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I have been playing with this Idea in the back of my head for some time, I think its time I start working on it. Bane Blade Cronicals: Chapter One: The Gathburg Conspiracy The Bane Blade Cronicals Takes place in the far future of 5712. Man kind has spread across much of the galaxy and peace is a thing of the past. The two governments The Earth Space Unified Government (or ESUG) and the United Space Colonies (or USC) are constantly under fire from internal problems, and Space Pirates rule the vast pockets of unclaimed space. Some time in 5634 all the pirate and terrorist groups signed the Emlis Durn Pact. In short this pact formed a government system for the terrorists that streatched across the galaxy. They were highly effective and no one even knew of there existance untill nearly thirty years had passed. In 5672 many planetary Militias urged for there respective governments to fight the Terrorists. But nothing was done. In 5674 the Militia leaders gathered and formed the Unofficial Galactic Armies (UGA) The UGA has remained a secret to the high athorities of the Governments since its begining, as many of its members hold high ranks in the two Governments. They have fought for thirty eight years to regain peace for the galaxy. THE GATHBURG CONSPIRACY Gathburg is a massive hub of the galaxy, diplomatic meetings and massive trade are all held on the station. It is the thread that holds every thing together. Gathburg is a Space Colony, orbiting a massive gas giant, twice the size of Jupiter, the Colony is home to more people than the United States of America in 2004. It is a massive city under an even larger dome. It is called the "City of eternal dusk" Since the sun never fully rises on the city. It is over four hundred miles across. BANE BLADE The Bane Blade is a ship in the UGA, the first of its kind. The story revolves around the ship and her crew. This is where I need help. Besides the need for people who are willing to stay for at least two maby three chapters I still need to add more detail to the story. I have major plot twists and story lines fleshed out, but its the little stuff, the side stories that I need. If any one can help me out or if your simply interested in joinning please Post. I Hope to get recrutment up by December. [b]If you want to see more story line just ask![/b] ;) Well Im back...more stuff about the story. Even though the story is going to revolve around the battles of the BaneBlade and her crew, I want the story to focus on the people involved in the events, rather then the events happening to the people. Make sence? I wanted a story that afew different kinds of people could play, from the people who like to fight, to the people who want more of a relationship based game. The story (Hopefully) will have funny parts just as well as grusom parts. ----- any one interested? At all? [color=Red][font=Trebuchet MS]DragonBlood, please don't double post -- I've merged your last two posts. Thanks. -Bio [/font][/color]
RPG Halo: Covenent Strike (M-for language and strong violence)
DragonBlood replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Uh, I take it the Wright you speek of would be Me? Sorry Im so late to the start. Edie stood half in shock half in dismay and half in confusion... He shouldered his rifle and began shooting at the Hunter, to little avail. A sudden shout came over his teams com, "Sir the team has boarded two transports, awaiting you sir." "I'll be heading out with the Spartans boys." "Yes sir...What the HELL!? ELITES AND HUNTERS! Fire fire! Pilot get us out of here!" "DUG!? Dug whats going on!?" "Sut up just go!" Edie listened to the chater...he could hear the Pelecans taking off. "Good luck boys." "You too sir!" -
Chuck watched as Imric speed past on his bike.... "Shit, you get out here." The other guy looked at him... "I got to do something, GET OUT!" The other driver jumped out of the truck with his things and started walking the few blocks to his house. Chuck pulled his third 180 of the night, and speed off after Imric..."God why do I care so much!?" --------- Chuck stop the truck and jumped out. He jogged over quickly, "No other way then?" He asked half to himself as he saw Billy and Imric surrounded. "Well shit the kid had to do what he had to do. Oh well." Chuck shoved his way up to Billy and Imric. "Well I'm here. So you didn't do it hu?" Chuck looked sidelong at Billy who simply shook his head, "Good man...Good man."
