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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari
In their shock, no one noticed Arunue sit up slightly. "Pathetic..." She said in a small voice. "Thats just fighting for selfness...hmph...so your a god and you want to get back up to what the morons down here know as heaven...or Asgard as you put it...but...we're all doing this for a different goal...now.." Arunue sat up fully and looked at the group. "We all know why Mizure Rein is here...[little bit of french humor] But...I'm here...well...I don't know why I'm here...I don't know why Garren is here...he says because of me but I'm here because of him...Kieko...I haven't the slightest idea why she's here...Saymoni is just a mystery! And Toshi...well now Toshi's got a bone to pick with Shakia...but why he joined in the first place is unknown...IS THIS JUST SOME STUPID CLICH'E OR WHAT!!?" [clich'e is pernounced cli-shae, and it means the same old thing repeated...] Arunue stood up and looked at the group."Pathetic......just pathetic..." She headed for the door and stopped. "I guess...you'd all be...better of without me........." She proceded out the door. "Oh, well. Whats so specil about her anyway? I just don't see why you would need here." Rein leaned back. Everyone just stared at him. Obviously everything he said was shocking.
Rein felt a slight grasp at his shoulder. He wasn't suprised, he knew who it was, but he looked up any how. "Rein...I know what your thinking...the image...that just flashed in your mind wasn't real...Shakia implanted it..." Arunue said this slowly. "How are you so sure...?" Rein looked at her with a scowl. "hmph...you question me...?" She walked around him and sat across from him but close to him. "I have a question..." "I'm listening." He leaned forward. "Are you?" She looked at him questionally. ". . .yes. . ." he sat and listened intently. "Well...Why are we tring to save the third world any way? I mean...Its not like we're going to be afected by it...and even if we are...why should I care? I'm Kalamara the Cascade! I don't think saving that stupid realm is worth it!" She stood up and turned her back to him. "I'm withdrawling from this aliance!" She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back and colapsed. "I had to shut her up some how." Garren suddenly apeared out of the bushes. "Now, help me get her back to the dojo..." Rein nodded and helped Garren pick Arunue up.
[COLOR=red][I]yea! now we can start it! sorry it took so long KKC and Keiko... STARTED! This is my 100th post! Yeah![/I][/COLOR]
This is Wonderfull^_^ Heres What We Have...: ArunueShekamari: Arunue Kalamara w/ Kane Keiko: Naju Kikara w/ Laki K.K.C.: Kai Tsune (Kay) w/ Taorii All we need is someone for Torris! Someone for the sax? Gotta be a guy! Or willing to play a guy!
[I][COLOR=red]Garren looked at the two fighting and Symoni did the same. The 4 watched them fight it out until morning. Once the first light of dawn hit, Rayne held back and lowered his sword. "Hm...I don't think I have to fight you anymore..." Rayne let a little grin fall to his lips and behind him apperead Shakia once more. "'I don't think I have to fight you any more' ? Thats the stupitest line I've ever heard!" Shakia looked at Rayne. "Oh well. All the cost...I don't need you to fight for me if your not going to finish the job." Rayne heard this and turned around. As he did a beam of light extended from Shakia's hand and impaled Rayne in the head. Arunue jumped down from her tree. "Hey! your ruining our fun!" Arunue looked him up and down then at Rayne with a fresh hole in his head, then back to Shakia. "I have a good quote for you..." She spit at his feet. "'Burn in hell'..." She turned around and Shakia disapeared, grinning. "Well that gets rid of that...now all we need to do is find out why this pyro freak is in the bushes!" She turned to a tree and sure enough there was a young man behind it. __________________ Box Hoy is gunna make the next post k? I sorta set the stage for him a bit...he wanted to introduce someone else into the RPG. [I'm not sur if he or who he's introducing is gunna make the next post...I dont know if they have an OB acount or if they're posting from his name][/COLOR][/I]
life...no one knows...the only thing that life is is driving me insane...this thred is probably giving out a lot of contriversy...its a good discusion...but this thred got me into a big fight with my friend...yeah...just moments befor he died to...I showed this to him and...we began to discuss it...we started to argue and he got hit by a car...I took him to the hospital and we began to argue some more...he used up the last of his life arguing with me...his last words..."Shut the **** up! No its not wort to fight-" If it was up to me I'd see this as starting to cause problems...but countinue your conversations...I can't close it...
