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Everything posted by DragonBlood

  1. Name: Honor Gender: Male Age: N/A Appearance: Honor has a solidly built six foot tall figure, muscular but compact, not bulgeing. He is bald and looks to be Italian. His eyes are misty blue, and his skin is slightly tan. He is a good looking fellow by most standards. He wears combat pants and boots along with an FDNY off duty shirt and a NYPD ball cap. He is clean shaved and well groomed. Personality: If there was one emotion that was fighting for Calon's freedom, it was Honor. Being created in and of the emotion it is the driving force that keeps him going, but he also is not stupid, he has common sence. He is loving and but a little quick to anger, but doesn't stay angry. He is generaly mellow, but has a mix of all emotions as is only healthy. He is much like the people he seems to be a mix of, police and figher fighters and soldiers. His tears are saved for when tears are right and his joy and laughter are saved for when they are needed, Honor has checked his own interaction with the others. He is strong willed but thoughtfull, tough but loving, gentel but firm. Writing sample: Honor sat silently in the corner...it killed him not to try and stop them, but if he did they could kill Calon. Anger and Hate and Lust, all at once Honor could never fight them, one on one yes, but not together. So now he sat, bowing his head in shame, stashed away. The girl was almost running now, almost...she would make a rush for the door any moment, and then Lust would take over, right now Anger was leading the group. Honor looked at her, her eyes, swimming in fear. They had been soft once, loving, the kind of eyes some one could get lost in all night and never notice the time fly by. Her eyes. Honor watched them, she begain to look at the door, but the others didn't seem to notice. He looked into her eyes again...then his natural instinct took over. "Colan...stop." he said, his voice calm, but loud. "But..they'll hurt me." "Stop." Honor stood...staring at Colan. "Shut up Honor! Or we'll kill him." one of the other three shouted, or maybe all three...he wasn't sure. A chair flew in his general direction, but not an actuall attack. "Leave her alone." Colan was starting to get confused...and that wasn't good. "Colan, close your eyes, don't think about it, put them out of your mind!" Something hit Honor square in the face, now he couldn't stand back, he tried, but he couldn't. He rushed forward and tackled the first emotion, not knowing or caring who it was. As he did this the girl lept for the door, and Colan was so confused he didn't even realise she had left. He simply put his hands over his ears, shut his eyes and began to rock slightly, mumbling. ... "Damn it Honor!" Anger punched him in the face again, "Why do you have to be so stubborn?!" the question was very much retorical...but Honor couldn't resist, "It's who I am...just like you're a jerk off." Another punch in the face and Honor was out cold.
  2. Name: Edrithic Mazure Age: 36 Weapon: An enchanted staff of an ancient mage Race: Human Class: Dark Adept Appearance: Edrithic is a frail man, thin, seeming near death. His fingers are spidery, eerie. His eyes are a strange golden brown color, and his skin is pale. What hair he has is grayed. Edrithic is a man who can cause the strong to feel on edge just by being in the room, and when he speaks they are set further on edge, with such a wispy voice. Edrithic is clothed in many robes that are only slightly longer than he is tall. The robes are black with gold trim, but still very plain and un-assuming. Hidden within are many pockets and pouches in which he can store various materials. He wears his hood over his head nearly all the time, as well as a pouch under his top robe that contains his precious spell books. Biography: Edrithic is a strong mage, despite his relative youth. He had stumbled across the staff of a lost mage one of his travels, and also found a prized spell book. This put him in the eye of the higher ups, including the King. Edrithic has taken up the study of Black magic, devoting himself to his magic despite the pain endures. During one test he was heavily injured, which is why he looks the way he does. With the rise of this powerful dark lord Edrithic saw a great possibility of gain. His astonishing success in his studies is what pushed the higher ups to grant him permission to assist in any undertaking to destroy the evil. Edrithic seems like a self serving bastard many times, but he is loyal to his friends, even if he refuses to use the word friends, or loyalty. He has a strange and twisted way of thinking, and some times his lust for more power may cloud his judgment. But with a bit of persuasion he will come to his senses and realize the task at hand. Edrithic is not trusted by many, and untrusting of most, but his friends will find that he will prove loyal when he is needed most.
