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About SixATwelve

  • Birthday 05/09/1988

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    I dont know what to put here..
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  1. im up for it...sounds hott...ppl should take pics of there time like with a digital camera
  2. Full Meteal Panic? Fumoffu aka Full Metal Panic 2's first episode is out..i have it on my computer
  3. LOL..nice one pantalaimon..i wonder if all the hot chicks were taken ..LOL
  4. i wouldnt mind doin this online thing...but for me..im staying single n lovin it..WOOOOO....lol...so for the divorcelawyer..what claims are made..n who gets custody of what?!?!....lets see maybe custody of an online avatar..its gotta be weird the whole online thing...its like..u probably dont even think of the person..ur like..o yea theotaku.com n then u remeber..but hey...w/e floats your boat people
  5. in General i like all rap artist..the only i dont like is ja rule n his whole Murder Inc. Corporation..but for the most part i love rap...even though it is a highly controversial subject..and the truth is they dont sing the jus talk..but the point is its in society so people have to deal wit it.
  6. rain makes you feel mellowed out and laid back for me...looking at the lighting is cool..looking at it in total darkness is the best but for the most part i like rain..very much
  7. im like 71.8% done..ive heard of GT4 back early in 2003 but still most of the ideas were in the air.GT has to be one of the greatest driving games out there..i remember when in GT1 it was soo hard in almost everyway..the license mostly but some times the races..for the most part i think GT is a really great game
  8. I picked my Sn because its the engine code to The Mitsubishi FTO which is a car i like alot..n i couldnt think of ne thing else..n i didnt plan on taking out my japanese dictionary for good names/words
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