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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari

  1. [font=Garamond]A car pulled over a little ways up the raod and backed up. Sphen stood at the passengerside door. The window rolled down. "Aren't you on vacation?" the man almost sarcastically asked Sphen. Sphen smiled and got into the car. "Yeah, I am, I guess," He said, looking at one of the young men he worked with. "I was just going to go dawn and see if I'm needed. I have nothing to do."[/font] [font=Garamond]The younger man shook his head. "You should get away for a little while. You deserve it. You've always worked your ass off."[/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen sighed. "I guess. But I have no where to go."[/font] [font=Garamond]"Bullshit! Get a flight to some beach and relax. Get yourself out of here. Stop making excuses." The man glanced over at Sphen while talking to him. Probably a bad idea, considering he was supposed to be driving. [i]I guess I am just making excuses,[/i] Sphen thought to himself, [i]But I can't leave. Not sure why, but I can't.[/i] [/font] [font=Garamond]The car stopped infront of the town station. "You can check in, but we've got it under control." The young man said as they both walked inside. "Bullshit," Sphen muttered.[/font] [font=Garamond]"Lour, you're supposed to be on vacation," another officer said as Sphen made his way to his office. "I spent an entire work day drinking, that's vacation enough for me. Besides, I bet I have a ton of paper--" Sphen opened his office door. "Wow.....That[i] is[/i]alot of paper work......."[/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen sat at his desk, some of his work filed, some signed, some still sitting on his desk. He figured he was getting pretty good progress. It was all just routine things anyway. Sign this, file this, put that into clasified filing for evidence, We need to order a new desk for Carl.....again. Pretty much normal cshit that he could do with his eyes closed.[/font] [font=Garamond][i]I haven't had a nightmare sence I was 12.....[/i] Sphen thought to himself, thinking of his brother aproaching him about visions. It was a lie though. He'd had a nightmare a week ago. His mind had blocked it out. W[i]hat does that mean though? Why had he had those visions and why was he condemned to be mutilated like that? [/i]Sphen strained to remember what Evan had told him. [i]Something about 'punishment to sinless men for the sin and crime of their race'?[/i] At that point, it was the only thng he had that made sence to him. His broher was a saint. An angel, if you will. and the second on that'd been killed, he'd known. Not well, but they'd talked and he seemed a rather decent man. At the moment, Sphen just needed a reason to put to this. Even wide spread insanity would ease his mind if it fit the situation.[/font]
  2. [font=Garamond]OOC: No problem.[/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond]IC: Sphen rubbed his eyes and tried to get rid of the sickening sight of his brother's torn up body. It took a minute, but he decided that walking around the house would get his heart pumping blood, he'd feel better, and wouldn't be so subjective to that nasty thought.[/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen took a deep breath and lifted himself out of his chair. It took him half an hour to walk around his entire house, considering, they were able to afford a fairly large house. Sphen couldn't think of it as his home anymore. Every room held a memory or him and Evan. The two had been so close, they had slept in the same room, even though there were two other bedrooms in the house. After every room he entered, the thought of him continueing to live there grew more and more distant.[/font] [font=Garamond]Eventually, he was back in the main room. He sighed and walked over to the table and picked up his badge, tucking it into his pocket. He left the house compleatly unaware of the fact that he'd left his gun on the table too. He didn't pick it up because, truthfully, it wasn't there.[/font]
  3. [font=Garamond]ooc: No problem, Matt.[/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen woke up coughing. He leaned forward so he wouldn't choke and sure enough, he tumbled down the front steps. As he tried to lift himself up, he felt his hand slip on the concreate. He looked down and saw blood smeared and first though that he had hit his head when he fell, then realized that it wasn't, when he saw blood dripping from his lips onto the pavement. He sat up and wiped the blood from his mouth, only to find that he'd coughed up more blood then he though. His shirt and coat looked like he had a chest wound.[/font] [font=Garamond]Before he could lift himself up, a young man rushed over to him. "Are you alright?" he asked? Sphen realized how stiff he was from sleeping on the porch. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just coughed up a little blood. No big deal, I'm a bit used to it," Sphen said. It was a lie, though, he'd never done it before. He'd been sick for weeks, but he'd never hacked blood like that. "You coughed this much blood?" He asked, helping Sphen to his feet. "Yeah," Sphen said, streching, "You wanna come in? Looks like we both need some company." "Yeah, sure," Dallas said, "I can spare a little while." [/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen came back into the main room in clean clothing. Dallas was examining a painting hanging on the wall. Sphen paused and put his badge and gun on the table. He'd had to clean blood off them too. "You like that?" Sphen asked, walking up behind him. "Yeah," Dallas said, looking at the signature at the bottom, "This by Lour?" Sphen nodded. "Yeah, I bought one from him a while ago," Dallas said, examining it, "I guess you bought one too." Sphen smirked to himself. "Something like that," he said.