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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari
Arunue looked twords Shindi. "Moron...He can't be sensed by the stones power...but I can sense him...not well...I haven't mastered the techneiqu yet...my brother had taught it...yeah but he is following us...sortof...I can't tell you were he is exactly...but he knows were we are..." Arunue said this as they walked. "I don't know why we're walking though..." The others looked at her. "Well where do we have to go?" Shindi asked sarcasticly. "No where...for 3 weeks...thats the thing...we gathered early...real early...I say for the next three weeks we do nonstop training for you weaklings to shape up!...hm...Its what my brother would have done..." Arunue set her small package she caried down on a rock. She drew her sword and looked at a large tree. She stood herself infront of it and drew her sword. "Ha! You think your gunna cut that tree?!?! Not even I can do that." Shindi anounced. Arunue payed no mind to her. She quickly slashed at the tree turning around as she did so. She stood with her back to the tree. "I knew you couldn't do it! You didn't even toutch that!" Shindi began to mock As Arunue slid her sword back into its halter the tree suddenly slid down; it had a clean cut straight through! "I hope a simple thing like that didn't supprise you too much..." Arunue said as she sat down against an unbroken tree. _________________ There...3 weeks...yeah...
"Hey!" Arunue was starring at the slight hole in the wall. "I have to pay for that!!!!" "Oh...sorry..." Garren stepped back from toshi now sitting on the ground. "OK...I'm sorry but can I have my apartment back before you people reck it more and waste me more money and I get kicked outa here?! And I already told you I wasnt banished...I disapered and the government took credit...now leave..." Everyone left. As Garren got up to leave she spoke up. "Sit." Arunue pointed back to the chair. He sat back down quietly. Arunue suddenly changed. Her eyes went cold and her emotion drained. "W-Whats wrong?" Garren didn't like the look in her eyes. "I'm Kalamara the Cascade...What could be wrong?" Arunue said a bit sarcasticly. "Now whats with this thing about you 'caring for me'?" Arunue looked at him coldly. It was happening to her. It hadn't happened in a long time. She was turning back into Kalamara the Cascade. . .
Arunue suddenly realized what she had said. " 'nameless man' ??? What do you mean 'nameless man' ???" Arunue now looked up. "I know his name very well! I said I wasnt going to tell you...no...I told you I couldnt tell you..." Arunu took another sip of coffe. "Want some?" She then realized how many people were in her apartment. "Well...feels like one of those dead highschool parties..." _____________ I'm so sorry that its short but I'm on a timer! Again!
Arunue sat down and repeated the words she said to Garren, "A long time ago...about 10 years ago...there was a place in Realm of Imagination that was sealed off. It's where I used to live with....my......brother...but anyway!" Arunue was trying to keep off the exact subject of her brother, "Now, we were trying to decide on weather or not we where going to open the seal on the place -I was a very opininated 6 year old and he was 14 at the time- and I was against it...but my brother won and opened the pathway up so people could get in and out...I of coarse went out to explore Section D of the City Of Imaginations...It's where our pathway was. Right in the middle of Section D. But anyway, that doesnt matter. Because when I got back someone had already come in...and well...made good friends with my brother. Now, I grew up with this guy and so did my brother...I actually, " Arunue looked at the floor and away from Garren, "He tried to marry me! It was...like a year ago...but, when my brother forbid it...he...killed him...and...and...he sent me here...'for now' he said...but I need to get out of here before he brings me back!" Arunue looked up with tears in her eyes. "You can always trace trouble back to me..." "Hey..." Garren piped up, "isn't that the [I]exact[/I] same thing you told me?" Arunue looked at him and sighed. "I have a good memory..." "Right, but...I dont get it...so you know who sent us here? It wasn't the government?" Toshi asked. "You could say that..." Arunue nodded her head. "And you were going to [I]marry[/I] him?!?!" Toshi sounded stuned. Arunue looked at Toshi then to Garren then at the floor. "Well...uh...yeah..." "Just perfect! Whats his name at least?" Toshi was alittle calmer. "I-I cant tell you..." Arunue continued to look at the floor. "Rewind! Wait a minute..." Garren sounded confused, "his name doesn't matter...but you tried to [I]marry[/I] him?!?!?"
A year?!!?? well I've learned a lesson in this: Never take RPG's off the back page...like in the phonebook...
