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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari
Its great...but...it sortof had...that the holder of Laki was a guy...well if you want to stay with Laki then ill edit and change the genders...
I can always write well becase the time that i write best is when im whishing death was a choice...when i think that all i can do is sit there...then ideas come to me...they just come...come to me about life and death and everything i hate...everything i could live without...everything i could use to take my life with...everything i think that is unneeded to me...nothing that is needed...because life is not needed...i dont want to live... heh...i got over dramatic into puting my reply into an acctual poem...oh well...you get the point...
Well...for one thing...zsade is "sword" in my language...and this is gunna make 11 RPGs... A long time ago...years and years and hundreds of thousands of years ago...there was a young man...he was called Zsaed, which is his languages word for "sword". Zsade was in his nations army for a year of two and they were already going off to war. The Namerik were trying to take over their lands. In the muck of the blood flying, the men dieing, the sloughter...Zsade was head on head with the Namerik Army leader...and he was undefeatable. The gauntlents on his hands could control any of the four elements...earth wind water and fire. Supprisingly, Zsade was able to defeat him before he could use his gauntlents. There was something about his sword. It glowed with the power of Allah, the god whom made it and was powerfull enough to defeat him quick. But as the leader fell, his sword came down upon Zsade and killed him. Allah had made the sword for the soul perpose of defeating the leader of the Namerik Army and as soon as its mission was fufilled, it split into 4 diferent daggers and went to the four corners of the map. So you would think thats it right? Thats all thats in the story, right? Nothing more happened , right?!?!?Wrong. Well, 500 years later, the Namerik leader came back...yes...back...and hes meaner...badder...and he just flew in from hell! Well now 4 teenagers...two girls two guys... Well...no deatail but that makes your part more interesting...gives you more flexibilaty in your writing^_^...I know...im nice... [U]The Sign Up[/U] Name: Age: Description: Personality: Bio: (how your charecter came to find they were destined to find the four daggers, how they found out about the daggers, and how they found out about the world about to come to an end...) Mine: Name:Shori Lakuma [female] Age:16 Description:Light white mucsle shirt, under a black trench coat, just about under her knees, black boots up to her knees, alittle covered by her coat, short strait black hair and leather, mesh covered gloves. Personality:mood swings? yeah... Bio:Shori had been given her dagger by her brother whom she had looked up to verry much. When he had died she never touched the dagger again and stored it away. She lived in her brother's dojo for years alone when finally someone came for her. His name was Guile Natuu. He had been a colector of sorts and came across twin daggers at an antique shop. They caught his intrest and he was told thier were four of them but not the storry behind them. So he started colecting and knew her brother had one so came to offer money for it.
yeah its great...^_^ and i think that i dont need anymore charecters...as soon as we get Erin Zyger well be all set...
Ill take that as a compliment...
Ok...This is gunna make 9 RPGs that im in...damn!!!! Please someone hit me over the head with a bat before i start this one... *lands on floor with seering pain through head* oww... Thankz... I dont think it worked though... *jumps up and grabbs bat from ErinZyger, and whacks her with it...* *goes back to typing...* In a world where a musical performance is a nessesity, no one would ever expect that they would be cast into an infanent silence. The problem with this is that the demmension lives off the sound of music. And without the sounds, the world would burn in a horrible hell. Everyone and everything would die. The four instraments of Car'e--the saxaphone Torris, the flute Kane, the drum Taorii and the guitar Laki--have the power to obtain thier beholders abilaties to stop the world from the death that is assured for it. The four Instraments of Car'e need to be brought together from the four corners of the demension and compleat the musical performance, the Song of Destiny, before time runs out. But they also need to find Tradeon, the composer that'll unlock the Instraments of Car'e. Hes the only on that can change them from reagular instraments, back to the Instraments of Car'e. They have to find their way through his temple and reach him in time...... The saxaphone Torris, lies in the south west with a young man...the flute Kane, lies in the south east with a girl...the drum Taorii, in the north west with another girl, and the guitar Laki, with a young girl in the north east.