Name: Orthen Eistel Age: 19 Race: Human Appearance: Orthen is fair of face and strong built. He is tall, about 6'7". His hair is golden and soft. He wears a green shirt and brown pants, with a leather vest and gauntlets, as well as leather pouldrons. (shoulder armor) And leather gloves. He wears his quiver straped across his back and his long dagger (17 inch blade 5 1/2 inch hilt) horazontal on the back of his belt. He has a single glass bead neckless with an onyx tooth. Class: Beast Trainer Weapon: Dagger, Bow, a wolf named Shinra, and a falcon named Erian Shinra is a white wolf, with a grayish blue mane and liquid golden eyes. Erian is a falcon of black gray and silver with a few other shades tossed in. Her eyes are sky blue. Personality: Orthen is a very lightharted person, he rarely seems nerves or dishartened. His biggest fear is fire, it will stop him dead in his tracks, a fire killed his family ten years ago. Another big fear is pit vipers but thats for a hole different reason. Bio: Orthen was rased in a small village, he had a peacfull childehood untill he was nine and a half. His village was attacked and his families house was burned down, he was the only survivor. He ran out of the village, throught the distroyed gaites, and into the forest, but was followed. He ran for nearly two miles when his persuers caught him. Five men. Suddenly a large white wolf attacked the men, who ran in fear. Orthen thought he would die, but the wolf simply stared at him, and left. Two days later Orthen found the wolf again, caught in a trap. Orthen freed the wolf and the two have been companions ever since. As for Erian, her story is odd, even she dosen't know why she started following the boy and the wolf so long ago, but some how they endded up as companions. From an early age Orthen was good with the bow, and now he is nearly unmatched, even if he is only 19. He is also very stealthy and can avoid being seen very easily.
Sign Up Ogre Battle: Knights of the Netheworld (M-VL Poss S)
DragonBlood replied to Engel's topic in Theater
This looks fun, just my kind of story. hum... Name:Erid Esloth Age:32 Gender:Male Appearance: He stands around 6'7" with out his armour, his helm adds about 9 inches. He is a big man, and very, very strong. His eyes are brown, deep with the wisdom and sorrow of battle. Class: Blue Knight of Aaron Element: Water Weapon&Equipment: A long sword called Silrands, blade of the sea, his knightly armour. Silver armour over a blue shirt and with a blue cloak, also his helm has a big blue feathery plume that starts just above the eyes and goes strait back and hangs off the back of the helm. The helm has a swan shap where the plum connects. There is no face mask, but the edges of the helm fold in close around his mouth. His Cuiras has a blue swan engraved on it. Short Bio:Erid is a knight of a land of sea kings. His father was a knight befor him, and his father befor him and so on back to the founding of the kingdom. Erid entered the knighthood at 12 as an esquire. He worked hard and trained to become a knight, when he was 20, he was knighted by the king. Erid became a captain quickly as he showed off leadership talents not often seen. Erid is credited with being a man who can tame any beast and calm any mans fear. He also has a limited knowlage of magic. From an early age Erid could cast the basic sea spells, filling enemies lungs with water and other such things, but all his weak magic is a mask for the one truly powerfull spell he knows, "Host of the Sea" Erid can call for a host of Blue Knights from the after life to fight with him. The blue translusent knights are very powerfull allies though they can cast no magic. Erid only calls them when the need is great. -
Chuck sat alone by a tree, off a ways from the others... 'sick bastards all of them.' he thought off handedly. 'horny little bastards.' He looked at the sky, a star blinked slightly...a soft shadow wheeled over head. "You'll regret it kid, you'll regret it." Chuck sighed softly, he hadn't done it, he flat refused to do it...and when they threatened him with harm, he welcomly took on the challange, years of Gi-quando training suddenly payed off when he walked home with no more then a black eye and a split lip... Chuck walked over to his black truck, he opened the door but stood for a moment more before he got in. Then he sat down, pushed the key in the ignition and started up the engin. He pushed in a System of a Down CD turned up the volume. Then he reved the engin to make shore every one knew he was leaving, and speed off with a tail of dust. ----- Chuck wandered around town for a while, untill he saw a familiar racer... He flashed his lights twice, and the truck pulled over. "Hay man whats up?" asked the other driver, "Wana pull a run down by the fire station?" Chuck asked as he turned down the music. "How much?" "Five hundrid, the half mile." "deal." The two trucks pulled off. ----- Soon they were sitting at a red light with there engins reving... Chuck watched the light closely, his radio was turned up, "Toxisicity" playing... The light turned green, the two trucks speed off the line... Chuck shifted to second, third, forth...waited...fifth. He was about three inches ahead, half way down the line. Soon he was about half a trucklength ahead and two lights from the finish, the light was red... A car pulled out into the street, Chuck swerved around it just missing it, but the other racer caught its back end, the car went wild. Chuck speed across the line, barked the tires, pulled off a 180, and speed back to the crash... No one was hurt, but the car was near totaled, and the other truck would take some time to fix. Chuck got out and walked up to the other driver, "Nice goin man." "Shut the fuck up man...God." Chuck put out his hand... "Yea yea." The driver pulled out a wad of cash and handed five hundrid to Chuck, suddenly the sound of sirrens. "Oh shit man, you'll never out run the cops in that thing. Come on." the other racer got out and began to run, "Wait dude, your tags!" The two yanked off the tags on his truck, and ran over to Chucks. He pulled another 180 and speed off down the street, "So man, how much you just lose?" "Man, shut up."
