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Everything posted by DragonBlood

  1. This looks realy cool. I like the general feel of it... Name: Sir Demoras Fering II Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Rairos Appearance: Demoras is a knight, his armor is golden and his cloak is white, On his left shoulder a large rectangular leather peice is fastened to his poldron, on it is his family crest (a white rose). On his right shoulder a large stiff cloth hangs from his poldron, on it is the seal of Rairos. His helmet is rather plain but for the three large red feathers spreading out and back from the forehead. They are each about two feet long. Demoras is light skinned, his face is shaved and his hair is long and golden. He is abouth five foot ten, and strong. Personality: Demoras is a very loyal person, he has sworn an oath to his king and country, and he will keep it always. He is strong spoken but careing. He is open minded and likes to have fun, when he is not busy. Over all he is a loved person. Bio: Demoras is a Knight and captain of Rairos, he leads a leigion of calvary who have all sword an oath to the nation of Rairos, to protect it for its own good, weather from coruption within, or invation without. Demoras' father was also a captain of Rairos, and a good friend of Seil, when he died in battle the amulet that he had carried was sent to his son, who had no knowlage of the stones nature or history. Demoras has carried it with him since then, not openly, but not insecret from his men. The resent prossedings in the kings council have troubled Demoras, who beleves in peace but also protection. On person who supported the dismantiling of the army asked, "Why keep an army of war if we want peace, an army will do nothing but look and ask for trouble." to which Demoras replied, "The ones who wish for peace the most are the ones who have to fight to obtain it, and protect it. Do not turn you tounge against the armies and men who have so loyaly died to bring peace to the people." ---- (Just a side note) Demoras' father although having a different opinion about the need for and army and for warring in general, was still a close friend of Seil. They debated often over weather Rairos should keep its army at full strength. Always friendly debats, and never persuading each other to sway...
  2. Densi replaced his hammer and axe, "What the hell? Coward." Densi looked around him, the other four people who had been in the battle were all abviously conected, hopefully through the resistance. "If I am not mistaken, you are all part of the resistance?" Densi asked, he was given slightly strange looks at first kind of like '[i]who are you and why do you care.[i]' "I am Densi Bethern, Glory Seeker of the Edrick Dunes Nation, we are preparing attack this country, and we want to ally our selves with the resistance."... Tag:The others involved in the fight.
  3. Densi heard the sound of battle befor he entered the city, it was big, and no doubt, the resistance was involved. He rushed off in the direction of the sounds. When he arrived the battle was well under way and the two resistance men were fighting a much larger knight, all in black armour. Densi slid his axe out of its holding sheath and walked up to the battle, "I have arrived in time to help I see." Densi said as he relized that one of the mens weapons was broken. Densi swung the axe over his head slaming it down on the black knight. "Bah! Stupid fool!" The knight punched Densi in the chest, sending him flighing backwards. Densi stood slowly, and unhooked his hammer, weilding one weapon in each hand Densi charged back into the fight, sending his hammer accross the knights face...
  4. OOC:Sorry that I am soo late to start, my computer was messed up. IC: Densi Bethern stood atop a grass coverd knoll, he could see the resistance forces in the distance, unexpected but good for him. He set off quickly. When he arrived he began asking around to see what was going on, "Big assault coming up on Marichs palace." Densi was suprised to hear this, he knew the resistance was large but he didn't think that they were that powerfull. He learned that some people had gone into the city to get supplies. Densi wondered if he should try and meet up with them.... ----- Off on near the boarder of the Edrick Dunes Nation a vast army was preparing to march to war, there king, Relir IX was tired of Marich, the boarder disputes had turned to all out battles in some places and that had been the last straw, entire legions of sharp shooters with specialy crafted long range rifles, calvary numbering over two hundrid thousand. And foot soldiers numbering near five hundrid thousand. When they marched they marched to all out war. There was to be no small battles and encounters, there would be battle on massive scale. The Generals of the armies waited for the message to march, the word from Densi on the status of the resistance and the power of Marich. ---- Densi dissided to send a report to the commanders of the armies on the boarder, he took out a pice of paper and began to right, [i]Sirs, I have found the resistance forces, preparing for an assault of Marichs palace. I have yet to speak with the heads of the resistance to inform them of our own plans. I will contact you as soon as I speak with the resistance heads. For Glory: Densi Bethern[/i] Densi rolled up the paper and whisled for a moment. The message hawk that traveled with him flew down and pirched on his arm. Densi sliped the paper on the sheath straped to the birds leg, and sent the creature off. Finaly he turned and set off toward the city. He would find the resistance leaders and speak to them about there plans... OOC:Hope this is ok, I got the impression that there is accually an army and your not just going to seige the castle on your own, I hope thats right.