[I'll get a map scanned sometime] Now the four must come togeather to save their homeland... _____________________________ Sine Up: Name: Age: Instrament: (if your one of the four...A guy in the south west with Torris[sax] A guy in the north east with Laki[guitar] A girl in south east with Kane[Flute] A girl in north west with Taorii[drum]) (the two in the east are a musical pair and the two in the west are a musical pair) Description: Personality: Bio: (how your charecter found out they had an Instrament of Car'e and a little light on your charechter) _____________________________ Mine: Name:Arunue Kalamara Age:16 Instrament: Kane[flute] in the south east Description:5'9"...short red and black hair...white bandana...Red trench coat...white tanktop shirt...black, fingerless gloves...black, loose, jean pants...3 buckle knee boots... Personality:Self centered and arogent usually seen hanging around dark places...the only brighting thing about her is her uncany abilaty to play the flute...other than that shes a total loner Bio:Learned of her flute's abilaties when she was young and she had put it out of her mind. She lived mainly a normal life exept she lived with her big brother for as long as she could remember. he had actually given her the flute and had been playing ever sence. When her brother was assasinated she stoped talking. The only way she expresed herself was by drawing and playing her flute. She played for hours on end, morning to evining and thats when she heard about her flute from a travler...and she listened to him in sorrow for her brother...when the travler had told her about Kane and the other Instraments of Car'e, she travled north to the opposit corner of her world. There she met A young man, she then realized he had Laki and imeadietly remembered the travler and the stories he told of Kane and Laki playing a duet to hold the souls to the heavens and keep them off earth hundrends of years ago. She sort of hinted at him holding the legendary Laki and then left him to sort it out himself. She sort of liked him and knew they would have to use that aliance later...and the music that she made with kane...in morn for her brother...was...just...undiscribably...beautifull... ______________________________ Ok...I need the holder of Laki[giutar]...The holder of Torris[sax]...and the holder of Taorii[drum]...also try to remember your instraments name...and every good story has a bad guy...right?...thankz
Ive had alot of poems published^_^ including this one: "please, help me from this, i get pleasure in hearing you cry out in pain, i want to stop but i cant... Forever loving the thought of your death by my hands, loving the feel of your blood run through my fingers, loving whatching the death and destruction i know i have caused, always alone and never satisfide with one more death... Countinuing killing forever untill you rise from the dead one again, always crying myself to sleep after i cut myself just for the blood, seeing the blood in my sleep, the blood of all those I've killed and can never replenish that feeling... The feeling of death, when you kill and you get a high, you want more, and you dont want to stop... I cant stop, only you can stop me from from killing again, and your gone... Dead by my hands, lost forever in my soul, untill i die with you and am rewarded for flooding heaven with souls... But i am cast into eternal life, forever killing and killing over and over, never ending, everytime wanting more blood then the last... Until there is no one left, I am the only person left alive, and i must suffer, for i can never die... Always alone because of you... Wandering this planet alone with no reason to live but i cant die because of you... Because of you... Damn you..." I dont think its too good but......its over dramatic...not one of my better peices...
Ok...Im starting [I]another[/I] RPG...I have like 5 im already in...2 that are mine...and im gunna post this on the OB so that'll be 7 RPGs!!!...I guess im just too thick headed for my own good... The [U]Stone of Car'e[/U] is...exuse me...[I]was[/I] a stone (obviously) that's legend is a long one. But I'll tell you the "short" vesion... The [U]Stone of Car'e[/U] was made from materials long lost of the past. The stone was a powerful one. In the past the stone was broken up to four peices...theese four peices were used to give a person abilaties. The green peice would allow a human to read minds, and to all that stuff, including taking over a person's mind and mainly anything to do with the mind...this was placed in a persons right-hand. The blue peice would allow a male demon to make energy balls of fire, water, and total control of wind...this was placed in a demons left-hand. The yellow peice would allow a vampire to control weather that chanced with mood...which was placed in a vampires upper chest. And the red peice could do all of this when placed in the forhead of a wolf demon. Now, years later, four teenagers...a human, a vampire, a demon, and a wolf demon...were born with the four stones embedded in thier skin, as there ansestors had, but had over powered and lost. The four teenagers must now servive the peril of the villagers trying to kill them, thinking the stones are a bad omen. And there is also someone else out there. A man that