  3. Welcome to the Amaggedon 2924 - Many Shades of Darkness Underground thread! This is the place to review characters and events of note form the main game. This is also the place that you will find read outs for all weapons. [b]Characters:[/b] Once the Game gets going this note will be replaced by a list of playing characters and there controler [b]InGame Characters:[/b] Again, once the Game gets going this will be replace, by a list of important non-player characters that will be updated as you come across more. [b]InGame Events:[/b] This is will be a list of Events you may want to look back on, for what ever reason. [b]WEAPONS:[/b] [b][i]NOTE[/i][/b] Please be realistic with weapon specialty, not all snipers or heavy weapons! Also, the DLa Grenade launcher can be taken as an extra specialty if you take the battle rifle. Weapons [b]KEY[/b]: (From lowest rank to highest) Damage: Low, Medium, High, Very High, Heavy Range: Short, Medium, Long, Very Long Accuracy: Low, Medium, High, "Bounce" depends on angle, distance, and target. Fire Rate: Single Shot, Semi Auto, Auto, Fully Auto (No reloading involved) Burst (three shot per trigger, raises accuracy slightly) Weapons: [i]Pistol[/i]: Simple hand gun, can be silenced Damage-low range-short/medium accuracy-medium fire rate-semi auto [i]SMG[/i]: Sub Machine Gun, can be silenced Damage-low/medium range-short/medium accuracy-low fire rate-auto [i]Assault Rifle[/i]: Standard Rifle Damage-high range-medium accuracy-medium fire rate-semi auto [i]Battle Rifle[/i]: Higher offencive effectiveness Damage-high range-medium accuracy-medium fire rate-semi auto/burst [i]Flack Rifle[/i]: A revamped Riot Gun/Shot Gun type weapon Damage-high range-short accuracy-medium fire rate-semi auto [i]Sniper Rifle[/i]: self explanitory (silenced) Damage-high range-very long accuracy-high fire rate-semi auto/burst [i]EL4 Sniper Rifle[/i]: suped up version Damage-very high range-very long accuracy-high fire rate-single shot [i]M2 Ops Rifle[/i]: Close/urban combat, specialty weapon, (silenced) Damage-medium range-short/medium accuracy-medium/high fire rate- auto/burst [i]DL1/DLa Grenade Launcher[/i]: A grenade launcher (DLa is attachment for Battle rifle) Damage-heavy range-medium/long accuracy-bounce fire rate- single shot [i]DMx Rocket launcher[/i]: Big, heavy weapon Damage-heavy range-long/very long accuracy-high fire rate-single shot [i]DML3 auto cannon[/i]: A 60. cal on steroids Damage-heavy range-medium accuracy-low fire rate-fully auto [b]Final Note[/b] If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask them in this thread.
  4. Notes: 1. The back story and intro is kinda long...You can skip the dates if you want, their not that important. 2. The fact that this has a Sub title, means that if all goes well, there will be atleast one sequal. 'Mankind?s finest hour...could be its last.' [b]Armageddon 2924[/b]: [i]Many shades of Darkness[/i] TimeLine: 2523: Man kind encounters the Edell, a sentient race from the planet Eldarin orbiting Betelgeuse. They first come with a offer of peace, and the two races work together. Suddenly and without warning the Edell battle fleet arrives in human space on a course for Earth. The resulting war lasted three years, finally the forces of Earth overpowered and destroyed Eldarin with the largest nuclear assault in history. But not before downloading the vast libraries of knowledge the Edell had. 2653: Man kind develops the Slip Stream Technology Research Corps 2799: The first working prototype Slip Stream Engine is created at a price of $394.6 billion dollars 2820: The first and second Slip Stream Engines are created. 2863: Three final Slip Stream Engines are created. 2873: Construction begins on five colony ships. 2900: Construction complete on Colony ships. 2919: The Five ships are given trajectories and launched. 2923: Colony ship 03 contacts unidentified object in deep space. [b]!Intro![/b] ?Sir, we have a blip.? The radar officer called from his station. The captain walked quickly over, ?What is it?? The officer looked at the screen, ?I don?t know, its big, thirty thousand yards at least.? The captain sighed, ?Do we have visual.? Another officer turned, ?Sorry sir, not visual, no heat radiation either sir.? The captain turned, ?No heat? Maybe this is a glitch in the system?? the com officer shook his head, ?We?re being hailed sir.? The captain looked at the man, paused as he thought what to do. ?Bring it up on speaker.? The sound brought up was strange. The computer was not translating. ?Computer, translate communication.? The Captain ordered. A ruff voice replied, ?Negative, this language is not in my database.? The officers all looked at the captain, they had a massive database of languages. ?Computer, can you possibly translated using your current knowledge?? There was a pause. ?Yes, one moment.? There was silence. The radar officer directed the captains attention to the screen, the large blip was moving quickly. ?Sir we have a visual!? One officer yelled, ?On screen.? Every one looked at the visual screen. A massive ship floated in the void of space. ?I?ve never seen anything like that.? Some one mumbled. The captain took off his hat, pulled at his pants and sighed. ?It?s a war ship.? The others looked at him, ?How can you tell sir? There isn?t much sign at all of what it is.? The captain bowed his head, ?I can see the fighter bays opening.? Moments latter hundreds of tiny dots appeared on the radar, ?Attack sir! They are attacking us!? The captain turned, ?Red alert. Get all civilians to secure locations. All military units are active as of now. Bring up the shields 50% rear reroute power to the front shields.? A few moments later replies began pouring from his men?s lips, ?Frontal shield at 150% sir. Rerouting nonessential power systems to the shields and auto cannons sir.? ?Sir, Alpha threw Foxtrot squadrons ready for launch.? ?Launch all squadrons.? ?Sir, would you like the slip stream engines warmed up?? ?Warm them up.? ?Yes sir, warming up slip stream engines.? The captain looked at the different video monitors that had come online. Six squadrons of fighters converged in front of the colony ship, preparing to counter the massive swarm before them. The alien ship launched a volley; the shots glanced off the shields. But a few got good strikes near the bridge. ?Prepare torpedo tubes 1 to 15 and 29 to 34. Why aren?t my earth shakers firing!?? the captain yelled, ?Sir, earth shakers are having a hard time locking on to the target.? The captain pointed at the view screen, ?Do you see how big that damn thing is? Target visually damn it, I want my earth shakers firing!? A few moments later the earth shakers began to fire. Loud thunders were heard all over the ship, the massive cannons had such recoil that they often sent shock waves