[/font] [font=Garamond]"Him and I talked once," Dallas said, "When I bought this. I think he lives around here..." Sphen sat down. "He did."[/font] [font=Garamond]"Did?" Dallas asked, "Where?" Sphen looked at the painting on the wall. "Here," He said, "I'm his little brother." Dallas looked back at the painting. "Oh," he said, "Where'd he go, then?" It was an innocent question. Harmless enough. "You hear about those really brutal murders around here lately?" Sphen asked. Dallas looked at him, "Yeah, they printed one in the newspaper, but I'm guessing that they were told not to print the others." Sphen was quiet and Waited for Dallas to realize what he'd ment. He didn't seem to get it. "Do you know how horrid it is....." Sphen said slowly, "To have to clean up something that disturbing......then find out, that mangled human flesh is your own sibling?" Dallas looked at him for a moment. "I'm very sorry. I think I'd better get going." Dallas left and Sphen sighed and got up. He looked up at the picture for a minute, then took it down and faced it against the wall.[/font]
  4. [font=Garamond]Sphen sighed to himself. "The Black Death...." He whispered to himself, "The Plauge. supposedly caused by infectious fleas and ticks on rats. Not demonic punishment for sin?" Sphen dragged himself out of the bar and walked home. He only lived a mile and he needed to walk off the booze. 'Maybe I'll get hit by a car," He said to himself, more of concerned thinking then wishfull thinking, "I [i]am[/i] drunk after all."[/font] [font=Garamond]Once Sphen got to his home, he stood outside for a minute then sat on the front porch. He couldn't bring himself to go inside. He could either just stay there of go back to the bar. He ended up falling asleep outside, leaning against the house.[/font]
  5. [font=Garamond]Spen stood and began to walk away from the bar. He had no intention of conversing. He sat back down at a booth near the other side of the room, and put his head down on the table. The fact that Jack didn't follow him didn't strike him as odd at all.[/font] [font=Garamond]What did strike him odd was that Jack wasn't commenting on the match anymore. He didn't think much of it, though, considering he couldn't barely lift his head anyway.[/font]
  6. [font=Garamond]Sphen didn't look up. He just sighed and grabbed his drink, moving the ice around with his finger. His back was starting to hurt from the way he was slouching over and his forhead being pressed againt the bar. Oh, wonderful gravity.[/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen lifted his head to take a drink and glanced over at the young man beside him. He coughed as he took a sip. "Are you sure this is scotch?" He asked, wiping his mouth with the side of his hand. 'Yes, sir, same thing you've been drinking for the past hour," the bartender said. "Then I'd better stop drinking." He said quietly, setting the cup down.[/font]
  7. [font=Garamond]"You really think getting drunk is going to make it go away?" The bartender asked after Sphen's 5th order. "Yes," He said with his head on the table, "Yes, I absolutely do." The bartender eyed him over, and seeing the gun at his side asked, "Were those murders really that brutal?" Sphen looked up at her questioningly. "You're gun. You're an officer, right?" Sphen sighed and put his head back down. "Yeah," he said quietly, "The most recent was the worst." The bartender took an order from another customer. "Yeah? Don't go telling anyone this," she said quietly, leaning close to Shpen, "But I heard it was Evan Lour. Y'know, the painter that lives down the ways. I don't know him, so I don't know if that's right. I've seen his work though. This town's pretty small, I'm suprised I didn't know him..." The bartender's voice trailed off as she got a glimpse of Sphen's badge, neatly pinned to his coat. S. Lour. She let him be and went about taking orders. " 'Nother scotch, please..." Sphen said weakly, his head still on the table.[/font] [font=Garamond]Pretty soon, Sphen realized he couldn't afford much more booze. So, he just sat there, at the very end of the bar, watching people come in and go out and socialize and drink themselfs out cold. He fingered the gun in it's holster and thought about anything he could to keep his mind off of his brother. Eventually, his mind did end up coming to his brother's paintings. What an artist. Ever sence they were kids, his older brother was always the artistic type. Calm, gracefull, a bit too peacefull for a young boy. His paintings were always beautiful. He sold his first when he was 17. Evan had been painting a scene of the town, with Sphen commenting and watching him work when a rather old man had come up to them and told him that the painting was beautiful and he'd love to have it in his family room. Evan ended up selling it to him and ended up selling to alot of other townspeople. Most likely, half the town has a painting that he did in their home. It was hard for him to part with alot of his paintings, but that's what made them even more special to whomever bought them. They had feeling and love in them. Evan still had about 30-40 paintings left in their home. The ones that he couldn't bare to sell and the ones he'd just recently done. 'On one hand,' Sphen thought, 'I could sell them all, and try to forget about all this. Try to force myself to move on by getting rid of anything and everything that would remind me of him. On the other hand, I don't want to move on so quickly, I want to have those paintings to remind me of him and love him.' [/font] [font=Garamond]Sphen put his head on the table again.[/font]
