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Everything posted by ArunueShekamari

  1. Kuramam stayed on the ground...smart choice! Suddenly Hiei appeared,and soon enough his mouth was as full of pavement as Kurrama's. "Hiei where have you been?You scared me..."i said suprisingly calmly but you could tell i was worried. "Hey im sorry,ill make it up to you,"He said slinging his arm around my shoulder,"You can go now Kurama." "AAAAWWWWWWW! But i wanted to see this! :bawl: " He said sarcastically.I lifted my index finger and pointed at him as i revved up my spitit gun.He imedeatly backed off saying,"ok ok no need to get nasty now!" Me and Hiei walked down the street,"where are we going?" i asked."Well before we go anywere we need touse up about 15 minuts." He noticed i looked counfused."Sit," He said as we passed a park bench . "you didnt really sleep all day did you?" we both let out a laugh and for 15 min we talked(mostely about kuwabara). BE---------------EP! Hiei's watch went off,"ok is time to go!Your gunna like this i think!" To Be Countinued: (sorry its so short) :bawl:
  2. Sweeping vs Sleeping con't The night came fast. We stayed up as long as we could, laughing our fool heads off at what we said and did during the dark tourney and in our free time. Like when Hiei saw Yusuke's Spirit Beast, Puu, and said, "What is that rediculous appendage growing out of your head?", or when Yusuke was fighting Jin and he said, "Sheesh! And I thought I was a wee bit crazy, you just don't make things go BOOM!!! in yer face, Uramshi!!"and how many times Hiei called Kuwabara a fool. I lost count after 150. We all had a good laugh, and before we knew it, Hiei and Kuwabara were asleep. Must be thier bedtime...actually I wouldn't be surprized if they knocked each other senceless behind our backs...oh well. For the other half of the night, Kurama, Yusuke, Botan, and me, stayed up playing cards. All of a sudden, we heard a strange, sucking sound comming from where Hiei was sleeping. Since Kurama was the closest to him, we asked the prettyboy to go see what it was and to get it away from Hiei cuz he gets cranky when he hasn't slept. So Kurama leaned over Hiei'shoulder. He came back with an evil i-know-a-juicy-secret-to-tell-Koenma look. Yusuke, Kurama, Botan, and I laned over Hiei and saw him...sucking his thumb!!! We all burst into laughter, waking Hiei up. To Be Continued...:sleep: Don't mind me if i fall asleep..... no i didn't write this under personal expiriance... Sweeping Vs Sleeping Hiei slowly and sleepily got to his knees and noticed the rest of us laughing. "Okay, there's something I should know isn't there?". At this moment I fell to the floor and burst out laughing. Kurama and Yusuke looked like they were gunna have a heart attack. Botan was on the floor rolling in laughter, gasping for breath. Kuwabara didn't wake up yet...a ton of bricks couldn't wake up Kuwabara if someone tried to stick them up his nose and in his ears... It was then that Hiei noticed his hand was a little wet, "Uh oh."He yawned. Kurama contained his laughter, kinda, and led Hiei out into the hall. "That's the last time I eat popcorn of the darkness flame before bed." Hiei thought. Kurama turned and said, "Okay, now were even...you tell the guys and girls to stop givng me funny looks everywhere I go, and I won't tell Koenma about your little 'habit'". Hiei just sulked and said, "Koenma? Why that fool?". Kurama put up his index finger, puts on an evil face, "Because he cannot keep a secret, and he will blab to George, George will spill it to the other Ogres, and the Ogres will tell all of Spirit World.". Hiei gasped, "Okay! Agreed!", he said quickly. Kurama and Hiei walked back into the room. All eyes where on them, Kuwabara still not up yet, we couldn't help it anymore. All of us laughing at the same time mad Kurama and Hiei extreamly mad. They looked at each other. "You throw out the wolf and the baka, and i'll transport Yusuke and the Oar rider to the moon." Hiei said. Kurama laughed an evil, sarcastic laugh and nodded. We all stopped laughing. "Uh...we have a problem...everybody run!" We scatered around the room then out the door of the house. Kurama and Hiei chase us all the way down town, we ran around the schools a couple of times. Three hours