Is this still open? If so: Name:Shihio Talima Age:16 Gender:female Side:For once I'm an agent Weapons:Cross bow, Multi daggers, twin swords, throwing knives, slingshot, and bare hands is always a fav! Bio:All of her family had died in a big fire when she was out with her brother. Soon after her brother died too. She was going to kill herself when she saw an add for an Agent and decided that if she got herself killed in combat it would be worth it. I mean...Its kinda a risky job...she was sure to get killed. But she didnt.And she revolved around her job as her life. Appearance:5'11", 102 lbs, Short black/ red diyed hair, black over coat thats down to her ankles, black boots that come up to her knees almost, black lether gloves with a mesh covering. Personality:Pretty self centered and arogent, she wont take advice, spends almost every waking hour working and considers her job her life. __________ Ya know...I got this off the 23rd page...so I'm not sure if its still open...and no one said anything about starting it so...
You love the attention do you? Well heres a shocker if you the jelious type: ____________ Arunue Quickly stood up as son as Keiko came in. "WHAT THE HELL?!?! I'M TRYING TO TALK IN PRIVATE!" Arunue was just about to throw her coffe cup at her head. "Uh...I just-" Keiko was trying to talk without geting smacked. "It...Its ok..." Arunue calmed down and sat down, "I gusse this way I can tel you both. . .The government didnt send you here...if you trace it back...its my fault your all here..." Arunue looked pleased with herself. "W-What do you mean?" Garren was a mixture of confused and shocked. "Do you really want me go into the whole flash back thing?" No one made a move of protest, so she explained. "A long time ago...about 10 years ago...there was a place in Realm of Imagination that was sealed off. It's where I used to live with....my......brother...but anyway!" Arunue was trying to keep off the exact subject of her brother, "Now, we were trying to decide on weather or not we where going to open the seal on the place -I was a very opininated 6 year old and he was 14 at the time- and I was against it...but my brother won and opened the pathway up so people could get in and out...I of coarse went out to explore Section D of the City Of Imaginations...It's where our pathway was. Right in the middle of Section D. But anyway, that doesnt matter. Because when I got back someone had already come in...and well...made good friends with my brother. Now, I grew up with this guy and so did my brother...I actually, " Arunue looked at the floor and away from Garren, "He tried to marry me! It was...like a year ago...but, when my brother forbid it...he...he killed him...and...and...he sent me here...'for now' he said...but I need to get out of here before he brings me back!" Arunue looked up with tears in her eyes. "You can always trace trouble back to me..." Arunue looked over at Keiko, trying to change the subject, "You had something you wanted to say?"
Arunue Quickly sat up. "What is it now?" Shindi asked annoyed. Arunue stood up and imeadetly held a fighting stance. She heard it again...but this time it wasnt footsteps...it was a silence she recognized as a black cloud. Black clouds were comon there. What they were was shadows. But the shadows had no body...nothing was casting the shadow. They could be from a few feet wide to a mile wide. Any thing that was shaded was drained of power until near death. [I]No[/I] Arunue thought [I]thats not it...its...something else...it smells...like...a human almost...[/I] Suddenly Arunue colapsed on the ground and passed out...Shindi and Yusuke wern't effected obviously by whatever it was.
Arunue chuckled slightly. "Oh...you think your so smart...well it's only common sense of that! The man's name is Shikono Lanamutaw...he wants us togeather to get the stones and use them for evil like all those stupid fairy tale books..." Arunue walked up to Yusuke. "You moron! He wanted my brother dead because he's the one who chose us four to hold the stones! MY BROTHER WAS. . ." Arunue clasped her hand over her mouth, "I've said too much already...well...I guess you have the right to know..." "A long time ago...this man...Shikono Lanamutaw...had an idea...see he's sort of like those villans in movies that had escaped a syciatric ward...now...he heard of the stones...well back then it was only one multi colored stone...and he knew there power...he decided he wanted the stones to just kill every one on the planet for no reason...he's a mental case! And so...my brother..." Arunue's expression grew pained, "My brother was the high preist...of this land...yeah...that was him...and he sensed the trouble this man would cause...so...he split the stone and sent it to them to sepertate unborn childeren...he sent one to another world even...the one that hasn't showed...one to a soon to be boy...Yusuke...one to a girl...Shindi...and one...of coarse...to his soon to be sister...and to make sure our parents didnt suspect anything of the stone sticking out of my head..." Arunue's tone changed to sarcasam at that. Then back to serious, "He killed our parents...so now...that he's dead...we have no one to help us from this basterd and we have to kill him..." Arunue grew sarcastic again, "Yeah...he'll die and we'll all live happily ever after!" Yusuke and Shindi stared, wided eyed trying to comprehend what she just said.