across the entire ship. Thirty six blasts shot out, tearing across space, ripping threw the small alien craft, and blasting full force into the main ship. ?Sir, systems have a grasp on the other ship now, there shields are running nearly six times as strong as ours.? The captain nodded, ?What is there weapons power?? The man shrugged, ?From what the computer can tell, slightly more powerful than us. But we should fire much faster.? ?Good, Fire those torpedoes and prepare an EMP warhead, lets see what it can do.? The torpedoes scorched across the space between the two ships, a few hit fighters, causing massive waves of fire the burned out quickly as the fire ate out the oxygen. The rest hit the shields, causing little damage. ?Sir, EMP ready.? ?Fire.? The torpedo launched, it flitted threw the small ships, the onboard computer guiding it, and detonated on impact with the shields. ?No good, all there ship systems are still up, but there was a hole in the shields.? The captain nodded, ?Ok, lets work with it.? ?Sir, our fighters are engaging.? The captain looked at the fighter view screen, they were doing very well. ?Inform me of there progress. Prepare for nuclear weapons use. Two nukes to every EMP. EMP?s will guide in the nukes. Let?s get them quick.? The battle continued, each ship constantly firing with small artillery, not doing to much damage to the other, but every few moments the firing from one ship would halt long enough to launch a volley. Just as Colony 03?s earth shakers paused and the ship launched its nukes the alien ship came alive, a vast amount of fire power from every gun on board; intercepting the torpedoes before they were out of range of the colony ship. The vast explosion that ensued crippled the shields and many onboard systems of the colony ship, along with destroying many fighters both human and alien. The alien craft sent out another group of small ships, boarding craft. They zipped forward and started locking on to the different entry points of the ship? =========== You will play a surviving soldier of colony 03. Your job is simple, help save Earth. [b]ONLY HUMAN WILL BE PLAYABLE.[/b] Name: futuristic please Age: people live much longer, so don?t be afraid to get old Gender: Appearance: (all characters are wearing standard issue Colonial uniforms and armor, what do you look like other wise) Weapon specialty: (View Underground for specialties) Rank: Will be given Personality: History: long or short, what ever floats your boat...more important, what ever gets your point accross. There is a limit of six players, me being seven. Sign up even if you are number seven or eight, because you never know... I would like serious stories, no super specialists, none of that "He was an expert sniper from birth" stuff, they are normal soldiers who get a little lucky and have just the right skill. If you are the best fighter in the universe, than it would be no fun. Ok, let the end begin!
  5. Ra walked up the steps of the temple, the priests were stunned, "It's a god! Be gone, we serve the Titans." Ra looked at the man, and fire engulfed him. "You serve no one now." The other priests begain to rush him, one sounded an alarm, calling for the army of the city to come out. "Very well then." Ra turned and called out, his own troops quickly arrived and begain to do battle. After killing the last priests Ra went into the temple. Worshipers were shocked, some bowed, others stood silent. "I am Ra, God of the Sun and protector of Egypt. Bow befor me for you sake, and this city will be spared. Serve the Titans and you will all be distroyed." The men and women all bowed quickly, "We serve only the gods."
  6. "Yes sir." Ra said slightly mocking. He was suprised at how well the priest interprited his feelings. "Well then, north...hum..." He looked foward, ussing his vision to zoom in on what ever was there to be seen. "I think I got the hang of this." There was a small city and a temple. "Well then, Amen, what say you to our first city then?" Amen laughed, "Very good." The two formed up there armies and begain to march north. Feeling perticularly happy Ra didn't mind the camels to much, accually he kind of liked them, stubborn like he was, not stupid. The same could not be said for all animals. "You know, once we move north a bit, I think I'll get an elephant. What do you think of that Amen, with a nice little rideing platform so as I can make plans. What do you think?" The other God laughed, "You are a simple one arn't you, ability to fly and you want an elephant." Ra laughed, "Yea, why not, it looks cool." Amen nodded as he laughed again, "Well, I'm shore you'll find some more interesting creatures to ride on before we're done."
  7. Arron quickly returned to his own throne room, looking over his army. "Hethmutet pick out two of the best units, they will come with me, the rest are to go to seperate areas and prepare my coming." Hethmutet noded, and went about doing his job. Arron sat in his throne, sighed, his hair had turned to feathers and he had his armor. His legs were fully formed, so he stood a good five or six inches taller. His beak suddenly grew in, and he regained the circlet. He was fully in form now. "My lord the troops are ready." "Very well, go." The sodiers that had beed ordered to go out and announce him moved to the edge of the platform, sprouted wings, and turned fully into giant golden eagles. They all dove off the edge and hurled toward the earth. Arron looked at Hethmutet, "You will accompany me, as will the girl. And the two units. And the unit of Amen's soldiers and Anubius's troops." Hethmutet bowed, and went off and formed up the four units. Leaving about half his army behind Arron begain down the long stair and met up with the others. Amen had also arived. "I will be joining you then?" Arron nodded, "Sounds perfict." Amen looked at the parrade of troops following Arron, "Quite the army you've asembled for this trip." "Well, you know me, no need to be polite." Amen nodded, "Indeed, my own troops await outside. I have requested mounts for all of us, any priests and other such people that are going,the armies will walk, but they will have to trouble nor complaint." Arron nodded, "Very well. I'll be waiting out front, this is quite the group to keep in the halls of a temple." So Arron went out side, and the old priest stood there, "Ah, so finaly you get to see your mountain." he said, Arron looked back, and indeed there was a mountain, "Well, imagen that, a mountain. Good on your word I see." Arron patted the man on the shoulder. "You people good now." The man laughed as he allowed Arron and his soldiers to pass. "Ok, we wait for the others. No need for standing, be at ease." The troops sat and mingled, well, as much as such disiplined troops do, it was mostly silent as they waited.