Oh, but don't you think you need some cannon fauder....uh, I mean back up? NAME: Edie Wright Age:40 Sex:Male Appearance: Marine armor that looks similar to the Master Chiefs, all black, with a full glass, black tinted face mask Personality: He is a Marine, take the guy from the game in the begining, give him an australian accent, and thats me. Side:Earth Weapon style: Earth Favored weapon: Sniper Favored Vehicle: Warthog..."It kinda looks like, like a big cat." "What ya mean like a Puma?" "Yea." (RED VS BLUE) BIO Edie is a marine captain, that means the guy who tells your support/cannon fauder what to do... Edie joined the army when he was 19, he was placed in the "FOTP" Field Officers Training Program and the "ESUT" Eliet Sniper Unit Training. He has also been "Armor Certified" to drive Warthogs and Tanks. Edie grew up in australia, lived a normal life, well, as normal as any boy could with the Covanant threat lurking around. His father was a Marine who died out on the first Halo. Edie joined the army at the age of 19, which was the standard thing to do. He showed promise in Boot as a leader and as a soldier, so he was put in FOTP and ESUT. After training he was put through the month long certifacation test to use heavy Ground Vehicals, such as the Warthog and Scorpion class Tank.
[B]Name:[/B] Charles J. Wood, "Chuck" [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Chuck is slim and tall, but strong. He has short dusty brown hair and green blue eyes. He wears contacts, which tint his eyes slightly lighter then they are. He usually wears jeans, ether paints or shorts, and a button down shirt that he usually keeps unbuttoned. He has been called handsome by some. [B]Bio:[/B] Chuck has a fairly good home life, he has a much younger brother (6) and his parents are both alive and well. He was brought up to honor his family and ladies in general. He was taught Gi-quando (SP?/A type of martial arts created/used by Bruse Lee) from an early age and has recently earned his Black Belt. Chuck is a good guy unless you make him mad, at which point he will more than likely kick your ***, but he rarely puts people down unless in jest. Chuck fell in with the gang when he was 15 after his sister was killed on the street infront of his house. He joined the gang not for his own protection, but for his family, and girlfriends protection...the girl he wants to marry. Chuck usually has no part in the dares, he does listen in and knows what's going on with the younger guys though. Also Chuck doesn't do any type of drug, doesn't smoke, and rarely drinks. He drives a black truck, stick shift. Chuck doesn't take any ****/orders from Karl, and doesn't give any in return; he lets Karl deal with the younger folks.
[i]That should have hurt a lot more...[/i] James thought, slowly he opened his eyes, darkness. He turned his head, or, at lest he tried to, but still only darkness, and it was cold, icy. "What happened to him?" a voice broke the silence... [i]I fell...[/i] James tried to speak but no words came, only thoughts... "Shush, bequiet..." "What do you think we should do?" A female voice... "I don't know, if he finds out about this, there could be truble." "Your a demon, what are you woried about?" [i]Demon??[/i] James thought suddenly... "Shut up! No body said any thing to you." the female voice yelled, "Put him back." "Why?" "Because I said to! HE would never let you keep him, not yet, put him back." Foot steps... "HE's comeing! Put him back hurry!" Suddenly there was a flash, and James was on the bar counter, and all the pain rushed down to him... "AHHHH!!!" He rolled off the bar, a sudden crash...James rushed out into the street... [i]Wait come back![/i] a voice in his head. "Oh God!!" James turned from side to side... "What are you?!" [i]What do you want me to be?[/i] Suddenly a woman stood befor him, her eyes were shining green...her hand reached out to him, [i]Come on[/i] She smiled and took his hand, pulling him down the street, toward the hill....