later, we slowed down at the park and all fell over laughing... To Be Continued Oy, this is getting boring but wait till you see what we see in the clouds...teehee!!:laugh: Sweeping vs. Sleeping After most of us stopped laughing, we all layed down on the grass. This is the moment Kurama remembered Kuwabara was still back at the house. He sat up and said, "Someone should go wake up Kuwabara, its almost noon, the sun's in the middle of the sky." (of corse everyone is stupid enough to check and we all go temporaryly blind...). when we could see, all eyes turned to Hiei. "Me? Why should I have to go wake up that dolt?!", He exclaimed. "'Cuz your the fastest.", I told him. Of corse he didn't disagree, he just shlumped fastly out of the park. Hiei appeared on the windowcill outside the bedroom. He got in, jumped, and perposly landed on Kuwabara. The sleeping oaf just rolled over. "Feh." Hiei muttered as he started to kick Kuwabara. Still no use. "He's a breathing rock.", Hiei grumbled. Hiei got enraged and picked Kuwabara up by the collar and the middle of his shirt and threw him out the window into a dumpster. Hiei looked out to see Kuwabara snoring in the garbage with Pizza on his face. Hiei dissapeared out of sight. When Hiei reappeared, he was back at the park. he opeaned his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, "I know, no use right?" Hiei nodded, miserable at the fact he couldn't complete his task...Ah well it'll pass. "We perpously gave you this task because we knew you couldn't do it." Hiei fell to the ground, "Ow." Kurama said, "That has to smart.'' We all looked up at the clouds in the sky and said what we saw. "Lookie! A dragon...and there's a wolf!", I yelled,"Hey yeah, and I think I see a rose."Kurama said, "Prettyboy...." I mumbed under my breath." Does anyone else see Botan up there.......oh wait it is Botan.", Yusuke said. Botan waves goodbye, "Gotta go, Koenma's calling!". We all turn to Hiei, again, "Umm...a gorey battle between a almost headless beast and a werewolf with blood and guts gushing everywhere.", He said."Your imagination blows. Just like the wind." I exclaimed and layed back down on the grass. All of a sudden, Kuwabara walks on the scene. "Well hey, guys, you'll never guess what happed in my crazy dream!"... To Be Continued... okay, who's scared of Hiei now huh?:nervous:
  3. for one thing... :lecture: my mom dosent work...she stays home...and hogs the computer...and also...i made kurama say he was sorry tho the ground for falling on it! :demon: :stupid:
  4. damn you erin!!!you stole my money, boy friend(although he is kinda cute drunk:drunk:, i dont really blame ja:alcohol: ) and my idea!!!lol oh...wait...i have no money... you hate hieis guts...and...i never told ja my idea for my poem...oops sry!!!!:blush: :stupid:
  5. hey yeah i know but my sis don' and im gone when shes typing!!pppppppplllllllllllll...oh, and the title will be more obviouse next post!! "Popcorn of the Darkness Flame" was my idea! like "Shoes of the Darkness Flame" but... dont think on that...theres a long and complicated joke behind that...
  6. Sweeping Vs Sleeping the story of how Kurama got back at the gang, or mainly Hiei, for making fun of his sweeping. Kurama was still embarrased about the sweeping thing that happened two weeks ago when Hiei came to the door of his home. "Hiei,", Kurama said, "what brings you back here?". Hiei stood sulking on the steps, "It wasn't my idea, the "wolf" insisted that we throw a party at that idiot, Kuwabara's for the aniversery of the day we all tragicly met.". Kurama giggled, "That sounds like a great idea.". Hiei blinked, "*sigh*So now I guess im going to have to come.". Kurama nodded. The party went on as planned. Yusuke and Kuwabara had an eating contenst. They grabbed candy bars, potato chips, cookies, soda, popcorn, and left the salad and healthy stuff to Kurama. Hiei was off in a corner so I threw some popcorn at him. Then, something amazing happened. Hiei picked up the popcorn and threw it back at me while saying, "My new attack, Popcorn of the Darkness Flame!!". The popcorn hit Kuwabara's head, surprizing?, and he faked a grewling, horrible, merciless, bloody, killer, agonizig, long, painfull...ill stop...death. to be continued... You'll get the title later...