[i][COLOR=red]Toshi and Rayne faced off. They were fighting evenly matched for about an hour and neither were the least tired. "Well this is geting interesting!" Rayne said as he lept to the left of Toshi, dodging an attack and coming right back with one of his own. Toshi shot a beam out of his sword and Rayne blocked with his own. They were matched evenly and locked in a stance; Toshi had led the attack and Rayne was forcing to block. Suddenly they both heard joyous laughing. "Wow! This is...the best match...I've ever...ever seen!" Arunue was sitting up in a tree at the side of a clearing and laughing hard. "Whats so damn funny?" Toshi broke away from their stance. "No! No, go on fighting! I love to watch fights! Please keep fighting!" Arunue was now leaning forward on her branch and looking down at them; her branch was about 20 feet off the gound. "Okay...fine..." Rayne slashed at Toshi again. "Augh..." Toshi just missed the blade to his side. "Fine I can show off now!" Toshi re-griped his sword and held a better stance.[/COLOR][/i]
[COLOR=red][I]Suddenly Rayne apeared at the door way. "You cut my after image's head off?" He looked over at Toshi, then began to laugh. "Oh, yes. And dear Arunue...Shakia wanted me to tell you...'Burn in Hell. I'll kill you all.' Yes...he was...quite serious..." He looked over them all, wide eyed in shock. "Good bye for now!" And he dissapered. "OOOOOOOkkaaaaayy......what was that?" Arunue turned to face Garren. "Right...but Garren...maybe we should get out of...here. . ." She looked at the open door way. "Symoni...Toshi...Garren...come here. . .we need to get out of here...now..." "What about Kieko?" Toshi said as he walked over to where Arunue now sat. "I'll bring her too...we need to go..." Suddenly all four disapered and so did Keiko, in the bar. They reapered infront of a dojo, in what seemed to be the Realm of Imagination. "It feels so good to be home!" Arunue began to walk twords the dojo. "You mean...were...back in...the Realm of Imaginations?" Garren looked amazed. "Is this...is this your brother's dojo?" "Yep! sure is!" Arunue turned around to face him. "We can stay here a while until they figure out that we're here..." "Whos 'they'?" Toshi asked. "Those government bastards of corse!" Arunue ran up to the dojo's door, opened it and entered. So Kieko, Garren, Toshi and Symoni followed her inside.[/I][/COLOR]
[QUOTE] I also had read a post of yours several days earlier and you were trying to kill yourself then. your either not in 'true' despair, like most of the suicidal are, or your being really sick with it and draggin out your suicide to be agonizing. I can only say this, if you honestly are contemplating suicide: DON'T YOU DARE DO IT! THERE'S TO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! Take it from me, I've come within an inch of killing myself before, then I thought about what I would be leaving behind, my family, my friends which weren't many at that time. The things I would never see, or do. So at the moment when I was going to plunge the knife into my throat, I made a choice, to try to better myself and improve my life. I went through 2 years of therapy, the second on medication, I made new freinds, I did a better job at controlling my temper, and know I realize how freakin stupid it would have been for me to die by my own hand. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=red][I]LOL! Yeah! you think your smart?! Some people like me can't get from rock bottom...its hard...and not just because of lazzienes! I went throught 16 years of therapy and I'm already on any medication for it known to man! I'm still not better...the thing is...people say "killing yourself wont solve your problems" The thing is...I have no problems to solve...I'm just mentaly and emotionally unstable! There! and that isn't as rare as you think! And also...I already tried suicide recently...it didn't work...so...I promised someone that if it didn't work then I wouldn't try it again...and I guess I'll have to keep my word...so your lucky...damn...[/I][/COLOR]
[i][COLOR=red]its hard to improve things once they've gotten bad...yeah and "Rock bottom" As you say...isn't as rare as you think...millions of people kill theirselves for the hell of it everyday...like me...and its actually getting very common...too common... and "Lighten up" Isn't the best thing to say... MrSonic! I second that motion! Life is bad and for the people who want it that way...well I don't think you can change their minds...and fate...I'm not sure so many people beleive in it any more...things have changed...fate is something that just isn't liked anymore...I envy the people who cant honestly put "I'm enjoying life right now" in this post...because I cant...[/COLOR][/i]