Ok, so Im the late one...deal with it...Got to work fast... James was sitting at his desk, sleeping...when he came to he was siting in a little room, "What the??" He stood and looked around quick like..."Hello?" He stept outside and saw three people...two guys and a chick..."I know her...I think." He was standing on a landing above a bar, he begain to walk down the stairs... Crack... the step snaped, James fell hit his head, and landed on the bar... "Ohhhhhh!" he moaned.
Hum....very interesting... Name: Rast Timberman Age: 43 Character: Assassin Weapons: Two very sharp dagers, three throwing knives, a Desert Eagle, a Katana...and some other items that he may buy/steal. Gender: Male Apperance: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=11] Pic [/url] History: Rast's father was an assassin, and his father befor him, Rast has been an assassin since he was 15. He is strong willed, quick witted and very good. His first few jobs were for governments, which is his family...specialty. He got into other jobs when his was 18, after his mother's death. "In the shadows be deadly, in the light be honorable." these were the last words his mother said to him befor she died. For years Rast felt no remorse for his killings, but when he turned 30 his life caught up with him and he begain to struggle with killing from the shadows. It was around this time that he sold off his guns, keeping only his Desert Eagle that his father had given to him. At 35 Rast was slowly moving away from contracts that didn't involve governments, untill he signed on with Galukavitch the day befor his 43rd birthday...His last contract. Powers:None.
Oh, this good, this is realy good... Name:James Watson III Age: 17 Gender: Male Items: a knife (Oh thats good for fighting zombies :rolleyes: ) and a walet with IDs, keys, and a lock pic. Description: [url=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/angelsanc/AngelSactuary.jpg]Pic[/url] BIO: James is a young kid, who likes breaking in to people houses. He is a good kid (Except for the breaking and entering part) he was on the football team at school, a quarterback, second string. He also computer hacks in his spare time at home. He likes the video games and the women. He is in all respects a normal person (Except the breaking and entering/Hacking part)...He does not like being teleported to a ghost town with the cliche zombies and the cliche bad camera angles or the cliche backround music. He does like seeing how many times he can use cliche in his bio.
Discuss Why doesn't anyone sign up for my RPG?
DragonBlood replied to Albel the Wicked's topic in Theater
Well Misenki, I don't think I've ever accually read any of your RP's, but from what I gather, they are like a Morrowind stile in which the story isn't mapped out for you, and infact you have no idea what you are striving for. Some people (including me) like this stile, but some don't. I think it is to "Real life" like, and some people want to know the general direction the story will go, so I suggest that you take your basic Ideas, and slowly work them up to stories and even add in specific plot twists that you want to put in now an again to make it interesting. (I have been working like this on a game I hope will do well for some time). Now this is just me, and I am no Grand RPer/Designer by far, accually I'm much like you, just trying to get a good RP out there... -
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
DragonBlood replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
OOC:Galvatron, it seems like your playing the fine line of Godmodding, just so you know. but thats just me. IC: Dunlas slept for some time befor he finally came around and noticed a dark shadow passing over him, he looked up slowly, he sniffed the air, "Rain." Soon after he said this the clouds over head opened up and a down poor was unleashed on him, unable to fly in the heavy rain Dunlas begain to walk aimlessly. Heading in a northernly direction... -
On the out side Charles was as calm and cool as could possible be expected with his head spinning from all the things that were being forced into it. He was kneeling at his bed praying, "Protect us our father, for your arm is mighty, shield us from evil as we pass the fires of Hell. May your divine intervention be placed over us all so that we may return to the land you created for us." Short, sweet, and to the point. Charles stood, crossed himself, and picked up the fist sized gold tone cross he had placed on the bed. He slipped the cross back on its chain and placed it back on his neck, tucking it under his jacket. Suddenly the intercom came on, Van was yelling about a medical emergency. It took Charles a few moments for it to settle in his head, [i]We haved even left Earth yet.[/i] By the time he got to the med by Trini had already come around. Sam had tears in his eyes and a cut on his lip. "You ok mate?" He asked as he came up to Sam. "Yea, Im fine." he replied. Charles just patted him on the shoulder, he had little idea what Sam was going through so he couldn't offer any more. From the bits and peaces that he picked up Charles soon started to understand what had happened. In his hart he felt sorry for Sam, he had gone through something Charles couldn't fully understand. But for all the sorrow in his hart the look in his eyes when he glanced at the captain was plain as day, [i]"Who let him on this mission?"[/i]
Charles noticed Vans warning look, he had never even thought of pulling rank on some one in his own missions, much less one he wasn't in charge of. He simply looked around the room, waiting for the introductions to end so they could talk about the mission,'[i]You're rushing it Charles, it'll come when it comes.[/i]' He though to himself as he started drumming his fingers in the air, a small gesture, a silly thing he did when he was on edge. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he had a bad felling, something about the way the members of the original mission stood maybe, or something in there voices? He tried to shrug off the thoughts, but they still itched at the back of his mind.