  7. I woke up the next morning in bed,"hiei, heh," i said to myself when i noticed a note on the end table. "Whats this?Hiei if this is some kind of joke like you did before, righting out a Will...your sure gunna need it!!" i practically yelled accross the room as i picked up the note. it read as the following: Arunue, No this is not a fake will, although i thought that was a pretty funny joke,but i want you to know im going to be out for the day like usual but i want you to meet me some where. Go out into the city, and find C A Almond St. when you do turn right and go down that street(i forgot the name) all the way down untill the first fountain. I should be around there but if you see Kurama, ask him where i am, trust me, HE'LL KNOW! [FONT=courier new]Hiei[/FONT] I slid back into the covers and went back to sleep. As soon as i woke up i checked the time: 4:53. Almost 5, i thought, i should start getting ready. As i started out of the house i thought about what Hiei could have ment by " ask Kurama, he'll know".But soon enough i found C A Almond St. and was on my way. I went all the way down the next street until the first fountain and sure enough Kurama was sitting on the edge of the fountain, looking around. I snuck up be hind him and as soon as i said "Kurama?" he jumped up and yelled in fright. "Oh, its just you... yes and Hiei should be here any moment..." I slammed him upside the head and he fell face first into the pavement. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" He said as he jumped up from the floor. " Where's Hiei... This isnt like him..."i said slowly and, suprisingly, calmly! " Heh... yeah i gusse your pretty special for Hiei of all people to act like this *sigh*" I could tell he was just trying to bug me.I slamed him into the ground again. "you deserved that..." This time he stayed down, " done eating pavement?"i asked with not even a hint of sarcasem. "muhm!" he said through a mouth full of cemment. To Be Continued:[FONT=arial]Hiei[/FONT] [FONT=century gothic]Hiei[/FONT]
  8. Ever Imagine Kurama Sweeping?? cont x2 Kurama looked down slowly and gasped when he saw Me, Hiei, Kuwabara and Yusuke giggling our fool heads off. Kurama looked extreamly embarrased and shut the blinds quickly, "Touchie!!", I yelled, hoping he heard. With the boys behind me, still gigling, I walked up to the door and knocked, "Fuzzy! Fuzzy??" ("Fuzzy is my nicname for the "K man"). Kurama came to the door, annoyed and embarrased, and said, "It's not funny. I couldn't say no to my mother." The boys behind me burst into laughter you could hear a block away. Kurama's face went as red as his hair.(That's really red) "You watch it, Wolf (LoneWolf is my name), I'll alert mother that your here and you know what happened last time she was doing a progect like this.". I sat there recalling the horrible memory of how she came to the door and asked us all to help. I ended up cleaning his fishbowl, Hiei swept the floor, quickly, kicking up dust in his wake, Kuwabara had dusted off all the furniture and entertainment systems, and Yusuke, well lets just say he got mad at whatever it was he was doing and said it was stupid, like always, and almost blew the whole neighborhood up with the Spirit Wave. Kurama stood with a proud, triumphant look on his face. "Uh." The boys and me said. "Uh, I got to go...go feed Chrimson(Chrimson Lightning is my horse).C ya!!!" I said, and ran to the left. "Um...Mom's calling." Yusuke said as he ran after me. "Got to go feed Aikachi, buh-bye!" Kuwabara said, and ran to the right. Now only Hiei was left, "You fool," He said, still gigling, jumped, and dissapeared, leaving an after image. Kurama stood in the doorway alone. I was kidding...i'm all done. the end... well, not really...something like this will happen to another of the characters...yeah...so like..to be continued... yeah...