  8. [font=Garamond]I thought about it, but I'll have to cut you two. Thanks for understanding. I like to have experienced members. Sign ups are still open, but I'll be strting it soon.[/font]
  9. [font=Garamond]Alright. Little bit of a problem, like I said before, I don't ussually accept new members into my RPGs, I like more experienced players. I was going to allow Nagi tomo into the RP because I liked your profile, but we've got another New member that's entered a submission. So, I'll have to consider whether or not to accept you two. Revelation, The Nameless, Box Hoy, you guys have been accepted. Israfel, Nagi Tomo, I'm considering your applications.[/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond]Sign ups are still open.[/font]
  10. [font=Garamond]I love SC2, because each charecter, having unique wepons and body type, have a different feel of control. I feel extreamly comfortable with Maxi. The speed and agility are really controllable items for me. In the same aspect, I'm comfortable with Raphael. Probably only because I've actually handled and used the rapier. On the other hand, I feel very comfortable with Nightmare. His attacks are slower, but if you know anything about timing, you can use him greatly. I love beating the quick little chicks with him. I have friends (more like co-workers who invade my house when my brother's gone and can't kick their *****) that come over and think I'm cruel because I'm throwing this little chicky across the room with this huge guy. Then I look over at the sexist bastard and remind him that I can throw him across the room like that if he'd like (he knows I can.) and he shuts up.[/font] [font=Garamond]I don't like using the girls often. Every now and then when I'm fighting the bigger, slower guys and I'm getting sick of using Maxi, I'll use a chick. But I don't feel comfortable with them. The most creative charecter, though, in my opinion was Yoshimitsu. I love him. I don't like to use him much though, but I can. His specials are kick *** if you can manage to use them.
  11. [font=Garamond]Boooooox! I didn't even tell you about this..huh. I'm going ot wait for 1 or two more people. Ussually when I say this, no one else signs up. So I'll start it in a few days if no one signs up, but if we get more people, I'll extend the date.[/font] [font=Garamond] [/font] [font=Garamond]Nagi Tomo, I don't ussually accept people into my RPG's that are new to the OB, But I liked your profile. I know these two can keep the detail up....haha...Box.....hehehehe......so try and do your best and keep up with us silly veterans. ^-^[/font]
  12. [font=Garamond]Here you are, sweety. I made two different sizes. Hope you like 'em.[/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [font=Garamond][/font] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23892&stc=1[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23893&stc=1[/img]
  13. [font=Garamond]This RP will contain large amounts of violence, which also means there's bound to be strong language.[/font] [font=Garamond][size=4]Dance[/size][/font] [font=Courier New]Midnight shadows,[/font] [font=Courier New]Sunshine's darkness,[/font] [font=Courier New]Never hide from light.[/font] [font=Garamond]"I won't,." A strong voice said through the night. "[b]You shall not live, then[/b]?" a voice that was more alike to a blood curdeling sound answered. "I won't. If my death is the price.....so be it.." The demonic voice replied to this, '[b]As you wish[/b]."[/font] [font=Garamond]The only sound after that was the sound of quick footsteps and then of a body hitting the ground. Human flesh hitting pavement makes an undeniable sound. It's uniqe and unmatched. And it sends chills through the night and winds through your windows.[/font] [font=Garamond]"We cannot let this go on," an officer muttered under his breath, "This isn't right." He looked down at the mutilation on the pavement and grimanced. He'd been working on the force for 13 years and this was the first time he'd gotten sick from his job. He turned away and threw up on the side walk.[/font] [font=Garamond]The body looked as though, from the top of the head, to the bottom of the torso, it had been split open with a knife, then layed apart, so all of the body's innards spilled out. although, having the body open the way it was, there was no way the could spill [i]out. [/i]There was no way for them to be even [i]in[/i] any more. They just sloshed to the sides and [i]off[/i] the opened body. Even the head was split open in the same way, the skull cut clean through, although, the bone wasn't fractured at all. Just a single clean cut down the middle of the face. The body's brain was the only inconsistancy. The brain looked as though it had been blown apart and lay around the body's head, in about a 2 foot radius.