Again no one stood, [i]'You have to stand up sooner or later'[/i] Charles thought to himself and after a few more moments of waiting he stood. He tugged on his military jacket, something he did when he felt odd, he was used to his team mates already knowing him and he felt a bit out of place. "Charles Hendrix, with security." he looked around slightly, "Oh and Miss. Angelos, I'll have those medical forms for you pronto." He said jokeingly and yet very seriously. He gave an off handed half salute to the crew and sat back down, reaching for the small of his back to get at an itch, a task he failed to accomplish quickly. He looked around the room a bit; he had noticed that the crew was rather small for the ship, along with a few other less than normal aspects of the mission. All this running through his head made Charles wonder what all of it was for. Soon he slouched in his chair slightly. Despite his best efforts he had yet to rid himself of the itch.
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
DragonBlood replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
IC: Dunlas did not follow the prince, he did not have the need, sooner or later the two would meet. Dunlas had done enough just to test his new rivals strengths, the creature was strong and quick, but there was some weakness, some slight thing that would become the dragons doom. [i]When next we meet, we will find that doom.[/i] Dunlas thought to himself. He did not fly away or indeed go very far at all. Only slightly tired but rather hungery, Dunlas made his way for the first sent he could pick up, deer... Dunlas lay hidden behind a stand of trees, he had followed the buck for some time, slowly getting closer to his goal. The deer stood just beyond the trees, suddenly his head shot up, he looked around quickly, stared at the stand of trees. He could not see Dunlas, but he must have picked up the sent, the buck bound off down the slight slope, Dunlas sprung up over the stand of trees and spread his wings, gaining speed as he dropped lower and lower. Soon he was directly over the deer, his hind legs out streched, he grabbed up the big buck with both claws, the creature struggled for life, reared back and caught Dunlas with an antler tip near the chest, the sudden pain caused Dunlas to clutch the deer even harder, crushing the bones of the shoulders and pelves. Dunlas carefully landed and lay the dieing creature out befor him, [i]A noble creature you are, and a strong leader no doubt, now it is time for you kin to take your place.[/i] he thought quietly to the deer, [i]The words you gave to us when last you came to our forest you have kept dragon, It is my time.[/i] The buck sighed a painfull breath, [i]then I will pain you no more, may your heir live to be as great and noble as you were.[/i] With this Dunlas snaped the deers neck and began to eat, he noticed a young buck standing just inside the forest, [i]You have no need to fear me young buck, I have given my word just as I did when last I feed here, I will not take both lord and heir, you are free to lead your kindred for some years to come, and I shall not bother you nor your heir.[/i] The deer silently nodded and walked away into the forest. It was a strange thing, that for such a creature, ruthless to his enemies, to be so honorable to his prey. But Dunlas knew that with out a leader the deer whould perish from this forest, and he would not again be able hunt them in these parts of the land... After Dunlas ate, leaving nothing but a bit of blood, he whent back to the small stand of trees on top of the hill. He lay his head down and fell asleep, though one eye he kept half open incase such humans who hunted in these parts were to dare intrude on him... -
IC: Charles, who had gotten tired of the weapons and gear, walked over to the other security officer, Gabriella MacGuire, "Quite the team they put together here, you have any idea what its all realy for?"... TAG:Arika
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
DragonBlood replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
OOC:Uh, Galvatron, Dragons are strong but nothing can take on Dragon fire strait up in the chest/face with out getting killed, (or for some creatures seriously hurt) So lets say he...uh, moved out of the way or somthing cool? IC:Dunlas moved fast and low when he saw the prince get knocked off the dragon, he moved in to bite the man but a barb caught him in the neck. Switching targets from human to dragon Dunlas swiftly turned on the traitorus creature, [i]you will die befor the end of this![/i] He pounced on the dragon, claws ready mouth wide, a roar sliped out almost unprevoked...the dragons clashed... Tag:Galvatron -
RPG The Dragon Wars[PG-13 for profanity and violence]
DragonBlood replied to Kayin Cloud's topic in Theater
