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Sign Up Metropolis: 2038 [M- L, V, and Gore]
DragonBlood replied to Tyler Koregaten's topic in Theater
Name: Xavier Valentine Age: 21 Occupation: Military Side: Chi If Military, what division: Aerial/Infantry If Military, what rank: Lt. Commander, Full title "Imperator cado ex Caelum" or simply "Imperator Caelum" ("Commander of death from the heavens") Skills: Aerial Drops into combat zones. Close combat, Fast assault, Recon. Writing sample: Xavier Valentine watched as the ground rushed at him, small explosions of gun fire pin pricked the fields below. He turned his head to one side, counting down slowly. He turned his head again, the ground much closer. He moved quickly, grasping the handle of his rifle with his right hand and pulling it around from his back, he yanked on the loading mechanism, tossing his body into a slight roll. The sky rotated into his view, along with the falling forms of his men, then the ground again. He pushed the butt of the rifle against his shoulder and began to fire, computer enhanced vision aloud for precise targeting, years of training aloud for pin point accuracy. Others in his unit began to do the same, raining death on their enemy below. A beep informed him that it was time to stop his free fall, Xavier pulled a lever and the drop jets on his pack came alive, he felt the heat rush across the back of his legs. Pulling up into a lose ball he righted himself and continued his bloody descent. The enemy below never even realized what was happening until some poor fool looked up. The man began to call to his doomed comrades, but it was far too late for all of them. Xavier reached back and pulled one last lever, opening his packs burners all the way up, slowing his descent down drastically. He felt no remorse for the man he torched on the final descent. When he hit the ground he rolled up to his knee, swinging left and right quickly, picking off a few more enemy soldiers. The rest of his men landed momentarily. "Imperator Caelum, we have made land fall, casualties, none." An XO reported, "Very good, continue with operation as planned." Xavier smiled; the battle would soon be won. -
Name: Caskal Demer Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Caskal has a medium build but is tall, around 6"3'. He seems both commanding and understanding both at the same time. His up bringing gave him a look of intelegance. (pic attached) Weapon: Dragon's Tear An ornate staff of silver, engraved all along its length, the end it has been shaped into the likeness of Buhamets head. Grants Immune to Fire and Hast Techniques/Magic: Caskal is highly trained with the staff, his blows are devestatingly placed. He also can cast Cure and Haste, and he can summon Buhamet. Overdrive: Caskal has the choice either to A: Summon an Aeon with full overdrive or he can B: preform Angelic Armageddon, in which he sprouts angel wings, hovers above the ground and fires a beam of pure energy at his opponents. (Similar to Buhamets Overdrive replace fire look with pure energy and replace Buhamet with Caskal) Bio: Caskal was born in Bevelle and raised to be a summoner. He never truly liked the public light but he learned to live with it as sort of a bad side effect for trying to save the world. Caskal learned staff combat from the priests at the temple and was good from an early age. When he went into the temple to attempt to summon Buhamet the priests gave him his staff, Dragon's Tear. He went into the temple with his father at his side. He nearly failed the tests in the temple but in the end he came out alive with the ability to summon Buhamet. His father was very proud of his son, but did not decide to guard his son on his journey. Caskal tried to get the reasons out of his father but could not and so he left for Luca to begin his quest.
John-Phillipe had planned on going home, it was his whole harted desire. Of course that was befor he noticed a hunter sneeking into Ana's home. "Fool." Two others had gathered out side the house also, well, atop another building. "May I ask what fool has attacked the lady Ana in her own home?" He asked as he approtched the two. The one seemed to be a vampire, the other a hunter, a very odd couple indeed. "The fools name is Lucifer." "A fool named for a fool then." John sighed as he turned back to look at the house, he didn't much care about the fact that the hunter was above him, he doubted she was doing much hunting at the moment any way, besides, few people knew what he was enough for a hunter to be on his trail. The hunter found it odd that a well dressed man such as John was would simply strike up conversation with two people standing ontop of a building. "Who are you stranger?" she asked. John turned and bowed slightly as he replied, removing his top hat, "John-Phillipe Aristol, at your service, and you?"