  8. Arron left his room and began down one of the halls of the temple. Hethmutet, Ishmal, and the servent girl followed him. "Do you have a name girl?" "My name is Athia my lord." she replied. As they made there way down the hall a unit of soldiers in blood red armor and black dog shapped helmets turned the corner. "Wow, I was kinda hopping he would get kick ass dog warriors." Hethmutet leaned forward, "I believe he has Anubiens, elite soldiers." Arron noded, "Ah, well then." The unit stoped and bowed, "Lord we have been sent by Anubis." Arron nodded, "Very well, follow Hethmutet, he will see to your comfort. Hethmutet, send a unit to Daggon." The priest nodded and led them off. "Well, off we go again." Arron continued down the hall.
  9. OOC: Anubis is really more the God of death than the god of hell, like, the grim reaper. IC: Arron walked into his room. It was circular, with a large orb of fire foating in the center. On the floor under it was a map of Egypt. He looked closely at it, and he saw things moving. "Lets see." he closed his eyes, and thought about what had happened in the desert. When he open them his vision zoomed in on the map, he could see the people going about there lives. The animals, the water, every thing. "It is amazing isn't it? That map. It shows all of Egypt in real time, what happens out side, is happening on the map." Arron closed his eyes again and when he reopened them they were normal, he looked at the priest, who wore a white armless robe with gold trim and a golden neck piece. His hair was braided and feathers were tied into it, along with beads and medalions. Arron smiled, "It is wonderfull. What is your name?" The man bowed, "I am Hethmutet, High Priest of the Cult of Ra, Consolor to the Cult of Amen. Now my lord, if you will come this way." Hethmutet led Arron to an ajoining room, in which a large bed stood with two statues of Ra on eather side. He past behind the bed to a door which opened to reviel a spiral stairwell. The two made there way up. "This is the most impressive stair well in the intire temple. If one was to look at the temple, he would see no place for the stair case, he would see no tower nor upper room, because it does not lead to such a place. When we arrive at the top we will be greated by your most devouted subjects. Your loyal soldiers and worshipers will be waiting for you." When the did finally make it to the top of the stair Arron noticed the lack of a ceiling, or walls, beyond and in place of what should have been the earth and sky, was the vastness of the heavens. The only thing was a marble floor, cicular. Many golden lines ran from the center of the floor to its edges much like spokes on a wheel. On one side of the platform a silver boat sat, on the other a golden dock, but no boat There were many statues lined in rank and file, and the High Priest lead Arron down the aisle to the center circle of gold from which a golden throne came up. Around the cicle many statues of people stood dancing or praying or playing music. But all was deathly silent and nothing moved. "My lord, your throne." Hethmutet motioned. Arron stept forward, and sat down. Fire shot down from the throne, engulfed the circle, and shot out along the golden spokes. As it went the statues came alive, the gold faded away and they were indeed people. The soldiers were men but with the head and feet of eagles. The music begain to play and the dancers moved. Arron looked around, looked at the edge. He stood and walked toward the edge, pearing over. Below him was the earth, he looked around, "But what of the sun?" Hethmutet laughed, "You are the sun. But for simplicity sake the sun is away, the golden boat will return and the silver will set out at night." Arron smiled, "Was that my doing?" Hethmutet smiled, "Of course my lord." Arron returned to his throne, noticing one perticular girl that stood still. "Who is she?" Hethmutet looked, "Ah, she is a servent of Amen, sent as a gift. Along with these soldiers." Hethmutet pointed to a unit of soldiers who bowed. They each had the head of a Ram and carried great war hammers. "They will serve us. Buy might I suggest returning the gift?" Arron looked at Hethmutet, "What, oh, yes by all means." Hethmutet then pointed to a unit of soldiers who wore long white cloakes over there armor and sent three maids and told them to go to Amen's throne room and serve him. Arron smiled, "So, what do I do with an army this big?" The high priest looked at him side long, "Nothing now, my lord, the Gods are not powerfull enough to overtake the titans." Suddenly Arron begain to feel strange, his legs felt numb, his eyes burned. He dubled over as his head transformed into that of a golden eagle. His legs became eagle like as well. When he stood his head was shrouded in a soft glow, his left eye shone like the sun. He touched his face, a beak. Around his head was a cirlet with a snake rising from the front over his eyes, the snakes mouth was wide and it held a circle of gold with in its jaws. His cloths had changed also. A short golden skirt with silver armor bulbs replaced his pants, a gold cloth went from his belt over his shoulder and twisted lossely around his right arm. Under the cloth was a silver and gold brest peice and and shoulder gaurd covered his left shoulder. A long polearm appeared in his hands, topped with an orb of the sun, on the other end a razzor sharp cresent shape. He also wore an ank and two daggers were placed in his belt. Arron went to speak but all that came out were squaks and bird calls. A nother priest ran and bowed, "Lord Ra, I am Ishmal, The Mouth of the Sun. I will speak to the other Gods and Mortals what you wish to say. Only think it and I shall speak." Arron laughed, again a stange sound. "I am deathly humble and serious my lord." Ishmal replied. Arron stared, the man actually read his mind. "I will only speak what you need from this point on lord, as long as human words will not come to your mouth." Arron nodded. "Very well." It was funny, hearing another voice in place of his own. "Somebody tell me what the hell has happened." Hethmutet bowed, "My lord, this is only temporary I fear, soon you will be able to keep this form for eternaty, but now you will soon revert to you self." Arron nodded and returned to his throne. "Untill then, what of a feast for my army?" The army all cheered in unison, all in the language of birds, strangly Arron understood it. They feasted and soon Arron returned to his human self. He could still understand the soldiers when they spoke, and he still held the polearm. "My lord you have been requested to meet with the other gods." Hethmutet anounced. "Very well, I'll be on my way, You and Ishmal, and the girl, bring her also. You three will come with me."