wants them all dead so he can combine the stones and create the Stone of Car'e again and cast the world into darkness. Now they must combine the stone within themselves, and destroy this evil, before it destroys them... [U]The Sign Up[/U] Name: Age: (between 15 and 19 please if your one of the four...) Gender: (demon must be a guy...) Race/Stone: (note that the vampire will have the yellow stone, the human will have the green stone, the demon will have the blue stone and the wolf demon will have the red stone...dont fill this out if your not one of the four) Discription: (note that a vampire will have fangs, a wolf demon will have a tail and ears, a human will...well you know...) Demonic form: (if your a demon) Specil wepons/abilaties?: (any wepons or specil abilaties your charecter may have)[optional] Bio: (how your charecter came to find out he/she was one of the four, and a little backround info...) ___________________________ Mine?...here: Name: Arunue Kalamara Age: 16 Gender: Female Race/Stone: Wolf Demon...Red stone...all of the specil abilaties... Discription: 5'9"...short red and black hair...white bandana...Red trench coat...white tanktop shirt...black, fingerless gloves...black, loose, jean pants...3 buckle knee boots...obviously the wolven ears and tail...[should be able to get a pic scanned soon] Demonic form: looks as a large, gray, black and white wolf...[should be able to get a pic scanned soon] Specil wepons/abilaties?: always carrys 3 daggers on her belt...3 swords: one on her belt and two on straps slung over her shoulder...crossbow also on a strap slung over her shoulder... Bio: Grew up in a small village with her brother. She is actually 1/2 wolf demon and 1/2 vampire...fangs and all...her brother is the same but did not aquier a stone. She was born with the stone pressed into her forhead and her parents abandoned her for that. Her older brother thought it was wrong to leave her so he left and cared for her from birth. For this she developed a strong bond with her brother. Until he was assasinated by another vampire. She told Arunue to follow her and was forced to. She said that killing her brother was the best way to get her to come with her and that they needed to find the human and demon with the stones in their hands. ______________________________ Ok...I need the Vampire, the demon(a guy), and the human...and every good story has a villain right?...thanx a bunch...
Hey, Inuyashagurl_15, if you can get your bio in [I]soon[/I] that'll be great...but I do need you to get it in...Im reserving a spot for erin zyger, as a "friend" from realm of imaginations...so i need more people from realm of reality...thankyou...
go right ahead^_^ make it how you want^_^ :D
I c...ah ha! i get it...but what would feeling on the nose help anything?!?!?!I mean...im just not gunna think about it cuz i have some awful things coming into my skitsofrenic mind right now and so do I!!!!!ok dont think about that...but anywho...detail would not be a good thing at this point :rolleyes: now all we need is...well other people...and i dont think well get much so creative as to have no feeling in the main body parts...lol...and still...not having ErinZyger on here yet is a good thing...nutin against her but...she likes to always make me [I]hurt[/I] in these kinda situations...like: Suddenly a horribly gigantic boulder fell on Arunue's head!!!!lol...but oh well...
Sign Up Rebellion (PG-13 for violence and some language)
ArunueShekamari replied to Viper0529's topic in Theater
Name: Arunue Kalamara... Gender: Female... Age: 16... Appearance: 6'3", large red trench coat over a white tanktop, black leather pants, black 3 buckle boots that almost come up to her knees, black/red hair and a scar crossing her right eye... Personality: A loner, rarely show emotion, barley talks, the only thing that comes out of her mouth when it does is foul, the only person she shows any caring to is Andrew Cadin of whom shes been following but hasent let him notice her yet... Weapons: 3 old, large revolvers that she obtained by stealing from those she killed, 3 swords on straps attatched to her trench coat in the back, and so many small blade she forgot how many... Bio: Included in the small group that Andrew Cadin had been in and left when he did. had been training for the soul perpous of being able to follow Cadin without him knowing she was always behind him and "accidently" finding the pleasure of killing. Still following Cadin and desroying every thing she can in the prosces without him finding her... Profession: just a loner...a lone theif...the natural high of killing, and followin Cadin is the only thing she lives for...like a over excessive stalker. . . -
Yes its much better...but like i said before...im caught in the 6th stage of that poem...and ive gone through the rest before it...i gusse i can use it as a scale^_^I gusse ive got 3 more to go...
Yes its wonderful^_^!!!!!!!Your my saviour man!!!!!!I mean...well ive been trying to get the first person to post NOT be ErinZyger or Ars_Magicae...and thats hard...well im trying to get neither of them in this RPG but...no feeling in the nose?!?!?lol...very creative...