[/font] [font=Garamond]A soilder held a hankerchief over his mouth and, teary eyed from trying to keep his breakfast down, pulled a sharp, metal object from inside the body's chest. He managed not to throw up and wrapped the object in his hanker chief and hastily made his way over to his commanding officer. He tapped his officer on the shoulder. "Sir..." he said quietly, sickly. The officer replied slowly, not looking at the soilder, "Yes?" His eyes were on the ground and he was trying to regain his composure. "Sir.....we found this around his chest area. You might like to take a look at it." The officer looked at the soilder. "It's not a 'he' anymore......' he said bluntly, then looked to the rolled up hanker chief. The soilder opened it slowly and carefully. Inside the hankerchief he held a small, metal pendant, about the size of a silver dollar. The officer looked at it, turned and again, threw up.[/font] [font=Garamond]The mess was cleaned up, like the two others. And like the other two cases, it was called a 'freak accident', so as not to create mass panic. no pictures were released, no cause of death. The media was helpless for inside story, which would not be let out. For all the police knew, it had been a freak accident. But three of the same exact cases? No. It couldn't have been an accident. But as far as the public went, it was. Police force was doubled, though, it's hard to defend against something which the only information about it you know is that it's malicious and blood thirsty.[/font] [font=Garamond]Don't worry, I'll shed a little bit more light in my charecter sign up. you can sign up as a citizen of the city, you may sign up as a police officer, be creative with your charcter roles.[/font] [font=Garamond][u]Sign up:[/u][/font] [font=Garamond][b]Name:[/b][/font] [b][font=Garamond]Age:[/font][/b] [b][font=Garamond]Sex:[/font][/b] [b][font=Garamond]Occupation:[/font][/b] [b][font=Garamond]Appearance:[/font][/b] [b][font=Garamond]Back History:[/font][/b] [font=Garamond][b]Name:[/b] Spencer('Sphen') Lour[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Age:[/b] 29[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Sex: [/b]Male[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Occupation:[/b] Police officer[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img192.echo.cx/img192/440/norris1xq.jpg"]http://img192.echo.cx/img192/440/norris1xq.jpg[/url][url="http://chrono.lunar-net.com/cc/cross/characters/norris/art.jpg"][/url] *cough*.[/font] [font=Garamond][b]Back History:[/b] Sphen began work on the police force at the age of 16. For 5 years he worked his way up to Commanding Officer. It was a much needed victory. He kept the title and worked hard. His older brother, Evan, was always right beside him, helping him with work and keeping an eye out for him. Evan Lour was an intelligent and artistic man who beleived in justice and equality.[/font] [font=Garamond]One night, Evan aproached his younger brother, working into the night on a suspected murder case. It was very brutal and bloody. Evan sat down from Sphen and took a deep breath. What Sphen heard was astonishing.[/font] [font=Garamond]"I've got the answer to that case you're working on. I've got the answer to my night terrors," is what he said, "Don't be a fool and class that as murder. It was, and still is a religious mission. Don't be a fool and class the body as 'identity unknown'. I beleive you know by now that it's Brent Daniel. remember the dream he'd been telling about only days ago? His preminition of demonic figures cascading from the depths of hell to abolish sinless men? He had another preminition, one he dare not utter. A hellish fiend came directly to him, seized his throat and spoke to him in the voice of hell and sin. 'Give me flesh,' The demon had spoke, 'Give me flesh or I shall take it, I shall take it from yourself.' " Evan paused, then continued slowly, "I had these same two preminitions. Hell and sin have been unleashed again. Now we shall experience again, the Black Death, more aproprite to the sinfull, human pleasures of this cetury."[/font] [font=Garamond]Another man was killed. Then another. [/font] [font=Garamond]The soilder brought Spen the pendant. It was Evan's.[/font] [font=Garamond]The Black Death.[/font]
  14. When I was in high school, none of the boys would come near me, all the chicks were afraid of me and I had few friends. Not like I wanted any. Only one boyfriend my throughout high school. I guess mostly I fit under goth because of looks and the personality, but ironically enough, I was the biggest geek in the school. I knew more about computers then the teachers. Straight A+ student and never studied a lick. I beat the **** out of so many kids though. I guess I looked threatening too. Come to think of it, the fact that my brother often picked me up after school might have gotten alot of them to hate me. Big brother's boyfriend's got some really expensive cars. I guess they thought I was rich. Poor jealous kids. Kids are extreamly sterio typical these days. It warms my heart. :P
  15. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]I live down in Phoenix AZ. The desert is so beautiful and so are the storms that should be starting up soon. ^-^ I think I've only been down here a little over a year. The car ride down here from New York was so beautiful. Except for going through Tenesee. That was hell. @-@ Wish I had pictures.