  5. Oh this looks fun Name: Densi Bethern Age: 35 Race: Human Gender: Male Class: Glory Seeker Weapon of Choice:Adamantium Axe of Fire, Adamantium Hammer of Ice Weapon Style: Edrick Dunes Ebrium What side there on: Edrick Dunes Nation.(Friendly with Resistance) Why they Fight: he is seeking Glory, and for his Nation. Brief History: Densi is a great warrior of his nation, he was one of the honor guards of there chief befor he became a Glory Seeker, one of few. Glory Seekers are much like hired adventurers, just much more loyal. They take up the most deadly of missions that needs doing. In return they become heros of there people, one who can rally the support of the nation behind the chief. So its one big complex circle. Densi has been on many missions, and is very famous for his heroic feats. Due to his increased strenght on top of his people already above average strength, he can weild both axe and hammer at the same time using a slower but effective Edrick Dunes Ebrium style. This causes massive damage but drains his energy quicker. Hair: Black, med-short. Eyes: Green (rare for his people) Skin: Dark Tan Build: Very Strong, but not bulging muscle. because of his training his muscles are very tight, not massive. Also his people are above average strength. Clothing: cotton shirt, along with cotton pants under his armor. Heavy leather armor vest and pouldrons. Lighter leather gloves and leggings, Troll bone Helm and gauntlets, and light chain mail under the vest. All in All: A good guy, with a slightly short fuse, and a realy big hammer...and a slightly smaller axe...Its CONAN on Steroids! (j/k)
  6. Looks fun: Name: Edric Weston Callsign: Ace Age: 42 Appearance:Will edit in Personality: Ace is a strong willed soldier and detective. He is open minded and rarely turns down a conversation. He takes his work seriously. Biography: Edric was "born" into a good family, his father was a deffence pilot in the military and his mother was a nurse at the local hospital. As a result Edric was brought up with strong respect for authority and a love for life. He often went with his father to the AirForce base and shadowed the pilots in his fathers squadron. It was there that he got the nick name Ace from his fathers wing man. Growing up on and around the Airforce Base Edric found himself facinated with two things, Jet fighters and the Maverick Hunters, both of which he found to be the elite fighters of land and air. Edric's life was normal untill a few months after his 17th birth day, when his father and mother were both killed by a Reploid infected with the X-Virus. Edric had been sitting in his room, reading, when a sudden yell came from down staires. Edric ran to the stairs to see his mother lieing on the floor dead, and his father fighting a strange man. The man killed his father and was ready to kill him as well. Edric escaped by jumping from his bedroom window and running to the nearby Airforce Base. The next morning his fathers squadron arrived in there briffing room to find Edric in the corner. He told them what had happened. A few days later they buried both in the local churches cemetary. Edric joined the Airforce to become a Deffence Pilot, in honor of his father. But a Special Ops Recruter noticed him and he was transfered to a special unit where he trained for covert ops and counter terorists missions. He was trained to be placed into a special anti terorist divistion that worked with MHHQ as a special force for assaults against human terrorest groups. After twelve successfull missions Edric was contacted about a position in the X-Hunters. After finding out that the Reploid that killed his parients was infected with the X virus, and that the X-hunters worked to distroy such Reploids as well as find out the cause of the virus, Edric signed on. He