These are two poems, resited by Kalamara The Cascade[you'll notice them in my siggie]: "In this world if you are weak, you death is motivation for the strong, but if you are strong in the world of the weak, you are killed for unusuality... and if you are strong in the world of the strong, you die fighting a battle still not won... you dont have much of a choice there child... any of the three ways you die all the same... either with honor, dignity, or discrace... you always are killed..." -A qoute from Kalamara The Cascade, a milicious thief and killer in her time, driven into insanaty by her brother's assasination... This a...revised...version of the first: "In this world, if you are weak, you will be energy for the strong... and if you are strong in this world... you will servive in the world of the weak..." -revised "I shall never be able to get to heaven, fore it is my destination, and therefore, my quest... but if i canot get to heaven, the closest thing is an eternal hell, knowing that i failed" -A quote from Myles Carshe, after she reiveiled herself to be Kalamara The Cascade, hiding under a fake name... ok they suck but i had really said these things...and i thought the two originals up on the spot...so i think that in that position i would have givin myself a grade...and my grade for thees poems is...!!!...*be----------------------ep* [SIZE=1]"DUE TO TECNICAL DIFICULTIES, WE COULD NOT GET THAT LAST WORD IN...THANK YOU FOR YOUR COAPERATION..."[/SIZE] coments??
the Realm of Reality and the Realm of Imaginations...the two worlds rarly ever colide but every thousand years, some one from the other realm crosses over. This millenia a young girl named Arunue Kalamara, finds out of her [I]real[/I] life back in the Realm of Imaginations...and of her 23 year sentance in the Realm of Reality. She gets a chance, to go back before her time is up, and live as she did before hand. But theres a problem...she was sent to the realm of Reality because she had killed 41 people and had a total theivery of about $23,000,000 worth of money jewls and aincent artifacts. And she has also grown atatched to the humans she has been forced to live with for the past 17 years. She is now begining to develop a depression syndrome and needs help from her friends in both worlds to support her and help her to servive in both/either the Realm of Reality and/or the Realm of Imaginations. I need the information below for the charecters : Age: Name: Special charecteristics: Apperance: Bio: Also...the only charecters i require are: at least 1 friend born and raised in the Realm of Realitly and at least 1 freind that was originally from the Realm of Imaginations...thankyou... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's mine: Name: Arunue Kalamara -------- Age:17 -------- Special charecteristics:self absorbed and horrible ego problem. Slight Emotion problem and major deppresion syndrome... -------- Apperance:tall, short black/red hair, red trench coat and black pants with black 3 buckle boots -------- Bio:Grew up in The realm of Imaginations and lived with her brother. After her brother was assasinated she went slightly crazy. at first she just started to steal to servive. The she started to steal for the pleasure. Thefting aincent artifacts. She started killing to. by the time she had held 5 people hostage at the Nalika National Bank, she had destroyed/stolen 23,000,000 dollars in artifacts jewls and solid cash...and killed 41 poeple. At the bank where her hostages were held was a sespific jewl that could cast 1 person into an infanant abiss of pain...or so was told...she had no intension of useing it though...she just wanted the experience of stealing for the rush. She got a natural high from stealing...it was so dangerous it was exilerating. But she had let 1 of the 5 hostages go and was taking the 2nd out. She was leading her hostage out when an out-of-order-oficer fired at her. She dodged the bullet but as she did so, the bullet flew into the bank and hit a storage of amunition, blowing up the bank and killing the other 3 poeple. She was caught and sentanced to 23 years in the Realm of Reality as an experiment, then they would decide what they would do with her and if her experiences as a human would effect her nature. When she begins to regain memory of the Realm of Imaginations, she began to go crazy. Then her friend that was from the Realm of Imaginations and dindnt mind her being the infamuos Kalamara the Cascade as people had called her, had told her that her brother had been reserected. That drove her nuts that she couldnt talk to him because she felt guilty about her brothers death. See, she had known that her brother was going to be killed before hand...and he was killed right infront of her...and in both casses she was to scared to do anything. Now she might have a chance at getting back but she has grown attatched to the people in this realm...and the Defense Cor. in the Realm of Imaginations doesnt want her back anyway. Shes also seeing obvious good points to killing herself. she needs her friends to help her through this heart breaking desision and experiance...she must leave one world behind...
