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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari
Sakin limped slowly back to her room. She sat on her bed, in her small room and looked herself over. She had just come back from training. She got beaten bad in a drill. "Damn." She said as she lifted off her shirt and unwrapped the chest band. She put her shirt back on and layed down on her bed. "That feels a bit better." She sighed and closed her eyes. She opened them a split second later to banning on her door. "SAKIN!" A voice yelled from behind the door. It was the same person that yelled to her in the feild. "You forgot your sword Sakin." He said as he entered the room. Sakin stood up and slouched her shoulders over to hide her chest abit and grabbed the sword the man was holding out. "Also Sakin um I--" Sakin cut him off by closing the door and shutting him out. She held her sword and leaned up against the door. An hour later she was walking her horse through the town, looking for something to do to keep her mind off her constant struggle to consel her gender. She lifeted her hand to her chest, now with a strap around her. "okay...lets see. A pub maybe? hmm..." She tied her horse up in a stable out side of a small store building. "Maybe I'll find something worth while." She walked inside and saw mant costomers standing around looking for something nice to buy. But what stood out was two girls tending to the wounds of another girl. She walked up to them and snatched the cloth one was cleaning the wounds of another one. "Don't rub the wound fool." The girls were abit taken aback. "You have to dab at it. So that you don't open the wound more." Sakin handed the cloth back to the girl. "Now take care of yourselfs please." As she walked away she snatched an orange on the table and stuckit in a pack. "Stupid little girls." She said to herself. _______________________________________________________________ ^-^
A young tenager galloped her horse down a feild. they stoped and galloped back the other way. After going back and forth about three times, the teenager stoped and tied they'r horse to a tree. "There you go. Sorry I had to run you so hard. I'll be back in a bit." The teenager had a voice, just so deep that ther're gender was imposible to tell. the teen ran to a tree farther away and jumped up into it. They had black spikey hair and was wearing a long cape with leather underneath. The teen jumped back down out of the tree, running back to ther're horse, with an apple in they're mouth, and one in they're hand. "There you go girl!" The teen handed the apple to the horse and took the other one out of her mouth. "God. I hope no one finds us here...that wouldn't go well...they might find out...that I'm a girl..." She lifted her hand to her chest, where she usually had a strap to keep her chest consealed. "I look enough like a guy...but..." She held the apple for her horse while it bit into it. "poor girl. You were starving. Here have mine.." She handed over the apple she had in her mouth before. "I look enough like a guy and sound enough like a guy. But I don't have my chest strap on right now.The guys would be able to tell. Oh well. I guess we should get back, aye girl? They'll get suspicious." She climbed back on her horse and rode off towrds the boys knight's school grounds. As she rode she thought to herself, [i]Why the name Mitzo? Why my mother's name? Mitzo. Mitzo Sakin.[/i] "Yo! Sakin!" A voice yelled from across the grounds. "Your late for practice! Get your sword and get over here or you'll never be a knight!" Mitzo Sakin slowly walked her horse over to the training grounds thinking, [i]women becoming knights. Thats my goal. Thats why I'm here.[/i] ____________________________________ sorry if the begining is a little counfusing ^^
WHAT THE HELL! ohmygodthatstoolong! lol ________________________________________________________ Rein opened the door and almost dropped Samoyni when he saw Arunue standing there oin the door way. "We'd love to have you allong Rein Dear!" She teased, "Come on..." Arunue reached to his shoulder and all three disapeared and re-apperead infront of Hiroshi, Toshi, Garren and Kieko. "took ya long enoough sis." Hiroshi said getting up off the ground. "Come on. We have to move." Hiroshi put his arm around his little sister and kissed her on the lips.As they began to walk off Hiroshi looked back around. "Yo! Toshi! Your not still upset at us are you?" ________________________________ you people...........-.-
awsome! I started this yesterday and we only need one more person! W00T! heh heh....okay! as soon as we get one more person I'll start it up! let me say you'r all going to be verry disapointed with my firts post :naughty: Edit: Okay...I asked someone to sign up and I haven't gotten a reply yet...if they say yes...then they're going to post they're bio here...then post on the thread...if they say no...then we'll countinue...but i'm going to start it...so we might have another person coming in...^^ lol...So I guess I'll start it!
no it wosn't................lol...but I'll start it when we get two more people!