"Some times I hate this place." John-Phillipe sighed as he approched the now well burned building that he had originaly planed to eat at. The events going on around him all seemed to be connected in some strange web, a web he really didn't care to much about. He noticed Sin, he had noticed him befor he had seen him actually, but the Ancient undoubtebly had more important matters to attend to than a Vampire in denial. John decided that he would just go home. It had been quite the uneventfull night for him, which seemed ironic considering what must have happened in the area.
John-Phillipe stepped briskly down the stairs of his town house, his cane tapped the stone steps every few steps. He placed the cane under his arm as he put hit top hat and gloves on, then returned the cane to his hand. As he strolled down the path he waved to a few people who knew him. As he made his way further down the street he turned off onto a slightly less well known trail and followed it out of the town. After about an hours walk he arrived at a large pasture, with a herd of cows sleeping. He approched the nearest one, removed his gloves, and began a delicat process. True he could easily kill the beast and take all the blood, but that would go against every thing he had strove to attain for the past 763 years. The cows never died any more, which was the way he liked it. He finished his drinking, muting out the urge to gorge on the animals supply, and looked out over the town. The moon hung in the dusty sky, a few strong stars peirced the haze, it was beutifull. He had liked the night sky since befor he was even a vampire, that was one of the few things he still remembered about his former life. John put his gloves back on and started down the hill toward town. Billiards sounded like a nice idea, perhaps he would visit some of the taverns.
Request A dragon banner and avi please?
DragonBlood replied to DragonBlood's topic in Creative Works
I like! thanks a mill! -
If any one could make these attached picks into a banner and avi set? I would like the Avi to focus on the reaper if you can, but it dosent have to and on the Banner put: "Fear knows not death...and death knows not fear So fear not of death, else fear torment you till death takes you And your life was wasted running to what you are running from." and DragonBlood Thanks in advance!
I hope you don't mind a bit of abnormality here, it their is a problem I'll change. Name: John-Phillipe Aristol (silent 'e') Age: 763 (appears 46) Race: Vampire Class: Human Turned Vampire Weapons: 'Cane-blade' or 'Cane-sword' (thin blade that, when sheathed, doubles as a cane and is compleatly undetectable.) this one in particular is silver. *the sheath is made to be used either as a defencive weapon or a blunt offensive weapon* Character Description: attached Background: John-Phillipe Aristol became a vampire long ago, in a time when more anchients still lived. Unlike most though, he never fully accepted that breed of "Creatures damned to worse fate than Satan himself." Of course Phillipe was forced to make the best of the situation. Instead of secluding himself to some distant land to spend his days alone forever, (A thought that tempted him more than a few times) Phillipe has spent all of his 763 years as a vampire struggeling to prove that the curse is reversable, that you can indeed return to a normal human. After all this time he has nearly locked the urge for human blood away for good, the urges being feed by what has now become a rather large herd of cattle to feed on. Phillipe has nearly perfected being a human again, but the curse is still heavy on him and every day is a struggle, though he believes he is nearing a cure. He knows only a few humans well enough to have released his secret to them, and is never close enough to any one else for them to wonder about him. To the rest of the world he is just another rich man wanting. This is true, but what he is wanting is so much more than any of them could possibly know.
OOC: Sorry bout the long absence IC: Judas nodded, it was as he feared. He wasn't given much time to lament though, as three huge worm like heads burst from the ground. "Bastard worms." Judas said, nearly casually, He quickly begain searching the worms body for clues as to what actuall type of worm it was, certain creatures were easily killed, but others were living nightmares. He serched the head areas, but to his dismay found no sign of eyes, this only left a few options. Judas readied his sword to attack, all his men moved like clock work, being close to the dessert had put them in similar situations befor, trial and error had fine tuned their workings against the dessert creatures, but they were still highly dangerous. Judas rushed in quickly for what may have been a fatal stroke, if the worm had actually felt any of it. "Shit. Right then lets get to it." Now it was a game of cat and mouse untill some one could land a fatal shot ussing the creatures mouth as a window. Really huge cats, really small mice.