Name: Shishio Kalmar Gender: Female Age: Unknown Bio: Years before she even entered the city, her hometown had been dumped with radio active wast and she was the only one left alive from that. She wandered into the city because it looked abandoned and no one was there to point out how she looked (the virus put togeather with the radio active waste had mutated her into something half wolf and half human) She usually lurks in the shodows of the alley ways. Stealing from the all but abandoned stores. Pretty soon she meets up with someone that has a plan to get out of the city, destroy it, and really doesnt care about how she looks, which is quiet new to her. _________ TeRRaFLaMe, your not gunna join your own RPG???
Arunue stood there, astonished. Then she turned her back to him and crossed her arms. "hmph...I know who you are! Your Yusuke Shinjuki! That arogent, wanna-be assasin! And yes! Your pay will be deducted I suppose! And you want to know who killed him?" Arunue turned only her head to look at him, "I did!" This was a lie but Yusuke couldn't tell that. "Hmm...ah, sibling rivalry! Oh well! Saves me the trouble...I'll say that i did the dirty work and get my pay! No worries for me!" Yusuke started to walk away. "Wait!" Arunue ordered. Yusuke turned around. She walked up to him and looked him in the face. She made a grab for his left-hand without looking. She snatched the glove off and examined the stone halfway erect out of his hand. "Hey!" He tried to pull his hand away but Arunue had a firm grip. "So...your...the demon...with the blue stone..." Arunue faced him. She untied the bandana she had and revealed the red stone in her forehead. "See...who ordered you to kill my brother?" Yusuke made no will to respond. "It doesnt matter...whoever it was...they knew I had a peice of the stone..." She looked from Yusuke's hand to staring him in the face, "And they knew you had a peice too..." Arunue let go of his hand and slapped him. "YOU MORON! YOUR NOT GUNNA TELL [I]ANYONE[/I] AS LONG AS YOUR WITH ME THAT YOU HAVE THAT STONE! IT'S DANGEROUS TO TELL PEOPLE! YOU DONT WANT TO BE KILLED DO YOU?!?!?!" Arunue was yelling so hard that Yusuke had fallen down. "Well...i didn't tell them...if it makes a difference...THEY ALREADY KNEW!" Yusuke was now yelling. "Well..." Arunue sighed. "We cant do anything now...but...we do need to find the holder of the green and yellow stones...I sugest we leave, before night fall..." Arunue sounded calm now. She refastened her white bandana and started walking. "You coming?" Arunue said as she turned back around to face Yusuke, apperently annoyed at his procrastination.
Ok! all we need is Guile Natuu! then we're set! Yes keiko...i edited my first post ^_^
Arunue woke, suddenly, starttled. "Damn...I need to get going..." Arunue got uot of bed and looked around. She couldnt beleive she was leaving her brother's dojo. Arunue sighed and walked outside. She came to a pile of dirt with a cross at the top; she had burried her brother last night. She bent down at the foot of the grave and prayed in the ancient language that all had forgoten but her and her brother. "Teshimanu torii kalu nakii, Natuu ganee yolike, Te na me Roki, La Shite no mine, fare Kamunashe, " She got to her feet and stared at the grave. Her brother was the one who taught her how to fight. he was the last of her relitives. And now...she couldnt think of it. Arunue began to walk away, towards the woods serounding her brother's dojo. To take her mind of things, and in her brother's morning, she bagan to sing lyrics of which she often heard him sing durring thier work. "Tekumani laku, Nahi ma Nu me shi, An okra ne Kano, Shori. De Humano hu Toshia Re, Camen Ne tee lacku Nahu La Ne... Lakune Maran-" Arunue was cut off by a crack of a twig and a dark figure standing just inside the edge of the woods. "W-Whos there?