  9. Name:Arunue Kalamara (yes i am a girl) Age:16 Description:short, blonde, slightly unkept (messy)hair with blue tips. All red over coat with at least 19 compartments, over a light plain white tanktop,with red, loose, leather mix pants and heavy brown riding boots.Very self contained, self obsorbed, arogent, stubborn, egotistical,antisocil,and with a really bad attitude... Weapons and Tools:about 5 swords(reverse blade) two on my belt,3 on straps atatched to the back of my coat.also artchery equipt. and throwing knives. A boomarang, multiple guns, a pair of num-chucks and a 9 inch blade hidden somewhere in those 19 compartments in my coat. Also I have a horse i often use but im not sure she would be counted as a wepon or tool... Bio:grew up in a small town actualy out side of the milky way and heard about the Bandit Game from a passing travler. My usual curiousity got the best of me and i set of to find a city id never heard of...of course i was determined to find a new chalenge...i was getting board hanngin around home... My family had died in an explosion and left me alone at the age of 6...i was taken in by a thief and lived with him for 8 years about 3 months after my older brother wass assasinated by his men...living with the young man that had been so many times outcasted from our city...the man witch was convicted of being a milicious thief, sparring none that got in his was and a death count of 46...at the age of 14 i left that man...the man that had raised me to be a thief...cold and haertless...i never left the town though...some thing drew me there... something forced me too stay to the place where my parents had died...i was too weak then...i stayed there two more years and while i waited i went over my parents death in my head. kind of funny...it was the only thing keeping me alive...the thought of my folks die'n like that. it would have accualy made some people go mad... the way i was thinking of them...forcing myself to remember whatching my mother and father walk into our house...it was well away from all the other buildings...icolated almost...i remembered seeing the door close behind them...i was about to follow but i decided not to as soon as i heard it...it was a soft hissing...almost...a menicing hiss...and then it happened...the house exploded into a firey mass and i accually whatched my parents fly out of a downstairs window, landing only about a foot away from the house...my mother was still alive but my father lain still...covered in blood, as his head been split open...i whatched my mother screamming out in pain as she cought on fire...and burned...burned in a fire i would have only gussed but from hell...oh yes, it would have driven most people to the point of insanaty it would have...driven most people to suicide... But im not most people... after two years i had gained enough strength to leave the place that i had made a burrial ground for my parrents but there was one thing keeping me from leaving...a good friend...he was a bar keeper and i was overly attatched...accually the only one i was attatched to. Growing up with that theif for 8 years made sure of that. He was so self centered, and had so big of and ego that it rubbed off on me and made me a thief...i was talking to the only person i accepted as a friend while he waited peopl at the bar, when a drunken-looking man entered. He sat down and began rammbling on about some sort of "Bandit Game" and cought my intrest. He kept talking and as i said the first word i had uttered to him he acted as if i had insulted him and began to go into a rage...he suddenly pulled out a gun and shot my friend in the head and he landed on the ground dead, in a bloody mess...but as quickly as he fired i had drew my gun and fired one right in his head, making him eat lead...afterward i was exciled from the city for killing and had no where else to go besides go find the Bandit Game thing he was talking about... (i am a gurl, many people get counfused about that)^_^ the only ppl who would really know that here are erin and...im sorry to say...ars... I dont know why im telling you this but i bassed this on [I]my[I] acctuall life...what really happened was that i had been out with my older brother and when i got back to my house it was on fire and my parents were lying at the base of a window where their was shattered glass...so i gusse they got blown out or jumped out...and i lived with my brother from then on...but ...years later...my brother was assasinaded...and i was alone... and thats up to where i am here! liveing with these people that think im their kid...they "adopted me" and had me live here...with them...
  10. Hey your counfusing me!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHlol! hey dayday, you dont mind if i pound hiei's head into the pavement do ya?lol. i gotta do it for a friend...but i may not be able to post for a while because my mother hogs the computer...it sucks...