Before he could even open the door, Ars felt a cold blade against his neck. "Like some high and mighty theif god, eh?" Said a cool voice from behind him, "Wanna be Bandit, eh? Well this Wana be bandit has kept herself alive for this long...And Kylie Lupin...yes...intriguing, as you put it...Kilie is also up to messing up my plans...and so are you...Mrs. Lupin is up to no good for either you or me...damn, shes just going to have to stop obbsesing and get a life!" She was talking to herself more now than to Ars. The blade on the knife shifted so that instead of in a position to slit his throat, it was in more of a posistion to stab him in the throat. "Yes and if I stuck out like a sore thumb I dont think I would be able to sneak up on you....and anyway its a battle stratigy...you act like you dont know a thing and when they least expect it...there on the floor with their throught slit...not knowing what hit them...never expecting that 'wannabe bandit that sticks out like a sore thumb' " Arunue swung around in front of him and smiled like she had just said a freindly 'hello'. "Well...dont you just [I]love[/I] telepathy? Ars...yes...I would imagine your Ars...I'll remember that scent..." Arunue circled around Ars and leaned over his shoulder, held him around the waist and wispered, "Your a human no doubt...so I wont kill you just yet...and dont even try to get that blade in your pocket...i know what your thinking" her voice turned even more cool and suductive. "I know your every move...and im well prepared and defensed..." she broke away and faced the door." yes...ive been throught here many times...although there are a few things that i still need to be able to get in..." she threw a sideways glance at Ars then back up at the tower. "The shortest way through is a team trust game foresay..." She turned back around twords Ars. "You need me more than I need you...and I think maybe it would do us both some good to be paired up...any way" She turned back around and looked up again. " I know whats in there...every inch...but...just being able to see through walls, telepathy, mind tricks and being able to get total control over an able persons mind is not going to insure my victory...i need something from you...and you would probably be able to get through here faster if you came with me...and that partner trust challenge...we can get through that...the scroll is on the other side...i saw it...but i cant get in without you ...and i dont think you would servive 5 minuets by your self...come with me?" She held out her hand again "Partners?...for now i mean...once one of us get to that scroll i can asure you that the other one will probably die by their hands...so i think it would be in both our good intrest if we...were partners..."
She lingered around just alittle longer to make sure that she wasnt beeing followed again. Arunue Kalamara had been in the City of Thieves only a short while but she could sense that something was different about the smell of the air. Well for one thing she smelled a stalker...but that wasnt it...there was something else. Something she knew that no one around here had never encountered before. She turned around sharply as she thought she smelled another person. The scent of the person that had been following her for that short, few days. See, she had aquierred a lot of information about her new challenge. The chalange of this "Bandit Game" she had heard about not to long ago. When she left her home city and wandered into the Milky Way and into the City of Theives. She learned about this "Ars" charecter, who was mainly just "some kid trying to become a theif", and the Theives Quest. She had a feeling she was stirring up trouble but then again, sence when was that new? She brought trouble with her where ever she went. And she kind of liked it. Arunue sat down on a large rock sitting on the side of an alley way and sniffed the air. I mean, [I]literally[/I] sniffed the air. she had a...well balenced sence of smell. And she smelled living human flesh. The sent of anticipation and anxiousness drifted with the aura. She giggled to herself lightly then took out her prized blade and polished it on her sleve. She was still very much aware of her follower but acted noncholantly to throw them off. She stuck the blade she had gotten from the Bandit she had grown up with back into her inside pocket and stood up. She looked around and drew out a golden wistle. Arunue brought it up to her lips and blew but only a high pitched sound came out. Like a dog wistle only even [I]more[/I] high pitched. Suddenly a loud thundering sound came from the distance. A chestnut coloured horse emergied on the herizon in a full gallop, thus the noise. As soon as the horse reached Arunue she checked her watch. She said to her self, Hmm...good timing.... Then she jumped on her horse and rode off like a bullet, finally coming back to the smell of disorder in the air. And leaving the scent of her stalker behind. The only thing she could think about was that "Sky Stone Temple" people had been talking about in hushed voices. Maybe if she took just one more quick glance around the city she would be able to gain [I]some[/I] extra knowlage of what this was exactly. And for some reason that she didnt know...the thought of that Ars kid bugged her. I Now Claim The Title Of "First To Reply To The First Post Of The Bandit Game, And Has A Really Long Name Now" And Thanks To ErinZyger, Ars Magicae Now Claims The Title Of "God Of Cheese"... dont ask
yes...but you see...someone may read this and see a resemblence to it and their own life...its a good poem...and i think i would like it more if i couldnt compare it to myself...