[COLOR=red][i]Arunue sat boly upright and starred at Garren. She just loked at him for a few minutes. Then she noticed she was bandaged and started to laugh. "Did I really...get hurt...THAT bad?" Arunue was acting like she had been fighting with them and not against. "Hey..." Her mood suddenly changed. "I'm...I'm really sorry...about...what I did..." Arunue brought her knees up to her face and leaned against herself. "I...I tried to...to kill you..." A tear rolled down her cheek. Suddenly she jerked upright and looked at Toshi, across the room. "Wheres Ora?!" When she got no answer she layed back down. "Its my fault...I've ended up killing again...the reign of Kalamara The Cascade isn't over..." She closed her eyes. "Maybe...maybe you all shouldn't be helping me..." She looked over at Symoni, lying on the other bed. "Okay! subject is getting old...where are we?" She looked over at Toshi, who answered, "OH! Were at the White Lane Inn!" "T-The...The White Lane Inn?!" A mixture of shock and horror came over her face. "No...What room are we in?!" Toshi looked confused but answered. "Were in room 304...why?" Arunue stood up and looked at the ground. "A...Arunue! I don't think you should be-" "I'm fine...but..." She let out a small laugh. "This place...room 304, White Lane Inn...its where I went with my brother...when he came to this world...yeah...I've been here before...we were illeagally crossing over. But that don't matter...he was...well I must say, killed in this world...its kinda funny...he died here...and I wasn't there...it was the one time I didn't come with him when he came here...it was an annual thing...and...and...he...he died...because I didn't come with him...DAMN!" "Arunue...why didn't you tell me your brother died in this world? Why didn't you tell me that you had been here before...?" Garren was trying to look her in the eye but she turned away. "I have my reasons...and now..." She laid back down on the bed and closed her eyes. "I'm tired...I hope not to be woken up this time..."[/i][/COLOR] My new trade mark is the red italic...
Arunue watched the three walk off. She turned to Shakia. "Now...Shakia...please..." Arunue raised her sword suddenly and stabbed Shakia in the stomach. "DIE!" She jerked her sword out of his body and looked him over. He was standing there, with a hand over his stomach. "Damn.......you...." He bagan to laugh then. "Its not over." He suddenly disapeared. Arunue faced the three walking away. Garren had seen her attack him. Suddenly Arunue dropped on the ground and fainted. ____________________ Its short, sweet, and to the point...
Arunue blocked Toshi's attack. She looked at him as she held his sword off. He was trying to break through her defense. "Sorry 'bout this Toshi but...yeah..." Arunue shifted her grip on her sword, gripped the blade of her sword with her free hand and pushed up. "My sword is made to break other swords...you loose..." Toshi's sword suddenly broke into. "W-What?" Toshi held his broken sword and looked up at Arunue in shock. But she was walking towrds Shakia. "Thats enough Shakia...thats enough..." Arunue slipped her sword back in her case and stoped in front of Shakia. She bent down and looked at Keiko, gripping her shoulder. "Keiko...now maybe you should go..." "No!" Keiko made a slash at Arunue but she moved just in time. Arunue stood up, shook her head and sighed. "Fine then..." She looked at Shakia. "Countinue." Arunue turned back to face Toshi. "Toshi...I wont continue to fight you if you admit defeat...please...I don't want to hurt you..." Arunue advanced on Toshi. "Me?...admit...defeat?" Toshi was thinking rapidly. That was obvious. And so was the fact that Garren was bleeding. Alot. Too much...
Rayne's decapitated body fell to the ground and disapeared. "An after image Toshi..." Arunue said as she was still fighting Garren and Samoyni. Suddenly Arunue shifted her sword in her hand, blocked an attack from Samoyni and slashes out at Garren. The blade dug into his side, quick and sharp. "Garren!" Samoyni yelled, as she stoped fighting and ran to Garren. Arunue stood straight and licked Garren's blood off her sword. "Sorry about that!" She had a strange grin on her face. ______ Sorry its short...yeah...really short
snow now? ______________ As Toshi charged Shakia, Arunue ran out infront of them both and blocked Shakia. Toshi's sword met hers and she lowered her sword. "Get out of my way." Was all he said. Arunue stood there staring at him. She sliped the sword back into its case and took a batle stance. ((In case you didn't know, It's a highly developed form of sowrdsmanship; if you attack, slashing your sword, coming directly out of its casing, then the attack will be faster and therefore more foolproof...I did my homework^_^)) Toshi lowered his sword and starred at her. "No. I wont fight you." Arunue just starred at him, still in a battle stance. Shakia began to laugh. "You think she'll listen to you?! Ha! Don't make me laugh." Shakia closed his eyes and shook his head. Suddenly Arunue turned around and drew her sword on Shakia. He block with his own sword, only moving the hand he held his sword with. "Arunue, what do you think your doing?" He opened his eyes and looked at her. Arunue droped to her knees and pounded her fists on the snow-covered ground, her sword falling beside her. "Damn," She wispered. Then she looked over at Garren. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but she didn't want to. She turned and lay on her back, looking up at the sky. "Damn..."
