]Stupid little thing,[/I] he thought. OOC- sorry it was so short, im being timed.... :mad: [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- *twitch* *twitch twitch* O.o IC- Arunue's eyes opened slowly. It was still night and Hiroshi was still asleep. She sat up and looked around. Not much to see, it was dark and the wind was slightly heavy. She stood up and walked twords the mouth of the cave. She looked in; people were missing but everyone who remained were asleep. She turned away from the cave and walked away after watching the last flicker die from the fire. She walked blindly through the cold night, her mind blank, but she didn't care. She didn't want to think about anything at the moment. She just wanted to run into someone, to run into one of her freinds that had left the cave earlier. Kieko had left. Arunue smiled. She looked around, but looked back down when she realized that Kieko probably wasn't anywhere near her. She might even be still in the cave, but a little further into it. Arunue hung her head an continued to walk, thinking now about keiko; the freindship they had so long ago, before this whole thing started. Kieko had helped her so many times when she was upset. Arunue sat down and leaned against a tree. She thought about her freinds. Kieko was there for her, Toshi.....she didn't want to talk to Toshi about anyhting at the moment, Garren was...gone. She hated to think it but her lover was gone. But she had Gaitei. Gaitei would do anything to get her to notice him. She felt reassured that she had him behind her if she needed it. Arunue stood back up and continued to walk, this time looking for Kieko. She knew that she was out here somewhere, but she was too cold to pinpoint her. Arunue crossed her arms over her chest and pulled her jacket closet to her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- Sir, yes sir. IC- Arunue had calmed down slightly. She had her head rested in her borther's lap and he was comforting her silently, stroking her hair. She sighed and closed her eyes. For some reason she felt better now. She felt releived for some reason. She wasn't sure why. But she drifted off too sleep in her brothera arms. Hiroshi shook his head. He knew that his sister was upset. He decided that it would be best to ask about it when she was over it. He knew somewhat that she had to sort out her feelings herself for a little bit before he stepped in to try and understand. All he wanted was for her to be happy. Thats the only thing in the world he wanted. For his little sister to be happy and for him to be there with her. He shifted his weight and got comfortable, wraped his arms around his sister and drifted off to sleep too, leaning up against a rock. OOC- that was short :crying: [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Arunue sighed and pulled her knees to her chin. Her brother was eating happily and talking. She wasn't listening though. She saw a mental image of Toshi and Veil. Her eyes filled with envy. She wasn't sure if she either envyed Toshi, because his lover was there, or Veil, because she had....Toshi.... She shook the thought out of her mind, wondering how it got there in the first place. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop heself from thinking about them. Arunue got up and walked out of the cave without a word. Hiroshi saw the expression on her face and knew she needed time alone. She walked beside the high rocks for a few minutes and finnaly sat down on one. She looked around. It was starting to get slightly dark, the sky growing pink and orange. She sighed and watched the lovely colors. Then yet again, Toshi and Veil entered her mind. Arunue clenched her teeth and shut her eyes. She chenched her fists hard. She was trying so hard not to cry, but a tear rolled down her cheeck, landing on the rock. She opened her eye and unclenched her teeth. She opened up her hands and looked at the blood all over them. she had squeezed her hands shut so tight, that her finger nails had dug deep into her palm. She ran her hand through her hair, the blood streaking in the colorless bleach blond. She cried for a few minutes from envy, then it grew to anger. She stood up and turned to a large rock, she puched at it, shattering it. She continued to tear at the rocks for an hour, before Hiroshi finnally came and stopped her, picking her up in his arms.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- ....I love you people....lol IC- Sasuke smiled and walked up to the door of a large house. He fumbled with a key in his pocket and quickly unlocked the door. His hand lingered on the doornob for a few seconds. Then he took a deep breath, opened the door and looked in. It looked like no one was home. there was furniture and household items, but it looked as though no one had lived there for years. Ryu closed the door behind him. "Who lives here?" he asked, looking around. Sasuke sighed. "No one now," he said, "I used to. I grew up here. No ones lived here for a while though." Sasukes voice died off and he layed down on the old, dusty couch. Ryu was in another room, looking around the old house. "You used to live here?" he yelled from another room, his voice echoing slightly. "Yeah." Sasuke replied. "Wow, Hayshi," Ryu came back into the main room, "This house is huge." Sasuke smiled. "And the great thing is," he said, sitting up, "no one will look for us here. The man who lived here was a nice old man, theres no reason for cops to think anyones here." Ryu walked over to the window and watched the rain hit hard against it. "I'm just glad to be outa this rain." he said.