uh...the first two are quotes...I've said them in the past and their not really poems but i think they'll work...the last one i got over dramatic on...:rolleyes: the first two are in my siggie too... ____________________________________________________ "In this world if you are weak, your death is motivation for the strong, but if you are strong in the world of the weak, you are killed for unusuality... and if you are strong in the world of the strong, you die fighting a battle still not won... you dont have much of a choice there child... any of the three ways you die all the same... either with honor, dignity, or discrace... you always are killed..." ____________________________________________________ "I shall never be able to get to heaven, fore it is my destination, and therefore, my quest... but if i canot get to heaven, the closest thing is an eternal hell, knowing that i failed" ____________________________________________________ "please, help me from this, i get pleasure in hearing you cry out in pain, i want to stop but i cant... Forever loving the thought of your death by my hands, loving the feel of your blood run through my fingers, loving whatching the death and destruction i know i have caused, always alone and never satisfide with one more death... Countinuing killing forever untill you rise from the dead one again, always crying myself to sleep after i cut myself just for the blood, seeing the blood in my sleep, the blood of all those I've killed and can never replenish that feeling... The feeling of death, when you kill and you get a high, you want more, and you dont want to stop... I cant stop, only you can stop me from from killing again, and your gone... Dead by my hands, lost forever in my soul, untill i die with you and am rewarded for flooding heaven with souls... But i am cast into eternal life, forever killing and killing over and over, never ending, everytime wanting more blood then the last... Until there is no one left, I am the only person left alive, and i must suffer, for i can never die... Always alone because of you... Wandering this planet alone with no reason to live but i cant die because of you... Because of you... Damn you..."
lol...thanks...i just got a new program and it sucks so horribly....and i didnt have alot of time to work on it but ill accually take your advice...im gunna go do that now!!!!!^_^ thankz!!:D ok i fixed it...ill figure out some wat to post it and this to:
This is a Cologe i made for my sis...coments?
i have a long thought out, well developed question...: WHEN IS THIS FRIKKIN RPG GOIN TA START ANYWHO???? ars...dont ask...
sorry i was just too much in a bad mood...ErinZyger had brought up my supposedly dead brother allittle before hand and i was a little upset...^_^ im fine now though^_^ Yeah...speaking of my brother...how would you feel if you accidentily got your brother killed, you blamed it totally on your self,and a few years later you saw him walkin down the street,he bumps into you, and says, "Hey i sorry!Do...i know you...you look farmilliare," What would you do huh????how would you feel? hey...im...overreacting a bit...ive just been really upset about my brother latly and i blame his death totally on myself and i bumped into a guy w/ my brothers aura at a dance a few nights ago and ive been really shaken up about it and the only person i have to talk to about it is ErinZyger and shes been grounded and i havent been able to talk to her and im about to burst out in tears...! :bawl: oh welll...ill finish my story^_^: Jagansi stood up and looked at me obviously expecting me to follow him. "You comin'?" He said in a smooth but cuorious voice. "Oh! yeah...but...where are we-" I didnt have time to finish my sentance because he was already dragging me down the street, passing Kurama, still stuck in the ground, head first. I had a hard time but I seamingly managed to pull him aside and ask him what the hell was going on. He looked at me for a minuet with a blank expresion on his face then his emotion turned more apologetic. "Damn im sorry i gusse i should explain..." He looked at me and saw the counfusion in my expresion, "look...i havent taken you out in forever and we're late already...just trust me...plaese?" He started to walk in the other direction and i had no choice but to follow him. "So...where [I]are[/I] we goin?" I looked over at him and he just replied with a sinister looking grin... Im Sorry This Post Was So Short But Im Kinda Bussy...Thankx
its in friken script form you jack *****! fooooooooooooooooo... in not feeling to good right now i might be over acting :twitch: ...but i dont need your critisisim...if your just going to tell me how bad it is dont type anything at all!!!now im going to go get drunk... :beer: ANYWAY IM STILL GETTING USED TO THE OUTAKUBOARDS IM NEW TO THE PLACE!THIS IS ACCUALLY MY FIRST POST!!!!*sigh*