was then 34. Affiliation:X-Hunters Primary Weapon: HPEP Assault Rifle(High Power Electric Pulse) Fires High Velocity Electricly Charged 15 cal. Rounds at 136.00 rounds per minute. Range: 400 yards single shot, 200 yards burst or auto Rounds fired by Electric Pulse Charge that propels the round 6x faster than normal explosive mechanism. Fire Types: Single/Burst/Auto Single Fire fires one round per second on a nonautomatic triger, this provides the Electric Pulse generator more time to power up, causing more power and longer range. Burst Fire fires three rounds per fire on a semi automatic triger. This is more accurat than Automatic but no more powerfull, and it does not alow a a longer range. Automatic Fire fires rounds untill triger is relesed, this is highly less accurat than Burst or Single. Has Digital Optics Scope With Range up to 410 yards Secondary Weapon: Beam Sabre Defensive Capability: CAPS (Compact Armor Plating System) Located in thick patches of his combat suit the armor is activatied via brain implant. The patches contain armor plates that are linked to gether and wrap around his chest, upper arm, thigh, lower arm, and shins. The Plates are joined by micro motors that open the armor peice by peice. Once fully open the armor is form fitting and looks much like his cobat suit, only metalic. The armor is very strong, giveing protection against many weapons and injury.
  7. The old man lay silently on his death bed, his hands folded over his chest, his grayed eyes stared off into nothingness. An unseen breeze brought a string of chimes through the open window. The man felt more than saw the person in his room, "So," His strained voice came out softly, "It is time." Termanis stood next to the old man, "Yes." The old man turned his head to the window, "Pitty, I would have liked to see the sun rise, just one more time." Termanis smiled, "Ah, but I think I have a few minutes." The man looked at the reaper, "I thought death never waited for anyone." Termanis placed a hand on the mans shoulder, "Lets just keep this between you and me." The man smiled. Termanis keeped his hand on the mans shoulder, the two watched the sun rise. As the sun broke the door opened, a young woman walked in. "Grandpa, how are you Grandpa?" The woman walked over to the old man.... Termanis stood with the old mans spirt, watching the young woman as she realized that her grandfather had died. The man begain to cry softly, "Ok, befor its realy hard, my old soul already died, don't know what it would do next." Termanis smiled as he open the door into the ethereal plan, "Death is not so bad...not for you." The old man lifted his chin up, and with out looking back he walked into the plane. Termanis lead the man down a long path that lead to a large room, with high vaulted ceilings and tall slim windows. lines of people lead off in defferent directions, a few desks placed hear and there. Termanis lead the old man to a desk, behind which was a door. "Ah yes mister Charlie, we are expecting you." The desk clerk stood and opened the door, ushering the man through... Termanis turned and walked off through the crowd, his scyth proped against his shoulder, and as quick as one could blink he disapeared from sight and sound. Termanis strolled along the streets of a small village in Australia, a man ran down the streets followed by police, a few of the officers fired. Termanis took his scyth and lightly swung it in front of the man, whos body fell to the ground the spirt stood in shock. "For your crimes against your fellow man, and such and such and so forth as you already know of your sins you are hearby condemend to eternal death in hell." The Soul of the man begain to protest, but Termanis swung his scyth lightly again, and the soul shattered and was sent to its final damnation...