Judas wasn't sure weather to be sadened or happy, on one hand this was a group he could trust, on the other they said his friend Javen Ilkar had once lead the group, did that mean Javen was dead? "Well, this means we are on the same team then Ruby Chaos. I have heard of your exploits, and am happy to say I have now met the man behind the story. I must ask though, you said Javen Ilkar once was leading your group? Why once? Why not now?" Judas was sure in his hart that Javen must have met fate on the path, but he hopped he was wrong...
Judas sat on a stone next to the path, about an hour behind him was the desert that the four were headed toward, and they would arrive shortly. A few soldiers had set up with him and they all waited for the group to arrive. Judas knew that the group was strong, but they had been facing orcs and forest creatures, a feat yes, but against an army like his, so well trained and battle hardened, he doubted they stood any chance, of course he also doubted they would be looking for a fight when they arrived. A look out signaled that they had come into sight, so the soldiers all stood, with Judas at the center of the group of about twelve, a few rangers hidden behind them, and the ten scouts following the group. Of course Judas never expected to need all these men, but it was well worth being safe, he wasing going to take any more chances after the things he had seen, and friends he had lost because of assumeing things. As the group walked into view he raised a hand, "Stay travelers, I am Iscar Judas, captain of this the 23rd Allied Legion. We are not here to do battle, unless your intent is such. I assure you that you are out numbered and trapped. I have heard of your victory over many creatures, and quite the force of orcs, but we are not orcs, so I suggest you not be arrogant and think us as easy to defeat as such. If you choose to fight, you will die." Judas let his hand fall to his side, "Shall we speak?" The procaution was a bit harsh, but it had been a long time since Judas had given any warning or call to an unknown force, mostly because he knew every move of every other friendly unit in the area, and no travelers had come his way for some time. Besides, he thought, if any of them had any military training then they would have expected this to be one of the two things that could have happened, the other being that they would have been greated by arrows in place of words.
Some of the scouts exchanged glances, "well, best laid battle plans are all doomed to fail." one whispered, still silent as the grave. "To true. we better make shure they get to the captain alive though." The other nodded, "but they still can't know of us." some of the other scouts smiled, "The orks have that taken care of, all they get to know is that some body is watching them." The rest of the scouts nodded and spread out, they took up places out of sight and begain firing with bow and arrow on any orc not already in combat with the group. This made the orcs panic, and that made them stupid, and that made them easy to kill... After a good large half of the orcs were dead the scouts started to sneak away, one by one untill they were all gone. They made sure to leave enough orcs to occupy the group untill they were back out of sight compleatly. "Think the know about us?" some one smiled, "lets see, thats at least fifty orcs with arrows in them...yea, they know someone is here..." the others smiled.
Unknown the the group they had come across the remains of a recently disbanded ork band. The hasty disbaning had been the work of Judas's men, along with a group from another unit of troops. The path happened to be the overlap of the two units scout area and they were still hanging around. All of them kept silent, nine in all, with one other fetching Judas. They were carefull to stay out of sight, or atleast well enough so that the four travelers wouldn't notice them. The scout that had gone to get Judas returned, "Captains heading up the path now, he'll be waiting for them when they continue on, orders are to follow them, force them foward, and trap them when they get to the captain." the sentance was whispered so softly the wind could barely hear it, but the scouts all could read lips and they knew exactly what to do. Nobody made a sound, they didn't want to force a fight, they simply waited for the group to move forward.
One of the many scouting parties sent out snuck quickly and rather quietly through the brush. One of the four members of the group they watched had noticed some of their movements. The two scouts signaled each other and silently left the path side to return to the camp. Judas sat with a bowl of soup in one hand and a map in the other. Drinking as he studied the lines he grumbled out what could have become orders if he was given time to think much on them, but instead he was interupted by as scouting party, "Sir, we have seen a group of four traveling in the forest. Two elves and two men." Judas nodded, "Which way are they headed then?" One of the scouts waved at the ground, "This way sir." Judas set down the map and scratched his chin, "Well, be ready to welcome them, and be on guard." The scouts nodded and went off to do finish out their day.