lol...You joined fire pheonix! w00t w00t! This is gunna be good now! okay...so far we have: G/S/B Master--Makiyu Aranta Iggy--Kenzy Mayakuma FirePeonix--Milo Drendy Arunue--Mitzo Kuchana _____________________________ all our names begin with M........-.-.... okay! we have for and we only need 2 more! okay! If no one signes up then we can do with 4 ^^
yes I'm offering a large sum of money...I just typed in a three then a bunch of zeros.....^^ okay here mine...after I get mine up we only need three more! and theres a reason that there are 6 people needed when only 5 can win...::evil grin:: smoeones gotta loose something...^^ ___________________________ Name: Mitzo Kuchana [prefers Kuchana] Age: 16 Gender: Female Bio: Owner of the Kanouyate Race and owner of most of the land around the town. Started the Race out of shear bordum. Aperance: Tall. Black long coat, length to her ankles. Black kneehigh boots. Black leather pants. And a white tanktop. Blue spikey hair. Pale complexion. Red bandana tied around a hole in her coat. Hand held suplies: 3 inch wide sword, pair of .45s, cigerets and lighter. Hevy suplies: Sleeping bag, water cantiens, horse grains, bow and Arrow set. ____________________ also! I've edited the poster in my first post!! lol...^^ not too much but I thought it would be more interseting. ________ and..there are 18 o's........so that would be...like...3,ooo,ooo,ooo ² [three billion to the second power]
there is a small amount of civilization, a once vacant town, in the middle of the desert. The Kanouyate. This desert is so vast, if you had travled to the town in the center, you wouldn't have the energy, supplies, nor will power to return to the lush forests surounding the desert. A young girl, dressed in black leather, lept off her stalion and walked over to a near pub window. She posted a poster onto the window. It read as follows. _______________________________________________ [b]Race across the desert and back[/b] ^ A race on horse back across ^ the desert back to the forests surounding it. You must ^ bring back a full branch of leaves from the forests. The Race will ^ be held for 3 weeks and begin in two days. The prize for the first 5 ^ contestants, will be ^ $3,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo ^ ^ [SIZE=1] Fare warning to you all. This event will kill some of you.[/SIZE] _______________________________________________ So we have a story base line. heh heh...I need 5 people to sign up....excluding myself ^.^ Okay...heres what I need: [b]Name:[/b] [b]age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [B]Bio:[/B] [B]Apearence:[/B] [B]Wepons/Suplies:[/B] [hand held. like in a book bag you can carry] [B]Other Suplies:[/B] [suplies caried on horeback. IE food suplies, watter suplies, anything slung across saddle] ^.^ I say again....I need 5 more people and I'll but up my signup later. ^.^
"thats what you think..." Hiroshi said, tightenning his equiptment belt that he usually had hiden under his coat. "Yeah. Me and Hiro here have been to Sera..." Arunue smiled at Toshi "But not where you might think. Aint that right Hiro?" "Yeah. That would scare him into shock." Hiroshi said with a weird smile on. "What would?" Toshi asked. "Oh...um..nothing much....Hey Runue...do you think HE'd help us...?" Hiroshi asked Arunue "no...that senile old fool is probably dead anyway." Arunue chuckled and patted Hiro on the back. "And if he aint ...he'd kill us for being with Toshi here." Toshi stood infront of them now. "What the hell are you talking about?" Hiroshi put his hand on Toshi's shoulder. "Its nothing. Exept we...sortof. helped the Lost Desert Koingdom with their attack on your kingdom. Nothing personal...we didn't know you then...they...they gave us suplies! It was the only time me and Runue needed help. Heh. She was little and I couldn't suport her as well...no big deal now is it?" Hiroshi walked past Toshi who just stood there, staring.
Name:Mitzo Sakin [prfers Sakin(called by her last name)] Gender:Female Age: 16 Appearance:Short, black spikey hair, with red tips. Wears a black nomads cape and a black leather jacket and leather pants underneath. A pair of fingerless black leather gloves and black kneen high boots. Weapon: White sheathied sword, worn on a belt around her waist. also twin daggers with leather sheaths and 3 throwing knives. Element: Fire Bio:Mitzo grew up with her older 24 year old brother, as her father died before she was born and her mother died giving birth to her. She learned sowrdsmanship from her brother and also his bad attutude. The odd thing about her is that she is a mute. She can't talk. Either that or she just doesn't want to. She is arogent, stubborn and listens to no one. [sounds like someone I know...] Personality:She is what people have said "Crule and heartless" She's shown no wekness ever. not a shard of kindness or love for none exept her brother. She learned this attitude by living out in an abandoned area and having to hunt game to live off of. in other words, she talks with her sword. __________ sorry if its alittle counfusing...heh heh....