  10. Arron smerked, "Now that would just be akward to me. But rather funny all at the same time. Ah well." Arron leaned toward Daggon, "What does that mean about us male folk...I mean, do we count that as a problem? or just disregard it?" Daggon looked at Arron, slightly conserned of the sudden interest, "I disregard, you take it as a problem. Sound good?" Arron laughed "Perfict, I think being the high Egyptian God might have its perks...Now, off to my room with me." suprised at how good he was feelling about himself he made his way to his room. With all good intent on making it there...saddly he got drawn into a nice little feast, bunch of dancers and stuff. He was invited in and sat down, others were present, all egyptian. Arron didn't think to ask who was the host of the feast...just started eating. The thing was wonderfull untill one man walked in, Arron didn't like him, but didn't want to say anything. The man looked at him a strange look, and it was all over. "Shit! What the hell." Arron jumped up. "Who are you." "Haven't you heard? I am the reincarnation of the god Osiris." Arron eyed him, the man smiled, "And to which god am I speaking?" "Apparently Ra." Arron said, rather annoyed. "Oh, well then the other is here also, your night time protector?" Arron laughed, "Psh, I don't need a protector." Osiris laughed, "Really? It seems like Seth had to protect you every night, Never understood why. He was a fool." Arron stood up, "Shut it." "Or you'll do what? Call you're body guard on me?" Arron stared at the floor, "You think you've been here long enough to have that much power? You challange me?" The man laughed out loud, "You sound like a child. God of the Sun or not you have just arrived, now go and find your room befor I do show what power I have recovered." Arron went to jump at the man, but another hand grabbed him..."Don't." Arron looked at the man who grabbed him. "And you are?" "The priests would call me Amen...if I let them, Now its just Brock." Arron stared at the man, directly in the eyes..."And why, pray tell, should I stop from ripping his tounge out?" "Because he is right, I don't know what power you may have gained getting here, but he has been here far longer than you, he is more powerfull now." The other man laughed, "Always was so I learned." Brock turned toward him, "Shut up Jackson, I didn't give you my grace to speak." "Sorry sir." Arron looked at Jackson, "um?" Brock smiled, "He did the same thing to me the first time we met, and I had to put him out of his missery for a few days. It's a long story. Now please, go rest, I'll help you learn more tomorrow."
  11. Suddenly bursting into anger, "You can sleep out side tonight, I will not be addressed in that manner!" Arron turn to the spot. "What the hell...this is gay stupid building. Where the hell are you!?" he yelled...to his suprise a door apeared...and then a wall, and a building. "Uh...I guess you're right there." He stept up to the door and opened it...An old bald Egyptian stood in front of him. "My lord, you have arrived...not in the mannor I had expected, but it is indeed you." Arron looked around, "There is not mountain here...whats going on, this is the building I saw." "It is, it is...you'd be supprised how easy it is to hide a building and move it and all manor of other things. But If you'll step inside I will make you all comfortable and give you a feast. And I assure you sir when you leave you will have your mountain." Arron srugged, "Very well. I guess we go inside." He followed the man with out looking back at the others. The building was made of marble, and much gold and silver and onyx was used as well. "This is amazing." Arron looked around. "Well of course my lord, it was built to your exact specifications. It is never dark inside, unless one would sleep. It is never to hot, nor to cold. Never to big or to small, never to quite or loud. It is rather an amazing thing you had us build, it is the perfict place for any one to live for any period of time." Arron looked at the old man, "I told you to build this?" The old man laughed, "Aye, yourself and Anubius," the old man pointed toward Daggon. "Hey Daggon, you and I designed this pla...did you just say Anubius?" "Yes lord I did."...
  12. Arron laughed, "I would say you were lossing your mind, but I just shot fire from my eye...so I doubt you're lossing your mind." He looked around. "This is all realy strange, any way, I guess its off to the city then." Arron looked off in the direction they were going, then he scanned the horizon, a strange looking building sat way off, snug in a mountain, "Hey whats that?" he asked and pointed toward the building, "Uh, that is the desert." Arron looked again, "No, what is that building, there in the mountain face." Dagon stared at him, "There isn't a mountain for three days in that direction." Arron turned around, blinked a few times, and then looked back. desert stretched out befor him. "Wait, I saw it, a building, strait that way." he pointed. He closed his eyes, and opened them again...at first just sand, but then the hole world seemed to rush at him, and he could see the building and the mountain. He turned, slowly, he could see Egypt, all the way to the red sea, He could accually see the ships floating in the waves. "What in the world?" He closed his eyes again and his vision was normal, "Ok, now I really need therapy."