  11. Hiei grabbed his coat and slung it over his shoulder in that sexy sort of way he always did to tease me... "Where do you think YOUR going?!?"i asked as he opened the door. "Maybe i WILL go kill kuwabara, it'd be more fun than staying around here!heh heh heh,"he replied adding a little chuckle. "Oh so its fun you want..." i said grabing him by the arm,and pinning him up against the wall, starting to nibble on his ear. suddenly he broke away and appeared behind me."thats not exactly what i had in mind..."he said as he accualy pinned ME against the wall and pressing his lips against mine and, as funny as it is, we both, simultainiusly, opened or mouthes a little for a harder kiss. the he broke away again but this time appearing at the door saying,"Im sorry i,ve got to go but trust me im not going to be goofing off teasing that klutz Kuwabara!" *sigh*I slid to the floor tired from the day. i had been running around almost EVERYWHERE doing this and that."maybe ill just...sleep...here..." i said as i dozed off... To Be Countinued: (damn,im serrious im tired!)
  12. "Ever Imagine Kurama Sleeping??" con't Kurama walked back into the living room annoyed."Shuuichi, could you help me, hun?". Obviously Kurama nodded his head and said, "Yes, mother.". He picked up a broom and started sweeping and thought,"This could take all day, if I don't get get out of here, people might think i'm up to something.". Then, kurama took out a bottle of Febreze{tm} and sprayed a window, "She had to buy the rose scented Febreze didn't she?". Kurama picked up a towel, "Well, atleast none of my friends can see me. That would be too embarasing.", He said with a big sigh and whiped away some of the spray and could see out the window. That's whe Kurama heard a small noise, like someone laughing. "Oh, no." He thought. (to be countinued)
  13. my sister is writing this not me dayday!:D
  14. Ever Imagine Kurama Sweeping?? Kurama walks down the stairs from his bedroom to his living room. He looks around, still half asleep, and sees pictures, frames, lamps, and other small things pilled atop the furniture, witch was moved into the middle of the floor."Oh, no,"Kurama thought,"Mother's doing Spring Cleaning again."Kurama slowly tipptoed towards the door.He shut itlightly behind him. Tipptoeng lighty down the stairs he suddenly hears,"Shuuichi!!"It was his mother."Hmmmm..."Kurama sighed... To Be Continued...
  15. Hiei looked up at me like he was about to rip my head off. "Now Now Hiei...i mean... its not that embarassing...heh heh...see at least you dont have to do the dishes!!" I said trying to calm him down. Hiei started thrashing about the house, breaking this and that. "Hiei," I said as I got him pinned to the floor finaly,"Dont you have some thing to do, some evil monster to kill??? Maybe just kill that klutz kuwabarra? Im not used to having you home...now im going to let you up and your going to calm down ok...?" Hiei nodded. I let him up and he dusted him self off."Heh sorry, i got carryed away...no big deal... any way if the otaku board people say anything about it I'll kill 'em...heh, heh, heh." To Be Countinued: (sorry about the spelling and grammer mistakes in the first two sections)
  16. im new at this and i need some help... i need some one to help explain this stuff and where stuf is and stuff...lol ok ill be more precise...i need help from some one that has time to help me...just replying to this would help alot!lol
  17. hiei walked back to his house...he hated doing the dishes...kinda pitifull really...atleast thats was i thought. i was laughing at him all the way back to the house,"You thought you could get away from me??????ha!""can you please stop...?"Hiei noted."stop...?im sorry...BUT ITS JUST SO DAMN PITTIFUL!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" they entered the house...Hiei was ready for the worst...he entered the kitchen and he saw. . .All the dishes wer clean and sparkleing!!!"oops...i gusse i got a little out of hand and did them for you..heh heh hhhhhhh..." "you mean...all that moking...for no reason..and making me look like a fool on the otaku boards..."Hiei twitched... to be continued... (will hiei kill me?)
  18. It was dark,a shadow creeped out from behind a building like a bulet.A voice from the shadow had sighed with relief,"feh...that was easy..."Sudenly a sharp yell rolled across the yard."HIEI!!!!GET BACK HERE!!" Hiei ran for his life,obviously someone was out to kill him!!unfourtanetly he wasnt fast enough...and thats hard to say because he's pretty fast!sudenly he stoped...standing in front of him was...his girlfriend!?!?!?!!??! "Hiei...its your turn to do the dishes..."she said calmly but obviously annoyed."damn!"he said to himself, "And i almost got away too!"
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