  8. Name: Arthas Von Durin VII Reaper Name: Termanis Soul Age: 240 Appearance: He takes the form of an old man, swathed in black robes with a hood pulled over his head shadowing his face. His hands are slim, bone like. His eyes are empty and grey. He looks kindly to the ones he takes even if they only see it at the last moment. He wares a large gold ring on his right pointer finger, set with an onyx stone. Personality: He is as a kindly man when he speaks, soft spoken, knowing. He is gentle and careing, few have crossed him, and none that ever have ever will again. Reaper's Comeing: One day befor his grandson was to be born Arthas was killed on a street corrner by a common crook. He lay bleeding in the street, his last wish was to see his grandson. The Reaper who took him had pitty on him and sent him to Death, who saw the great potential and granted Arthas his wish, by becoming a reaper Arthas could see his grandson grow old, and when it came time, he was the one who took the boy to Deaths embrace. Reaper's Weapon: Termanis carries with him a wooden handled scyth, from the staff of the scyth many strings of beads and pendants hang. On his comeing the beads chim in the wind. Reaper's Gift: Windwalking, Termanis comes and goes as the wind, one momment there, the next gone. He is utterly silent when he moves save when he arrives at a doomed mortals death bed, when the beads and pendants on his scyth chime in the unseen wind, a sign of death. Unseen strength: Termanis seems weak and fragile, but he is very powerfull. He rarely shows this, he exerts only the force needed to do what he must and rarely fights. Menacing Aura: To the mortal the thought of death is chilling. They fear death above most any other fear. They do not under stand it. It is because of this that most mortals fear Termanis. Reaper's Former: Arthas was an gentle man and a good husband, he grew up in a loveing family with good parents. Arthas did not fear death because he knew he had lived a full life, from the time he was born to his untimely death Arthas loved nothing more than life, teaching his children to life there lives fully, and so they would not fear death ether. The day he died though, Arthas had wished for more time, even one day, so that he could see his grandson be born into the world. He asked the Reaper, "Kind sir, be there no other way but I am torn from my grandson?" The reaper had mercy on him and brought him befor Death. "This sin that has been done to you is great child, but even I have not the power to do what you ask. Live can be taken by many but only One can give it. I can however grant you the sight of that which was torn from you, the right to protect him and in time, take him under my comforting embrace, become a reaper Arthas." Arthas agreed. "From this point on you shall be known as Arthas no longer...Your name now is Termanis."
  9. Ok... 1. The Bane Blade is a large class ship. The Three large Class ships are (from smallest to largest) Cruiser, Capitol Ship, Master Class Ship Cruisers are large ships able to stay out on there own for long periods of time, they are the hammer of the UGA Fleet. The Bane Blade is a Cruiser Capitol Ships are rather large even compared to Cruisers, Capitol Ships serve as small space stations. They are strong and highly feared. Master Class Ships are the most feared ships in the Galaxy. They dwarf Capitol ships and can wipe intire fleets out of existance. This means that the Bane Blade crew is fairly large, even though most of them are not needed as PCs, most of the accuall game for the first one or two chapters will take place on the Colony. 2. The travel thing is a device (not compleatly fleshed out yet) that, in essence, rips open the fabric of space and sends the ship into an different dimension as well as forming a not-to-stable worm hole that needs is kept stable by the Warp Field Generator. after shutting down the drive and emerging into real space the worm hole will collapse. 3.The Bane Blade, And UGA as a whole try to avoid fighting the ESUG and USC. THe UGA is fighting to protect the common people, so fighting the ESUG or USC would not serve them. Also many UGA officers are also officers in one of the two governments. They sometimes have to kill ESUG or USC troops, but it is ussually a special ops assault and no one knows untill the UGA force is long gone. It may be easier to explan with a bit of history, but I'll save that for another post. 4. With the species thing, were still working on Humans only, the human teritory in the galaxy is still small compared to the rest of "unknown" space. I do plan to have at least two different Alien species show up later on. ------- about the Chapters: The chapters will be reletively short, but I want high quality story. the First two or three chapters will deal with the Gathsburg collony, then perhaps four or five more chapters will come along according to the story arcs that come up. I don't want to ruin to much of the story, since there are some major twists.