  13. "Hey, lets rock then." Arron jumped off the camel, and ran at the closest worm. "Alright big fat and ugly..." The worm lungged at him, but he did a quick side flip, holdin one had toward the ground to steady himself, and ran down the worms side. "One...two...three." He stopped and cut a hard jab in a soft part of the worms skin, the creature writhed and twisted away. "Yep, third scale works for me," he said, then looked at Dagon, "You mind?" The other man tossed one of the sickles. "Alright then!" Arron turned to face the worm, and saw that it was charging at him full speed. "Oh shit!" He jumped up, easily clearing the worm. and jammed the sickle into the worms back. It stuck, and the worm went wilde. Lifting up off the ground it started bucking...or what seemed like bucking. Arron held on as tight as he could. Slightly sitting on the worm, He began to yell, and out came a series of eagle like cries. Standing on the worm he yanked the sickle out and lept of the side, cutting in varrious places on the way down. He watched the worm, but with it moving so much he couldn't see the weak point. "Arg! Stop moving!" Suddenly his left eye exploded in fire and light. shot out and scorched a hole strait through the worm. Arron began to scream in shock, but only bird calls came out. Finally came to himself and the fire extinguished. he stood stairing at the worms scortched body...when it suddenly healed up, sealing back together. "whoa!" Arron jumped away as the worm turned quickly at him.
  14. Arron started for a moment...then stopped the camel. "Why am I driving...and did you just call me a lordly man?" He asked looking down at his rather normal outfit, ok, not so normal, but not lordly. "I seem to have a strange conection to weird stuff." he said, and then got the camel moving again...
  15. Arron slowly made his way out of the tomb, When he found an opening the light was so very bright, but he didn't need to sheild his eyes, strangely. He made his way out, and looked up behind him. A massive pyramid towered over him. "Holy mother of Anubis!" He nearly stumbled backwards. Takeing in the surrounding he quickly realized that the pyramid was far from lonely, many others stood in the area. "Ah, the burial ground. So the valley of kings is that way, and the temple should be that way." He said and begain walking. "Wait..." Arron stopped, and begain to look around slowly. "Hello?" suddenly he saw what he was looking for, a woman walking toward him. "Uh...Do I know you? Cause something about you is really familiar."
  16. Aura_Star, only the Egyptian gods are in the dessert, but thats simply because of the fact that its egypt...I guess you can wake up any place really...correct me if I'm wrong silverwolf_fang. PS:Egyptian gods are confusing...any way, can't wait for this to start!
  17. tear...and I was all looking forward to anubis... Name: Arron Hideksem Age: looks to be, eh, 34 Gender: Male Reincarnate of: Ra Weapon: Egyptian martial arts of all forms with any Egytpian weapon. He dosen't know he is trained in said fighting...but it will come naturally. Discription: Arron is his human form is a normal looking 34 year old dark skinned Egyptian. He wears what a generaly normal 34 year old Egyptian wears. Light pants and shirts. He ussually wears tanish pants and a whiteish shirt but it changes from day to day. Personality: Even if he dosn't know it, being Ra has a profound impact on the way he sees other people...as lesser subjects, though still important to him, he feels in his hart he is higher than them. He is a leader, quick to give and slow to take orders. Arron has a strange fear of the night, this coming from the lack of the god Seth who would be his protector at night. Though his attachment to Seth Arron will be instinctivly against the reincarnate of Osiris, who would be the rival of Seth. Bio: Arron awoke in a tomb...surrounded by darkness, not knowing wheather it was day or night, not knowing why he carred if it was day or night, and not knowing why he hopped it was day. just behind these thoughts was that of pure and utter confusion. Why was he in a tomb in Egypt, why did he know he was in Egypt? He read some of the righting on the walls, and then relised it was in anchent Egyptian and he wondered why he could read it...His day in general was going very badly. He knew his name was Arron Hideksem, he knew he was from Egypt, and he knew he was not supposed to be lost in a tomb, and appearantly his feet knew the way out of the tomb. The fact that he remembered nothing from the day befor did not yet hit him...