IC: Dunlas watched as the Prince mounted the dragon below...[i]what in the sevel layers of hell?[/i] suddenly he realised what was happening, this creature was joining the humans! [i]Trator![/i] Dunlas screamed as he roard, a deep and threatening roar, it was a mix of the throaty roar from befor, and a higher pitched screach...a roar that made men tremble. Clasping his wings close to his body, he dove down through the clouds, falling faster and faster, the ground rushed up to meet him... At the last second he launched out his wings and angled back up...now hovering infront of the tratorus dragon and the prince, slowly his wings flaped, just enough to keep him afloat. [i]How could you turn against us, your breathern!?[/i] Dunlas said, calmly, alowing both the Dragon and the Prince to hear, [i]For your treaturey, I will BREAK YOU![/i] He raised his "voice" as he let out another roar as his throat begain to burn, the fire rising from his chest, the sensation was not perticularly painfull to the dragon, though it would cause a human to writher in pain...He spit a blast of fire at the two figures... TAG:Galvatron -
IC: Lt.Col. Hendrix The Lt.Col. stood looking over a supplies list, a note at the top read, "[i]all members are to be issued standard weapons.[/i]" which ment every one, plus there was extra ammo and other weapons and supplies. Charles didn't realy read the intire report on the first mission, he knew that it was his job to protect the people on the mission, and he knew that somthing whent wrong on the first mission. "So they expect scientists to carry around some of the most sophisticated weaponry created?" He said softly to him self... As soon as he was given the orders to go to Hangerthirteen he was also asked to look over the supplies list... Hand guns and assault rifles, ammo, explosives, two RPG lauchers, there were a few things that caught his eye, besides the fact that it looked like an inventory for an army. "We can't take chances." He had been told, "Didn't they have weaponry the last time?" He had asked himself...but it wasn't his job, his job was the safty and protection of the members of the crew. Finally Charles handed the list over to the Pvt., "Has the Commanding officer approved this?" he asked the soldier. OOC:KnightOftheRose, you'll have to answer that one, and maby a list of the weapons.
uh, uh, uh, uh, WOW.......14 hu? thats prity good, personaly I write and read Fantasy and some Scifi but that (after the changes you made) was great! I can't wait to see a final draft (and nobody said a 14 year old can't get a book published you know) personaly I think if you added to it a bit, it would make for a great short story, or even book! And Pawn, you seem like a good writer as well, I would like to see some of your stuff too if you don't mind my asking.
The Glory Banner: The sun rises on a dusty blood soaked horizon, bodies litter the ground, hundrids upon thousands of dead souls, men and elves, goblens and trolls. The survivors are scattered through out the field, a united army they still are, but disoriented, mourning the loss of there leaders and breatheren. A sharp pearcing sound echoed from the east, a loan horse and rider galloped forth as if a harald of the sun...The souls of thoughs who died that night rose from there lifeless bodies, to join with the galloping figure, the survivors looked on silently. From the West another rider is seen, a soldier, in his hands is a banner, blue and silver a rose and sword crossed in the center. Calling out to his fellows, "Rally rally! Men of Algerinor, men of The Realm! Rally to me!" Slowly they came, in groups of two and three, to here what this rider was to say, "Stand my breatheren, stand now stronger than befor, our fallen kindred go now to fight still for the cause of good!" The souls of the departed had gathered around the rider from the East, mistforms of there former selves, "Mourn not the dead for we are all but passers by to this world and will soon join them to fight out battles in the world after, but now we must fight for thoughs who live still, the battle is not over for a new doom hath come over the world!" The survivors looked at the man who spoke, what doom could be greater than that which they had just defeated at the cost of so many lives. "That which once only they could fight," the rider motioned toward the retreating souls, "has come to the world. The lord of the damned has stolen the body and soul of Balis! We have won this battle, only to be faced with a greater doom. So Rally I say! Rally to me men of Algerinor, men of the Realm, so that we may fight this doom so long as our bodies will stand against him!" With a cheer and a last look to the East the men gathered together sword and spear, and mounted horse and formed rank. There journy would be long, and hard and the battles they would fight would be harsh, but if they were to meet this doom of men, they would meet him on the field of battle under the Glory Banner! Well Tell me what you think, it is the prologe for a story I am writing, accually a sequal, (the first story I am also wrighting at the moment. hehe) If you have comments suggestions question or wish to help you can post here, or PM me.