  10. OOC: Just a note, the only people who know Aarons true name are Kuroichi and the leaders (mostly dead) of my former clan. Every one else knows him as Knight Rider... IC: Aaron was coming up on Draculas castle slowly, he was in no hurry, at that moment he knew exactly what every leading player was doing or attempting to do. True that may change in an instant, but he was in no mind to hurry himself. The castle grew as he walked up to the gate, knocked three times, and waited for a gaurd. "Yes...Who are you and what do you want?" "I am here to see Dracula." "No one sees his highness without his telling me of them first." The door begain to close. Aaron reached up and grabbed the man by the shirt, "I am the Knight Rider, Master of Deamons-" Aarons eyes began to glow deep red "-You will inform Dracula that I am here to see him, and that I will be waiting for him in the parlor." The Man coward befor him and nodded his head, "And I want wine." Aaron threw the guard to the floor to run off down the hall. He walked into the parlor and sat in a high backed red padded chair. A servent came with a glass of red wine. Off to the side was a large pool table, carved of polished oak. "Always the entertainer." Aaron stood at the table and began to play, "Do you play?" He asked casually to the servent. "Ah, no my lord." "Pitty." Tag: Dracula and Party.
  11. "We're men-Manly Men!- we're men in tiiiiights!" Sorry. Any way I absolutly love this Idea. I was particularly intregued by the King Arthur tease, which sent my mind to Merlin....but back to the story on point. I would absolutly go for this in every way, (I like the sands system of chaptering by the way) Any way....Let me stop writing just what ever comes to my head.
  12. Blaa! Lord of the Flies, must burn all copies!! I though it was dreadfully boring and dull and any other adj. you can put in for bad. Though the idea of doing this does catch my attention, I think it may be fun, even, interesting! *GASP!* Any way, I think an RPG would be beter. Hey I just thought of something, LOST is just like Lord of the Flies (Though I haven't seen most of the series) and that is a good series (from what I've seen/heard) maby since its not all English school boys. *Begins nugging for LOST inspired rpg* any who, thats my opinion, I think....It might not be mine, We'll see.
  13. OOC: ULX what gems do you have at the moment? IC: Arron and Fang walked silently through the dark city of Paris. Arron had already bitten and turned many people since he entered the city. Every Vampire in the city who saw the coruption of the Ijuuj was gathering. Arron had entered the city and found a very old friend, who also saw the problem that the clans faced, "My friend the Ijuuj will do nothing drastic, nor will the Gwyar, though I think Dracula is getting restless. You have one gem but no followers, even a vampire as powerfull as you can not win this alone." Erid sat in a large chair infront of a fire. "You will start in Paris, many of us here will listen to you and join your cause. Form a [i]new[/i] clan Arron, and join with Dracula when the time comes to fight this in open moonlight." Arron had begun that night, some time ago, twelve joined him in one night, then twenty, soon they came from all over the city. Arron decreed that the city was ripe for the taking, and the new clan went out to begin the harvest. Now they all gathered in an old school gym, Arron stood amid them all, "You are all aware that the Silver Haired Deamon has waged war on the Ijuuj while they sit back and do nothing." heads nodded all around, "Something must be done, The Ijuuj will be distroyed because they will do nothing, Tonight we begin preperations for great battles. This is not the begining of a clan, this is the begining of a crusade!" Shouts erupted all around. "Go now and strengthen your selves! War is upon us all!" The vampires went out into the night, the blood flowed in the streets, any vampire against them was slaughtered, power grew. Arron began to absorb all the energy he could from the blood and death around him. Deep with in him covered by a mask of good, a seed of evil had awoken, his power grew faster then ever over the next few days. OOC:Yes yes, drastic I know, but know it will get interesting.