Arunue cleaned up her mess and gave Garren his coffe. "Thanks...so...what do [I]you[/I] know about Kalamara? And why did you ask?" Garren looked curious. Arunue started to shake and couldnt hold it in any longer. She looked into his eyes and colapsed on the floor. "Damn...I'm so sorry...I've lied to you...about a lot...and damn to Allah I dont deserve the title of Kalamara The Cascade..." ___________________ I'm sorry its short but i really have to go!!!!!! I'm being timed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes of coarse! Heres what we got: Nefertimon: Celestia Arandon Kieko: Shindi Yusuke Shinjuki And yours truly! Arunue Kalamara! Yes I'll get it started soon... [FONT=courier new]MAY BE DELAYED BECAUSE OF SCHOOL[/FONT]
lol...I envy you...lucky bum... __________________ Arunue walked outside and noticed someone lying in the area of the park that Arunue could just see from her room. They looked unconsious or even dead. She rushed down the stairs of the apartment and out into the damp air. She opened the gate of the park and stepped in. Arunue huriied over to the young man and looked at him. She bent down and tried to see if he was awake or not. "H-Hello?" Arunue began, "Are you alright?" There was something strangely farmiliare about the man. "mm..." he was awake. "Are you alright?" Arunue repeated. "...Uh yeah...I'm...I'm fine..." The man seemed alittle dazed. "You didn't...just...cross over from..." she bagan to wisper now, "The Realm of Imaginations did you?" Arunue was hoping he'd look at her like she was crazy and say 'What are you talking about?'. But of coarse he didn't. "Um...yeah...Did I make it or am I in heaven?!?" He looked around. "Heaven...barely..." Arunue began to laugh. But as she touched him on the shoulder she grew quiet. "You...still have an aura from that realm..." Arunue's eyes grew soft. Suddenly she drew her hand away, "Oh...Im sorry!" "Its...alright..." He stood up and held out his hand. "Garren Dohmens my name!" Arunue took a step back. Arunue was utterly and speechlessly shocked. "Um...uh...I'm Churchasian Riddel..."She quickly made up, "Uh...Church..." She faked a smile. It broke her heart to lie to him--if it really was him...she wasnt sure--but she had to find out what he knew and why he was here and how he got here before she could reavel herself to him. "Uh...you want to come in to have some coffe?" She quickly insisted. "Sure!" Garren would do anything to get out of the cold. They walked in togeather and sat down at the table in the main room of the apartment. "Tell me some thing...how much do you know..." Arunue was trying to sound casuall, "...about Arunue Kalamara?"
Arunue luaghed slightly, "Well it seems we have a whole lot here...I would gusse...that the government sent all of its disposables to the same city. "I dont know how you got her...but im here..." Arunue looked up with and evil smile "For punishment...you people pbobably had enemys in the government...but when i was sent here...they started...and stopped...sending people here for jail time..." "What the..." Toshi and Ora said togeather. "No...theres no way to get back...thats what you asked me right? "How do we get back?" Well...we dont..." Arunue suddenly changed expression, like a sckitsofrenic that just changed personalities. "Hmm? Oh! Was I acting like Kalamara The Cascade again?" Arunue covered her mouth. "KALAMARA THE CASCADE?!?!!?" Toshi and Ora were still in unisun. Toshi starred at her, "You mean you...Arunue Kalamara? Kalamara The Cascade?! The really really...bad person?" Arunue changed expresion again. "Yep..."Arunue turned around and walked away, "The one and only!" That night Arunue had another dream. "H-Hello?" Arunue was walking into the darkness, like always. "Hello?" Arunue suddenly appeared in the town where she grew up. There was someone in front of her. "Hey! 'Runue! Come on, we'll be late for your brother's fighting match!" The voice was clearer than all the rest...and it was familiare...so familare..."G-Garren?" Garren's face faded into darkness and she woke up. "Damn..." She was wispering to herself and crying, "Damn...Garren..." Arunue cried the rest of the morning until the care taker came in. "Kalamara! Your rent on the room is due!" The raspy woman's voice rang out, "Oh...Arunue?" "Oh...Um...yeah...I got it here..." Arunue stood up and opened her purse. She took out a nice looking set of bills. "Here" she said as she handed her the money. "You alright girl?" "Yeah...im fine!" Arunue put on a fake smile. The care taker took the bills and shut the door behind her. "Garren..." She sat down on her bed and continued to cry.
fine! dont join...i waited for you! but you never join any of the RPGs you say you are...oh forget it...