damnitt your right...........hhmmm...well I guess that puts me out of a job........I hate that the zise max is so different on differtent boards...oh well! I can go out on the street asking for money again! lol
okay! this is not mine..its actuallyfrom a picture on of my friends drew and I'm making a story to go along with it. anything that is in *these things* is part of my friends picture. DDR zyger I want that picture scanned and put up here tooo-- oops.............we have the picture dont we? oh well we'll send it to you and you cant scan it. sorry. my scaners broken^^ _________________________________________ A little 4 year old girl sat in the grass, on a beautiful summer's day. She loked as though waiting for someone. She was smiling and picking white dasies. She then heard singing behind her. "If you'll be my daisy I'll be your sunshine, I'll help you grow up big and strong!" The little girl turned around to see a young man in a blue suit standing behind her. She rushed up to him. "Oh! Mr. Wolfwood your hurt!" Wolfwood tilted his head as to ask "huh?" "Your wings! Your wings are gone! Did it hurt?" The little girl cried pointing to wolfwood's back. "Oh! My wings. I still have them but they can't be visible now okay?" Wolfwood said kneeling down and pating her on the head. "Oh. Why not?" She asked counfused, with that little inocent tone. "Its nothing, Jess. Never you mind." Wolfwood got up and held out a hand. "Care for a walk?" He asked. little Jess took his hand and they walked down the side of the road. After a few minutes Jess stoped and tugged on Wolfwood's shirt. "Can I tell you something Mr. Wolfwood?" she asked in that same inocent tone. "Go right ahead." Wolfwood said as he smiled. *Jess straightened herself out and looked up at Wolf wood. "I know little girls arn't suposed to fall in love with Angels, but Mr. Wolfwood, I think I have!"* Wolfwood leaned down and hugged her. "I love you too Jess." _______________________________- ^^ so sweet isn't it? there is another picture and another half of the story. but I don't remember what exactly the dialog was...so I'll ask DDR Zyger [whom drew them] And I'll get the second part up. =^-^= Coments so far?
lol...um...you probably posted not knowing there was a second page? Cuz you already left Noelle. Oh well I'll work with it..._______________ Arunue stoped before she entered her room. "Oh! Samoyni...your still here? I thought you left with my brother?" Arunue said walking over to Samoyni. "Nope!" She said "Me and Rein stayed here." Samoyni smiled and closed Reins door, where she had just been. "He's still asleep though." "Okay...hmm...oh well...I guess Hiro thought it would be easier with only him and Toshi." Arunue said openning her door to go in. "Nope! Me and Rein asked to stay behind..." Samoyni replied. "Oh?" Arunue said "Really? hmm...well I'm probably going to equipt and go find him soon. I can't stand being left out. " Arunue walked into her room and looked at the wepons she had bought the night before. A pair of daggers, a sword, a bow with four arrows, and 3 pocket knives. She equipted the sword, daggers and bow and left the knives for whoever wanted them. Arunue walked down the hall towrds the door. She put on her fingerless leather gloves and turned the door nob. As she opened the door, she saw her brother Toshi and Keiko standing in the door way. "Well...your back early..." Arunue said loking her brother over.
here we go! I have a chobits banner just for you! wee! I hope you like it^^ [IMG]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid104/pca1524a180cbbe97f78971bb937bf5c5/f99989ab.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid104/pca1524a180cbbe97f78971bb937bf5c5/f99989ab.jpg[/url]
Ah! yes I see....that would be ggod but when I made them I din't sespifically make them for this board...^_^....but I'm happy for the advice and I made them pretty quickly actually....lol...I really should have taken more time on them....thankz for the info and I'll take that into acount on my next try! -_^ ~arunue
"I'm I really that bad drunk?" Arunue asked Garren. "Yes." was all he said. "Bartender!" She yelled. The bartender appeared and poared her a coke. "Thanks." She took a sip. "God I wish they had'nt of left. Did they say a returning time?" She asked Garren. "No. Sorry." Garren sat an his stool and moved around salt, spilled on the table. "Heh. I need some rest. Best way to pass time away. I'm gunna be in my room if you need me." Arunue got up and took one more sip of her coke. Before returning she stood up and kissed Garren full on the lips.Then went back to her room. ______________ your turn
"You never know what one glass of 80 proof gold tequila can do to a person! now get up and equipt. Or maybe we souldn't go with me drunk...hehe!" Arunue was swaying back and froth slightly with a smile on her face and sitting on her knees leanning over Garren. "Um. Yes?" Garren had no Idea what she had just said. "Maybe you should lay down." "What are you crazy? I haven't been this drunk in years!" Arunue hoped off the bed and ran out the door, down the hall and into Hiroshi's room. Garren could hear them slightly. "Arunue your drunk as hell! No more tequila for you! God we're gunna have to leave without you. We can't delay the serch. You just stay here ok? I explained the treat of Rail to everyone last night. exept Garren was gone. heh. We'll have him stay here with you and make sure you don't get more drunk." Hiroshi sounded tired. "Okay big brother! But why did you take off your accent?" It was true. Hiroshi no longer had an accent. "Aw its just anoying. better to leave it off. now you get some sleep okay? And send Garren to talk to me okay?" Hiroshi sent Arunue back into her room. She ran into the room and jumped onto Garren. "Big brother wants to talk to you! uh-huh! Talk to big brother!" Arunue got off garren and he stood up. "Uh...maybe you should get some rest okay?" Gatrren pushed Arunue into a laying down position and threw the covers over her. "Now go to sleep okay?" Arunue nodded. Garren entered Hiroshi's room and looked at him. "Damn! She's a handfull when she's drunk! and she only had one drink!" Hiroshi laughed at his comment then turned serious. "Stay here with Arunue okay? We have to go look for Rail......I'll explain when we get back."