Judas stretched as the men around him spared, he had been through three spars already, and was now taking a much deserved break. A scout approched him, [b]"Sir, we just got word that a town was attacked by an orc warband not to long ago, the were lead by some strange riders in black."[/b] Judas nodded, [b]"Are they still at large?"[/b] The scout shook his head, [b]"No sir, reports say they were distroyed by a group of four sir."[/b] Judas let the man leave, [i]Four soldiers against a band of orcs? Well thats not an every day occurance.[/i] he thought. He looked around him, there were a few other units in the area, it was strange that an orc band could have gotten to a town without somebody knowing about it and alerting the other units. [b]"Rider."[/b] He called a soldier to his side, [b]"Yes sir?"[/b] Judas scratched his chin, [b]"Gather up a few others and go refer this info to the other units. A town was reported to have been attacked by an ork band, be on the look out for more attacks, widen scout ranges."[/b] The rider nodded and rushed away to gather more messengers.
Rogger waved his hand infront of his face like it would actually help him see, "Bloody Girls, Hey! Over this way!" He shouted as he noticed the outlines of people form in the mist, "You three alright? What the?" He stopped in his tracks as he noticed a knight, fully armored, "What the bloody ell!?" He yelled as he regained himself and ran to the girls, "Who's this fella than?" --- OOC Yea...its short...
Name: Iscar Judas Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Human Apperance: Below Personality: Judas is a soldier who has seen to many people die, to many friends fall around him, and to many brothers never return. He is in the right places at the right times and seems to be the luckiest soldier on the face of the planet, and he hates himself for it. Dispite all that he has seen he can't help but find friends, it is his nature to be a nice guy, and that attracts people to him, he is also feircly loyal, a combination that makes for a highly dangerous soldier if your not on his side. Weapons: Warhammer, Twohanded sword. Bio: Iscar Judas sat around a fire with a group of soldiers, getting drunk and trying to forget the memories that he couldn't live without. Memories of brothers in arms, and brothers in spirit, he sighed, "Bloody war." the others grumbled their approval, "To many damned sons been killed out here, and what we got to show for it eh? Nothin thats what, bloody orcs keep comin on like they think there invinsible. Huh, the rate there going they might be." The big soldier stared at his jug, "Some for my brethren, rest in peace." He dumped the remaining wisky into the fire, the flames rose quickly to consume the liquid, "May you not have died in vain, but bloody hell let my mind be at rest." He sighed, some soldiers laughed softly. Judas sighed again, "Hah, Let Judas rest, why do that, he's just bloody ******* alive." the other soldiers became silent as Judas layed back and fell asleep, trying to glean what ever rest he could from a tormented mind. (Hope its ok that I hop in a bit late)
wow...that...was....wow... I very much like the first section, walking to the back of the asylumn, very discriptive, and yet not many words, from what I read the characters seem to have a very discriptive back story, even if it may be of little importance to the story, if the rest to come is like this, fear not and post.
personaly I see it as being more lyrics then poem, hum, I can see the first and last as open and close respectivly, and maybe that third stanza as the chorus...but then not being the artist, that would be your call wouldn't it?
actually, if you consider Known and Gannon to be slant rhyme then the second stanza is like, abab, so the whole thing goes abcb, abab, abcb, abcb, which wouldn't match out, of course if you don't consider Known and Gannon to be slant rhyme then the whole thing follows the same pattern abcb, I like the last stanza, it made my smile...lol.
Roger smiled as he put his leather bush hat on, people all thought it was strange, but he loved it, very usefull. He tossed his bag over his shoulder, strapped his knife into its sheath and buckled it to his belt, slipped a pair of leather gloves under his belt and grabbed a few roles of climbing cord. Tossing the roles over his shoulder he started down to the boat, the rest of his things were down to the dock already, simple stuff. He set the rope down next to some hatchets and a few camping supplies in an army duffle bag. No matter what people told him, if he was going to get lost in the woods of Camelot, he was going to be prepared. Roger stretched and then started grabbing straps and handles and cords, and lifted all the gear up and, stepping over the edge of the boat, set it down again. Pushing it all out of the way he found a seat in some shade and waited for the students to get on board.