Arunue looked around the Realm of Imaginations. She closed her eyes and pictured all the damage she could do there as the Cascade. She opened her eyes and was face to face with Shakia. "Shakia!" Arunue came up to him. "It's alright Arunue..." He took her in her arms and held her. Suddenly Keiko, Ora, Garren, Samoyni, and even Toshi appered behind them. "Now Arunue...I brought them here..." "What the..." Toshi looked plain shocked. "Now all you have to do is kill them and you can fufil your birthright...To be The Cascade..." Shakia pulled her towrds the group now infront of them. She drew her sword but was shaking horribly. "Here...I'll help you..." Shakia stood behind her and gripped the sword with his hands over hers. Both their hand glowed a bright-blood red and he let go. "There...better?" Arunue Held a better stance and faced the group.
God I'm sorry! I typed "Toshi" Instead of "Yusuke" ! Damn I knew my RPGs would get mixed up!!! damn! sorry but you'll have to go back and edit your post...I know I'm stupid and really sorry...I ment to say yusuke not toshi...but i edited it...sorry...
Garren leaned over her and looked into her teary eyes. He gripped her firmly by the shoulders. She was still concious. "What the hell were you thinking?! Your the reason were all here! Your the reason were going back!" Garren said this alittle to sternly. Arunue was on the brink of tears. "I-I...T-Thats why...i-if it wasn't f-f-for me...none of you w-would b-be here...y-you'd be back in the Realm of Imaginations..." She looked away from Garren. "Besides...what do you want me here for anyway?" Arunue began to grow like The Cascade again. But this time she ment it. And she liked it. She usually liked it but she was usually scared because she liked it. This time, she liked it, no, she loved it. And she wanted it to stay. "Fools...I'm Kalamara the Cascade...I could kill you without thinking..." Arunue narrowed her eyes and grinned; Garren's grip had weakened and he had one hand to his throught. She was cutting off his air supply by just wanting to. "Weakling..." Arunue pushed him over and he finally was able to gasp for breath. "Now...I suggest you stay verry far away from me...or I [i]will[/i] kill you..." She turned around to Face Rayne, still lying on the ground. She slung his arm over her shoulder and acted as a support for him. They walked the block back to Arunue's apartment. Garren tried to follow but as he did she turned her head slightly and scowled at him. He stopped and watched her close the door behind her.
Garren entered Arunue's apartment. "'Runue! Come on! Lets go!" He opened the door to her room and looked inside. There was her suitcase on the bed and a peice of paper on top of it but she was no where to be seen. "Arunue?" Garren entered the room. He walked at the paper that was laid on her suitcase. it said as follows: [i]I'm sorry Garren...I wont be able to come with you...I'm going to be at the old church...you can go on without me...I'm going to kill myself down there...by the time you read this I'll have already done it... all my love, Arunue...[/i] Garren reraed this. "Arunue..." He wispered at first. Then he yelled. "Arunue!" And he ran out of the room towrds the old church.
You know...I dont really think this is a very good poll...you might end up getting someone like me that just took a bottle of sleeping pills to kill them selfs...yeah...I guess I ran into this at the right time...good night! :D ((sorry to say that the other 3 times I tried overdoseing, it didn't work))
Arunue suddenly changed into her wolf form and ran ahead. She finnally spotted Yusuke; looking around like trying to find something...or someone... "Yusuke!" Arunue's voice echoed through the cave. You see, The great thing about being a wolf demon and half vampire is that she had the abilaty to make her thoughts pyhsically heard when she wanted to in her wolf form. She came up to him and imeadetlly started to sniff around him. She looked up at him and thought, "What the? You smell like one of my brother's old students. But...he's not the one fighting you...is he?" "Well, thats a nice trick but I dont know who your talking about...all I know is thats he's...I hate to say it...stronger than me...and I can't get a lock on his aura!" Yuseke was exasperating. Arunue looked around the cave. She was looking for an aura close to hers; if it had a color that she had, it would be easyer to find. Suddenly she found it. It's holder was darting about the cave. It was definetly her one of her brother's students;for one thing she could tell the style he was using was that of her brother's. And she knew who it was to. Zsade. Suddenly, Shindi and Celestia caught up.