Garren saw the bartender re-apear and walk to his left. He looked to where the bartender went and Arunue was sitting on a stool. The bartender took out a bottle of 80 proof gold tequila from under the counter and poured it into a glass. "Thanks." Arunue said as she picked up the glass and swollowed it in one drink. She got up and pushed the seat in. Without looking at him Arunue said, "Don't worry Garren I'm just going out to get some more wepons. I still have all but that sword of mine you kept. And keep it." She then turned around to face Garren and gave him a smile. "Some one once said to me 'Call me from hell to see you. I'd go through demensions to help my love'....and I want you to keep that in mind. I'll be back before sunset. And don't go back to my brother's room please. He'll end up killing you or raping you." She chuckled a little at this. "See ya in the morning." Then she walked out into the cold night air. ______________________________________
no...I didn't draw it...lol...^^ and I've never seen the series so I cant really do a good banner. someone wanted me to make a neroutu banner so I did.
Arunue closed her eyes for a minute then scowled at her brother. "You idiot!" She said as she rushed ot of the room. She skidded to a halt at the end of the hall."Rail! Get back here *****!" She shouted running after the girl. She ran as fast as she could after Rail whom was only walking. "Dammit ***** I told you to stop!" She said as she grabed Rail by the back of her shirt. As she whiped her around Rail disapeared in her hands. "****." Arunue said as she punched through a wall and walked back to her room. "HIROSHI YOU SON OF A--" Hiroshi cut her off. "I know! I know 'm a j'ck ***! Can't blam' me! 'm jus' folowin' ordars!" Hiroshi said as he dodged his sister flying at him. "Calm dow' sis'! Dam' To Alla' calm dow'!" Arunue stole one more punch at her brother then started to shout. "De si canoKUte!! Tesi a dehu maNA na HAKUNE!!" She then left and went to her room and locked the door. From Hiroshi's room they could all hear Arunue scream into a pillow. Garren walked out of the room and shortly walked back in. "She locked me out." He said shaking his head. "Who was that anyway?" "She's worse that Houdor! Thats who she is!" Arunue shouted through the rooms."BASTERED!" she added on. "Well it seems Arunue's mad." Toshi said. "Yeah. and she'll be locked in there for a week at this rate. She's been mad at me for a month once. And she was in there for weeks. Damn." Hiroshi leaned on Garrens shoulder. "Guess your gunna have to find somewhere else to sleep." Hiroshi chuckled a bit and sat down. I'll talk----holly **** I forgot about Rail. Damn. can we talk about this in the morning. And Rein. Don't go after Rail tonight by yourself because I know thats what you were thinking." Rein turned around and walked back to his room. "Now can I have my room back?" they all left exept Garren. "Do you mind......?" Garren said looking hopfully at Hiroshi. "oh fine." Hiroshi said as he layed back down. "Just stay away from me. If I wake up and my pants are unzipped, Garen, I swear I'll kill you." ___________________________________ okay. hows that? lol...kinda weird. Yes keep Arunue in her room please?
okay. I've made banners for my forums. I cant post the link because I'm afraid of braking rules....0.0 :rolleyes: but here are my banners and I have the link in my sig if you want to check it out ^^: [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/3764575.jpeg[/img] [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/66586523.jpeg[/img] [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/75844551.jpeg[/img] [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/18494727.jpeg[/img] [img]http://www.raine-tech.com/images/22588143.jpeg[/img] and the last one is in my sig......^^ coments? lol...click on the banner in my sig to see the boards ^^ but coments on the banners?