  16. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Eathan grabbed the lamp from Matt as quick as he could and pointed it at Matt. "Bad," he said, like you'd say to a dog that just pissed on the carpet. Eathan grinned and set the lamp down. "Then again, breaking and entering isn't very honerable, young man." He said, turning towrds Chris, still halfway hiding behind the door.[/color][/font]
  17. [img]http://img279.echo.cx/img279/6493/plantsmore0060mz.png[/img] [img]http://img163.echo.cx/img163/1508/plantsmore0044jd.png[/img] [img]http://img20.echo.cx/img20/7440/plantsmore0031zp.png[/img] [img]http://img182.echo.cx/img182/9806/plantsmore0018lu.png[/img] [img]http://img226.echo.cx/img226/2841/plantsagain0047ik.png[/img] [img]http://img222.echo.cx/img222/163/plantsagain0039ge.png[/img] [img]http://img271.echo.cx/img271/8365/plantsagain0029pa.png[/img] [img]http://img239.echo.cx/img239/1124/plantsagain0014ri.png[/img] [img]http://img210.echo.cx/img210/5936/plants0038zk.png[/img] [img]http://img220.echo.cx/img220/4277/plants0020jv.png[/img] [img]http://img217.echo.cx/img217/203/plants0016ev.png[/img] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]^I love those flowers.[/color][/font] [url="http://img220.echo.cx/img220/4277/plants0020jv.png"][/url]
  18. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Go ahead, I don't mind. It's your banner.[/color][/font]
  19. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]The banner should be fine. With the avatar, save it to your computer and upload it from your cp. ^^ That should work.[/color][/font]
  20. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Yeah, I'll do it, might take me a minute or two, I'll have to remake the banner.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57]EDIT: Done.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23580&stc=1[/img]
  21. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Yeah, I'm over in Phoenix. It's already 100+ here. Beautiful plant-life, though.[/color][/font]
  22. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]I decided to throw a few horrible quality pics in. >.< The bad quality makes some of them a bit more interesting. Not many.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][img]http://img53.echo.cx/img53/1736/plants0016fq.png[/img][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [img]http://img141.echo.cx/img141/5660/plants0026uw.png[/img] [img]http://img123.echo.cx/img123/7383/plants0037qs.png[/img] [img]http://img146.echo.cx/img146/636/plants0043fr.png[/img] I like this one.
  23. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]I'll get on this right away and edit this in about 2 minutes. ^_-[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=seagreen]Edit: All done! Tell me if you'd like me to add anything.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23578&stc=1[/img][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#2e8b57][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23579&stc=1[/img][/color][/font]
  24. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=silver]Eathan cracked his neck again and got up. His mouth was dry, but he felt better. Little bit of reality, he thought, helped him come down a bit better. Could you blame him, though? Even someone like him needed to escape this if they could. [/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#c0c0c0]Eathan took a deep breath and looked around the room for no reason, really. He liked to have a sense of his surroundings, though. He went into the kitchen after Matt, leaving the younger boy. He never did well with kids.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#c0c0c0]"Quite a place you got here," Eathan almost sneered. "I know, it's a dump, but it's better then nothing," Matt said, taking one last futile look around the kitchen for something else.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#c0c0c0]"So, what's your story?" Matt asked, looking at Eathan now. "Story?" Eathan asked, "I don't have one." His tone was rather blunt. Matt shrugged and took a plate out into the main room. Eathan followed behind him and took a place ont he couch. After moving some clutter out of he way first.[/color][/font]
  25. [font=Garamond][size=1][color=seagreen][font=Garamond][size=2][color=seagreen]Kiiiitiiiiiieeeeee.
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