Suddenly, Arunue stood up. She held her palm twords Rayne and a streem of red and black energy darted twords him. "Sh*t!!!!" Rayne shouted as he dodged the bullet, cutting off a nice chunk of hair. He suddenly disapered and reappeared behind Arunue. He quickly got her into a head lock. All the while, the others just standing there wathching. "Now...Arunue....Don't you remember that little deal we had?" He was having a difficult time, trying to keep her still. "You basterd...That was...between you and...SHAKIA!" Arunue jabed him in the stomach. But not with her elbow or fist. She had hit him with the end of her sword case; for some reasone she was allowed to keep her sword. She kept it tucked saftely under her coat. Rayne fell to the floor and Arunue drew her sword. She was about to finish him off when Shakia's voice echoed in her head. "You wouldn't kill him...He's the only one that can bring you back! Back home! Come now! All we need to do, is get rid of theese little nusenses and you can come back to this REalm! Now...When you come back...Your going to be brought to the entrance to Carnel...I would greet you but as you know, I cant get out of Carnel...But any-" Arunue shut the voice out of her head. Her thoughts ran wildly as she held the sword, still abouve Rayne. "Yes" She finally said. "I-I'll be a-a-able to g-go home!" Arune dropped her sword and colapsed next to Rayne. "I dont know what to do." Suddenly, Rayne disappeared; obviously retreating to the Realm of Imaginations. Toshi finally stood up and limped over to Arunue. He tried to look into her eyes but there was nothing there. No emotion at all. Garren put his arm around her for a moment. "It's alright Arunue...we dont need that basterd to get you back..."
You Quoted me! no!!!!!!! _______ Suddenly Arunue made a desition and started to yell. "What the hell am I thinking?!?!?!? HE'S A FRIKEN MAD MAN! JESUS! DAMN HIM AND GO TO HELL!" Arunue began to gasp for breath. "Well....that was...nervracking..." Arunue straightened out and calmed down. "My brother was...well I could say "right"...but he really didn't know anything about Shakia's...well insane trip...but yeah...he's the worst thing that could have happened...but the problem is...I need to meet up with Rayne...if I do and ...kill all you..." Arunue looked down at that, "T-Then I'll be able to go back home...Yeah! I'll be able to go back to the Realm of Imaginations! Who cares if I'm with him? I'll be home..." Arunue began to laugh hiystaricly. "Um...A-Arunue?" Symoni began. "Heh...yeah I'd be able to go home..." Suddenly Garren walked onto the scene with Toshi and Ora behing him. "A-Arunue...now think for a second...please..." Garren was a little shaky; he had heard their convesation about her dream. Arunue just grinned and walked twords the old church. She leaned against the door way and closed her eyes. [I]Symoni usually comes here...I can see why...[/I] Arunue began to walk slowly into the center of the church. "Well, you decided to show! Master Normen will be pleased! Now...should we begin disposing of those worthless nothings?" Arunue turned around to be face to face with Rayne.
Arunue had a horrible time sleeping. She was too worried about the man that had sent her there. The man that sent every one there...none of them understood that Shakia Normen had braught them there...not the government. She turned over and began to dream again. Kieko saying that she was to get hurt in her dream put her to ease; she loved danger. Arunue was dreaming now. She was in the darkness again. But this time she had full control over her mind. not like a dream. So she walked into the darkness wondering what was going on. Suddenly she was face to face with Shakia...the man that she had tried to marry, her brother forbid so he killed him and sent her to the REalm of Imagination while he took care of some bussiness. Shakia began to speak, "Now Arunue...you are back in the Realm of Imaginations..." Arunue looked around. She wasnt dreaming but her mind was brought to the other Realm. "Now Arunue. I need you to help me...You kill the people I sent back...and you can come back with me. You should meet up with Rayne. And once I bring you back here for real..." Shakia put his arms around her and held her. "We can be togeather...something your brother wouldn't understand..." Arunue began to cry and slowly the picture fadded and she was back in The REalm of Reality. Only Garren was leaning over her. "Damn Arunue! Are you alright?"
I'm so sorry for posting and not having a peice but Roxan! Garren was my old boyfriend not my brother!!! My brother died...it says in my bio...guess I made that unclear...yeah...