Suddenly he got a kick in the head. "ow!" he yelled then looked around to see who had almost given him a cuncusion. "Shut up and get up." Church said as she lifted him to his feet. "theres a hole about 3 yards back that way. You cant see it but its got water down in the bottom I sugest you take a drink. Theres not alot and wee need all we can get." "I just looked down that way! there was no one there!" mat said to himelf. "like I said. Hole. Over there. Get a damn drink." Church picked up her bookbag. Matt noticed that her bag was soaked with blood. and her wrist was slightly dripping with blood. "you look kind of pale there Church." Matt said rather smugly. "Shut up." Church said countinuing to walk. "Just shut up if you want to live" __________________________________________________ ___________ there we go! she didn't stop bleeding okay??
"OH!" Arunue said "I get first game!" She chuckled as she walked over and grabbed a pool stick. "What?! NO! not this again! Your gunna cream me!" Hiroshi had been beaten by his little sister many times at pool. Well, "beaten" isn't really a good word.CREAMED is more like it! "Team plays?" Hiroshi sugested. "Atleast then I'll have a chance." He muttered to himself. "What was that last part?" Arunue looked at him suspiciously. "oh well...I'll still pulverize you." Arunue hit the cue ball and all 15 balls easilly into the pockets. "Beat that." "Oh! I get Arunue as a partner! I suck!!!" Toshi yelled out. Everyone laughed. "I'll be with hiroshi then" Garren said. "I sould be with Arunue.." He muttered only low enough for himself to hear. _______ By the end of the day they had switched partners multiple times and Arunue's team always won. "Good game!" Arunue said laughing. "Oh shut up." Hiroshi scowled."your just lucky." "Lucky? I'm skilled!" Arunue slaped her brother on the back of the head. "Ow...not so mean 'Runue!" Hiroshi wined. "Hard to beleive your 24 hiro......oh well...its late. I'm going to sleep." Arunue yawned. The building Samoyni had manifested had 6 bedrooms near the back. "oops!" Samoyni exlaimed before Arunue could enter a room. "I forgot one. We only have 6 when we need 7! someones going to have to pair up...I'd be glad to pair up with Rein but--" Hiroshi cut her off. "No! Um...me an' 'Runue will pair up...siblings and all it'al be like we ware littal kids again." He began to chuckle. "Uh. no. Hiro. You just got done resurecting Arunue! that took alot of energy didn't it?" Hiroshi nodded. "You probably need your rest! Me and Arunue will pair up. I'll sleep on the floor...I don't mind much." Garren looked down as he said this. Arunue laughed alittle. "I don't really care if I'm paired up with rein.......wait a minute...let me re-phrase that. I don't relly care if I'm paired up with anyone. I'm tired as hell and I'll probably be asleep in 5 minutes! You guys figure out." And with that she closed the door behind her and layed down on her bed. within 15 minutes Garren entered the room. "I guess were paired up." Garren said as he closed the door behind him. "heh. I dont mind." Arunue said opening her eyes. "yeah. And personally I dont either." He said sitting down on the other side of the bed. He gave a weak smile and sighed. _________________________________ der we go! lol ^^
Link dont work in the sig!! put in a seperate link to the site above the banner........^-^ ____________________________________________ Arunue let him kiss her then broke away carefully. I'm not here for long. Hiroshi can't use the full term chant. And you can't use this chant on yourself. So...I'm pretty sure....I'm here for....about 2 months." She looked at him and grinned uneaslly. He huged her and let a tear roll down his cheek. Hiroshi sat down on the grass and watched the two. "Great. Here we go again. This reminds me when me and Arunue had to leave Garren and everyone else for the first time. When they were kids and I had to move into my dojo to teach full time. Arunue had to come with me of coarse and..." His voice trailed off as he wispered to himself. "Oh well..they've got two months. Thats better than nothing." ____________________- ^-^
Hiroshi had been sitting on the other side of the tree that Rein was on. He stood up and walked over to Rein. "I don't know anything about my ancestors. I don't knw if they had know your and I don't really care." Hiroshi began to wallk alitte farther and stoper about a yard away. He turned around and looked at Garren. "Arunue Kalamara" he wispered. Suddenly there was a white cloud spread across the ground and a young girl apeared laying on the soft dirt. Hiroshi bent down and held her in his arms and wispered. "Wake up arunue" and her eyes slowly opened.