Arunue woke up to the cold rushing in around her. She sat up and looked at the clock on her night stand. 7:00 AM. She thought to herself [I]hmm...maybe someone will be up...ill just[/I] She picked up the phone and pressed in seven didgets. Finally a sleepy voice answered, "Hello?" "Hey...Keiko...Im sorry to wake you up..." She looked around her room as she waited for an answer. "Arunue? What are you doing? Its 7 o'clock in the morning..." She sounded quiet annoyed. "I'm sorry but...I had that dream again...you know...about the Realm of Imaginations..."She was wispering now...for no reason because all of the other members of the house were dead asleep. "You did?!" She finally sounded exited. "Yeah...but the weird thing is..." She got up and paced her room. "It was about...my [I]brother[/I]..." "Oh, Damn...I gota go...I'll meet you up near the entrance to the park at...oh say 12...yeah...alright?" "OK" "Bye...see ya then..." "Yeah...bye" Arunue hung up the phone and sat up on her bed. [I]had the dream ment anything? Why was my brother in it? There not usually like this...[/I] Arunue had only known Keiko for about a month or two but in that short time they grew on each other. Besides...Arunue had no one else to tell theese things to. Every night for the past week Arunue has been having theese weird dreams...of another realm...their more of...memories...than dreams...and their going to haunt Arunue for a while... It was a wonderfull day. The sun was bright and their was a slight breeze. The weather was perfect and everyone was bright and smileing. Exept for Arunue Kalamara. Arunue leaned against the gate that lead into the park and looked around for her friend. Finally she spotted her shuffling up the street. "Keiko..."Arunue shouted to her to get her attention. "Hey...im sorry im late...I was...taking care of...my brother..." She ran the way over so she had to pant in between words. "Its alright" They began to walk through the park and Arunue told Keiko of her dream: [I]The dream had begun like the rest. Just black. Like she was still looking at the back of her eylids. The it gradually dissolved into the sceene of her brothers death. When she had walked in...and her brother was laying on his back with his best friend standing over him with a sword to his throught. Then her brothers friend shoving the sword through his neck. And everything was in slow motion. So it was twice as frightening.[/I] "Damn!" Keiko was starring at her. "Is that a memory too?" Arunue stared at the ground and nodded her head. "Damn!!" Keiko yelled again. Suddenly a third joined the conversation. "Arunue?" Symoni called across the park Arunue looked up. She let go of a slight smile and sighed. Arunue had grown quiet attatched to Symoni as well. Well probably because she was just about as weird as she was. "Arunue...I didnt think id find you here" Symoni looked supprised...suprisingly... "Hey...I been around..." Arunue tried to sound casual. but it wasnt working to well. "Yeah um...im sorry i gotta go" as Symoni ran the other direction she thought to herself [I]Why does the air around her feel like that? I dont like it...it feels...cold...[/I] "Whats up with her?" keiko spoke out of the side of her mouth. Arunue shrugged and continued to walk.
This is great^_^...what we have so far is...: Nefertimon: Celestia Arandon Kieko: Shindi ArunueShekamari: Arunue Kalamara All we need is a demon and we'll be all set!
RPG Rebellion (PG-13 for violence and some language)
ArunueShekamari replied to Viper0529's topic in Theater
yes...its kind of hard to tie in all theese charecters...i mean...theres not even a main confliced in the storys plot...im not even sure wher this story is going anyway...lol...i guess ill have to wait a little while....im not gunna post a story peice right after i just posted...oh well...maybe we'll be able to pull it all together... ^_^ -
RPG Rebellion (PG-13 for violence and some language)
ArunueShekamari replied to Viper0529's topic in Theater
Arunue cluched the handle of her sword. What had happened she didnt know. She remembered following Andrew and stopping to take a drink from a shallow spring. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she tried to drw her sword but as soon as she got half way around she fainted...obviously by the smell of Calayiou...a plant, when crushed gives off a scent that could knock out a large horse.Slowly the room poured in around her. She saw the oposite wall, across from her, the small chiar she was sitting on, and...the person infront of her. "hello"...She heard theese words but didnt understand. "Hello?" She still couldnt make out what he was saying exactly. His voice was muffled but she cold tell it was a man. finally she reailized the word 'hello' and snaped to. "huh..." she looked at the man in front of her more carfully. When she realized who it was, she was so supprised she fell back in the chair and was spralled on the floor. "Alachan Ancotashi lacutaniima lotii Zer-Andrew!!!!" She remembered her toung and calmed down, "A-Andrew?" He looked suprided and starred at her, "Do I know you?" She stood up and brushed herself off, "...no...but I know you...allow me to introduce myself...my name is...Arunue Naki Kalamara..." -
Ok Erin...im sorry but i gotta start without you...this is the second RPG ive started without you...and you havent got [I]any[/I] of you bio in on this one...when you get it...post you bio...then come in... ok...im gunna start it soon...i think i should have it up by Monday 24th
ok! great! Im not gunna take any more people because im waiting on Erin...so as soon as she can post...we can start :D heres what we got...: Arunue Shekamari: Arunue Kalamara FirePheonix727: Garren Domehn Roxanne Leifen: Symoni Avtie Inuyashagurl_15: lilix Box Hoy: Toshi Miyamoto Keiko: Keiko Erin Zyger: Well im not sure yet