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sasuke laughed. "We?" he asked. "There is no 'we', you're on your own!" Sasuke turned and began to walk the other direction. "HEY! Thats no fair, bitch!" BJ yelled. Ryu smiled and shook his head. "Ya don't wanna take the pretty little girl with us?" he asked. Sasuke laughed. "No. I don't wanna take the pretty little girl with us....now that i think of it, she acctually not that pretty," Sasuke said, looking BJ up and down, then continueing to walk. "Come on, Ryu," Sasuke said, beckoning with his hand and continueing to walk away. BJ scowled at his back. She ran upbehind him and wraped her arm around his neck. "Now I'm coming with you or your gunna--" Ryu cut her off by jabbing her in the side with his fist. She let go and Ryu punched her in the stomach. BJ wraped her arms around her stomach and doubled over. "Thanks, Ryu, come on." Sasuke said. Then he turned around and started to run. Ryu followed, leaving BJ on the ground.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- :D IC- Sasuke laughed as they slowed to a walk. "Stupid, idiot!" He yelled. "Thinking they could catch us so easi-- how the fuck did they find out where we were?" Ryu shook his head. "No clue," he said. Sasuke continued to walk beside Ryu. "So, where do we go now?" Ryu asked. Sasuke smiled. "Somewhere too obvious. We'll rent an actuall apartment," he said. Ryu's eyes grew wide. "WHAT?! If we rent an apartment, WE'LL BE KILLED!" Ryu yelled. Sasuke just looked at him for a minute, then smiled slightly. "They'd never think we'd be that stupid. So really, it's smart." Sasuke said, just trying to confuse Ryu. It worked. "Whatever.." Ryu said, trying to comprehend it. After about an hour, they were checked into an apartment. They walked up to the second floor and walked down the hall, looking for there room. Sasuke looked at the number on the key and the number on the door. Room 207. "Come on," Ryu said, opening the door.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]IC- "They have a picture?" Ryu asked, "Damnitt, fucking hell." Sasuke straightened himself up and looked at Ryu, comparing his face to the picture. He had a photographic memory. That one of the reasons he was in trouble. "Ryu, the picture is years old, you look so different, your hairs a different color, different length, your face barely even matches it. It's fine," He said, re-asuringly. Ryu gave a half-smile and nodded. "You're probably right," he said. Sasuke smiled and nodded. "Why are we still in this city anyway? There are cops and bounty hunters all over this place looking for you," Ryu asked. Sasuke shook his head. "Well," he started, "If we try to leave now, we'll be caught." Sasuke put on a smile, knowing Ryu couldn't argue with that kind of logic. "But with all that damn money you took! Where the hell did it all go?" Ryu asked, almost exasperated. Sasuke smiled yet again. "I still got it," he said with a grin, "Just not whered you'd think of looking." Ryu shook his head. "Fine! Don't tell me," he said, teasing. "Ryu..." Sasuke said, "I [I]can't [/I]tell you." Ryu looked questioningly at him. "So that you don't have to lie when they tourture you asking where the money is!" Sasuke smiled at his stupid joke. Ryu laughed slightly. "I suggest we stay inside a bit longer. 'Till the heat dies down." Sasuke said. "You're probably right, Hayshi." Ryu responded. OOC- I'm glad we got this up! W007![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- Bwahahaha. Here we are! And just a reminder of who signed up: InuyashaLvr - Katsune [kat] Miyamo - F - Bounty Hunter Kieko - Bethany Jerret - F - Thief Hayashi Hansuke - Kei "Red Moon" Akatsuki - M - Bounty Hunter Silent Angel - Melody Belle - F - Thief ([pending] she wont be able to post 'till tuesday I beleive) Danethol - John Wheeler - M - Bounty Hunter Sephy 07 - Ryu Hanz - M - Theif ColourDeaf - "Valentine" - M - Bounty Hunter ArunueShekamari - Hayshi Sasuke - M - Thief IC- Hayshi Sasuke jumped down form the top of the building down to the allyway. He landed almost silently and stayed low to the ground as he ran off down the ally. His wepons knocked against his legs as her ran. A hand wraped around his arm and dragged him into an opened door before he could even slow down. Ryu Hanz dragged him into the room and accidently threw him into the wall. Sasuke slid down against the wall, panting hard. Ryu kneeled next to him. "Ya get anything?" he asked, eagrly. Sasuke had to catch his breath before he could respond. "Yeah...I got us...some food...a few valuables to sell..and a bit of cash," he finnaly blurted out, inbetween heavy breaths. Ryu smirked and gave him a freindly slap on the back. "Thats the way to do it, Hayshi!" he said. Sasuke stood up and placed his one strap-bag on the table, letting its contents roll out. He walked over to the side of the small room and sat in one of the three wooden chairs. Ryu stood up and looked through the bag. "Got enough bread?" he asked, sarcastically. Sasuke laughed weakly and smiled. "You can never have enough bread," he replied, tiredly. Ryu smiled at him. "You've had a long day, go on and get some rest." he said, grinning. Sasuke smiled thankfully and walked over to one of the only two other rooms.[three room "apartment"] Inside was a bed and a nightstand. He jumped up on the bed and looked around the room. He and Ryu had been living in this old abandoned ally building for months now. No one had even gotten a trace of them. Ryu was Sasukes best buddy. Almost like a big brother. Someone to look up to. [I]I love him like a big brother.... [/I] Sasuke thought as he layed back on his bed. [I]...maybe...even.... [/I] he couldn't even finish his though beofre drifting off to sleep. OOC- Alright, introduce your charecter, and lets get this goin.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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