  18. Name: Daniel C. Walker, Danny Age: 47 Gender: Male Assignment: Chief Medical Officer Personality: Daniel Walker is a strange mix of 'take life as it comes' and 'take life by the horns'. He sees each and every day as a new challenge to be over come. He doesn?t complain about problems that come up in his day, he just tries to work them out and get ware he needs to go. He tries to see the bright side of every situation, even when it seems like it couldn't get any worse, but has a bad habit of blaming medical failures on himself. Daniels devoted belief in Christianity shows up in his day to day life, in the little things. Appearance: a few trips to the beach have given Daniel a slight tan, but nothing impressive. He stands just shy of six foot, and is in good athletic shape. His hair is blonde and his eyes are blue. He wears a standard issue uniform, with a medical patch above the name tag. He ussually wears the gray jacket open, revieling a simple white T-shirt with a chest pocket. He has a pair of gloves in his jacket and a pocket knife in his pants pocket. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder that has a fighter jet, space shuttle, and Apollo space capsule in a triangle around earth. Encircling it the words "For you who never made it home...fly forever", and on his left upper arm he has "opps, well you shouldn't need that." around a pair of hands holding a hart, which was from an earlier, drunker time in his career. Short Bio: Daniel Walker all ways had a hart for saveing lives. he was a volinter at the hospital in Charleston where he grew up, he was a volinter fire fighter also. When he got out of high school he went to a two year college and then joined the NAVY to get an education in medical, little did he know then that he would become a doctor on the moon. He always hated it when some one died that he might have been able to save, even if it wasn't his fault. But every doctor feels that way. Danny thought of space as the worst enemy he had. Things went wrong in space, simple things became big things, big things kill people. Danny has been on a few rescue missions, he believes that any body who needs to be saved is worth saving, no matter the odds against them. So he has over come his slight fear of space flight to save who ever he can. When he was offered the position of medical officer for this rescue mission he took it with out question. Daniel knew the record was zero for rescues going that far out, this one would be different. PS: Sorry about that bio has been fixed...but gladly I finally saw Event Horizon, good movie PS again: I noticed a lot of security and not many science officers. I changed Danny to a medical officer if its ok with you, the bio has been changed to fit
  19. You know, if you people would take our system, and compare it to that of the movie/TV industry, then we get something like this Us----Movies/TV E-------E-PG PG-----PG PG13--PG13-17 M------R-AO (Adults only) Now this is just how it stacks up. Notice, in our little world every body wants to go up in the rating so they can put more into it if the need arises. They don't understand that there not going to get kicked off if a PG-13 RPG gets a little out of had for a short while. The Ratings are for a general overview of the game, not a "This is as high as it will get at one point" It's funny, because the Movies are going down. PG13-17 movies contain a lot of stuff nowadays that never was in them when the ratings first came about. As a mater of fact, if you took most GMs and Movie raters, and told them to rate some of our games, the movie raters would say PG13-17 for any thing that didn't contain either insane amounts of blood and gore, or boarder line porn, two things that definitely go in R/AO. GMs on the other had, are like Oh, some one might get shot, M! Some one might use language, M! Some one might imply they have had or are getting ready to have sex, M! Seriously, there are more sexual innuendos on the Loony Toons that in most of the games that are rated M for sex. All in all I thing that GMs don't understand the idea, that its not accually restrictions, but rather, and friendly heads up to people, saying "Hey, this game is going to have some violence and lanuage that will fall mainly around the PG13 level, most of the time" and if they do understand the idea, they think M means "This is going to be a hard core game!" They just don't understand...thats what it all boils down to
  20. Edrick rode into a small village, not more than a few small houses and a shop or two. Edrick held his helm under one arm as he guided his horse into the town. A sudden scream broke the silence as some men backed out of a tavern door, followed by some soldiers of Merlin. "You trash! How dare you speak to me that way!? I am a soldier of Merlin!" One of the soldiers pulled out his sword. "I think you need a lesson in manners!" He lifted his sword to attack the men, who were scrambling to get away. "Stop." Edrick yelled, "Put your sword away fool, or you might get hurt." The soldier turned and looked at Edrick, "You! I remember you! You should have killed me when you had the chance old fool!" The soldier charged at Edrick, who pulled his horse to the right. As the man stumbled by Edrick pulled out his sword and cut him across the back, slicing open the skin, and severing the spinal cord. The other soldier began to run, but one of the men grabbed his leg and he fell. The other men were on top of him quickly; tearing off his armor and punching his face and neck. Edrick got off his horse and tied the reigns to a post, and went into the tavern, slipping past the fight.
  21. Edrick didn't know who she was, and he didn't realy care. He desided he was no longer needed, and so he checked his horse quickly, and remounted it. He begain rideing away when a soldier stoped him. "Sir, why do you leave us? We could use your help-" "I have no need to join you." "But, I must insist that you see our leader she did-" Edrick pulled out his sword and pointed it at the man, "If she is the one who saved me then I am in debt to her, but joining her does not fall under payment of such a debt. Now, stand aside." The man stept aside as Edrick kicked his horse. The animal reared slightly befor setting off. Some other UA soldiers noticed that he had left, but Edrick did not turn around, he knew the woman who had helped him, and he was greatfull, and new her face, thats all he needed to know.
  22. Sir Edrick had continued rideing, untill he came across a battle field, one side had an obvious advantage, or so it seemed, for they fought with skill and disipline. Of course this was the side of Merlin. Edrick sat and watched for a moment, "So the strong must defend the weak, even against one far stronger then they." He muttered, "And so I must fight with the weak, for the stronger has no right to prey on thoughs lesser than him." Edrick tighten'd his armor and readied his lance. Then with perfect calm he urged his horse forward. He charged in silence, and Merlins soldiers did not hear untill he was upon them. He left his lance in the chest of a soldier and pulled out his sword, dealing many mortal wounds as he rode in the sea of people. Soon his horse could go no further for the men had gathered around him. Edrick was steady as he pushed back man after man, his horse reared back, knocking over a few soldiers. Edrick worked in perfict unison with his horse, ussing both the animals natural instinct to wheel around in a tight circle, and its flawless training, to cut a path out of the battle. He rode a little away and dismounted. retreaving his axe and mace he directed the horse away and smacked its flank so it would run off a short way. He then turned toward the battle again. Slipping the axe into a sheath on his lower back, and placing his sword in its sheath, he began to swing the mace on its chain, slowly moving forward. Merlins soldiers we causious, backing away slowly. Edrick lashed out, catching one man across the face, blood splattered across the men next to him. Edrick continued his swing with masterfull pressision, and brought the mace down on another soldier, smashing his shoulder, the man fell to the ground, screaming in pain, his arm nearly fallen off. Edrick continued on.
