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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]IC- Arunue smiled as she listened to the meat crackle under the heat. She leaned back and closed her eyes. An image of Garren, smiling came into her mind. She opened her eyes and it disapeared. She sighed and looked around. Rayne was cooking the meat and Toshi was eyeing it, looking quite hungry. Hiroshi was sitting on a rock, leaning back with his hands behind his head. Gaitei was by himself, looking at nothing in perticular. She couldn't see anyone else. She wondered where Kieko was. "'Runue?" Hiroshi said, breaking her from her thought. "Y-yes, Hiro?" she asked. Hiroshi smiled and sat beside her. "You're such a sweet girl," he said, putting his arm around her. She smiled and shook her head, watching Rayne continue to cook. OOC- What a pointless post :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=SeaGreen][size=2]Here you are, hope you like it.[/color][/font][/size] [img]http://img3.imagetown.net/71562703.jpg[/img] [url]http://img3.imagetown.net/71562703.jpg[/url]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC- You wish. IC- Arunue scowled at him. "Did you take a good look?" Arunue asked him, scowling. Toshi laughed. "Sure did!" he exlaimed. Arunue stood up and punched him in the side of the face. He fell to the ground yet again. "Pervert," she said, stepping over him and sitting on the other side of the cave. Toshi rubbed the side of his face, muttering to himself. Arunue slapped him uside the head again. "What was that for!?!?!" he yelled. Arunue smiled. "I felt like it." she said calmly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Arunue took a deep breath as she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was her brother, still asleep. She sat up and sat next to hiroshi. She put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently. She was glad he was there for her. She fiddled with a little peice of his hair with her forefinger and middlefinger. His hair was suprisingly soft and clean, even though none of them had showered for quite a while. [I]Maybe theres a hot spring somewhere on this mountain. Couldn't hurt to check![/I] she thought to herself as she got up and walked out of cave. She walked along the side of the mountain for only a few minutes before spotting a nice sized spring. She smiled. [I]How did I know? Hmm? Aahahah. I'm always right...[/I] she thought. Arunue dipped her hand into the water to check the temperature, but immediatly drew it out and shook it dry. "FUCK, thats hot!!!" She yelled, followed by a slight giggle as stuck her hand in the water again, getting used to the heat. She started to undress herself. She pushed her clothes away from the water and slid in, smiling at the warmth. She held her breath and ducked her head under the water, wetting her hair. After a few minutes, Arunue heard some voices. She lowered herself in the water a bit. Toshi and Rayne apeared from the mist. "GAAH!" Toshi yelled. Arunue scowled and grabed the closest rock and chuged it at Toshis head. It connected and he fell to the ground. Rayne laughed and picked toshi up, dragging him back to wherever they were before. "Guess we'll have to find somewhere else to spar." Rayne said. Arunue scowled and blew bubbles in the water. After an hour, she peered into the cave, her hair still wet. "Hey 'Runue." Hiroshi said, smiling. "Wheres Toshi and Rayne?" she asked. Hiroshi shook his head. "Not here," he said, "I think they went to spar." Arunue sighed and sat down. "I'll just have to wait for them," she said, annoyed. Hiroshi poked at her. "Why's your hair wet?" he asked. Arunue smiled at him. "There's a hot spring a little ways to the left of the cave," she told him, "Why dont you go take a dip?" Hiroshi grinned. "Why not?" he said as he got up and walked out of the cave. Arunue sat back and waited to see how big of a bump Toshi had on his head.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[font=Book Antiqua][color=SeaGreen][size=2]thank you so much! i may not use them imeddiately but i will ^-^ THANKYOU![/color][/size][/font]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua]Alright, Can someone make me a Full Metal Panic Banner and avitar? I may not use it for a little while because i just recently got this one in my sig right now up. But i promise i will use it. I don't mind whos on it as long as it has Sousuke. The color doesnt matter and full credit to who ever makes this for me! Love ya![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
OOC- I know, i know...im just saying that im not gunna be posting often...OH! and Poenix wont be posting for two weeks, hes on vacation. I have his aim SN so i'll keep bugging him to catch up when he gets back. IC- Arunue sighed and layed back. She looked over to Toshi, collecting the peices of his newly shattered sword. "Didn't I break that once already?" she asked, remebering when she broke his sword in half a long time ago. She didn't have the sword she used to break Toshi's anymore. "Yeah," Toshi said, remebering, "I think you did." Arunue grinned and closed her eyes, rummaging in her pocket for her ciggerets. She took one out and lit it up. She put her last one back in her pocket. She sat up and took a long drag on it. She leaned her head back and blew a smoke ring. Gaitei watched her intently. The smoke that was slightly floating around didn't bother him, he barely noticed it. He kept wondering about why she had kissed him. In reality, she was just trying to make him happy and calm. Too bad he didn't realize that. Arunue puffed on her ciggeret some more and watched it burn. When it finnally got too low, she took it out of her mouth and bummed it off of her brothers forehead.[AKA: she put it out using his forehead] "AAH! what the hell?!?!" Hiroshi yelled in pain, rubbing the burnt spot on his forhead. There were a few laughs at Hiroshi's inconvinient pain.
Hey! Now he has to decide which one to use.......ah well, use Turdles! its great ^^
lol. here..its not that good and you dont have to use it.
you right, typo, stupid mistake, I'll fix it and edit this when i do. brb!
here ya're, i hope ya like it!
here ya're, hope ya like it.
Arunue sighed and slamed her head on a rock sarcastically. All she wanted to do was get some sleep and clear out her head. But of course no one was gunna let her. Every one was silent for what seemed like hours before arunue finally spoke up. "And now were back to where we were before. We have a bit more information, but still, we have no leads on how to get to Hawk." The silence afterwards prooved no one had anything to say. Arunue sighed and leaned up against her brother. "And yet again...." she said slowly and tiredly "What do we do now?" OOC- sorry it so short....im not gunna be on as much and so sorry i havent been posting. *sad face* I promise i'll try to post more.