  14. ooc: yes, unleshes your armies so I can summon Demons to slaughter them :laugh: IC: Arron was sitting on one of the castle walls, the night sky was clear and he simply looked out at it all, the world that would soon be devestated. Nothing was happening, the other Kerlecks wouldn't come, Arron knew this, they would get tied up in this war that was starting and Kuroichi would go to each in turn and take what he was serching for. [i]They have become arrogant fools[/i]. Arron thought to himself. [i]The Kerlecks will get us all killed[/i]. A shadow passed acrossed Arrons face, [i]Some things must be done on ones own, like saving the world.[/i] Arron stood and lept off the wall, landing softly he made his way to the room that the black wolf was in. "Come here Fang." Arron summoned the wolf, whos ears perked up slightly befor he stood. "You need to do something to save the Clan, to save your master." The dogs ears perked up, its head cocked to one side. It looked around the room as if it was serching for some one else besides Arron. Then it stood up and followed Arron out of the hall. Arron stood next to his horse, leaning down to check the chain around the wolfs neck, there hung a large gold locket, inside Arron knew, was the gem. Few knew that the gem was kept on the dogs chain, the Kerlecks and Arron, and a few other high guards. Most of the others would be dead once Kuroichi arived. The dog though, the dog would do what ever it took to save the clan, even if it ment leaving his master and stealing the gem. Arron mounted his horse, "Come on Fang..." OOC: Hum, guess who dosen't know were the gem is? Just to make it more fun (since I wasn't doing any thing.)
  15. Hum, like I said, I don't know squat about this block, but I like Idea 2 as well. Also The Magician thing might not be so hard to do, just have the people the join be the magicians of there race. kind of like leading armies and stuff. Im shore there is a list at Magic TG.com (or what ever its name is) with the cards from this set. Just to have an Idea of what creatures there are and there power not realy to accually use the numbers on the card. Of course you would have to work out a mana system in order to keep it to a small army and not a massive world engulfing army... :smirk: If you want any help, just ask me.
  16. wow, the last chapter was shorter then I expected. Ok... Name: Richard A. Imerson Age: 35 Appearance: Richard is a rugged colonist, standing about five foot nine inches tall. His skin is ruff and his dirty blonde hair is ussually unkept. He wears ruff old boots and black pants, with a blue shirt and a utility vest. Richard is a well built man, very athletic and active. He has a slight limp that he got when a crate of reserch material fell on him, he sometimes walks with a cane, but the injury does not limit his work ability. Richard has Green eyes. Bio: Richard signed on to the Deimos colony project to get out of his low paying cruddy life, and do something new, well the new part he got but the pay don't seem all its cut out to be when your on a cold dead rock in the middle of space. Richard was born August 24th, 2066, the second of three sons to one Mr. Edward F. Imerson Sr. and Mrs. Sara L. Imerson. His older brothers Edward F. Imerson Jr.(born Sept. 14th 2047) and Roddney M. Imerson(born July 4th 2048) both joined the army, leaving Richard and his younger brother Mike E. Imerson (born December 2 2067) to look after the family. When Richard was 19 his father died in a factory fire, this was a hard blow to the hole family, but most to Mike, who killed himself a month later. These events left Richard and his mother alone with Edward and Roddney away on duty. Richard began working at a local mine to help pay bills at home untill he was 29, when he signed onto the Deimos Colony project. Richard, who was an expert digger by then, was placed in charge of most minning opporations done for the colony, and worked in the second colony untill his injury roughly a year ago.
  17. Wow, Magic, haven't played this in like a year. I don't know squat about the new set. I quit right around uh. oh what was it. The one with a hell of alot of Androids and Artifacts and stuff. Well it all sounds like a cool idea, although I don't think Magic would be the same just being one creature and not being a magician summoning creatures. Any way, I might join, but at the moment IM REALY tied up with school and stuff. Oh well maby I'll be back.