OOC: yes yes...late...bla Roger sat alone in his room, [B] "Bah, guess I'd best get on down then." [/B] As he stood and put his shirt on he heard a tap at his window, when he turned he noticed a small bird, tapping away at the corner of the glass, [B] "Bloody ell bird, go away!" [/B] He waved at the creature as he walked toward the window. As he got closer he opened the window to shoe the stubburn bird away. When he did this he noticed somthing, the bird carried a white paper tied to its leg. Roger untied the paper and the bird quickly flew off. [B]"The round will meet again."[/B] Thats all it said, in old english letters. [B]"Weird. Ah, I smell bacon!"[/B] He turned and begain his way down to meet with the others, [B]"You blood well had beter save me some breakfast!" [/B] He called, the slight chuckle of the professer told him that they had not. --- Roger finaly made it into the small meating of students after raiding the kitchen quickly,[B] "You guys should think of poor old Roger Morris more often."[/B] he said as he sliped into the group with the professor in it, [B]"Eh Leo, think we can get into this thing befor the boys in New York wake up?"[/B] the man chuckled slightly, [B]"I don't know how many of you have met him yet, but folks this is Roger Morris, our warfare and seigefare expert,"[/B] Rogger nodded,[B] "Best there is. Any way, off of one subject on to the next, about these missing people, whats the word?"[/B]
nice...and different Name: Edward D. Hendrix (Eddy) Age: 17 Appearance: Will edit in Reason for Coming along: Eddy likes writing...and this is a reason to write, a reason to force his mind to collect all of his wandering thoughts and put them into one story. Snippet: "Hum...let's see." Eddy murmured as he stared at the blank page in his sketch book, his pencil weaved its way above the paper, but he didn't draw yet. He drew a line, looked at it, erased it. "No, hum...this way." He drew another line. "Uh hum and..." he trailed off as he begain to draw the folds of a cloak, and then within he invisioned the creature...but he couldn't get it onto the paper. The idea was far to complex, to random, he would give this character more thought later...for now he had what he needed. He begain to write scribbled titles above the few lines he had to represent his beast. 'Reapers watch' 'Sin rise' 'Serim' "Thats him." he drew an arrow to the figure, "Serim...hum...what makes you tick Serim?"
Discuss Revenge of Avalon: Forgotten Quest underground [M- LSV]
DragonBlood replied to Astdis's topic in Theater
Roger Morris is a Medieval warfare and castle specialist, and that is why he was asked to come along on the project in the first place. He asked to go on the search mission because, to quote him, "Couldn't have all these kids getten into trouble and haven fun with out me now could I?" Besides the fact that he is conserned about the missing students safty, and that of the group going to search for them. -
Sign Up Revenge of Avalon: Forgotten Quest [M- LSV]
DragonBlood replied to Astdis's topic in Theater
right o then Name: Roger Morris Age: 38 Gender: Male Reincarnate: Sir Lamorak Physical Discription: Yea...give me a day or two I'll get a pic Personality: Roger is a laid back kind of person, he takes every task with a "right o then" and goes about it. He likes a visit to the pub, but dosn't like to get drunk, he finds no point in drinking that much. Roger does get lost in his job some times, as his expansive imagination some times carries him away. Basic Bio: Roger is an expert on medeval warfare, both single combat and vast battles. He is well learned in all the arts of siege and deffence, and is well trained in the art of the two handed sword and the mace and shield. These two forms of fighting he was keen to learn partly because of his former life as the strongest knight of the round table. Roger is from England, born in a little town in Wales. He has attended many schools, and is a 'fellow' in the "Guild of Knights" reinactment group. Roger, over a number of years, has obtained quite a collection of armor and weapons from the medeval days, all of which he uses to teach history, some of which he uses to act it out. Weapons or Skills: His most profficiant weapons are the two handed sword and the mace and sheild, but he has a varriaty of weapons that he can use. In his former life he was the strongest knight of the round table, and that made him a well built guy in this life.