[Font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=SeaGreen]OOC- trying to make my charecter an enimy huh? lol. IC- Otto shook his head. He always felt responsible to start conversation. "Mmm," he said, "This [I]is[/I] really good! Complimants to your chef. I've been eating nothing but bread for so long, aye, this is heaven." Vaxla smiled. "I'm glad you like it! I'm sure it's wonderfull, I wish I could taste it." she said giggling slightly. Otto smiled a nice freindly smile. He didn't do that very often. He usually had a creepy sideways smile. After only a few more minutes, Otto was so full he thought if he ate anymore he'd die. [I]At least I'd die happy and fed[/I]! he thought to himself. He sat back in his chair and waited for everyone to finish.[/color][/size][/font]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Awsome. [B]Name: [/B] Hayshi Sasuke [B]Age: [/B] 26 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Apearence: [/B] [img]http://img2.imagetown.net/98656693.bmp[/img] [B]Wepons: [/B] An axe, a hand gun that doesnt work, twin swords and twin daggers. all equipted [except for the axe] to 3 belts. [see attatchment for a pic of the axe] [B]Short Bio: [/B] His father died a long time before he was born. His mother died giving birth to him. For about 3 years he was in a childrens homeless shelter untill he finally was adopted by an old man. the old man took the liberty of naming him Hayshi Sasuke. He gave him his own last name, considering his parents name was unknown. Hayshi lived with the man untill he was about 17, when the man died of old age. For about 9 years he's been living on the streets and stealing for food and money. He finnaly came accrosed a large city. Oddly enough, it had no name. He got little out of the people there, most of them were poor and didnt have anything to take. He finnaly decided to check out the main building in the center of the town. Out of wich he took about $30,000,000 worth of money and gold, and also the pin number to activate a deadly wepon. He cant help remebering the number. He has good memory. [I]It's not like I actually want to use it[/I], hes often thought. But hes wanted dead for the power that he has at his fingertips. [B]Theif[/B] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]And here i go, reining my morbid sense of anxiety onto the adventure arena. The rain fell hard. It streaked against the windows wich revealed a gray, dark world outside. All was quiet. Not a sound in the city. Even the building standing in the dead center of the city had silence wrapped around it. Every solitary room in the building secreated no noise. Except a single hall on the top floor, you could hear faintly, gunshots. A well wepon-equipted man ran down the hall, followed by three cops. "Where do you think your goin', punk?!?" one of them yelled, shooting at the man. All bullets seemed to miss and the he turned onto another corridor. He ran quickly and just slid into the closing door of an elevator. The cops skidded to a stop and shot at the decending elevator. The man was suprised at how fast these elevators were. He shifted his weight, hateing to have to stay still when he was on the run. Finally, the door slid open on the bottom floor only to reveal two more cops. Before they could even raise there guns, in almost slow motion, the man ducked low to the ground and shoved his way inbetween the two cops. He ran down the hall, the cops shooting at him, and pushed the outside doors open, dissapearing into the darkness and silence of the night. The center building once again felll silent. The man was Hayshi Sasuke. An unknown theif and assasin. From the center building of the nameless city, he had stolen money, gold, and information. What he knew was worse than what he took. He had stored in his memory the pin number to the wepon a secret force had created. With that number, he could access that wepon and other wepons capable of unimaginable destruction. This was the begining of the Depresional Act. A time of fear, striken into the hearts of many by this one man. Oka, you can be a bounty hunter, a wannabe theif wanting to join sides with Sasuke or a wannabe theif wanting to kill Sasuke. I will turn no one down for a spot. [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Apearence:[/B] [B]Wepons:[/B] [B]Short Bio:[/B] [B]Personality: [/B] [optional.] thief/bountyhunter? I'll put my sign up after someone posts. I'm playing Hayshi Sasuke.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
No problem! Glad ya like it! Dun da da dun! ^^
oops! sorry, here, clicky --> [url]http://img3.imagetown.net/82585905.jpg[/url]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua] IC- Otto sighed and leaned back in the chair. "Um, sir, I don't beleive you should do that. You might fall over," one of the girls said, he wasn't sure wich one. "Hm?" he said, taking his feet off of the table, balencing the chair on only its back legs. Kimii claped, smiling. Otto smiled. He loved showing off. Vaxla cleared her throat. Otto looked to her and suddenly fell backwards. There was a round of giggles as he got up, red in the face and smiling. OOC- sorry for the shortness![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I hope this is alright. I sortof changed the pic alot. [img]http://img6.imagetown.net/37481408.jpg[/img]
I hope this is alright. [img]http://img6.imagetown.net/32898824.jpg[/img] i wasnt sure what you ment exactly about the backround...tell me if you want me to change anything.
RPG Whispers of Darkness [PG-13 for Language and Violence]
ArunueShekamari replied to Katana's topic in Theater
[font=Book Antiqua][color=SeaGreen][size=2]Vivek looked up into the tree and scowled. Then she yelled, "If I want anything I'll just take it, thank you verry much! I don't supposed you'd give me that nice necklace if I just asked for it, now would you?" Nyx was silent. Vivek spit on the ground and walked off, back to that camp she had found earlier. Maybe they'd have something for her to take. Of course, they didn't. She wen't through almost every tent and none of them had any valuables. They were all soilders. She finnally gave up and climbed up into a tree abouve one of the tents. The branches were wide and easy for her to climb. but it didn't provide much protection from sight. She was in almost plain veiw. It didn't matter. She got into a safe position and went to sleep.[/color][/font][/size]