  23. Sir Edrick rode silently, sleeping. His horse followed the path befor them. "You there, stop!" A sudden shout brought Edrick around, "You, who are you?" Edrick sat strait, adjusting the lance in his arms, "I am simply a traveling knight." "You take me for a fool? There is no such thing as just a traveling knight, are you for Merlin?" "No." "Then you must die!" Four men rushed at him, followed by two men on horses. "If you value your lives you will halt." Edrick spoke. The men laughed. "Very well." Edrick lowered his lance and charged through the first four soldiers, aiming for one of the horsemen. The lance found its mark at the soldiers hart, knocking him off the horse and leaving him bleeding on the ground. Edrick wheeled around quickly to face the other horseman. He charged, but got caught in the chest by a mace. Falling to the ground he droped his lance and quickly drew out his sword. He faced off with the soldier weilding the mace. He rushed forward, dodging under a swing and forcing his sword through the chain mail of his enemy, peircing through his chest and emerging on the other side. Edrick pushed the body off of his sword and turned to face another soldier. This one weilding a sword. "Come then!" He yelled. The soldier rushed forward screaming. Edrick spun away, tapping his enemy on the shoulder, Another of the soldiers rushed in. Edrick ducked and spun back around under the new blade, turned and caught the man across the back, spliting open leather and cloth, but his blade didn't cut through the chain mail. He spun back around and slammed the blade of his sword into the mans face, crushing metal and sliceing into the mans face. Now only three remained. Edrick turned his attention toward the horseman, who was charging quickly. Edrick waited, and when the soldier was close he thrust his blade up sliding it across the horse neck, causing the horse to rear back, the blade slippen in under the mans armour and found its way up into his stomach. Edrick turned to face the other two men, but they had fleed. He whistled, and his horse returned to him. After gathering up his Lance and wipping off his sword he replaced it and remounted his horse. Falling back into sleep he alowed the horse to follow the path as though nothing ever happened.
  24. Ah, another great RPG idea by Dragon Warrior. Name: Charles Featherhand Age: 26 Gender: Male Occupation: Accipitrary (Falconer) Appearance: Charles wears ruff and ragged cloth pants and a leather vest. He has a leather glove on his right hand and lower arm. He also wears a cotton shirt and Leather boots. His beard is short and his hair is long, blonde, and unruly. His eyes are blue, and his features are sharp. He is well built and strong. Personality: Charles is not always the greatest person to be around. At times he can see the worst possible outcome of any situation. But all around he is a good guy, who likes adventure. He takes life as it comes; living day by day, but usually has some sort of short term plan, like trying to get some food for the week. Any Other information: Charles works for the town guard. He always has his falcon with him, and doesn?t actually live any place in particular, often found sleeping on roofs. He is a well know character who likes children and women.
  25. Arnold hopped off the truck as it pulled to a stop. "Alright lets go! Break open that johny pump!" He tossed a wrench to his team mate. As he helped to hook up the hose he seemed to notice a scream, his first reaction was that it was coming from the burning bulding. "Some one is still inside!" He yelled as he rushed back to the truck and gabbed one of the bright red axes. He pulled down his mask and turned on his oxygen. "I'm goin in!" He knocked on his friends helmet twice to signle that he was headed into the building, and then rushed in. "Hello!?" He yelled as he looked around the first floor, he tryed to wave away some of the smoke, he knew it was no use. "Hello?" A sudden hand grabbed his shoulder, "Fitzgerald." "Broc." The two firefighters quickly began the search. "Brock you heard it right?" Arnold yelled over the sound of the fire, "Yea, I heard it." Arnold nodded. "Hey I'm going to check upstairs." Broc waved at Arnold as he started up the stairs. "Becarefull up there!" Arnold yelled back. He continued to search. The fire was getting hotter, every thing he looked at was engulfed in flame. "There is no way any body is down here." He toward a door, raised his axe... "Ahhhh!" The scream came from Broc. "Broc! Hold on!" Arnold turned and started for the stairs. He triped over what ussed to be a couch and dropped his axe. Landing hard on his arm he crawled to what was left of a wall and got up. Up the stairs. When he got to the top he saw Broc trapped under a beam that had fallen ontop of him, "Fitzgerald!" Arnold ran over to his friend. "Alright, lets get this thing off of you." Arnold went to lift the beam, but a harsh pain shot threw his arm, "Damn!" He yelled into his radio, "Firefighter down! Firefighter down! I need some one to help me out up here!" He waited for the response. "We're on the way." A few long moments later three other firefighters rushed up the stairs. "Over here!" Suddenly another beam gave out and a protion of the third floor fell in between the three and the two. "Fitzgerald? Broc? Are you guys ok?" One of the others yelled out, "Yea we're-" Arnold stopped, Broc lay motionless, not breathing. Arnolds eyes flashed over the lifeless body. A peace of support had been pushed threw the yellow jacket into the firefighters chest. He was dead. "Broc!! No! Come on!" The other three men began to clear a path to Arnold, "Fitzgerald what happend!?" "Oh shit." On of the men stopped as he saw Broc. "Oh God," Arnold began to lift the lifeless body up, the other three helped him. "Lets get out of here." The four men rushed out of the building, when they got out side they layed Broc's body next to the truck... A few hours later the fire was put out. The scream was found to have come from a recent victem of the killings. Arnold went to the police department to speak to a detective friend of his about sorting this thing out once and for all.
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