  18. Through combination of teleportation and unnatural speed Arron was now with in sight of the fortress of the Fang Boss. "The English are so un natural." He muttered to himself as he rode passed the two guards at the huge rod iron gate. The fortress was rather bland in Arron's opinion, simple English style castle, though this did make for few unwanted guests prying around, it left something to be desired. Arron walked quickly through the castle halls, he made his way to the Fang Bosses chamber and threw open the doors. "Who dare's enter here with out my bidding!?" The boss yelled. "It is I, the Night Rider, with news from [i]Il Signore[/i] who lies now dead." Arron said as he walked up to the Fang Boss, the older vampire had a shaved head, his leather cloak was drapped around him, a large ring was on one finger. Beside him sat a large black wolf. "[i]Dead!?[/i] How can this be, Kuroichi!" Arron nodded. "I will have his head for this! This young punk of a Clan lord will die for this blastphemy! Guard!" one of the guards from the hall turned into the door way, "Yes lord?" "Go send Riders to all the clans, tell them we request there alligance, also send word to all the other Kerlek's, I want a meeting." "Yes sir, oh my lord the Emperor of Sculls has also requested a meeting," "Why was I not notified?" "Sorry my lord, the message only just arrived a few moments ago." The guard turned off. The Fang Boss turned back to Arron. "So this Kuroichi wants to play war does he. I will give him a war then." Arron sat on the wall of the castle, the Fang Boss had dubled the guard and incressed the watch on all ports into England. 'This Kuroichi has started something deadly, he will kill us all if some one dosen't stop him.' he thought.
  19. Hay are sign ups closed? or can I still make a character? If so I'll post him tomorrow.
  20. (sorry Bio.) Alright, I almost started to think people didn't like futuristic fantacy here. Any way If you know any one who you think will like this tell them about it.
  21. OOC: Thats ok ULX, If I killed you now, then the game wouldn't be very fun now would it. :devil: IC: Arron walked angrily down the hall, this Kurochi had become much to big of a thorn in his side. He stormed through the recption center, pulling his hood over his head as he walked out into the air. He mounted his horse and began heading north. Some time later Arron came across a large party, mostly teens, all drunk. Arron dismounted and began walking up to the house, some young punk pushed into him, "[i]Hey peace o shit! Who invited you to this party?[/i]" The punk reaked of beer, Arron looked down at the boy, his eyes flashed deep red for a moment. "[i]What the!?[/i]" A quick instant later the boy was headless. The other drunk teens cheard as there friend fell to the floor, Arron lifted the carcas and the head and marched in side. He sat on the couch and drank down the blood, most of the people took no notice. "[i]Hey, whats up?[/i]" A younger girl sat next to him, trying to get close. Arron put his hand on her shoulder, and quickly ripped into her neck, around this time some of the others sobbered up, and began to panic. Arron quickly finished with the girl. "[i]Humm. Good, now, OUT![/i]" the people all flead the house in random panic... Arron sat on his horse as the two moved out of the city. The party had been a short side track, but a tasty one none the less. Now Arron was ready to ride for England. The two set off.
  22. Arron smerked, "[i]My dear [b]young[/b] lord, you know very well I will not leave that easily.[/i]" he walked out into the open, hand on his sword. "[i]You see, for one I only take orders from the Kerleks, and two the death of Le Capitaine is on your hands.[/i]" Arron walked up to Kuroichi, "[i]The assasins can be so very hard to deal with can't they. But I guess they gave you what you wanted.[/i]" Returning to Il Signore's side Arron smiled again, "[i]I don't suppose you would give the Night Amethyste back to us?[/i]" The sarcasm was high in his voice. OOC: don't you mean wood? unless Iron counts as a tree type now...but no I have no clue. Ice, that is one massively long post... Oh yea, any thing spoken like [i]this[/i] is in Italian.
  23. Arron walked into the foyer of the palace, and removed his hood, the receptionist smiled and nodded to him, "[i]Night rider[/i]." Arron nodded back, "[i]Il Signore called for me?[/i]" "[i]Yes sir.[/i]" "[i]Thank you.[/i]" Arron began down the hall. After a moment he caught the distinct smell of blood. "[i]What in the World?[/i]" He looked around for a moment, there was the body of a gaurd, severed in half. "[i]Il Signore![/i]" Arron cried as he ran up the stairs. Suddenly he saw the silver haired figure walking down the hall...none the less heading for Il Signore's office. Arron looked out a window, across the courtyard was the window of the office. Arron focused on the room, he blinked his eyes... When he reopened his eyes he was standing in the office, just behind the big chair Il Signore knew he was behind him, and they both knew that Kuroichi would be comeing in the room any moment...Arron put his hand on his sword
  24. Arron Stood in the darkness, he moved his sword quickly, the sound of a cut and then blood, followed by a body hitting the floor, he reversed direction and swung wide, a slight gurggle erupted from the creature who had now no throat. A shadow passed in front of him, Arron stretched out his hand and the shadow fell away, reveiling yet another assassin. Arron thrust foward quickly and flicked the sword harshly with his wrist, the assassin ran a short few steps and fell with his head rolling away beside him. A sudden shot rang out and Arron quickly twisted his body as the bullet passed him harmlessly. He turned and ran foward, his sword held point foward, suddenly a body slouched on the edge of the blade. Three other assasins jumped at him, Arron pulled his dagger and quickly as the had come the three fell to the floor. The encounter had taken no more than thirty seconds, The shadows dispersed slowly. Arron looked around, the halls of the old ruined city were stained with blood, light began to shine through the slit windows of the corrador. "Do not try to hinder my bidding. Or at lest do so with more skilled assassins." He set off down the corrador, as he passed the places where the light should have been a shadow fell over the area. He went on in this way for some time befor he reached the end of the hall, out in the courtyard stood his horse, the creature was the most strange of any undead creature Arron had ever come across, it, unlike some many others, could stand the day light, in fact the horse seemed no different now then when it was a living creature. Arron pulled his hood over his face and went and mounted the horse, "Well now, off we go." Horse and rider set off.
  25. [b]Name:[/b] Arron Alexander (though few know it) [b]Nickname:[/b] The Night Rider, Night Rider, or Black Horseman [b]Age:[/b] 1974 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Vampire [b]Clan:[/b] Ijuuj [b]Appearance:[/b] Arron wears black cotton pants, black leather boots and gloves, a black cotton shirt and a black leather vest. He also wears a black wool overcoat that hangs down to mid calf. He is tall and strong built, with black (though slightly greying) hair that he keeps mid length. His eyes are yellow with a thin line of green around the iris. He walks with an air of purpose, and thoughs around him can sence his power simply by the way he presents himself. [b]Weapons:[/b] A Long sword made of onyx, with no shine what so ever. And a dagger made the same way. Both swords were made by Arron, though the technech be used has been lost to all but himself and very few others, it is very hard to do correctly. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Night Rider[/i] The power to manipulate shadows as well as the Gwyar, if not better. [i]Blink[/i] Teleportation to a certain degree, (With in visual range, teleports both himself, and his horse) [i]Heedless One[/i] Arron summons forth a powerfull demon created of shadow and dark fire. The creature is emense and deadly. (looks like the Belrog from lord of the rings) [i]Shadow fire[/i] Arron endows his sword with the same dark fire that the Heedless One is created from, causing his sword to look like it had been pulled from the core of hell itself. [b]Personality:[/b] Arron is a quiet but stern person. He seems harsh to people who don't know him, but is a good friend. He has a sence of humor, but it only shows around close friends. [b]Bio[/b] Arron became a vampire at the age of 35, he watched many nations rise, and fall, watched many things change, he watched the comeing and going of Christ, the rise of Christians. He witnessed Cezar, Alexander, Kubli Kan, Nepolian, Hitler. The Crusades caught his eye the most, he met a solder in the Popes army, a strong willed fighter who befriended Arron, he faught along side this solder. The solder was blessed by God and when he died was sent on to heaven, and Arron was greived, though he had never imagened it possible. It was then that he became the Night Rider. He took the horse of his friend, a black stalion, and turned it to a vampiric creature. He then returned to the catacombs of a cathedral where his belongings had been buried and took his sword and dagger again. [b]Other[/b] Few people know Arron by his true name, and most call his Night Rider of Black Horseman.
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